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Examples from "Learning Haskell Data Analysis"

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Examples from "Learning Haskell Data Analysis"

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# Intro

cabal repl

# Chapter 2

## getColumnInCSV

first example

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "all_week.csv"
either (\error -> Left "Problem Reading File") (\csv -> getColumnInCSV csv "mag") csv

second example

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "all_week.csv"
either (\error -> Left "Problem Reading File") (\csv -> getColumnInCSV csv "not a column") csv

## applyToColumnInCSV

first example

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "all_week.csv"
either (\error -> Left "Problem Reading File") (\csv -> applyToColumnInCSV (average . readColumn) csv "mag") csv

second example

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "all_week.csv"
either (\error -> Left "Problem Reading File") (\csv -> applyToColumnInCSV (average . readColumn) csv "not a column") csv

## applyToColumnInCSVFile

applyToColumnInCSVFile (average . readColumn) "all_week.csv" "mag"
applyToColumnInCSVFile (maximum . readColumn) "all_week.csv" "mag"
applyToColumnInCSVFile (minimum . readColumn) "all_week.csv" "mag"

## convertCSVFileToSQL

convertCSVFileToSQL "all_week.csv" "earthquakes.sql" "oneWeek" ["time TEXT", "latitude REAL", "longitude REAL", "depth REAL", "mag REAL", "magType TEXT", "nst INTEGER", "gap REAL", "dmin REAL", "rms REAL", "net REAL", "id TEXT", "updated TEXT", "place TEXT", "type TEXT"]
conn <- connectSqlite3 "earthquakes.sql"
magnitudes <- quickQuery' conn "SELECT mag FROM oneWeek" []
fromSql $ head $ head magnitudes :: Double
let magnitudesDouble = map(\ record -> fromSql $ head record :: Double) magnitudes
average magnitudesDouble

# Chapter 3

## countFieldsInEachRecord

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "poorFieldsCount.csv"
either Left (\ csv -> Right $ countFieldsInEachRecord csv) csv

## lineNumbersWithIncorrectCount

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "poorFieldsCount.csv"
either Left (\ csv -> Right $ lineNumbersWithIncorrectCount csv) csv

next example

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "all_week.csv"
either Left (\ csv -> Right $ lineNumbersWithIncorrectCount csv) csv

## identifyMatchingFields

identifyMatchingFields (\x -> x =~ "Journ") ["1", "Clark Kent", "Journalist", "Metropolis"] ["Id", "Name", "Profession", "Location"] 0
identifyMatchingFields (\x -> x =~ "Hero") ["1", "Clark Kent", "Journalist", "Metropolis"] ["Id", "Name", "Profession", "Location"] 0
identifyMatchingFields (== "Metropolis") ["1", "Clark Kent", "Journalist", "Metropolis"] ["Id", "Name", "Profession", "Location"] 0

## identifyInCSV

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "poordata.csv"
either (\error -> Left "CSV Problem") (\ csv -> identifyInCSV (\ x -> x =~ "PA") csv "Number") csv

multiple fields

csv <- parseCSVFromFile "poordata.csv"
either (\error -> Left "") (\ csv -> identifyInCSV (\ x -> x =~ "male") csv "Number") csv

## identifyInCSVFile

identifyInCSVFile (\ x -> x =~ "^$") "poordata.csv" "Number"

better version

identifyInCSVFile (\ x -> x =~ "^\\s*$") "poordata.csv" "Number"

## identifyInCSVFileFromColumn

identifyInCSVFileFromColumn (\ x -> not (x =~ "^[1-9][0-9]?/[1-9][0-9]?/[12][0-9][0-9][0-9]$")) "poordata.csv" "Number" "Birthday"

fixed data

identifyInCSVFileFromColumn (\ x -> not (x =~ "^[1-9][0-9]?/[1-9][0-9]?/[12][0-9][0-9][0-9]$")) "poordataFixed.csv" "Number" "Birthday"

