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A Clojure wrapper to HikariCP JDBC connection pool

clojure clojure-library connection-pool jdbc

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A Clojure wrapper to HikariCP JDBC connection pool

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# hikari-cp ![GitHub Workflow Status]( [![Clojars Project](](

A Clojure wrapper to [HikariCP]( - "zero-overhead" production ready JDBC connection pool.

## Installation

Add the following dependency to your `project.clj` file:

[hikari-cp "3.2.0"]

`hikari-cp` version `3.x` targets Clojure `1.11`. Version `2.14.3` was the last release for Clojure `1.9`. Version `1.8.3` was the last release for Clojure `1.8`.

Note that `hikari-cp` requires Java 11 or newer. Version `2.14.3` was the last release for Java 8.

You'll also need to add the JDBC driver needed for your database.

## Configuration options

| Option | Required | Default value | Description |
| --------------------------- | :------: | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `:auto-commit` | No | `true` | This property controls the default auto-commit behavior of connections returned from the pool. It is a boolean value. |
| `:read-only` | No | `false` | This property controls whether Connections obtained from the pool are in read-only mode by default. |
| `:connection-timeout` | No | `30000` | This property controls the maximum number of milliseconds that a client will wait for a connection from the pool. If this time is exceeded without a connection becoming available, a SQLException will be thrown. 1000ms is the minimum value. |
| `:validation-timeout` | No | `5000` | This property controls the maximum amount of time that a connection will be tested for aliveness. This value must be less than the `:connection-timeout`. The lowest accepted validation timeout is 1000ms (1 second). |
| `:idle-timeout` | No | `600000` | This property controls the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that a connection is allowed to sit idle in the pool. |
| `:max-lifetime` | No | `1800000` | This property controls the maximum lifetime of a connection in the pool. A value of 0 indicates no maximum lifetime (infinite lifetime). |
| `:minimum-idle` | No | `10` | This property controls the minimum number of idle connections that HikariCP tries to maintain in the pool. |
| `:maximum-pool-size` | No | `10` | This property controls the maximum size that the pool is allowed to reach, including both idle and in-use connections. Basically this value will determine the maximum number of actual connections to the database backend. |
| `:pool-name` | No | Auto-generated | This property represents a user-defined name for the connection pool and appears mainly in logging and JMX management consoles to identify pools and pool configurations. |
| `:jdbc-url` | **Yes¹** | None | This property sets the JDBC connection URL. Please note the `h2` adapter expects `:url` instead of `:jdbc-url`. |
| `:driver-class-name` | No | None | This property sets the JDBC driver class. |
| `:adapter` | **Yes¹** | None | This property sets the database adapter. Please check [Adapters and corresponding datasource class names](#adapters-and-corresponding-datasource-class-names) for the full list of supported adapters and their datasource class names. The value should be provided as a string. |
| `:username` | No | None | This property sets the default authentication username used when obtaining Connections from the underlying driver. |
| `:password` | No | None | This property sets the default authentication password used when obtaining Connections from the underlying driver. |
| `:database-name` | No | None | This property sets the database name. |
| `:server-name` | No | Depends on the adapter | This property sets the hostname client connects to. |
| `:port-number` | No | Depends on the adapter | This property sets the port clients connects on. |
| `:connection-test-query` | No | None | If your driver supports JDBC4 we strongly recommend not setting this property. This is for "legacy" databases that do not support the JDBC4 `Connection.isValid()` API. This is the query that will be executed just before a connection is given to you from the pool to validate that the connection to the database is still alive. |
| `:leak-detection-threshold` | No | 0 | This property controls the amount of time that a connection can be out of the pool before a message is logged indicating a possible connection leak. A value of 0 means leak detection is disabled, minimum accepted value is 2000 (ms). ( *ps: it's rarely needed option, use only for debugging* ) |
| `:register-mbeans` | No | false | This property register mbeans which can be used in jmx to monitor hikari-cp. |
| `:connection-init-sql` | No | None | This property sets a SQL statement that will be executed after every new connection creation before adding it to the pool. |
| `:datasource` | No | None | This property allows you to directly set the instance of the DataSource to be wrapped by the pool. |
| `:datasource-class-name` | No | None | This is the name of the DataSource class provided by the JDBC driver. |
| `:metric-registry` | No | None | This is an instance of a Dropwizard metrics MetricsRegistry. |
| `:health-check-registry` | No | None | This is an instance of a Dropwizard metrics HealthCheckRegistry. |
| `:metrics-tracker-factory` | No | None | This is an implementation of a `MetricsTrackerFactory` (`CodahaleMetricsTrackerFactory`, `MicrometerMetricsTrackerFactory`, `PrometheusMetricsTrackerFactory`). |
| `:transaction-isolation` | No | None | Constant name from the [Connection][java.sql.Connection] interface such as `TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED`, `TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ`, etc. |

