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Advanced, highly customizable phone input component for Ant Design.

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Advanced, highly customizable phone input component for Ant Design.

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# Antd Phone Input


Advanced phone input component for Material UI that leverages the react-phone-hooks supporting all countries. The package is compatible with antd 4 and 5 versions. It provides built-in support for area codes and strict validation.

Antd Phone Input

## Value

The value of the component is an object containing the parts of the phone number. This format of value gives a wide range of opportunities for handling the data in your desired way.

countryCode: 1,
areaCode: "702",
phoneNumber: "1234567",
isoCode: "us",
valid: function valid(strict)

## Validation

The validation is checked by the `valid` function of the value object that returns a boolean value. An example with the [react-hook-form]( is shown below:

import React from "react";
import PhoneInput from "antd-phone-input";
import FormItem from "antd/es/form/FormItem";

const validator = (_, {valid}) => {
// if (valid(true)) return Promise.resolve(); // strict validation
if (valid()) return Promise.resolve(); // non-strict validation
return Promise.reject("Invalid phone number");

const Demo = () => {
return (


export default Demo;

The `valid` function primarily checks if a phone number has a length appropriate for its specified country. In addition, a more comprehensive validation can be performed, including verifying the dial and area codes' accuracy for the selected country. To activate the strict validation, pass `true` as the first argument to the `valid` function.

## Localization

The package provides a built-in localization feature that allows you to change the language of the component. The `locale` function returns the language object that can be passed to the `ConfigProvider` component of Ant Design.

import PhoneInput, {locale} from "antd-phone-input";


NOTE: If you use localization in the [documented]( way, you should replace the object passed to the `locale` property with the `locale` function, specifying the desired language code.

## Props

Apart from the phone-specific properties described below, all [Input]( properties supported by the used Ant Design version can be applied to the phone input component.

| Property | Description | Type |
| value | An object containing a parsed phone number or the raw number. This also applies to the `initialValue` property of [Form.Item]( | [object](#value) / string |
| country | Country code to be selected by default. By default, it will show the flag of the user's country. | string |
| enableArrow | Shows an arrow next to the country flag. Default value is `false`. | boolean |
| enableSearch | Enables search in the country selection dropdown menu. Default value is `false`. | boolean |
| searchNotFound | The value is shown if `enableSearch` is `true` and the query does not match any country. Default value is `No country found`. | string |
| searchPlaceholder | The value is shown if `enableSearch` is `true`. Default value is `Search country`. | string |
| disableDropdown | Disables the manual country selection through the dropdown menu. | boolean |
| disableParentheses | Disables parentheses from the input masks. Default enabled. | boolean |
| onlyCountries | Country codes to be included in the list. E.g. `onlyCountries={['us', 'ca', 'uk']}`. | string[] |
| excludeCountries | Country codes to be excluded from the list of countries. E.g. `excludeCountries={['us', 'ca', 'uk']}`. | string[] |
| preferredCountries | Country codes to be at the top of the list. E.g. `preferredCountries={['us', 'ca', 'uk']}`. | string[] |
| dropdownRender | Customize the dropdown menu content. | (menu: ReactNode) => ReactNode |
| onChange | The only difference from the original `onChange` is that value comes first. | function(value, event) |
| onMount | The callback is triggered once the component gets mounted. | function(value) |

## Contribute

Any contribution is welcome. Don't hesitate to open an issue or discussion if you have questions about your project's usage and integration. For ideas or suggestions, please open a pull request. Your name will shine on our contributors' list. Be proud of what you build!

## License

Copyright (C) 2023 Artyom Vancyan. [MIT](LICENSE)