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# **Online Bag-of-Visual-Words Generation for Unsupervised Representation Learning**

Official PyTorch implementation of the [OBoW]( paper accepted at CVPR 2021


## [Paper]( | [Papers with code]( | [Pretrained full model]( | [Pretrained feature extractor](
[Spyros Gidaris](,
[Andrei Bursuc](,
[Gilles Puy](,
[Nikos Komodakis](,
[Matthieu Cord](,
[Patrick Pérez](,
[CVPR 2021](

If you use the OBoW code or framework in your research, please consider citing:

title={Learning Representations by Predicting Bags of Visual Words},
author={Gidaris, Spyros and Bursuc, Andrei and Puy, Gilles and Komodakis, Nikos and Cord, Matthieu and P{\'e}rez, Patrick},

### **License**
This code is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).

## **Preparation**

### **Pre-requisites**
* Python 3.7
* Pytorch >= 1.3.1 (tested with 1.3.1)
* CUDA 10.0 or higher

### **Installation**

**(1)** Clone the repo:
$ git clone

**(2)** Install this repository and the dependencies using pip:
$ pip install -e ./obow

With this, you can edit the obow code on the fly and import function
and classes of obow in other projects as well.

**(3)** Optional. To uninstall this package, run:
$ pip uninstall obow

**(4)** Create *experiment* directory:
$ cd obow
$ mkdir ./experiments

You can take a look at the [Dockerfile](./Dockerfile) if you are uncertain
about the steps to install this project.

## **Download our ResNet50 pre-trained model**

| Method | Epochs | Batch-size | Dataset | ImageNet linear acc. | Links to pre-trained weights |
| OBoW | 200 | 256 | ImageNet | 73.8 | [entire model]( / [only feature extractor]( |

To download our ResNet50 pre-trained model from the command line run:

# Run from the OBoW directory
$ mkdir ./experiments/ImageNetFull
$ cd ./experiments/ImageNetFull

# To download all model files
$ wget
$ unzip

# To download only the student feature extractor in torchvision-like format
$ wget
$ unzip

$ cd ../../

## **Experiments: Training and evaluating ImageNet self-supervised features.**

### **Train a ResNet50-based OBoW model (full solution) on the ImageneNet dataset.**

# Run from the obow directory
# Train the OBoW model.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=250 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://'

Here with `--data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet` it is assumed that the ImageNet
dataset is at the location `/datasets_local/ImageNet`.
The configuration file for running the above experiment, which is specified by
the `--config` argument, is located at: `./config/ImageNetFull/`.
Note that all the experiment configuration files are placed in the `./config/`
directory. The data of this experiment, such as checkpoints and logs, will be
stored at `./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full`.

### **Evaluate on the ImageNet linear classification protocol**

Train an ImageNet linear classification model on top of frozen features learned by student of the OBoW model.
# Run from the obow directory
# Train and evaluate a linear classifier for the 1000-way ImageNet classification task.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=250 -b 1024 --wd 0.0 --lr 10.0 --epochs 100 --cos-schedule --dataset ImageNet --name "ImageNet_LinCls_b1024_wd0lr10_e100" --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://'

The data of this experiment, such as checkpoints and logs, will be
stored at `./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/ImageNet_LinCls_b1024_wd0lr10_e100`.

### **Evaluate on the Places205 linear classification protocol**

Train an Places205 linear classification model on top of frozen features extracted from the OBoW model.
# Run from the obow directory
# Train and evaluate a linear classifier for the 205-way Places205 classification task.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --dataset Places205 --batch-norm --workers=32 -p=500 -b 256 --wd 0.00001 --lr 0.01 --epochs 28 --schedule 10 20 --name "Places205_LinCls_b256_wd1e4lr0p01_e28" --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/Places205 --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://'

The data of this experiment, such as checkpoints and logs, will be
stored at `./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/Places205_LinCls_b256_wd1e4lr0p01_e28`.

### **ImageNet semi-supervised evaluation setting.**

# Run from the obow directory
# Fine-tune with 1% of ImageNet annotated images.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=50 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://' --percentage 1 --lr=0.0002 --lr-head=0.5 --lr-decay=0.2 --wd=0.0 --epochs=40 --schedule 24 32 --name="semi_supervised_prc1_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e40"
# Fine-tune with 10% of ImageNet annotated images.
$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --workers=32 -p=50 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://' --percentage 10 --lr=0.0002 --lr-head=0.5 --lr-decay=0.2 --wd=0.0 --epochs=20 --schedule 12 16 --name="semi_supervised_prc10_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e20"

The data of these experiments, such as checkpoints and logs, will be
stored at `./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/semi_supervised_prc1_wd0_lr0002lrp5_e40` and
(for the 1% and 10% settings respectively).

### **Convert to torchvision format.**

The ResNet50 model that we trained is stored in a different format than that of the torchvision ResNe50 model.
The following command converts it to the torchvision format.

