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🍊 Sweet Fennel integration for Neovim

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🍊 Sweet Fennel integration for Neovim

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# :tangerine: Tangerine :tangerine:

![Neovim version](
![GNU Neovim in Emacs version](

[About](#about) β€’ [Installation](#installation) β€’ [Setup](#setup) β€’ [Commands](#commands) β€’ [API](#api) β€’ [Development](#development)

# About

> Tangerine provides a painless way to add fennel to your config.

## Features

- :fire: _BLAZING_ fast, compile times in milliseconds
- :ocean: 100% support for interactive evaluation
- :bamboo: Control over when and how to compile
- :ribbon: Natively loads `nvim/init.fnl`

## Comparison to other plugins

HOTPOT :stew:

- Abstracts too much away from the user.
- Hooks onto lua package searchers to compile [harder to debug].

ANISEED :herb:

- Excessively feature rich for use in dotfiles.
- Blindly compiles all files that it founds, resulting in slow load times.

# Installation

1. Create file `plugin/0-tangerine.lua` to bootstrap tangerine:

> If you are using [lazy.nvim]( then you should create `init.lua` instead of `plugin/0-tangerine.lua`.
> Refer to [#20]( for more information.

-- ~/.config/nvim/plugin/0-tangerine.lua or ~/.config/nvim/init.lua

-- pick your plugin manager
local pack = "tangerine" or "packer" or "paq" or "lazy"

local function bootstrap(url, ref)
local name = url:gsub(".*/", "")
local path

if pack == "lazy" then
path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/" .. name
path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/".. pack .. "/start/" .. name

if vim.fn.isdirectory(path) == 0 then
print(name .. ": installing in data dir...")

vim.fn.system {"git", "clone", url, path}
if ref then
vim.fn.system {"git", "-C", path, "checkout", ref}

vim.cmd "redraw"
print(name .. ": finished installing")

-- for stable version [recommended]
bootstrap("", "v2.9")

-- for git head

2. Call tangerine `setup()` function, see [config](#default-config) for valid options:

-- ~/.config/nvim/plugin/0-tangerine.lua

require "tangerine".setup {}

3. Invoke `:FnlCompile` manually or add hooks in [setup](#setup).

:tanabata_tree: Now start writing your config in `~/.config/nvim/init.fnl`.

:hibiscus: Optionally you can also install [hibiscus]( for macros.

## Package Management

Only use a package manager if you haven't used `ref` option in bootstrap function.


(local packer (require :packer))

(packer.startup (lambda [use]
(use :udayvir-singh/tangerine.nvim)))

Using [hibiscus]( macros:

(require-macros :hibiscus.packer)

(packer-setup {}) ; bootstraps packer

(use! :udayvir-singh/tangerine.nvim))


(local paq (require :paq))

(paq [


(local lazy (require :lazy))

(lazy.setup [

# Setup

### Default config

Tangerine comes with sane defaults so that you can get going without having to add much to your config:

local nvim_dir = vim.fn.stdpath [[config]]

vimrc = nvim_dir .. "/init.fnl",
source = nvim_dir .. "/fnl",
target = nvim_dir .. "/lua",
rtpdirs = {},

custom = {
-- list of custom [source target] chunks, for example:
-- {"~/.config/awesome/fnl", "~/.config/awesome/lua"}

compiler = {
float = true, -- show output in floating window
clean = true, -- delete stale lua files
force = false, -- disable diffing (not recommended)
verbose = true, -- enable messages showing compiled files

globals = vim.tbl_keys(_G), -- list of alowed globals in fennel code

-- wrapper function that provides access to underlying fennel compiler
-- useful if you want to modify fennel API or want to provide your own fennel compiler
adviser = function (fennel)
-- for example, adding a custom macro path:
-- fennel["macro-path"] = fennel["macro-path"] .. ";/custom/path/?.fnl"
return fennel

-- version of fennel to use, [ latest, 1-4-2, 1-4-1, 1-4-0, 1-3-1, 1-3-0, 1-2-1, 1-2-0, 1-1-0, 1-0-0, 0-10-0, 0-9-2 ]
version = "latest",

-- hooks for tangerine to compile on:
-- "onsave" run every time you save fennel file in {source} dir
-- "onload" run on VimEnter event
-- "oninit" run before sourcing init.fnl [recommended than onload]
hooks = {}

eval = {
float = true, -- show results in floating window
luafmt = function() -- function that returns formatter with flags for peeked lua
-- optionally install lua-format by running `$ luarocks install --local --server= luaformatter`
return {"~/.luarocks/bin/lua-format", "--column-limit", "80"}

diagnostic = {
virtual = true, -- show errors in virtual text
timeout = 10 -- how long should the error persist

keymaps = {
-- set them to if you want to disable them
eval_buffer = "gE",
peek_buffer = "gL",
goto_output = "gO",
float = {
next = "",
prev = "",
kill = "",
close = "",
resizef = "=",
resizeb = "-"

highlight = {
float = "Normal",
success = "String",
errors = "DiagnosticError"

### Example Config

Here is config that I use in my dotfiles:

-- save fnl output in a separate dir, it gets automatically added to package.path
target = vim.fn.stdpath [[data]] .. "/tangerine",

-- compile files in &rtp
rtpdirs = {
"$HOME/mydir" -- absolute paths are also supported

compiler = {
-- disable popup showing compiled files
verbose = false,

-- compile every time you change fennel files or on entering vim
hooks = {"onsave", "oninit"}

# Commands

## Compiling

#### :FnlCompileBuffer

Compiles current active fennel buffer.

