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Minimal JavaScript kit without library dependencies to push things off-canvas using just class manipulation.
css-transforms off-canvas off-canvas-menu
Last synced: 6 days ago
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Minimal JavaScript kit without library dependencies to push things off-canvas using just class manipulation.
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: toomuchdesign
- License: mit
- Created: 2014-11-11T11:54:00.000Z (over 10 years ago)
- Default Branch: master
- Last Pushed: 2024-06-16T17:08:35.000Z (8 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-10-30T01:37:04.591Z (4 months ago)
- Topics: css-transforms, off-canvas, off-canvas-menu
- Language: JavaScript
- Homepage:
- Size: 197 KB
- Stars: 277
- Watchers: 10
- Forks: 23
- Open Issues: 2
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# Offside.js
[![Build Status][ci-img]][ci]
[ci]:**Offside.js** is a minimal JavaScript kit **without library dependencies** to push things off-canvas **using just class manipulation**. It's goal is to provide a super-lightweight, efficient and customizable way of handling off-canvas menus/elements on modern website and web applications.
**Offside.js** comes with its own default stylesheet which make use of **CSS 3D transform**, but **you can write your own CSS** hooking your style with Offside classes. This ensures **super flexibility** and completely **decouples Offside.js from your style/markup**.
## Demos
- [Single element](
- [Single element (without css 3dtransforms)](
- [Multiple elements](
- [Multiple elements (without css 3dtransforms)](
- [Typical setting]( Features:
- Minimal DOM manipulations
- No library dependencies
- Uses CSS3 3D transforms (if you want to)
- No injected style. Offside entirely relies on classes manipulations
- BEM-like style
- Degrades gracefully on browsers not supporting CSS3 3D transforms
- Handles multiple off-canvas elements
- Left/right off-canvas
- Style agnostic
- No need of extra classes or any specific markup.
- Consumable as `commonJS`/`ES` module with a `require('offside-js')`## Browser Compatibility
All **modern browsers** and **ie9+**.
Offside.js relies on **EventTarget.addEventListener / removeEventListener** and **querySelector / querySelectorAll** methods without any fallback.
Check relative browser compatibility:
- [EventTarget.addEventListener / removeEventListener](
- [querySelector / querySelectorAll]( Usage instructions
### Install:
You can install **Offside.js** as a [Bower]( or [NPM]( dependency.```sh
# Bower
bower install offside --save# NPM
npm install offside-js --save
```### 1. Link files:
```...or import as a module:
import 'offside-js/dist/offside.css';
import offside from 'offside-js';
```### 2. Markup example:
Offside toggle
Offside.js is designed to work with your existing HTML.
It **doesn't pre-requires any specific markup**. When Offside initializes It just adds a few classes on existing DOM elements.
### 3. Hook up the plugin:
//Offside.js minimal setup
var myOffside = offside( '#my-menu', {
buttonsSelector: '#my-button, .another-button',
#### What are "sliding elements"?
`slidingElementsSelector` is a selector list of all elements which slide out when an off-canvas element slides in. It's usually the page wrapper.
Use it only when you need your page to slide together with you off-canvas element.
### 4. Customizable options:
var myOffside = offside( '#my-menu', {
// Global offside options: affect all offside instances
slidingElementsSelector: '#my-content-container', // String: Sliding elements selectors ('#foo, #bar')
disableCss3dTransforms: false, // Disable CSS 3d Transforms support (for testing purposes)
debug: true, // Boolean: If true, print errors in console
// Offside instance options: affect only this offside instance
buttonsSelector: '#my-button, .another-button', // String: Offside toggle buttons selectors ('#foo, #bar')
slidingSide: 'right', // String: Offside element pushed on left or right
init: function(){}, // Function: After init callback
beforeOpen: function(){}, // Function: Before open callback
afterOpen: function(){}, // Function: After open callback
beforeClose: function(){}, // Function: Before close callback
afterClose: function(){}, // Function: After close callback
**Global offside options** are set when first Offside instance is created. This happens because **Offside factory** is created when the first `offside()` call occurs.
## Public methods
Offside.js plays well with your application. Each Offside instance exposes the following methods:
## How does it work?
When the first Offside element is initialized, a **singleton Offside factory** is created and used to return the first Offside instance. The factory keeps track of all initialized Offside elements.
Offside.js is entirely based on **classes injection** and **custom callbacks**. No style is DOM injected. Never!
Classes are injected in **just 3 elements**:
- body
- off-canvas elements
- sliding elements
Here a brief explanation.
### 1. Initialization
#### Callbacks fired:
- init()
#### Injected classes:
### 3. Offside open
#### Callbacks fired:
- beforeOpen()
- afterOpen()
#### Injected classes:
### 4. Offside closed
#### Callbacks fired:
- beforeClose()
- afterClose()
#### Injected classes:
## Tips and Tricks
- Set **off-canvas elements width** directly into `offside.css` stylesheet.
- Replace `offside.css` with `offside-no-css-3d-transforms.css` stylesheet and and set `disableCss3dTransforms` setting to `true` to try the fallback.
### Do you really need a JS plugin?
If you need to set up a simple off-canvas menu, you might not need JS! [This Chris Coyer's post]( explains a nice solution which relies on **CSS :target selector**. ie9+ only!
## Known bugs
### Off-canvas elements blocked on the page
On some old mobile browsers ( as Android 2.2.2 FroYo ) off-canvas elements won't get out the page on page load.
This happens because their internal browser do not officially support CSS transforms (see [can I use chart](, but, according to my experience, they only support it partially. Infact these browser are able to pass Offside CSS 3dTransform test and do not activate Offside fallback strategy.
Offside instances are normally set to `position: fixed` and these browser are not able to apply `translate3d` transform to fixed positioned element.
An easy - but simplistic - fix, is to switch `.offside` position to `absolute` and properly set a relative position to a parent element (of course, it might have an impact on your page layout):
.offside {
position: absolute;
### Off-canvas elements inside a sliding element
Like this:
When an element receives a 3D transform style, It creates a containing block for all its descendants that have been set to `position: fixed` or `position: absolute`. Read more [here](
## To do's
Some ideas for the future. If you'd like to see any of the following realized, please contribute or open an issue.
- Expose Offside factory initialization method *(now called on first Offside instance initialization)*
- Customizable Offside classes
- Declare a different set of sliding elements for each Offside instance
- Add an option to let more than one Offside instance open at same time
- Replace GruntJS with npm script tasks
- Replace callbacks with global events *(maybe)*
- Remove CSS 3D Transform Support check *(maybe)*
## Working on the repository
Make sure you have **node** and **npm** on your machine. When ready, you can install Offside.js dependencies:
npm install
# or
npm run setup
Once everything is set up, work in `src` directory and build `dist` files using:
npm run watch
# or
npm run build
### Updating gh-pages branch (just a reminder)
git checkout gh-pages
git checkout master demos
git checkout master dist
## Versioning
Starting from version **1.3.0**, this library uses [semantic versioning](
## Thanks to
- [Christopher Yee's pushy.js](
- [Viljami Salminen's responsive-nav.js](