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Dockerized Information Manager

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Dockerized Information Manager

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* * *

## About

This will build a Docker image for [Bookstack]( - A Knowledge Base/Information Manager.

- Automatically installs and sets up installation upon first start

## Maintainer

- [Dave Conroy](

## Table of Contents

- [About](#about)
- [Maintainer](#maintainer)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Prerequisites and Assumptions](#prerequisites-and-assumptions)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Build from Source](#build-from-source)
- [Prebuilt Images](#prebuilt-images)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Persistent Storage](#persistent-storage)
- [Environment Variables](#environment-variables)
- [Base Images used](#base-images-used)
- [Core Options](#core-options)
- [Bookstack Options](#bookstack-options)
- [Authentication Settings](#authentication-settings)
- [LDAP Options](#ldap-options)
- [SAML Options](#saml-options)
- [OpenID Connect](#openid-connect)
- [External Login Services](#external-login-services)
- [Cache and Session Settings](#cache-and-session-settings)
- [Mail Settings](#mail-settings)
- [Storage Settings](#storage-settings)
- [Networking](#networking)
- [Maintenance](#maintenance)
- [Shell Access](#shell-access)
- [Support](#support)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Bugfixes](#bugfixes)
- [Feature Requests](#feature-requests)
- [Updates](#updates)
- [License](#license)
- [References](#references)

## Prerequisites and Assumptions
* Assumes you are using some sort of SSL terminating reverse proxy such as:
* [Traefik](
* [Nginx](
* [Caddy](
* Requires access to a MySQL/MariaDB Database server

## Installation

### Build from Source
Clone this repository and build the image with `docker build -t (imagename) .`

### Prebuilt Images
Builds of the image are available on [Docker Hub](

docker pull

Builds of the image are also available on the [Github Container Registry](

docker pull

The following image tags are available along with their tagged release based on what's written in the [Changelog](

| Container OS | Tag |
| ------------ | --------- |
| Alpine | `:latest` |

## Configuration

### Quick Start

- The quickest way to get started is using [docker-compose]( See the examples folder for a working [docker-compose.yml](examples/docker-compose.yml) that can be modified for development or production use.

- Set various [environment variables](#environment-variables) to understand the capabilities of this image.
- Map [persistent storage](#data-volumes) for access to configuration and data files for backup.
- Make [networking ports](#networking) available for public access if necessary

**The first boot can take from 2 minutes - 5 minutes depending on your CPU to setup the proper schemas.**

- Login to the web server and enter in your admin email address, admin password and start configuring the system!

### Persistent Storage

The following directories are used for configuration and can be mapped for persistent storage.

| Directory | Description |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `/www/logs` | Nginx and PHP Log files |
| `/www/bookstack` | (Optional) If you want to expose the bookstack sourcecode expose this volume |
| **OR** | |
| `/data` | Hold onto your persistent sessions and cache between container restarts |

### Environment Variables

#### Base Images used

This image relies on an [Alpine Linux]( or [Debian Linux]( base image that relies on an [init system]( for added capabilities. Outgoing SMTP capabilities are handlded via `msmtp`. Individual container performance monitoring is performed by [zabbix-agent]( Additional tools include: `bash`,`curl`,`less`,`logrotate`,`nano`.

Be sure to view the following repositories to understand all the customizable options:

| Image | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| [OS Base]( | Customized Image based on Alpine Linux |
| [Nginx]( | Nginx webserver |
| [PHP-FPM]( | PHP Interpreter |
#### Core Options

| Parameter | Description | Default | `_FILE` |
| -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | ------- |
| `ADMIN_NAME` | Full name of Administrator Account | `BookStack Admin` | x |
| `ADMIN_PASS` | Password of Administrator account | `password` | x |
| `ADMIN_EMAIL` | Email address of Administrator Account | `[email protected]` | x |
| `DB_HOST` | Host or container name of MariaDB Server e.g. `bookstack-db` | | x |
| `DB_NAME` | MariaDB Database name e.g. `bookstack` | | x |
| `DB_PASS` | MariaDB Password for above Database e.g. `password` | | x |
| `DB_PORT` | MariaDB Port | `3306` | x |
| `DB_USER` | MariaDB Username for above Database e.g. `bookstack` | | x |
| `ENABLE_OPTMIZE_IMAGES` | Enable automatic image optimizations using optipng and jpegoptim | `TRUE` | |
| `OPTIMIZE_IMAGES_BEGIN` | When to start image optimization use military time HHMM | `0300` | |
| `OPTIMIZE_IMAGES_INTERVAL` | How often to perform image optimization in minutes | `1440` | |
| `LANGUAGE` | Language for Application | `en` | |
| `SETUP_TYPE` | `AUTO` generate configuration. `MANUAL` don't do anything | `AUTO` | |
| `SITE_URL` | The full URL that you are serving this application from | `null` | |
| `TIMEZONE` | Timezone - Use Unix Style | `Etc/UTC` | |


