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Molecule thermostatistics properties code in Fortran90

chemoinformatics molecule thermodynamics

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Molecule thermostatistics properties code in Fortran90

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# FortranThermoStats
This is a Fortran 90 program that allows one to read a molecule file (```input.f90```, in this case, is the water molecule) and calculate and print all the thermodynamic information of the molecule. In the ```parameters.f90``` there are the parameters of the main.

Water Vibrations

This script is part of my duty to accomplish the Theoretical Chemistry Exams at University of Florence in 2017.

To see the theory behind it, in the ```variae``` folder there is the pdf ```thermo.pdf``` written by Joseph W. Ochterski which explains the Thermochemistry in Gaussian program, from which my program is inspired. In the above mentioned folder there are also the files of the water optimization and frequency calcolation in Gaussian09 (```water_opt_freq.gau``` is the input, ```water_opt_freq.log``` is the output).

### To run the script:
In my case, since I used an Apple M1 chip, I download ```gfortran``` compiler from the python ```anaconda``` package management in a dedicated environment.

To install the ```gfortran```:

1) ```conda create --name Fortran python=3.10.13```
1) ```conda activate Fortran```
1) ```conda install -c conda-forge gfortran```

To run the code you can use the MakeFile:

1) ```make compile``` to compile the module and main script
1) ```make run``` to run the code
1) ```make clean``` to clean all the executable and compile file

Here below the comands run by the ```MakeFile```:

1) Compile the module file

```gfortran -c parameters.f90```
1) Compile the script