#### :FnlCompile[!]

Diff compiles all indexed fennel files.

If bang! is present then forcefully compiles all `source` files.

#### :FnlClean[!]

Deletes stale or orphaned lua files in `target` dir.

If bang! is present then it deletes all compiled lua files.

## Evaluation

#### :Fnl {expr}

Executes and Evalutate {expr} of fennel.

:Fnl (print "Hello World")
-> Hello World

:Fnl (values some_var)
-> :return [ 1 2 3 4 ]

#### :FnlFile {file}

Evaluates {file} of fennel and outputs the result.

:FnlFile path/source.fnl

:FnlFile % ;; not recommended

#### :[range]FnlBuffer

Evaluates all lines or [range] in current fennel buffer.

> mapped to `gE` by default.

## Peeking

#### :[range]FnlPeek

Peek lua output for [range] in current fennel buffer.

> mapped to `gL` by default.

#### :FnlGotoOutput

Open lua output of current fennel buffer in a new buffer.

> mapped to `gO` by default.

## Window

#### :FnlWinNext [N]

Jump to [N]th next floating window created by tangerine..

> mapped to `CTRL-K` in floats by default.

#### :FnlWinPrev [N]

Jump to [N]th previous floating window created by tangerine.

> mapped to `CTRL-J` in floats by default.

#### :FnlWinResize [N]

Increase or Decrease floating window height by [N] factor.

> mapped to `CTRL-W =` to increase and `CTRL-W -` decrease by default.

#### :FnlWinClose

Closes current floating window under cursor.

> mapped to `ENTER` in floats by default.

#### :FnlWinKill

Closes all floating windows made by tangerine.

> mapped to `ESC` in floats by default.


**Q: How to make tangerine compile automatically when you open vim**

**A:** add hooks in config:

require [[tangerine]].setup {
compiler = {
-- if you want to compile before loading init.fnl (recommended)
hooks = {"oninit"}

-- if you want to compile after VimEnter event has fired
hooks = {"onenter"}

**Q: How to tuck away compiled output in a separate directory**

**A:** change target in config:

require [[tangerine]].setup {
target = "/path/to/your/dir"

**Q: How to make impatient work with tangerine**

**A:** bootstrap and require impatient before calling tangerine:

bootstrap ""

require [[impatient]]

require [[tangerine]].setup {...}

**Q: How to use lua files interchangeably with fennel files**

**A:** lua files can simply be stored in `fnl` dir:

β”œβ”€β”€ options.lua
└── autocmd.fnl

; require both as normal modules in your config
(require :options)
(require :autocmd)

**Q: How to fix errors in macros while migrating from hotpot**

**A:** make sure that macro files are suffixed with `-macros.fnl`.

β”œβ”€β”€ neovim-macros.fnl
└── packer-macros.fnl

Refer to [#2]( and [#30]( for more information

# Api

By default tangerine provides the following api:

:Fnl tangerine.api

-> :return {
:compile {
:all (function 0)
:buffer (function 1)
:custom (function 2)
:dir (function 3)
:file (function 4)
:rtp (function 5)
:string (function 6)
:vimrc (function 7)
:clean {
:rtp (function 8)
:target (function 9)
:orphaned (function 10)
:eval {
:buffer (function 11)
:file (function 12)
:peek (function 13)
:string (function 14)
:win {
:next (function 15)
:prev (function 16)
:close (function 17)
:killall (function 18)
:resize (function 19)
:goto_output (function 20)
:serialize (function 21)

## Compiler Api

#### compile-string

(tangerine.api.compile.string {str} {opts?})

Compiles string {str} of fennel, returns string of lua.

##### Parameters:


#### compile-file

(tangerine.api.compile.file {source} {target} {opts?})

Compiles fennel {source} and writes output to {target}.

##### Parameters:


#### compile-dir

(tangerine.api.compile.dir {source} {target} {opts?})

Diff compiles files in {source} dir and outputs to {target} dir.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} disables diffing if set to `true`

##### Example:

{:force false :float true :verbose true})

#### compile-buffer

(tangerine.api.compile.buffer {opts?})

Compiles the current active fennel buffer.