**¹** `:adapter` and `:jdbc-url` are mutually exclusive.

You can also add other datasource-specific configuration options.
By default, keywords will be converted to the camelCase format add added
as a datasource property, unless a special translation is defined:


;; {:tcp-keep-alive true} will be:
(.addDataSourceProperty config "tcpKeepAlive" true)

;; {:use-ssl false} has a custom translation, so it will be:
(.addDataSourceProperty config "useSSL" false)

;; {:tinyInt1isBit false} also has a custom translation to support
;; the incorrect property casing in the original java class.

Custom translations of properties can be added by extending the
`translate-property` multimethod.

**Please note:** All time values are specified in milliseconds.

## Adapters and corresponding datasource class names

| Adapter | Datasource class name | Tested with hikari-cp |
| ---------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------: |
| `derby` | `org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource` | No |
| `firebird` | `org.firebirdsql.pool.FBSimpleDataSource` | No |
| `db2` | `` | No |
| `h2` | `org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource` | **Yes** |
| `hsqldb` | `org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDataSource` | No |
| `mariadb` | `org.mariadb.jdbc.MySQLDataSource` | No |
| `mysql` | `com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSource` | **Yes** |
| `mysql8` | `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource` | No |
| `neo4j` | `org.neo4j.jdbc.DataSource` | No |
| `sqlserver-jtds` | `net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.JtdsDataSource` | **Yes** |
| `sqlserver` | `` | **Yes** |
| `oracle` | `oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource` | **Yes** |
| `pgjdbc-ng` | `com.impossibl.postgres.jdbc.PGDataSource` | No |
| `postgresql` | `org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource` | **Yes** |
| `fdbsql` | `com.foundationdb.sql.jdbc.ds.FDBSimpleDataSource` | No |
| `sybase` | `com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDataSource` | Yes |
| `sqlite` | `org.sqlite.SQLiteDataSource` | No |

## Usage

### PostgreSQL example

(ns hikari-cp.example
(:require [hikari-cp.core :refer :all]
[ :as jdbc]))

(def datasource-options {:auto-commit true
:read-only false
:connection-timeout 30000
:validation-timeout 5000
:idle-timeout 600000
:max-lifetime 1800000
:minimum-idle 10
:maximum-pool-size 10
:pool-name "db-pool"
:adapter "postgresql"
:username "username"
:password "password"
:database-name "database"
:server-name "localhost"
:port-number 5432
:register-mbeans false})

(defonce datasource
(delay (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn -main [& args]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource @datasource}]
(let [rows (jdbc/query conn "SELECT 0")]
(println rows)))
(close-datasource @datasource))
### Neo4j

(ns hikari-cp.example
(:require [hikari-cp.core :refer :all]
[ :as jdbc]))

(def datasource-options {:jdbc-url "jdbc:neo4j:bolt://host:port/?username=neo4j&password=xxxx&debug=true"})

(defonce datasource
(delay (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn -main [& args]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource @datasource}]
(let [rows (jdbc/query conn ["MATCH (n:Foo) WHERE = ? RETURN n" "john"])]
(println rows)))
(close-datasource @datasource))
### H2 minimal config example