```gfortran FortranThermoStats.f90 parameters.f90 -o FortranThermoStats.o```
1) If needed, you have to allow the exectution of the script

```chmod +x FortranThermoStats.o```
1) Run the code:


The code:

program FortranThermoStats
use parameters

implicit none

real(8) :: x(n), y(n), z(n), freq(n), theta(n), fvib(n), theta_tot, fp_vib, Ain, Bin, Cin, Iin, &
fp_rot, mass(n), fp_tot, fp_el, fp_nuc, fp_trl, &
ix, iy, iz, ixz, ixy, iyz, Inerzia(3,3), Inerzia1(3,3), M, bx, by, bz, pi, ht, A, &
S_tot, S_vib, S_trl, S_rot, G, V, P, E_tot, E_vib, E_trl, E_rot, Cv, Cp, T, mol, &
E_totj, E_vibj, E_trlj, E_rotj, S_totj, S_vibj, S_trlj, S_rotj, E_vibs, E_vibsj, &
character(2) :: nome(n)
integer :: k, i, nato, j, sig, sim, nmv

!---case where reading and printing to file is desired-------------------------------------------
open (unit = 1, file = 'risultati.dat', status = 'replace', action = 'write')
open (unit = 2, file = 'input.txt', status = 'old', action = 'read')

pi = acos(-1.d0)
ht = h/(2.d0*pi)

!---reading input data-------------------------------------------------------------------

read (2,*) !comment input
read (2,*) T
read (2,*) P
read (2,*) V
read (2,*) mol
read (2,*) nato
read (2,*) sim
read (2,*) sig

do i=1, nato
read (2,*) nome(i), x(i), y(i), z(i)


k= k+1
read(2,*,end=10) freq(k)

!---end of input-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

!----associating atom names with mass vector and calculating molecular mass M------------------
10 do i=1, nato
do j=1, 118
if (nome(i) == element(j)) then
mass(i) = weights(j)

do i=1, nato
M= M + mass(i)

!Parameters for ideal gas law
if (P == 0) then
P = (mol * Av *kb * T) / (V * 101325)
if (V == 0) then
V = (mol * Av *kb * T) / (P * 101325)
if (mol == 0) then
mol = (P * V * 101325) / (Av *kb * T)

!assigning normal vibrational modes
if (sim == 0) then
nmv = 3 * nato - 5
else if (sim == 1) then
nmv = 3 * nato - 6

!calculating center of mass and changing reference frame
do i=1, nato
bx = bx + mass(i)*x(i)/M
by = by + mass(i)*y(i)/M
bz = bz + mass(i)*z(i)/M

x(i) = x(i) - bx
y(i) = y(i) - bx
z(i) = z(i) - bx

!constructing inertia tensor elements and diagonalizing
do i=1, nato
ix = ix + mass(i) * ((y(i)**2) + (z(i)**2))
iy = iy + mass(i) * ((z(i)**2) + (x(i)**2))
iz = iz + mass(i) * ((y(i)**2) + (x(i)**2))
ixz = ixz + mass(i) * x(i) * z(i)
ixy = ixy + mass(i) * x(i) * y(i)
iyz = iyz + mass(i) * y(i) * z(i)

Inerzia(1,1) = ix
Inerzia(1,2) = ixy
Inerzia(1,3) = ixz
Inerzia(2,1) = ixy
Inerzia(2,2) = iy
Inerzia(2,3) = iyz
Inerzia(3,1) = ixz
Inerzia(3,2) = iyz
Inerzia(3,3) = iz

call jacobi (Inerzia, Inerzia1, abserr, 3)

! principal axes of inertia in kg and meters from uma and angstrom
Ain = Inerzia(1,1) * 1.660539d-47
Bin = Inerzia(2,2) * 1.660539d-47
Cin = Inerzia(3,3) * 1.660539d-47

!---Partition Function-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
!NOTE: vib= vibrational, trl=translational, el=electronic, nuc=nuclear, rot= rotational tot=total

!vibrational and vibrational temperatures
fp_vib = 1.d0

do k=1, nmv
theta(k) = freq(k) * c * 100* h / Kb
fvib(k) = 1 / (1 - exp(-theta(k) / T))
fp_vib = fp_vib * fvib(k)
theta_tot = theta_tot + theta(k)

!linear or non-linear rotational
if (sim == 0) then
I = Ain + Bin + Cin
fp_rot = 2 * T * I *kb / (sig * h**2)
else if (sim == 1) then
fp_rot = ( ( ( (2*kb*T) / ( (ht)**2) ) )**(1.5d0)) * ( (pi*Ain*Bin*Cin)**(0.5d0) ) /sig

fp_trl = V / h**3 * (2 * pi * kb * T * M * 1.660539e-27)**(1.5d0) / Av

fp_el = 1

fp_nuc = 1

fp_tot = fp_vib + fp_rot + fp_el + fp_nuc + fp_trl
!----end Partition Function-----------------------------------------------------------------------

!----energy in classical thermodynamics--------------------------------------------------------------
!NOTE: suffix -j indicates joule/mol, without kcal/mol

!rotational energy for linear or non-linear molecule in joule/mol
if (sim == 0) then
E_rotj = (R * T) / mol
else if (sim == 1) then
E_rotj = (1.5d0 * R * T) / mol

E_rot = E_rotj * 0.2388459 *0.001
E_trlj = (1.5d0 * R * T) /mol
E_trl = E_trlj * 0.2388459 *0.001
E_vibj = (R * T) / mol
E_vib = E_vibj * 0.2388459 * 0.001

E_totj = (E_vibj + E_rotj + E_trlj)
