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An implementation of the Actor model for PHP
actor-model concurrency php php-extension reactive-programming
Last synced: 3 months ago
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An implementation of the Actor model for PHP
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: tpunt
- License: bsd-3-clause
- Created: 2016-12-01T15:11:43.000Z (about 8 years ago)
- Default Branch: master
- Last Pushed: 2018-04-21T15:21:50.000Z (almost 7 years ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-08-05T09:12:32.079Z (7 months ago)
- Topics: actor-model, concurrency, php, php-extension, reactive-programming
- Language: C
- Homepage:
- Size: 388 KB
- Stars: 61
- Watchers: 6
- Forks: 5
- Open Issues: 8
Metadata Files:
- Readme:
- License: LICENSE
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# The Phactor Extension
This extension seeks to provide an implementation of the [Actor model]( in PHP. Due to the size and complexity of this project, I am making an early-stage release of it, in hopes that it will attract the help of other developers.
Relevant reading:
- [Actor model (Wikipedia)](
- [The Reactive Manifesto]( details:
- Uses an N:M threading model
- Cooperative scheduling of actors
- Actors have an initial cost of ~500 bytesRequirements:
- A ZTS version of PHP 7.2 (master branch is currently unsupported)
- An x86-64 Unix-based OS
- The Pthread libraryMajor goals:
- Stabilise things (ongoing)
- Implement supervision trees (in progress)
- Implement remote actors (to do)
- Implement internal non-blocking APIs (to do)How you can help:
- Resolve any of the open issues of this repo
- Open new issues for: bugs, general feedback, support for a platform, ideas discussion, etcThis extension has been tested on OS X (Yosemite and Sierra), Centos 7 (64bit), and Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 (64bit).
## The Basics
Each actorised application will have its own actor system. This actor system is responsible for managing the actors within its system, along with configuring it.
Each actor has a single entry point: `Actor::receive()`. This method will be automatically invoked upon actor creation, where the actor will then be able to begin handling messages from its mailbox. Once the `Actor::receive()` method has finished executing, the actor will be destroyed. This means that in order to keep an actor alive, the `Actor::receive()` method needs to keep executing. This can be achieved by invoking the `Actor::receiveBlock()` method (perhaps in tandem with looping) to voluntarily interrupt the actor, placing it in an idle state where it will wait for new messages to arrive.
To shut down an actor system, the `ActorSystem::shutdown()` static method must be invoked (it can be called from anywhere in the application).
The following script demonstrates the basic flow of execution when using an actor:
str = $param;
// send a message to itself
$this->send('actor name', "{$param} {$param}");
}// automatically invoked (at an arbitrary time after __construct)
public function receive()
var_dump($this->str); // string(5) "arg 1"$message = $this->receiveBlock(); // wait here for a new message
var_dump($message); // string(11) "arg 1 arg 1"
ActorSystem::shutdown(); // shut down the actor system
// end of receive() method - the actor will be destroyed (asynchronously)
}// spawn the new actor - executes the actor's __construct() and receive() methods
new ActorRef(Test::class, ['arg 1'], 'actor name');
```## API
send($actorRef, 123);
}public function receive()
var_dump($this->receiveBlock()); // int(123)
}// spawn a new anonymous actor
new ActorRef(Test::class);
```An actor sending messages to itself in a synchronous execution style:
send('testing', $s);
}public function receive()
$i = 0;do {
// block here, waiting for a new message to be received
$message = $this->receiveBlock();
var_dump($message);if ($message === 'shutdown') {
}// send a message to itself again
$this->send('testing', $this->messages[$i++]);
} while (true);// shut down the actor system - without this, the PHP process will not stop
}// spawn the new actor
new ActorRef(Test::class, ['something 0'], 'testing');
```Using a supervisor with the `ONE_FOR_ONE` supervision strategy to handle the crashing of an actor (by automatically restarting it):
}// the worker
class B extends Actor
private static $i = 0;public function __construct()
if (self::$i === 0) {
++self::$i; // make it crash once here
var_dump('Crashing B in __construct()');
throw new exception();
}public function receive()
if (self::$i === 1) {
++self::$i; // make it crash once here
var_dump('Crashing B in receive()');
throw new exception();
}$this->send('b', 1); // send itself a message to resume after the following interrupt
$this->receiveBlock(); // interrupt and wait for the int(1) message to arrive
if (self::$i === 2) {
++self::$i; // make it crash once here
var_dump('Crashing B in receive() again');
throw new exception();
}var_dump('Made it!');
}$a = new ActorRef(A::class, [], 'a');
$s = new Supervisor($a);$b = $s->newWorker(B::class, [], 'b');
```**Note:** whilst static variables have been used in the above example (to crash an actor a controlled number of times), static state is very unpredictable and should be avoided in such concurrent applications.
Whenever an actor is restarted, a new actor object will be created (so the `__construct` and `receive` methods will both be invoked again). The restarted actor will have the same reference and (if provided) the same name.
Because the actor could crash inside of its constructor, we created the new actor using the `Supervisor::newWorker()` method. This enables for an actor to be automatically restarted if it failed to construct itself (currently, the restart limit is hard coded to `5` - this will become configurable in future).