# Chapter 4

convertCSVFileToSQL "aapl.csv" "aapl.sql" "aapl" ["date STRING", "open REAL", "high REAL", "low REAL", "close REAL", "volume REAL", "adjclose REAL"]

## pullStockClosingPrices

aapl <- pullStockClosingPrices "aapl.sql" "aapl"
plot (PNG "aapl.png") $ Data2D [Title "AAPL"] [] $ aapl
plot (PNG "aapl_line.png") $ Data2D [Title "AAPL", Style Lines] [] $ aapl
plot (PNG "aapl_oneyear.png") $ Data2D [Title "AAPL", Style Lines] [] $ take 252 aapl

## applyPercentChangeToData

aapl <- pullStockClosingPrices "aapl.sql" "aapl"
let aapl252 = take 252 aapl
let aapl252pc = applyPercentChangeToData aapl252


convertCSVFileToSQL "googl.csv" "googl.sql" "googl" ["date STRING", "open REAL", "high REAL", "low REAL", "close REAL", "volume REAL", "adjclose REAL"]
googl <- pullStockClosingPrices "googl.sql" "googl"
let googl252 = take 252 googl
let googl252pc = applyPercentChangeToData googl252


convertCSVFileToSQL "msft.csv" "msft.sql" "msft" ["date STRING", "open REAL", "high REAL", "low REAL", "close REAL", "volume REAL", "adjclose REAL"]
msft <- pullStockClosingPrices "msft.sql" "msft"
let msft252 = take 252 msft
let msft252pc = applyPercentChangeToData msft252

all data

plot (PNG "aapl_googl_msft_pc.png") [Data2D [Title "AAPL - One Year, % Change", Style Lines, Color Red] [] aapl252pc, Data2D [Title "GOOGL - One Year, % Change", Style Lines, Color Blue] [] googl252pc, Data2D [Title "MSFT - One Year, % Change", Style Lines, Color Green] [] msft252pc]

## applyMovingAverageToData

aapl <- pullStockClosingPrices "aapl.sql" "aapl"
let aapl252 = take 252 aapl
let aapl252pc = applyPercentChangeToData aapl252
let aapl252ma20 = applyMovingAverageToData aapl252pc 20
plot (PNG "aapl_20dayma.png") [Data2D [Title "AAPL - One Year, % Change", Style Lines, Color Red] [] aapl252pc, Data2D [Title "AAPL 20-Day MA", Style Lines, Color Black] [] aapl252ma20]


convertCSVFileToSQL "all_month.csv" "earthquakes.sql" "oneMonth" ["time TEXT", "latitude REAL", "longitude REAL", "depth REAL", "mag REAL", "magType TEXT", "nst INTEGER", "gap REAL", "dmin REAL", "rms REAL", "net REAL", "id TEXT", "updated TEXT", "place TEXT", "type TEXT"]
coords <- pullLatitudeLongitude "earthquakes.sql" "oneMonth"
plot (PNG "earthquakes.png") [Data2D [Title "Earthquakes", Color Red, Style Dots] [] coords]

# Chapter 5

## probabilityMassFunction

:l src/LearningHaskellDataAnalysis02 src/LearningHaskellDataAnalysis04 src/LearningHaskellDataAnalysis05
:m LearningHaskellDataAnalysis02 LearningHaskellDataAnalysis04 LearningHaskellDataAnalysis05
import Graphics.EasyPlot
plot (PNG "coinflips.png") $ Function2D [Title "Coin Flip Probabilities"] [Range 0 1000] (\ k -> probabilityMassFunction (floor k) 1000 0.5)


probabilityMassFunction 500 1000 0.5


sum $ map (\ k -> probabilityMassFunction k 1000 0.5) [0..1000]


sum $ map (\ k -> probabilityMassFunction k 1000 0.5) [460..540]


import System.Random
g <- newStdGen
random g :: (Double, StdGen)

3 random double

take 3 $ randoms g :: [Double]

