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πŸš€ Upload files via DDP or HTTP to β˜„οΈ Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.

aws-s3 dropbox file-sharing file-upload files google-storage gridfs http meteor meteor-files meteor-package upload websockets

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

πŸš€ Upload files via DDP or HTTP to β˜„οΈ Meteor server FS, AWS, GridFS, DropBox or Google Drive. Fast, secure and robust.

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# Files for Meteor.js

Stable, fast, robust, and well-maintained Meteor.js package for files management using MongoDB Collection API. What does exactly this means? Calling [`.insert()`]( method would initiate a file upload and then insert new record into collection. Calling [`.remove()`]( method would erase stored file and record from MongoDB Collection. And so on, no need to learn new APIs. It's flavored with extra low-level methods like [`.unlink()`]( and [`.write()`]( for complex integrations.

## ToC:

- [πŸ“” Documentation]( - Docs, API, Demos, Examples
- __⚑️ Quick start__:
- [πŸ”§ Installation](
- [πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» API examples](
- [Initialize Collection](
- [Upload file](
- [Stream files](
- [Download Button](
- [πŸ“¦ Related Packages](
- [✨ Key features](
- [πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ Help / Support](
- [πŸ€” FAQ](
- [πŸ… Awards](
- [🀝 Help & Contribute](
- [πŸŽ— Support this project](
- [πŸ™ Supporters](

## Key features

- Compatible with all front-end frameworks from Blaze to [React](
- Upload via `HTTP` and `DDP` transports, [read about difference](
- Sustainable and "resumable" uploads will resume upon connection interruption or server reboot
- Upload files through computing cloud without persistent File System, like Heroku (*"resumable" uploads are not supported on Heroku and alike*)
- Use *[GridFS](*, *[AWS S3](*, *[Google Storage](* or *[DropBox](* and other (*[3rd-party storage](h*)
- APIs for checking file mime-type, size, extension, an other file's properties before upload using *[`onBeforeUpload` hook](*
- APIs for [resizing images](, *[subversions management](*, and other post-processing tasks using *[`onAfterUpload` hook](*

## Installation:

Install [`ostrio:files` from Atmosphere](

meteor add ostrio:files

### ES6 Import:

Import in isomorphic location (e.g. on server and client)

import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

## API overview

For detailed docs, examples, and API β€” read [documentation section](

- [`FilesCollection` Constructor]( [*Isomorphic*] - Initialize FilesCollection
- [`insert()`]( [*Client*] - Upload file(s) from client to server
- [`find()`]( [*Isomorphic*] - Create cursor for FilesCollection
- [`remove()`]( [*Isomorphic*] - Remove files from FilesCollection and "unlink" (e.g. remove) from FS
- [`findOne()`]( [*Isomorphic*] - Find one file in FilesCollection
- [`write()`]( [*Server*] - Write `Buffer` to FS and FilesCollection
- [`load()`]( [*Server*] - Write file to FS and FilesCollection from remote URL
- [`addFile()`]( [*Server*] - Add local file to FilesCollection from FS
- [`unlink()`]( [*Server*] - "Unlink" (e.g. remove) file from FS
- [`link()`]( [*Isomorphic*] - Generate downloadable link

### `new FilesCollection([config])` [*Isomorphic*]

Read full docs for [`FilesCollection` Constructor](

Shared code:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

const imagesCollection = new FilesCollection({
collectionName: 'images',
allowClientCode: false, // Disallow remove files from Client
onBeforeUpload(file) {
// Allow upload files under 10MB, and only in png/jpg/jpeg formats
if (file.size <= 10485760 && /png|jpg|jpeg/i.test(file.extension)) {
return true;
return 'Please upload image, with size equal or less than 10MB';

if (Meteor.isClient) {

if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.publish('files.images.all', function () {
return imagesCollection.find().cursor;

### `insert(settings[, autoStart])` [*Client*]

Read full docs for [`insert()` method](

Upload form (template):


{{#with currentUpload}}
Uploading {{}}:



Shared code:

import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';
const imagesCollection = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'images'});
export default imagesCollection; // import in other files

Client's code:

import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
import { ReactiveVar } from 'meteor/reactive-var';
Template.uploadForm.onCreated(function () {
this.currentUpload = new ReactiveVar(false);

currentUpload() {
return Template.instance().currentUpload.get();
'change #fileInput'(e, template) {
if (e.currentTarget.files && e.currentTarget.files[0]) {
// We upload only one file, in case
// multiple files were selected
const upload = imagesCollection.insert({
file: e.currentTarget.files[0],
chunkSize: 'dynamic'
}, false);

upload.on('start', function () {

upload.on('end', function (error, fileObj) {
if (error) {
alert(`Error during upload: ${error}`);
} else {
alert(`File "${}" successfully uploaded`);


For multiple file upload see [this demo code](

Upload base64 string (*introduced in v1.7.1*):

// As dataURI
file: 'data:image/png,base64str…',
isBase64: true, // <β€” Mandatory
fileName: 'pic.png' // <β€” Mandatory

// As plain base64:
file: 'base64str…',
isBase64: true, // <β€” Mandatory
fileName: 'pic.png', // <β€” Mandatory
type: 'image/png' // <β€” Mandatory

For more expressive example see [Upload demo app](

### Stream files

To display files you can use `fileURL` template helper or `.link()` method of `FileCursor`.





