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Endomorphism utilities.

endo endomorphism haskell monoid

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Endomorphism utilities.

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# Endo

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[![BSD3 License](][tl;dr Legal: BSD3]


## Description

Endomorphism utilities.

## Usage Examples

Examples in this section were taken from real live production code, but they
were tamed down a little.

### Basic Idea

Lets define simple application `Config` data type as:

data Verbosity = Silent | Normal | Verbose | Annoying
deriving (Show)

data Config = Config
{ _verbosity :: Verbosity
, _outputFile :: FilePath
deriving (Show)

Now lets define setters for `_verbosity` and `_outputFile`:

setVerbosity :: Verbosity -> E Config
setVerbosity b cfg = cfg{_verbosity = b}

setOutputFile :: FilePath -> E Config
setOutputFile b cfg = cfg{_outputFile = b}

Note that E is defined in `Data.Monoid.Endo` module and it looks like:

type E a = a -> a

Its purpose is to simplify type signatures.

Now lets get to our first example:

example1 :: E Config
example1 = appEndo $ foldEndo
&$ setVerbosity Annoying
&$ setOutputFile "an.out.put"

Above example shows us that it is possible to modify `Config` as if it was a
monoid, but without actually having to state it as such. In practice it is not
always possible to define it as `Monoid`, or at least as a `Semigroup`.
Endomorphism are monoids under composition, therefore they are what usually
works in situations when the modified data type can not be instantiated as a

### Working With Corner Cases

In real applications corner cases arise quite easily, e.g. `FilePath` has one
pathological case, and that is `""`. There is a lot of ways to handle it. Here
we will concentrate only few basic techniques to illustrate versatility of our

-- | Trying to set output file to \"\" will result in keeping original value.
setOutputFile2 :: FilePath -> E Config
setOutputFile2 "" = id
setOutputFile2 fp = setOutputFile fp

example2 :: E Config
example2 = appEndo $ foldEndo
&$ setVerbosity Annoying
&$ setOutputFile2 "an.out.put"

Same as above, but exploits `instance AnEndo a => AnEndo Maybe a`:

setOutputFile3 :: FilePath -> Maybe (E Config)
setOutputFile3 "" = Nothing
setOutputFile3 fp = Just $ setOutputFile fp

example3 :: E Config
example3 = appEndo $ foldEndo
&$ setVerbosity Annoying
&$ setOutputFile3 "an.out.put"
Great thing about `Maybe` is the fact that it has `Alternative` and `MonadPlus`
instances. Using `guard` may simplify `setOutputFile3` in to definition like

setOutputFile3':: FilePath -> Maybe (E Config)
setOutputFile3' fp = setOutputFile fp <$ guard (not (null fp))

Following example uses common pattern of using `Either` as error reporting
monad. This approach can be easily modified for arbitrary error reporting

setOutputFile4 :: FilePath -> Either String (E Config)
setOutputFile4 "" = Left "Output file: Empty file path."
setOutputFile4 fp = Right $ setOutputFile fp

example4 :: Either String (E Config)
example4 = appEndo <&$> foldEndo
<*> pure (setVerbosity Annoying)
<*> setOutputFile4 "an.out.put"

Notice, that above example uses applicative style. Normally when using this
style, for setting record values, one needs to keep in sync order of
constructor arguments and order of operations. Using `foldEndo` (and its
dual `dualFoldEndo`) doesn't have this restriction.

### Lenses

Instead of setter functions one may want to use lenses. In this example we use
types from [lens package][Hackage: lens], but definitions use function from
[between package][Hackage: between]:

verbosity :: Lens' Config Verbosity
verbosity = _verbosity ~@@^> \s b -> s{_verbosity = b}

outputFile :: Lens' Config FilePath
outputFile = _outputFile ~@@^> \s b -> s{_outputFile = b}

Now setting values of `Config` would look like:

example5 :: E Config
example5 = appEndo $ foldEndo
&$ verbosity .~ Annoying
&$ outputFile .~ "an.out.put"