5 random integers from 0 to 100

take 5 $ randomRs (0, 100) g

random coin flips

let coinflips = take 1000 $ randomRs (0, 1) g
sum coinflips


import LearningHaskellDataAnalysis02
convertCSVFileToSQL "winloss2014.csv" "winloss.sql" "winloss" ["date TEXT", "awayteam TEXT", "hometeam TEXT", "awayscore INTEGER", "homescore INTEGER"]
import LearningHaskellDataAnalysis04
queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT SUM(awayscore), SUM(homescore) FROM winloss"
runsAtHome <- queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT hometeam, SUM(homescore) FROM winloss GROUP BY hometeam ORDER BY hometeam"
runsAway <- queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT awayteam, SUM(awayscore) FROM winloss GROUP BY awayteam ORDER BY awayteam"
let runsHomeAway = zip (readDoubleColumn runsAtHome 1) (readDoubleColumn runsAway 1)
import Graphics.EasyPlot
plot (PNG "HomeScoreAwayScore.png") $ Data2D [Title "Runs at Home (x axis) and RunsAway (y axis)"] [] runsHomeAway
let runsHomeAwayDiff = map (\ (a, b) -> a - b) runsHomeAway
plot (PNG "HomeScoreAwayScoreDiff.png") $ Data2D [Title "Difference in Runs at Home and Runs Away"] [] $ zip [1..] runsHomeAwayDiff
average runsHomeAwayDiff
standardDeviation runsHomeAwayDiff
import Data.List
standardDeviation runsHomeAwayDiff / (sqrt $ genericLength runsHomeAwayDiff)
plot (PNG "standardNormal.png") $ Function2D [Title "Standard Normal"] [Range (-4) 4] (\ x -> exp(-(x*x)/2)/sqrt(2*pi))

# Chapter 6

import LearningHaskellDataAnalysis04
import LearningHaskellDataAnalysis04
import LearningHaskellDataAnalysis05
import LearningHaskellDataAnalysis06
queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM winloss"
queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM winloss WHERE awayscore == homescore"
homeRecord <- queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT homeTeam, SUM(homescore > awayscore), SUM(homescore), COUNT(*) FROM winloss GROUP BY homeTeam"
awayRecord <- queryDatabase "winloss.sql" "SELECT awayTeam, SUM(awayscore > homescore), SUM(awayscore), COUNT(*) FROM winloss GROUP BY awayTeam"
let totalWins = zipWith (+) (readDoubleColumn homeRecord 1) (readDoubleColumn awayRecord 1)
let totalRuns = zipWith (+) (readDoubleColumn homeRecord 2) (readDoubleColumn awayRecord 2)
let totalGames = zipWith (+) (readDoubleColumn homeRecord 3) (readDoubleColumn awayRecord 3)
let winPrecentage = zipWith (/) totalWins totalGames
let runsPerGame = zipWith (/) totalRuns totalGames
any (\ xi -> abs((xi - average runsPerGame) / standardDeviation runsPerGame) > 3) runsPerGame
any (\ xi -> abs((xi - average winPrecentage ) / standardDeviation winPrecentage ) > 3) winPrecentage
import Graphics.EasyPlot
plot (PNG "runs_and_wins.png") $ Data2D [Title "Runs per Game VS Win % in 2014", Color Red] [] $ zip runsPerGame winPrecentage
pearsonR runsPerGame winPrecentage
pearsonRsqrd runsPerGame winPrecentage
let (gradient, intercept) = linearRegression runsPerGame winPrecentage
let winEstimate = map (\ x -> x * gradient + intercept) [3.3, 3.4 .. 4.7]
let regressionLine = zip [3.3, 3.4 .. 4.7] winEstimate
plot (PNG "runs_and_wins_with_regression.png") [Data2D [Title "Runs per Game VS Win % in 2014", Color Red] [] (zip runsPerGame winPrecentage), Data2D [Title "Regression Line", Style Lines, Color Blue] [] regressionLine]