##### Parameters:


#### compile-vimrc

(tangerine.api.compile.vimrc {opts?})

Diff compiles `config.vimrc` to `` dir.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} disables diffing if set to `true`

#### compile-rtp

(tangerine.api.compile.rtp {opts?})

Diff compiles fennel files in `config.rtpdirs` or {opts.rtpdirs}.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} disables diffing if set to `true`

##### Example:

(tangerine.api.compile.rtp {
:rtpdirs ["colors" "plugin" "$HOME/mydir"]
:force false
:float true
:verbose true })

#### compile-custom

(tangerine.api.compile.custom {opts?})

Diff compiles fennel files indexed in `config.custom` or {opts.custom}.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} disables diffing if set to `true`

##### Example:

(tangerine.api.compile.custom {
:custom [["~/path/fnl" "~/path/lua"]]
:force false
:float true
:verbose true })

#### compile-all

(tangerine.api.compile.all {opts?})

Diff compiles all indexed fennel files in `config`.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} disables diffing if set to `true`

## Cleaning Api

Provides functions to clean stale / orphaned lua files in target dirs.

#### clean-target

( {source} {target} {opts?})

Deletes orphaned? {target} after comparing against {source}.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} deletes {target} without comparing if set to `true`

#### clean-rtp

(tangerine.api.clean.rtp {opts?})

Deletes all orphaned lua files in `config.rtpdirs` or {opts.rtpdirs}.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} deletes all compiled files if set to `true`

#### clean-orphaned

(tangerine.api.clean.orphaned {opts?})

Deletes all orphaned lua files indexed inside `target` dirs.

##### Parameters:


{opts.force} deletes all compiled files if set to `true`

## Evaluation Api

#### eval-string

(tangerine.api.eval.string {str} {opts?})

Evaluates string {str} of fennel, pretty prints the output.

##### Parameters:

:offset ;; line offset for errors

#### eval-file

(tangerine.api.eval.file {path} {opts?})

Evaluates {path} of fennel, pretty prints the output.

##### Parameters:


#### eval-buffer

(tangerine.api.eval.buffer {start} {end} {opts?})

Evaluates lines {start} to {end} in current fennel buffer.

##### Parameters:


#### eval-peek

(tangerine.api.eval.peek {start} {end} {opts?})

Peek lua output for lines {start} to {end} inside a scratch buffer.

##### Parameters:


## Utils Api

#### goto_output


Open lua source of current fennel buffer in a new buffer.

#### serialize

(tangerine.api.serialize {...})

Returns human-readable representation of {...}.

##### Example:

(tangerine.api.serialize example)
-> ":return [ 1 2 3 4 ]"

## Windows Api

Provides functions to interact with floating windows created by tangerine.

#### win-next

( {steps?})

Switch to next floating window by 1 or N {steps?}.

#### win-prev

( {steps?})

Switch to previous floating window by 1 or N {steps?}.

#### win-resize

( {factor})

Changes height of current floating window by {factor} of N.

#### win-close


Closes current floating window, switching to nearest neighbor afterwards.

#### win-killall


Closes all floating windows created by tangerine.

## Fennel Api

#### fennel-load

(tangerine.fennel {version?})

Provides access to fennel compiler used by tangerine.

{version} can be one of [ `"latest"` `"1-4-2"` `"1-4-1"` `"1-4-0"` `"1-3-1"` `"1-3-0"` `"1-2-1"` `"1-2-0"` `"1-1-0"` `"1-0-0"` `"0-10-0"` `"0-9-2"` ]

# Development

## Requirements

| Program | Description |
| --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| [pandoc]( | generates vimdoc |
| [lua]( | runs included fennel |
| [make]( | runs build instructions |
| [watchexec]( | build on changes (optional) |
| [bash]( | runs shell scripts |
| utils | coreutils findutils gawk curl |

> only GNU utils work; 9base or busybox should not work

## Building from source

git clone
cd tangerine.nvim


Refer to `make help` or [below](#make-targets) for information on targets.

## Make Targets

| Target | Description |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| `fnl` | compiles fennel files |
| `deps` | copy required deps in lua folder |
| `vimdoc` | runs panvimdoc to generate vimdocs |
| `fnldoc` | generates module level documentation |
| | |
| `build` | combines `fnl` `deps` `vimdoc` `fnldoc` |
| `watch-build` | watches source dir, runs `:build` on changes |
| | |
| `clean` | deletes build and install dir |
| `install` | install tangerine on this system |
| | |
| `runner` | compiles test runner library |
| `test` | runs unit tests, will erase nvim config |

To build tangerine run:

$ make clean build
# or
$ make watch-build

To install tangerine run:

$ make install

## Git Hooks

| Target | Description |
| ------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `git-pull` | safely fetches git repo, prevents conflicts with local changes |
| `git-skip` | makes git ignore changes to build files |
| `git-unskip` | reverts `git-skip`, makes build files trackable |

##### Example workflow:

$ make git-skip # first thing that you should be running

# makes changes to tangerine
$ ...
$ make clean build

# commit changes
$ git commit -a -m ""

# cleanly fetch from origin
$ make git-pull

## LOC Helpers

Helpers to generate detailed summary about lines of code in source files:

$ make loc-{language}

##### Supported Languages:

- `fennel` / `test`
- `bash`
- `markdown`
- `makefile`
- `yaml`

##### Examples:

$ make loc-fennel

$ make loc-bash


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