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Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.

event-callback keyboard keyboard-events keyboard-layout keyboard-listeners

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Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps.

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# Typist

![Swift Version](
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[![Carthage compatible](](
[![Accio supported](](
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Typist is a small, drop-in Swift UIKit keyboard manager for iOS apps. It helps you manage keyboard's screen presence and behavior without notification center and Objective-C.


## Usage

Declare what should happen on what event and `start()` listening to keyboard events. That's it.

let keyboard = Typist.shared // use `Typist()` whenever you can, see note on singleton usage below

func configureKeyboard() {

.on(event: .didShow) { (options) in
print("New Keyboard Frame is \(options.endFrame).")
.on(event: .didHide) { (options) in
print("It took \(options.animationDuration) seconds to animate keyboard out.")


You _must_ call `start()` for callbacks to be triggered. Calling `stop()` on instance will stop callbacks from triggering, but callbacks themselves won't be dismissed, thus you can resume event callbacks by calling `start()` again.

To remove all event callbacks, call `clear()`.

#### Interactivity and `inputAccessoryView`

You can dismiss keyboard interactively when using Typist with `UIScrollView` instances.

let keyboard = Typist()

func configureKeyboard() {

.toolbar(scrollView: tableView) // Enables interactive dismissal
.on(event: .willChangeFrame) { (options) in
// You are responsible animating inputAccessoryView
.on(event: .willHide) { (options) in
// Triggered when keyboard is dismissed non-interactively.


`.on(event: .willChangeFrame, do: {...})` will update as frequently as keyboard frame changes due to UIScrollView scrolling. It is good practice to implement `.willHide` portion as well since keyboard might be dismissed non-interactively, for example, using `resignFirstResponder()`.

Example from above is [implemented in demo app](Typist/ViewController.swift).

#### On Singleton Usage

Usage of `shared` singleton, considered to be OK for convenient access to instance. However, it is strongly recommended to instantiate dedicated `Typist()` for each usage (in `UIViewController`, most likely). **Do not use singleton** when two or more objects using `Typist.shared` are presented on screen simultaneously, as it will cause one of the controllers to fail receiving keyboard events.

### Event Callback Options

Every event callback has a parameter of `Typist.KeyboardOptions` type. It is an inert/immutable struct which carries all data that keyboard has at the event of happening:

* **`belongsToCurrentApp`** — `Bool` that identifies whether the keyboard belongs to the current app. With multitasking on iPad, all visible apps are notified when the keyboard appears and disappears. The value is `true` for the app that caused the keyboard to appear and `false` for any other apps.
* **`startFrame`** — `CGRect` that identifies the start frame of the keyboard in screen coordinates. These coordinates do not take into account any rotation factors applied to the view’s contents as a result of interface orientation changes. Thus, you may need to convert the rectangle to view coordinates (using the `convert(CGRect, from: UIView?)` method) before using it.
* **`endFrame`** — `CGRect` that identifies the end frame of the keyboard in screen coordinates. These coordinates do not take into account any rotation factors applied to the view’s contents as a result of interface orientation changes. Thus, you may need to convert the rectangle to view coordinates (using the `convert(CGRect, from: UIView?)` method) before using it.
* **`animationCurve`** — `UIView.AnimationCurve` constant that defines how the keyboard will be animated onto or off the screen.
* **`animationDuration`** — `Double` that identifies the duration of the animation in seconds.
* **`animationOptions`** — `UIView.AnimationOptions` helper property that maps the `animationCurve` to its respective `UIView.AnimationOptions` value. Usefull when performming view animations using `UIView.animate(...`.

### Events

Following keyboard events are supported:

* `willShow`
* `didShow`
* `willHide`
* `didHide`
* `willChangeFrame`
* `didChangeFrame` – e.g. when keyboard is dynamically dismissed from scroll view interaction.

If you declare two closures on same event, only latter will be executed.


## Installation

#### CocoaPods
You can use [CocoaPods]( to install `Typist` by adding it to your `Podfile`:

platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'Typist'

Import `Typist` wherever you plan to listen to keyboard events. Usually in your `UIViewController` subclasses.

``` swift
import UIKit
import Typist

#### Carthage
Create a `Cartfile` that lists the framework and run `carthage update`. Follow the [instructions]( to add `$(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/Typist.framework` to an iOS project.

github "totocaster/Typist"

#### Accio

Initialize your project with [Accio]( using the `init` command.

Add the following to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.4.2")),

Next, add `Typist` to your App targets dependencies like so:

name: "App",
dependencies: [

Then run `accio update`.

#### Manually
Download and drop ```Typist.swift``` in your project.


My thanks to [Jake Marsh]( for featuring Typist on Little Bites of Cocoa [#282: Taming the Keyboard with Typist ⌨️]( It made my day.


## License

Typist is released under the MIT license. See ``LICENSE`` for details.