#### Bookstack Options

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ALLOWED_IFRAME_HOSTS` | Allow serving Bookstack via an IFrame - Multiple can be used seperated by a line | |
| `ALLOWED_IFRAME_SOURCES` | Allow IFrames from specific domains `*` for All | `https://* https://* https://* https://*` |
| `ALLOWED_SSR_HOSTS` | Allowed Server Side Request List (Webhooks) | `*` |
| `ALLOW_CONTENT_SCRIPTS` | Allow javascript within content | `false` |
| `ALLOW_ROBOTS` | Allow robots to Index site | `false` |
| `API_DEFAULT_ITEM_COUNT` | API Default Return Items Count | `100` |
| `API_DEFAULT_MAX_ITEM_COUNT` | API Default Maximum Items Count | `500` |
| `API_REQUESTS_PER_MIN` | API Requests per minute limit | `180` |
| `AVATAR_URL` | Set URL for external Avatar fetching | |
| `DEFAULT_DARK_MODE` | Use Dark mode by default | `false` |
| `DISABLE_EXTERNAL_SERVICES` | Disable every external service | `false` |
| `DRAWIO_HOST` | Full URL of DrawIO server if not wanting to use default | |
| `ENABLE_DRAWIO` | Enable DrawIO Functionality | `false` |
| `FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE` | Max MB of files to upload into the system | `50` |
| `IP_ADDRESS_PRECISION` | Alter precision of IP Addresses stored by bookstack `0` to `4` | `4` |
| `LOG_FILE` | Log File | `bokstack.log` |
| `LOG_PATH` | Log Path | `/www/logs/bokstack` |
| `LOG_FAILED_LOGIN_MESSAGE` | Enable logging of fdailed email and password logins with given message | `false` |
| `LOG_FAILED_LOGIN_CHANNEL` | Default log channel uses php_error_log function | `errorlog_plain_webserver` |
| `LANGUAGE_AUTO_DETECT` | Detect Language via Browser | `false` |
| `QUEUE_CONNECTION` | Queue Connection | `sync` |
| `RECYCLE_BIN_LIFETIME` | How Many days Recycle Bin should wait before auto deleting. `0` for no feature, `-1` for unlimited | `30` |
| `REVISION_LIMIT` | Default Revision Limit for pages | `100` |
| `THEME` | Drop themes in /data/themes and set value here | `false` |
| `VIEW_BOOKS` | View books in either `list` or `grid` format | `list` |
| `VIEW_SHELVES` | View shelves in either `list` or `grid` format | `grid` |

#### Authentication Settings

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------- |

##### LDAP Options

| Parameter | Description | Default | `_FILE` |
| ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------- |
| `ENABLE_LDAP_USER_SYNC` | Enable Scheduled Syncing of LDAP User list | `TRUE` | |
| `LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_DISPLAY_NAME` | Display Name Attribute | `cn` | |
| `LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP` | Group Attribute | `memberOf` | |
| `LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_ID` | Unique Identifier Attribute | `uid` | |
| `LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_MAIL` | Mail Attribute | `mail` | |
| `LDAP_THUMBNAIL_ATTRIBUTE` | Thumb nail attribute | | |
| `LDAP_BASE_DN` | Base DN to search | | x |
| `LDAP_BIND_PASS` | Bind password for authentication | | x |
| `LDAP_BIND_USER` | Bind User for authentication | | x |
| `LDAP_DUMP_USER_DETAILS` | Used for Debugging | `false` | |
| `LDAP_FILTER_USER` | User Filter | `(&(${LDAP_ATTRIBUTE_ID}=\${user}))` | |
| `LDAP_FILTER_SYNC` | Filter for syncing users from LDAP | `false` | |
| `LDAP_FOLLOW_REFERRALS` | Follow LDAP Referrals | `true` | |
| `LDAP_HOST` | LDAP Hostname | | x |
| `LDAP_SYNC_BEGIN` | When to start syncing in military time HHMM | `+0` (immediate) | |
| `LDAP_SYNC_EXCLUDE_EMAIL` | Comma seperated values of emails to ignore when syncing | | |
| `LDAP_SYNC_INTERVAL` | In minutes amount of time to reperform LDAP Sync | `60` | |
| `LDAP_SYNC_RECURSIVE` | Recursively search through LDAP Groups | `true` | |
| `LDAP_REMOVE_FROM_GROUPS` | Remove user from Groups | `false` | |
| `LDAP_TLS_INSECURE` | Use TLS without verifying | `false` | |
| `LDAP_USER_TO_GROUPS` | Add user to Groups | `false` | |
| `LDAP_VERSION` | Version of LDAP | `3` | |

