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✨DataSpark✨ is a powerful analytics project transforming raw retail data into actionable insights for Global Electronics. By leveraging Python, SQL, and interactive visualizations, it uncovers trends in customer behavior, sales performance, and product popularity, driving smarter business decisions and boosting growth.

data-science data-visualization database-management datacleaning exploratory-data-analysis matplotlib numpy pandas powerbi python seaborn sql version-control

Last synced: 19 days ago
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✨DataSpark✨ is a powerful analytics project transforming raw retail data into actionable insights for Global Electronics. By leveraging Python, SQL, and interactive visualizations, it uncovers trends in customer behavior, sales performance, and product popularity, driving smarter business decisions and boosting growth.

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# ✨DataSpark: Illuminating Insights for Global Electronics

## Project Overview

**DataSpark** is a comprehensive data analysis project aimed at uncovering valuable insights for **Global Electronics**, a leading retailer in the consumer electronics industry. This project focuses on enhancing customer satisfaction, optimizing operations, and driving business growth by analyzing various datasets related to customers, products, sales, stores, and currency exchange rates.

By leveraging the power of data analytics, this project aims to identify key insights that will help the company improve its marketing strategies, optimize inventory management, and forecast sales more effectively. Ultimately, this will lead to better customer experiences, improved operational efficiency, and increased revenue for Global Electronics.


## Project Structure

### 1. **Skills Acquired:**
- **Data Cleaning and Preprocessing**: Handling missing values, data type conversions, and data preparation for analysis.
- **Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)**: Identifying key trends, patterns, and outliers in the data.
- **Python**: Programming language used for data manipulation and analysis.
- **SQL**: Structured Query Language for querying and managing data in relational databases.
- **Data Visualization (Power BI/Tableau)**: Creating interactive dashboards to present insights visually.

### 2. **Domain:**
- **Retail Analytics in the Electronics Industry**: This project focuses on analyzing retail data from Global Electronics to uncover actionable insights that drive business growth.


## Problem Statement

Global Electronics has tasked its data analytics team with conducting a comprehensive **Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)**. The goal is to extract actionable insights from various datasets that will help improve customer satisfaction, streamline operations, and boost overall business growth.


## Business Use Cases

By analyzing customer, product, sales, and store data, the key objectives are:
- Enhance marketing strategies and campaigns.
- Optimize inventory management and product development.
- Improve sales forecasting and promotions.
- Provide guidance for store expansions and operational improvements.
- Understand the impact of currency exchange rates on sales for better international pricing strategies.


## Approach

### 1. **Data Cleaning and Preparation:**
- Handle missing values and inconsistencies.
- Convert data types for accurate analysis (e.g., dates, numerical values).
- Merge datasets (e.g., link sales data with customer and product information).

### 2. **Data Loading into SQL Database:**
- Create SQL tables for each data source.
- Load preprocessed data using SQL `INSERT` statements for further analysis.

### 3. **Power BI Visualization:**
- Connect SQL database to Power BI.
- Develop interactive dashboards for visualizing key insights.

### 4. **SQL Queries:**
- Formulate and execute **10 SQL queries** to address key business questions. These queries extract insights related to customer demographics, sales performance, and store operations.


## Analysis Steps

### 1. **Customer Analysis:**
- **Demographic Distribution**: Analyze customer demographics based on gender, age, location (city, state, country, continent).
- **Purchase Patterns**: Identify trends in order value, purchase frequency, and preferred products.
- **Customer Segmentation**: Segment customers based on purchasing behavior and demographics to identify high-value groups.

### 2. **Sales Analysis:**
- **Overall Sales Trends**: Analyze total sales over time to identify patterns, seasonality, and growth.
- **Sales by Product**: Identify top-performing products in terms of quantity sold and revenue generated.
- **Sales by Store**: Compare store performance based on sales data.
- **Sales by Currency**: Evaluate how currency exchange rates impact sales figures.

### 3. **Product Analysis:**
- **Product Popularity**: Analyze which products are most and least popular.
- **Profitability**: Calculate profit margins by comparing unit cost and price.
- **Category Analysis**: Examine sales performance by product category and subcategory.

### 4. **Store Analysis:**
- **Store Performance**: Evaluate stores based on sales, size, and operational efficiency.
- **Geographical Analysis**: Identify high-performing regions by analyzing sales across locations.


## Results

Upon project completion, a comprehensive **Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) report** will be generated. The report will include:

- Clean and integrated datasets.
- In-depth insights into customer demographics, purchasing patterns, product performance, and store operations.
- Analysis of the impact of currency exchange rates on sales.
- Visualizations that communicate key findings clearly and effectively using Power BI/Tableau.
- **Actionable recommendations** to enhance marketing strategies, optimize inventory, improve sales forecasting, guide product development, and inform store expansion and operational decisions.


## Technologies Used

- **Programming Language**: Python
- **Data Handling**: Pandas, Numpy
- **Data Visualization**: Power BI, Seaborn, Matplotlib
- **Database Management**: SQL
- **Version Control**: Git & GitHub