E_tot = (E_vib + E_rot + E_trl)

!thermodynamic quantities

S_vibj = Av * kb * log(fp_vib) + E_vibj / T
S_vib = S_vibj * 0.2388459
S_rotj = Av * kb * log(fp_rot) + E_rotj / T
S_rot = S_rotj * 0.2388459
S_trlj = Av * kb * log(fp_trl) + E_trlj / T
S_trl = S_trlj * 0.2388459
S_tot = S_vib + S_rot + S_trl
S_totj = S_vibj + S_rotj + S_trlj

!calculating Cv
do i=1, nmv
Cv = Cv + R * (theta(i) / T)**2.d0 * exp(theta(i) / T ) / ( exp(theta(i) / T) - 1)**2.d0

Cvr = 1.5d0 * R
Cv = ( Cv + 1.5d0 * R + Cvr) * 0.2388459

!----Output Data---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
write (1,*) 'Temperature (K): ', T
write (1,*) 'System Volume (m^3): ', V
write (1,*) 'System Pressure (atm): ', P
write (1,*) 'System Moles: ', mol
write (1,*) 'Number of Atoms: ', nato
write (1,*) 'Number of Normal Modes: ', k-1
write (1,*) 'Molecule Symmetry Axes: ', sig

if (sim == 0) then
write (1,*) 'Molecule Symmetry: ', 'Linear'
else if (sim == 1) then
write (1,*) 'Molecule Symmetry: ', 'Nonlinear'

if (k-1 /= nmv) then
write (*,*) 'ERROR: Number of normal vibrational modes different from read frequencies'

write (1,*) ' Energy (kcal*mol^-1) Energy (J*mol^-1) '
write (1,*) 'Vibrational Energy: ', E_vib, E_vibj
write (1,*) 'Rotational Energy: ', E_rot, E_rotj
write (1,*) 'Translational Energy: ', E_trl, E_trlj
write (1,*) 'Total System Energy: ', E_tot, E_totj

do i=1, nmv
write (1,*) 'Frequency (cm^-1):', freq(i), 'Vibrational Temperature (K):', theta(i)

do i=1, nato
write (1,*) 'Atom, Mass (u), and Coordinates (A):', nome(i), mass(i), x(i), y(i), z(i)

write (1,*) 'Molecule Mass (u):', M
write (1,*) 'Center of Mass (A):'
write (1,*) bx, by, bz
write (1,*) 'Inertia Tensor (u*A^2):'
write (1,*) Inerzia(1,1), Inerzia(1,2), Inerzia(1,3)
write (1,*) Inerzia(2,1), Inerzia(2,2), Inerzia(2,3)
write (1,*) Inerzia(3,1), Inerzia(3,2), Inerzia(3,3)
write (1,*) 'Principal Axes of Inertia (Kg*m^2)'
Write (1,*) Ain
Write (1,*) Bin
Write (1,*) Cin
write (1,*) 'Rotational Partition Function: ', fp_rot
write (1,*) 'Vibrational Partition Function: ', fp_vib
write (1,*) 'Translational Partition Function:', fp_trl
write (1,*) 'Electronic Partition Function: ', fp_el
write (1,*) 'Nuclear Partition Function: ', fp_nuc
write (1,*) 'Total Partition Function: ', fp_tot
write (1,*) ' Entropy (cal*mol^-1*K^-1) Entropy (J*mol^-1*K^-1)'
write (1,*) 'Vibrational Entropy: ', S_vib, S_vibj
write (1,*) 'Rotational Entropy: ', S_rot, S_rotj
write (1,*) 'Translational Entropy: ', S_trl, S_trlj
write (1,*) 'Total System Entropy: ', S_tot, S_totj
write (1,*) 'Cv:', Cv

end program FortranThermoStats

subroutine Jacobi(a,x,abserr,n)
! Evaluate eigenvalues and eigenvectors
! of a real symmetric matrix a(n,n): a*x = lambda*x
! method: Jacoby method for symmetric matrices
! Alex G. (December 2009)
! input ...
! a(n,n) - array of coefficients for matrix A
! n - number of equations
! abserr - abs tolerance [sum of (off-diagonal elements)^2]
! output ...
! a(i,i) - eigenvalues
! x(i,j) - eigenvectors
! comments ...
implicit none
integer i, j, k
double precision b2, bar
double precision beta, coeff, c, s, cs, sc
real(8), intent(inout) :: a(n,n), x(n,n)
real(8), intent(in) :: abserr
integer, intent(in) :: n

x = 0.0
do i=1,n
x(i,i) = 1.0
end do

! find the sum of all off-diagonal elements (squared)
b2 = 0.0
do i=1,n
do j=1,n
if ( b2 = b2 + a(i,j)**2
end do
end do

if (b2 <= abserr) return

! average for off-diagonal elements /2
bar = 0.5*b2/float(n*n)

do while (
do i=1,n-1
do j=i+1,n
if (a(j,i)**2 <= bar) cycle ! do not touch small elements
b2 = b2 - 2.0*a(j,i)**2
bar = 0.5*b2/float(n*n)
! calculate coefficient c and s for Givens matrix
beta = (a(j,j)-a(i,i))/(2.0*a(j,i))
coeff = 0.5*beta/sqrt(1.0+beta**2)
s = sqrt(max(0.5+coeff,0.0))
c = sqrt(max(0.5-coeff,0.0))
! recalculate rows i and j
do k=1,n
cs = c*a(i,k)+s*a(j,k)
sc = -s*a(i,k)+c*a(j,k)
a(i,k) = cs
a(j,k) = sc
end do
! new matrix a_{k+1} from a_{k}, and eigenvectors
do k=1,n
cs = c*a(k,i)+s*a(k,j)
sc = -s*a(k,i)+c*a(k,j)
a(k,i) = cs
a(k,j) = sc
cs = c*x(k,i)+s*x(k,j)
sc = -s*x(k,i)+c*x(k,j)
x(k,i) = cs
x(k,j) = sc
end do
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine Jacobi