##### SAML Options

| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ----------------------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------- |
| `SAML_IDP_ENTITYID` | URL of SAML IDP entity | |
| `SAML_IDP_SLO` | SAML Single Log off URL | |
| `SAML_IDP_SSO` | SAML Single Sign on URL | |
| `SAML_ATTRIBUTE_DISPLAY_NAME` | SAML Display Name attribute | `givenName sn` |
| `SAML_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP` | SAML Group attribute | `groups` |
| `SAML_ATTRIBUTE_MAIL` | SAML Mail attribute | `mail` |
| `SAML_ATTRIBUTE_EXTERNAL_ID` | SAML External ID attribute | `uid` |
| `SAML_AUTOLOAD_METADATA` | Auto Load Metadata from SAML IDP | `true` |
| `SAML_DUMP_USER_DETAILS` | Used for debugging | `false` |
| `SAML_NAME` | SAML Public Service Name | `SSO` |
| `SAML_REMOVE_FROM_GROUPS` | Remove user from Groups | `false` |
| `SAML_USER_TO_GROUPS` | Add user to Groups | `true` |
| `SAML2_IDP_AUTHNCONTEXT` | AuthN Context | `true` |
| `SAML_SP_X509` | SAML SP Public Certificate | `` |
| `SAML_SP_X509_KEY` | SAML SP Private Key | `` |


##### OpenID Connect

| Parameter | Description | Default | `_FILE` |
| -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- |
| `OIDC_NAME` | Name to appear on login screen | `SSO` | |
| `OIDC_DISPLAY_NAME_CLAIMS` | Claims to use for users display name | `name` | x |
| `OIDC_CLIENT_ID` | OIDC Client ID | | x |
| `OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET` | OIDC Client Secret | | x |
| `OIDC_ISSUER` | Issuer URL must start with https:// | | x |
| `OIDC_ISSUER_DISCOVER` | Auto Discover endpoints from .well-known | `TRUE` | |
| `OIDC_PUBLIC_KEY` | (if above false) File path to where Public Key of provicer is stored | | x |
| `OIDC_AUTH_ENDPOINT` | (if above false) Full URL to Authorize Endpoint | | x |
| `OIDC_TOKEN_ENDPOINT` | (if above false) FulL URL to Token Endpoint | | x |
| `OIDC_ADDITIONAL_SCOPES` | OIDC Additional Scopes | `null` | |
| `OIDC_USER_TO_GROUPS` | Add user to Groups | `false` | |
| `OIDC_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP` | Groups Attribute passed from OIDC Server | `groups` | |
| `OIDC_REMOVE_FROM_GROUPS` | Remove user from groups | `false` | |
| |
#### External Login Services

| Parameter | Description | Default | `_FILE` |
| ------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------- | ------- |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_AZURE` | Enable Logging in from Azure | `false` | |
| `AZURE_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `AZURE_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `AZURE_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `AZURE_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | x |
| `AZURE_TENANT` | Tenant ID | | |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_DISCORD` | Enable Logging in from Discord | `false` | |
| `DISCORD_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `DISCORD_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `DISCORD_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `DISCORD_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_FACEBOOK` | Enable Logging in from Facebook | `false` | |
| `FACEBOOK_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `FACEBOOK_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `FACEBOOK_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_GITHUB` | Enable Logging in from Github | `false` | |
| `GITHUB_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `GITHUB_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `GITHUB_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `GITHUB_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_GITLAB` | Enable Logging in from Gitlab | `false` | |
| `GITLAB_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `GITLAB_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `GITLAB_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `GITLAB_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `GITLAB_BASE_URI` | Gitlab URI | | x |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_GOOGLE` | Enable Logging in from Google | `false` | |
| `GOOGLE_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `GOOGLE_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `GOOGLE_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `GOOGLE_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `GOOGLE_SELECT_ACCOUNT` | Select Google Account | | x |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_OKTA` | Enable Logging in from OKTA | `false` | |
| `OKTA_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `OKTA_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `OKTA_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `OKTA_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `OKTA_BASE_URL` | OKTA Base URI | | x |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_SLACK` | Enable Logging in from Slack | `false` | |
| `SLACK_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `SLACK_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `SLACK_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `SLACK_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_TWITCH` | Enable Logging in from Twitch | `false` | |
| `TWITCH_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `TWITCH_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `TWITCH_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `TWITCH_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| `ENABLE_LOGIN_TWITTER` | Enable Logging in from Twitter | `false` | |
| `TWITTER_APP_ID` | Application ID | | x |
| `TWITTER_APP_SECRET` | Application Secret | | x |
| `TWITTER_AUTO_CONFIRM_EMAIL` | Auto confirm email address | `false` | |
| `TWITTER_AUTO_REGISTER` | Auto register username | `false` | |
| |
| - |

