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Remove all background color on Vim

colorscheme transparent-term vim

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Remove all background color on Vim

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# Vim transparent

If you love transparent term, but your favourite vim color scheme doesn't

If you use Neovim, See [transparent.nvim][]


# Screenshots

Without vim-transparent (example color scheme is [eva01][])

![eva01 without transparent](

With vim-transparent

![eva01 with transparent](


## Installation

I recommend to use [Vim-Plug][] to manage plugins.

Plug 'tribela/vim-transparent'


## Configuration

### Advanced configuration

The bad thing is something in vim may be not transparent, if you use vim plugins. You can use `:filter // hi` to find the highlight groups e.g. `:filter /CocList/ hi`, and change it.

For example, I use these plugins, [coc.nvim](, [lightline](, [rnvimr](, [fzf.vim](, [vim-deus](

:bulb: You can also use `let g:transparent_groups_add` if you just want to add some groups, without overriding the defaults.

Plug 'tribela/vim-transparent'

" default
let g:transparent_groups = ['Normal', 'Comment', 'Constant', 'Special', 'Identifier',
\ 'Statement', 'PreProc', 'Type', 'Underlined', 'Todo', 'String',
\ 'Function', 'Conditional', 'Repeat', 'Operator', 'Structure',
\ 'LineNr', 'NonText', 'SignColumn', 'CursorLineNr', 'EndOfBuffer']

" Pmenu
let g:transparent_groups += ['Pmenu']

" coc.nvim
let g:transparent_groups += ['NormalFloat', 'CocFloating']

augroup transparent
autocmd VimEnter,ColorScheme * call MyTransparent()
augroup END

function! MyTransparent()
" Customize the highlight groups for transparency in here.

" CursorLine
"hi CursorLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=239 guibg=NONE guibg=#4e4e4e

" coc.nvim
"hi CocMenuSel ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e

`vim-deus` configs:

set t_Co=256
set termguicolors

let &t_8f = "\[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"

" Add `let s:ds.none = ['NONE', 'NONE']` to deus.vim.
let g:deus_sign_column = 'none'

"set background=dark " Setting dark mode
colorscheme deus
let g:deus_termcolors=256

Because of `let g:transparent_groups += ['NormalFloat', 'CocFloating']`, floating windows are transparent. So add borders for those transparent floating windows. Input `:CocConfig` to open the `coc-settings.json`, and add the blew:

// `:h coc-config-float`
"suggest.floatConfig": {
"border": true
"diagnostic.floatConfig": {
"border": true
"signature.floatConfig": {
"border": true
"hover.floatConfig": {
"border": true

Make lightline transparent:

autocmd VimEnter * call SetupLightlineColors()
function SetupLightlineColors() abort
" transparent background in statusbar
let l:palette = lightline#palette()

" `let s:p.{mode}.{where} = [ [ {guifg}, {guibg}, {ctermfg}, {ctermbg} ], ... ]`
let l:palette.normal = {
\ 'left': [[ '#008080', 'NONE', 6, 'NONE' ]],
\ 'middle': [[ '#008080', 'NONE', 6, 'NONE' ]],
\ 'right': [[ '#008080', 'NONE', 6, 'NONE' ]],
\ }
let l:palette.inactive = l:palette.normal
let l:palette.visual = l:palette.normal
let l:palette.insert = l:palette.normal
let l:palette.replace = l:palette.normal
let l:palette.tabline = {
\ 'left': [[ '#0000ff', 'NONE', 12, 'NONE' ]],
\ 'tabsel': [[ '#008080', 'NONE', 6, 'NONE' ]],
\ 'middle': [[ 'NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE' ]],
\ 'right': [[ 'NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'NONE' ]],
\ }

call lightline#colorscheme()

" Comment out the `colorscheme`.
let g:lightline = {
"\ 'colorscheme': 'deus',
\ }


" Rnvimr background
":hi RnvimrNormal
" show draw border
let g:rnvimr_draw_border = 1


":echo g:fzf_colors
" transparent the gutter
let $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=$FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS .. ' --color=gutter:-1'

### Images

lightline and vim-deus:


coc.nvim floating windows:


coc.nvim CocList:






## Usage

vim-transparent automatically transparent all of highlight settings.

You can disable it by `:TransparentDisable` and re-enable it by `:TransparentEnable`