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My GoLang projects with cheatsheet

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Last synced: about 2 months ago
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My GoLang projects with cheatsheet

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# Go Cheatsheet

* [File](#file)
* [go.mod](#go.mod)
* [Hello world](#hello-world)
* [Importing packages](#importing-packages)
* [Variables & Types](#variables)
* [structs](#structs)
* [map](#map)
* [interface](#interface)
* [Functions](#functions)
* [generics](#generics)
* [Logic statements](#logic-statements)
* [if/else](#ifelse)
* [switch/case](#switchcase)

* [Loop](#loop)
* [for-i](#for-i)
* [for-in](#for-in)
* [while](#while)
* [Converting](#converting)
* [Build-in iunctions](#build-in-functions)
* [append](#append)
* [length](#length)
* [panic](#panic)
* [copy](#copy)
* [clear](#clear)
* [max/min](#maxmin)

* [Pointers](#pointers)
* [Goroutines](#goroutines)
* [channels](#channels)
* [Unit testing](#unit-testing)
* [External file](#external-file)

* [Remote packages](#remote-packages)
* [Packages](#packages)
* [fmt](#fmt)
* [io/ioutil](#ioioutil)
* [regexp](#regexp)
* [json](#json)
* [net/http](#nethttp)
* [sort](#sort)
* [slices](#slices)
* [time](#time)
* [math/rand](#mathrand)
* [testing](#testing)
* [reflect](#reflect)
* [Project ideas](#project-ideas)

## File

### Run file
`go run file.go`

### Generate exe file
`go build file.go`

### go.mod
`go mod init `

## Hello world
// name of package
package main

// import package
import "fmt"

// main function where will all code is executed
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, world!")

## Importing packages
// import one package
import "package"

// import multiple packages
import (

// import "package" as
import name "package"

## Variables
// variables
foo := "this is string"
foo, bar := 69, 4.20

var foo int8 = 69
var (
foo = 4.20
foo float32 = 4.20

// constants (starts with capital letter)
const Foo = 4.20
const Foo float32 = 4.20
const (
Foo = 4.20
Foo float32 = 4.20

// slices
foo := []{}
foo := [][]{} // 2D slice

// fixed size
foo := [...]{}
foo := [6]{}

bool = %t = true, false
int, 8, 16, 32, 64 = %d = number in range of x bits, can be negative
uint, 8, 16, 32, 64 = %d = number in range of x bits, can't be negative
float32, 64 = %g = decimal numbers
string = %s = string
byte = %d = byte value
rune = %d = Unicode
complex32, 64 = %g = complex numbers with real and imaginary parts

### Structs
// define struct
type Struct struct {

// initialize, method 1
foo := Struct{

// initialize, method 2
foo := Struct{}

foo.x =
foo.y =

### Map
// define empty map
maps := map[]{}

// define map with values
maps := map[string]int{
"bar": 10,
"foo": 5,

// add new key
map[] =

// get value
value := map[]

// check if value exists (ok = bool)
value, ok := map[]

// delete key and value using key
delete(map, )

### Interface
// create interface
type Interface interface {
func() int // return type is optional

// create struct
type Struct struct {}

// create method for struct
func (n Struct) method1() {
// ...

// function which take interface as argument
func myFunc(x Interface) {

// works for each struct which have same methods as interface

## Functions
// declare function
func name() {
// ...

// return
func name() { return x }
func name() (, ) { return x, y }
func name() (x ) {
x :=
return // same as `return x`

// parameters
func name(param1 ) { }
func name(param1, param2 ) { } // param1 must have same type as param2

// anonymous function
func() {
// ...

// method function
func (a ) name() { }

### Generics
// best practice to name T or S

// create function
func name[T any](param T) { } // v1
func name[T interface{}](param T) { } // v2

// call function, `[type]` is optional

## Logic Statements

### If/else
if statement {
// ...
} else if statement2 {
// ...
} else {
// ...

### Switch/case
switch value {
case x:
// ...
case y:
// ...
// ...

## Loop

### For-I
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// ...

### For-In
for index, value := range slice {
// ...

### While
for {
if statement {

## Converting
import "strconv"

// str -> int
num, err := strconv.Atoi( )

// int -> str
str := strconv.Itoa( )

// number -> int8, 16, 32, 64
num := int( )

// number -> uint8, 16, 32, 64
num := uint( )

// number -> float32, float64
num := float( )

// string -> byte
bytes := []byte( )

// byte -> string
string( bytes )