#### Cache and Session Settings

| Parameter | Description | Default | `_FILE` |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------- | ------- |
| `CACHE_DRIVER` | Use what backend for cache `file` `database` `redis` `memcached` | `file` | |
| `CACHE_PREFIX` | Cache Prefix | `bookstack` | |
| `SESSION_COOKIE_NAME` | Cookie Name | `bookstack_session` | |
| `SESSION_DRIVER` | Use what backend for sesssion management `file` `database` `redis` `memcached` | `FILE` | |
| `SESSION_LIFETIME` | How long in minutes for Ssession | `120` | |
| `SESSION_SECURE_COOKIE` | Deliver HTTPS cookie | `true` | |
| `MEMCACHED_HOST` | Memcached Hostname | | x |
| `MEMCACHED_PORT` | Memcached Port | `11211` | |
| `MEMCACHED_WEIGHT` | Memcached Weight | `100` | |
| `REDIS_DB` | Redis DB | `0` | x |
| `REDIS_PORT` | Redis Port | `6379` | x |
| `REDIS_HOST` | Redis Hostname | | x |


#### Mail Settings

| Parameter | Description | Default | `_FILE` |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------- |
| `MAIL_FROM_NAME` | Display name to be sent from Bookstack | `BookStack` | |
| `MAIL_FROM` | Email address to be sent from Bookstack | `[email protected]` | |
| `MAIL_TYPE` | How to send mail - `SMTP` | `SMTP` | |
| `SMTP_HOST` | Hostname of SMTP Server | `postfix-relay` | x |
| `SMTP_PASS` | SMTP Password | `null` | x |
| `SMTP_PORT` | SMTP Port | `25` | x |
| `SMTP_TLS` | Enable TLS for SMTP Connections | `FALSE` | |
| `SMTP_USER` | SMTP Username | `null` | x |


#### Storage Settings

| Parameter | Description | Default | `FILE` |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------- | ------ |
| `STORAGE_TYPE` | How to store files `local` `local_secure` `s3` | `local` | |
| `STORAGE_ATTACHMENT_TYPE` | Attachment storage type | `local_secure` | |
| `STORAGE_IMAGE_TYPE` | Image storage type | `local` | |
| `STORAGE_S3_BUCKET` | S3 Bucket | | x |
| `STORAGE_S3_KEY` | S3 Key | | x |
| `STORAGE_S3_REGION` | S3 Region | | x |
| `STORAGE_S3_SECRET` | S3 Key | | x |
| `STORAGE_URL` | Set this if you are connecting to a compatible service like Minio/Wasabi | | x |


### Networking

The following ports are exposed.

| Port | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| `80` | HTTP |

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## Maintenance

### Shell Access

For debugging and maintenance purposes you may want access the containers shell.

docker exec -it (whatever your container name is) bash
## Support

These images were built to serve a specific need in a production environment and gradually have had more functionality added based on requests from the community.
### Usage
- The [Discussions board](../../discussions) is a great place for working with the community on tips and tricks of using this image.
- [Sponsor me]( for personalized support
### Bugfixes
- Please, submit a [Bug Report](issues/new) if something isn't working as expected. I'll do my best to issue a fix in short order.

### Feature Requests
- Feel free to submit a feature request, however there is no guarantee that it will be added, or at what timeline.
- [Sponsor me]( regarding development of features.

### Updates
- Best effort to track upstream changes, More priority if I am actively using the image in a production environment.
- [Sponsor me]( for up to date releases.

## License
MIT. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more details.

## References