### Other Usage

Probably one of the most interesting things that can be done with this
module is following:

instance AnEndo Verbosity where
type EndoOperatesOn Verbosity = Config
anEndo = Endo . set verbosity

newtype OutputFile = OutputFile FilePath

instance AnEndo OutputFile where
type EndoOperatesOn OutputFile = Config
anEndo (OutputFile fp) = Endo $ outputFile .~ fp

example6 :: E Config
example6 = appEndo $ foldEndo
&$ Annoying
&$ OutputFile "an.out.put"

### Using with optparse-applicative

This is a more complex example that defines parser for
[optparse-applicative][Hackage: optparse-applicative] built on top of some of
the above definitions:

options :: Parser Config
options = runIdentityT $ runEndo defaultConfig <$> options'
-- All this IdentityT clutter is here to avoid orphan instances.
options' :: IdentityT Parser (Endo Config)
options' = foldEndo
<*> outputOption -- :: IdentityT Parser (Maybe (E Config))
<*> verbosityOption -- :: IdentityT Parser (Maybe (E Config))
<*> annoyingFlag -- :: IdentityT Parser (E Config)
<*> silentFlag -- :: IdentityT Parser (E Config)
<*> verboseFlag -- :: IdentityT Parser (E Config)

defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config Normal ""

-- >>> :main -o an.out.put --annoying
-- Config {_verbosity = Annoying, _outputFile = "an.out.put"}
main :: IO ()
main = execParser (info options fullDesc) >>= print

Parsers for individual options and flags are wrapped in `IdentityT`, because
there is no following instance:

instance FoldEndoArgs r => FoldEndoArgs (Parser r)

But there is:

instance (Applicative f, FoldEndoArgs r) => FoldEndoArgs (IdentityT f r)

Functions used by the above code example:

outputOption :: IdentityT Parser (Maybe (E Config))
outputOption =
IdentityT . optional . option (set outputFile <$> parseFilePath)
$ short 'o' <> long "output" <> metavar "FILE"
<> help "Store output in to a FILE."
parseFilePath = eitherReader $ \s ->
if null s
then Left "Option argument can not be empty file path."
else Right s

verbosityOption :: IdentityT Parser (Maybe (E Config))
verbosityOption =
IdentityT . optional . option (set verbosity <$> parseVerbosity)
$ long "verbosity" <> metavar "LEVEL" <> help "Set verbosity to LEVEL."
verbosityToStr = map toLower . Data.showConstr . Data.toConstr
verbosityIntValues = [(show $ fromEnum v, v) | v <- [Silent .. Annoying]]
verbosityStrValues =
("default", Normal) : [(verbosityToStr v, v) | v <- [Silent .. Annoying]]

parseVerbosityError = unwords
[ "Verbosity can be only number from interval"
, show $ map fromEnum [minBound, maxBound :: Verbosity]
, "or one of the following:"
, concat . intersperse ", " $ map fst verbosityStrValues

parseVerbosity = eitherReader $ \s ->
case lookup s $ verbosityIntValues ++ verbosityStrValues of
Just v -> Right v
Nothing -> Left parseVerbosityError

annoyingFlag :: IdentityT Parser (E Config)
annoyingFlag = IdentityT . flag id (verbosity .~ Annoying)
$ long "annoying" <> help "Set verbosity to maximum."

silentFlag :: IdentityT Parser (E Config)
silentFlag = IdentityT . flag id (verbosity .~ Silent)
$ short 's' <> long "silent" <> help "Set verbosity to minimum."

verboseFlag :: IdentityT Parser (E Config)
verboseFlag = IdentityT . flag id (verbosity .~ Verbose)
$ short 'v' <> long "verbose" <> help "Be verbose."

## Building Options

* `-fpedantic` (disabled by default)

Pass additional warning flags to GHC.


The BSD 3-Clause License, see [LICENSE][] file for details.

## Contributions

Contributions, pull requests and bug reports are welcome! Please don't be
afraid to contact author using GitHub or by e-mail.

[Hackage: between]:
"between package on Hackage"
[Hackage: endo]:
"endo package on Hackage"
[Hackage: lens]:
"lens package on Hackage"
[Hackage: optparse-applicative]:
"optparse-applicative package on Hackage"
"The Haskell Programming Language"
"License of endo package."
[tl;dr Legal: BSD3]:
"BSD 3-Clause License (Revised)"