## Build-In Functions

### Append
= append(, )

### Length
// slice
slice := []uint8{1,2,3,4}
sliceLength := len(slice) // 4

// string
str := "hello"
strLength := len(str) // 5

// map
maps := map[string]int{ "x":10, "y":15 }
mapsLength := len(maps) // 2

### Panic
// make runtime error and stops the program
panic( )

### Copy
copy(, )

### Clear
// SLICE: after clear = {0,0}
nums := []int8{69, 32}

// MAP: after clear = map[]
maps := map[string]int8{
"foo": 5,
"bar": 10,

### Max/Min
// get biggest number
max(5,1,3,4) // 5

// get smallest number
max(5,1,3,4) // 1

## Pointers
// create new pointer and allocate memory
pointer := new()

// change data from address/pointer
*pointer =

// read data from address/pointer

// get address from variable

## Goroutines
// create thread

// wait until thread finish
import "sync"

var wg sync.WaitGroup

wg.Add(1) // number of goroutines to wait for
go myFunction() // function needs to contain `defer wg.Done()`

### Channels
// create channel
ch := make(chan )

// send to channel
ch <-

// receive from channel
received := <-ch

// close channel

// check if channel was closed
received, ok := <-ch // ok = bool

## Unit Testing
# run test by:
go test
// main.go
package main

func abs(number int) int {
if number > 0 { return number }
return number * -1

// main_test.go
// test files must end by `_test.go`
package main

import "testing"

// starts with capital letter
func TestAbs(t *testing.T) {
if abs(-1) < 0 {
t.Error("Negative value was found in abs() with", -1)

## External file
// create go.mod if you don't have one
go mod init // for this we will use 'modules'

// folder structure
|- go.mod
|- main.go
|- example
|- second.go

// main.go
package main
import "modules/example"

func main() {

// second.go
package example

func Foo() {
// ...

## Remote packages

### Install packages
go get

### Import packages
import ""

## Packages

### fmt

#### Print content
import "fmt"

// print on new line, variables using next argument

// print on same line, variables using format

#### Get user input
import "fmt"

var variable
fmt.Scanf("%", &variable)

#### Format string
import "fmt"

fmt.Sprintf("% %", , )

### io/ioutil

#### Read file content
import "io/ioutil"

// read content from `./file`
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("./file")

### regexp

#### Split string using regex
import "regexp"

// regex pattern for end of the line
pattern := `\r?\n`
regexCompiled := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)

// split and save it to variable data
data := regexCompiled.Split("string", -1) // param1=string, param2=how many time do action

### json
// unmarshal (JSON -> structs)
type Struct stuct {
x string // same as JSON key
y string `json:"SomeKey"` // different as JSON key
var structVar Struct
json.Unmarshal([]byte(), &structVar)

// marshal (structs -> JSON)
type Struct struct {
x string `json:"SomeKey"`
structVar := Struct{
x: "y"
data, err := json.Marshal(&structVar) // use string(data)

### net/http

##### Simple http server
import (

func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/bar", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// request on:

port := "8080"
err := http.ListenAndServe(":" + port, nil)

if err != nil {

#### HTTP Requests
import "net/http"

// GET request
resp, err := http.Get(url)
defer resp.Body.Close() // close connection
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)

// POST request
resp, err := http.Post(url, content_type, &buf)
defer resp.Body.Close() // close connection
body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)

### sort
import "sort"

// sort strings
sort.Strings([]string{"x", "y"})

// sort ints
sort.Ints([]int{5, 4})

// sort float64s
sort.float64s([]float64{1.4, 1.9})

// sort other types
arr := []int64{5,6}
sort.Slice(arr, func(i, j int) bool {
return arr[i] > arr[j]

### slices
import "slices"

// biggest number

// smallest number

// clone slice

// reverse slice (modifi slice)

// sort slice (modifi slice)

// index of element, -1 if don't
slices.Index(slice, value)

// if 2 slices are same
slices.Index(slice, slice2)

### time

#### Delay
import "time"

// ms
func delayMs(ms time.Duration) {
time.Sleep(ms * time.Milisecond)

// sec
func delaySec(s time.Duration) {
time.Sleep(s * time.Second)

### math/rand

#### Random number
import (

func randInt(maxNumber int) int {
// reset time, so it will be random
newTime := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
resetRandom := rand.New(newTime)

// get random number
randomNumber := resetRandom.Intn(maxNumber)

return randomNumber

### testing

#### methods
import "testing"

func TestFunction(t *testing.T) {
// throw error and stop

// throw error and contiune

// print message
t.Logf("message %d", 1)

### reflect

#### type-of
import "reflect"

// get type of variable
reflect.TypeOf() // return type

## Todo
- [ ] stdlib -> encoding, strconv, strings, bytes, crypto, os, maps

## Project ideas
- [2048 game](
- ![image](
- [language guessing game](
- ![image](
- [plot chart](
- ![image](
- [LOC counter](
- ![image](
- [list files]()
- ![image](