Shared code:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

const imagesCollection = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'images'});
const videosCollection = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'videos'});

if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Upload sample files on server's startup:
Meteor.startup(() => {
imagesCollection.load('', {
fileName: 'logo.png'
videosCollection.load('', {
fileName: 'Big-Buck-Bunny.mp4'

Meteor.publish('files.images.all', function () {
return imagesCollection.find().cursor;

Meteor.publish('files.videos.all', function () {
return videosCollection.find().cursor;
} else {
// Subscribe to file's collections on Client

Client's code:

imageFile() {
return imagesCollection.findOne();
videoFile() {
return videosCollection.findOne();

For more expressive example see [Streaming demo app](

### Download button





Shared code:

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';
const imagesCollection = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'images'});

if (Meteor.isServer) {
// Load sample image into FilesCollection on server's startup:
Meteor.startup(function () {
imagesCollection.load('', {
fileName: 'logo.png',
meta: {}

Meteor.publish('files.images.all', function () {
return imagesCollection.find().cursor;
} else {
// Subscribe on the client

Client's code:

fileRef() {
return imagesCollection.findOne();

For more expressive example see [Download demo](

## FAQ:

1. __Where are files stored by default?__: by default if `config.storagePath` isn't passed into [*Constructor*]( it's equals to `assets/app/uploads` and relative to running script:
- __a.__ On `development` stage: `yourDevAppDir/.meteor/local/build/programs/server`. __Note: All files will be removed as soon as your application rebuilds__ or you run `meteor reset`. To keep your storage persistent during development use an absolute path *outside of your project folder*, e.g. `/data` directory.
- __b.__ On `production`: `yourProdAppDir/programs/server`. __Note: If using MeteorUp (MUP), Docker volumes must to be added to__ `mup.json`, see [MUP usage](h
2. __Cordova usage and development__: With support of community we do regular testing on virtual and real devices. To make sure `Meteor-Files` library runs smoothly in Cordova environment β€” enable [withCredentials](; enable `{allowQueryStringCookies: true}` and `{allowedOrigins: true}` on both `Client` and `Server`. For more details read [Cookie's repository FAQ](
3. __How to pause/continue upload and get progress/speed/remaining time?__: see *Object* returned from [`insert` method](
4. When using any of `accounts` packages - package `accounts-base` must be explicitly added to `.meteor/packages` above `ostrio:files`
5. __cURL/POST uploads__ - Take a look on [POST-Example]( by [@noris666](
6. In __Safari__ (Mobile and Desktop) for `DDP` chunk size is reduced by algorithm, due to error thrown if frame is too big. Limit simultaneous uploads to `6` is recommended for Safari. This issue should be fixed in Safari 11. Switching to `http` transport (*which has no such issue*) is recommended for Safari. See [#458](
7. Make sure you're using single domain for the Meteor app, and the same domain for hosting Meteor-Files endpoints, see [#737]( for details
8. When proxying requests to Meteor-Files endpoint make sure protocol `http/1.1` is used, see [#742]( for details

## Awards:

## Get Support:

- [Ask a question or submit an issue](
- [Releases / Changelog / History](
- For more docs and examples [read wiki](

## Demo application:

Fully-featured file-sharing app

- [Live: __files.veliov.com__](
- [Source Code Rep](

## Related Packages:

- [pyfiles (meteor-python-files)]( Python Client for Meteor-Files package
- [meteor-autoform-file]( - Upload and manage files with [autoForm](

## Support Meteor-Files project:

- Star on [GitHub](
- Star on [Atmosphere](
- Share via [Facebook]( and [Twitter](
- [Sponsor via GitHub](
- [Support via PayPal]( β€” support my open source contributions once or on regular basis
- Use []( β€” [Monitoring](, [Analytics](, [WebSec](, [Web-CRON]( and [Pre-rendering]( for a website

## Contribution:

- __Want to help?__ Please check [issues]( for open and tagged as [`help wanted` issues]("help+wanted");
- __Want to contribute?__ Read and follow [PR rules]( All PRs are welcome on [`dev` branch]( Please, always give expressive description to your changes and additions.

## Supporters:

We would like to thank everyone who support this project

- [@vanshady](
- [@Neophen](
- [@rikyperdana](
- [@derwok](, check out his project - [4minitz](
- [@FinnFrotscher](
- [@Neobii](
- [@themeteorchef](
- [@MeDBejoHok](
- [@martunta](