(def datasource-options {:adapter "h2"
:url "jdbc:h2:~/test"})

### Oracle example

(ns hikari-cp.example
(:require [hikari-cp.core :refer :all]
[ :as jdbc]))

(def datasource-options {:username "username"
:password "password"
:database-name "database"
:server-name "localhost"
:port-number 1521
:driverType "thin" ; Other options are oci8, oci or kprb. See jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.makeURL()
:adapter "oracle"})

(defonce datasource
(delay (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn -main [& args]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource @datasource}]
(let [rows (jdbc/query conn "SELECT 0 FROM dual")]
(println rows)))
(close-datasource @datasource))

### Sybase example

(ns hikari-cp.example
(:require [hikari-cp.core :refer :all]
[ :as jdbc]))

(def datasource-options {:username "username"
:password "password"
:database-name "database"
:server-name "localhost"
:port-number 5900
:adapter "sybase"}) ; assumes jconn4.jar (com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybDataSource)

; if you're using jconn2.jar or jconn3.jar replace :adapter "sybase" with the following
; :datasource-class-name "com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDataSource"
; or
; :datasource-class-name "com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDataSource"

(defonce datasource
(delay (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn -main [& args]
(jdbc/with-db-connection [conn {:datasource @datasource}]
(let [rows (jdbc/query conn "SELECT 0")]
(println rows)))
(close-datasource @datasource))

### SQLite example

(def datasource-options {:jdbc-url "jdbc:sqlite:db/database.db"})

### ClickHouse example
`hikari-cp` can be used with [official ClickHouse driver]( in following two ways:
1. Using `:datasource` property:
- Official ClickHouse JDBC driver's `ClickHouseDataSource` does not have a zero arity constructor.
- This mandates creating `ClickHouseDataSource` separately and setting `:datasource` property in `datasource-options`
(ns hikari-cp.example
[hikari-cp.core :refer :all]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
[java.util Properties]
[com.clickhouse.jdbc ClickHouseDataSource]))

(defonce clickhouse-datasource
(let [jdbc-url "jdbc:ch://localhost:8123/test_db"
properties (doto
(.setProperty "user" "username")
(.setProperty "password" "password")
(.setProperty "client_name" "test_client")
(.setProperty "custom_http_params" "max_query_size=1000000"))]
(ClickHouseDataSource. jdbc-url properties)))

(def datasource-options
{:datasource clickhouse-datasource
:connection-timeout 5000
:maximum-pool-size 20
:max-lifetime 300000
:pool-name "clickhouse-conn-pool"})

(defonce datasource
(delay (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn -main
[& args]
(with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection {:datasource @datasource})]
(let [rows (jdbc/execute! conn ["SELECT 0"])]
(println rows)))
(close-datasource @datasource))
2. Using `:jdbc-url` and `:driver-class-name` properties:
(ns hikari-cp.example
[hikari-cp.core :refer :all]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]))

(def datasource-options-2
{:jdbc-url "jdbc:ch://localhost:8123/test_db"
:username "username"
:password "password"
:driver-class-name "com.clickhouse.jdbc.ClickHouseDriver"
:connection-timeout 5000
:maximum-pool-size 20
:max-lifetime 300000
:pool-name "clickhouse-conn-pool"})

(defonce datasource
(delay (make-datasource datasource-options)))

(defn -main
[& args]
(with-open [conn (jdbc/get-connection {:datasource @datasource})]
(let [rows (jdbc/execute! conn ["SELECT 0"])]
(println rows)))
(close-datasource @datasource))

### Notice

`make-datasource` will throw `IllegalArgumentException` when invalid
arguments are provided:

(make-datasource (dissoc config :username :database-name))
;; IllegalArgumentException: Invalid configuration options: (:username :database-name)

## License

Copyright © 2014 - 2024 [Tomek Wałkuski]( and [Jan Stępień](

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.