$ python --config=ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --multiprocessing-distributed --dist-url='tcp://' --convert-to-torchvision

### **Pascal VOC07 Classification evaluation.**

First convert from the torchvision format to the caffe2 format (see command above).
# Run from the obow directory
python utils/ --pth_model ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/tochvision_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200.pth.tar --output_model ./experiments/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/caffe2_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200_bgr.pkl --rgb2bgr True

For the following steps you need first to download and install [fair_self_supervision_benchmark](

# Run from the fair_self_supervision_benchmark directory
$ python install
$ python -c 'import self_supervision_benchmark'
# Step 1: prepare datatset.
$ mkdir obow_ep200
$ mkdir obow_ep200/voc
$ mkdir obow_ep200/voc/voc07
$ python extra_scripts/ --data_source_dir /datasets_local/VOC2007/ --output_dir ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/
# Step 2: extract features from voc2007
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data
# ==> Extract pool5 features from the train split.
$ python tools/ \
--config_file [obow directory path]/utils/configs/benchmark_tasks/image_classification/voc07/resnet50_supervised_extract_gap_features.yaml \
--data_type train \
--output_file_prefix trainval \
--output_dir ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data \
TEST.PARAMS_FILE [obow directory path]/experiments/obow/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/caffe2_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200_bgr.pkl \
TRAIN.DATA_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/train_images.npy \
TRAIN.LABELS_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/train_labels.npy
# ==> Extract pool5 features from the test split.
$ python tools/ \
--config_file [obow directory path]/utils/configs/benchmark_tasks/image_classification/voc07/resnet50_supervised_extract_gap_features.yaml \
--data_type test \
--output_file_prefix test \
--output_dir ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data \
TEST.PARAMS_FILE [obow directory path]/experiments/obow/ImageNetFull/ResNet50_OBoW_full/caffe2_resnet50_student_K8192_epoch200_bgr.pkl \
TRAIN.DATA_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_images.npy TEST.DATA_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_images.npy \
TRAIN.LABELS_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_labels.npy TEST.LABELS_FILE ./obow_ep200/voc/voc07/test_labels.npy
# Step 4: Train and test linear svms.
# ==> Train linear svms.
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm
$ mkdir obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm/svm_pool5bn
$ python tools/svm/ \
--data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/trainval_pool5_bn_features.npy \
--targets_data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/trainval_pool5_bn_targets.npy \
--costs_list "0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0,3.0,5.0" \
--output_path ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm/svm_pool5bn/
# ==> Test the linear svms.
$ python tools/svm/ \
--data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/test_pool5_bn_features.npy \
--targets_data_file ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/test_pool5_bn_targets.npy \
--costs_list "0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0,3.0,5.0" \
--output_path ./obow_ep200/ssl-benchmark-output/extract_features_gap/data/voc07_svm/svm_pool5bn/

### **Pascal VOC07+12 Object Detection evaluation.**

**(1)** First install [Detectron2](

**(2)** Convert a pre-trained model from the torchvision format to the caffe2 format required by Detectron2 (see command above).

**(3)** Put dataset under "./datasets" directory, following the [directory structure](
requried by Detectron2.

**(4)** Copy the [config file]( in the Detectron2 repo `configs/PascalVOC-Detection`.

**(5)** In Detectron2 launch the `` script to reproduce the object detection experiments on Pascal VOC:

python tools/ --num-gpus 8 --config-file configs/PascalVOC-Detection/pascal_voc_0712_faster_rcnn_R_50_C4_BoWNetpp_K8192.yaml

## **Other experiments: Training using 20% of ImageNet and ResNet18.**

A single gpu is enough for the following experiments.

### **ResNet18-based OBoW vanilla solution.**

# Run from the obow directory
# Train the model.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_vanilla --workers=16 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Few-shot evaluation.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_vanilla --workers=16 --episodes 200 --fewshot-q 1 --fewshot-n 50 --fewshot-k 1 5 --evaluate --start-epoch=-1 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Linear classification evaluation. Note the following command precaches the extracted features at root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_vanilla --workers=16 -b 256 --wd 0.000002 --dataset ImageNet --name "ImageNet_LinCls_precache_b256_lr10p0wd2e6" --precache --lr 10.0 --epochs 50 --schedule 15 30 45 --subset=260 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --cache-dir=/root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow

### **ResNet18-based OBoW full solution.**

# Run from the obow directory
# Train the model.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_full --workers=16 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Few-shot evaluation.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_full --workers=16 --episodes 200 --fewshot-q 1 --fewshot-n 50 --fewshot-k 1 5 --evaluate --start-epoch=-1 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet
# Linear classification evaluation. Note the following command precaches the extracted features at root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow.
$ python --config=ImageNet20/ResNet18_OBoW_full --workers=16 -b 256 --wd 0.000002 --dataset ImageNet --name "ImageNet_LinCls_precache_b256_lr10p0wd2e6" --precache --lr 10.0 --epochs 50 --schedule 15 30 45 --subset=260 --dst-dir=./experiments/ --data-dir=/datasets_local/ImageNet --cache-dir=/root/local_storage/spyros/cache/obow

### **Download the ResNet18-based OBoW models pre-trained on 20% of ImageNet.**

# Run from the OBoW directory
$ mkdir ./experiments/ImageNet20
$ cd ./experiments/ImageNet20

# To download the full OBoW version
$ wget
$ unzip

# To download the vanilla OBoW version
$ wget
$ unzip

$ cd ../../