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Integrate ImageProcessor into Episerver and use it in your views with a fluent API. For Editor integration do not use ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI but instead use ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks. For more information see

episerver imageprocessor

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JSON representation

Integrate ImageProcessor into Episerver and use it in your views with a fluent API. For Editor integration do not use ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI but instead use ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks. For more information see

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The ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver family consists of four parts. Each part is a separate nuget package, so you can pick and choose the parts you need in your site. However, as in all families there are dependencies, so adding a package will install the dependencies as well.

# ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver
This package will install the following ImageProcessor extensions:
- IImageService implementation to read images from Episerver
- IImageCache implementation that caches images in the configured Episerver Blob storage (the cache is self healing and cleaning)
- ImageProcessingModule to render processed images in edit mode.

And on top of that you also get a, strongly typed, fluent API to use in your views. See for more information

# ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.Azure
Use the in Episerver configured Azure Storage account for storing the cached images. See for more information

# ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks
Bring the power of ImageProcessor to the Episerver Editors. See for more information

# ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Crop
Integrate Image Cropper Property Editors with the ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks. See for more information

## Installation
- Install these package from the Episerver NuGet feed ( All dependencies and necessary configuration changes will be made for you.
- You can also find the ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI package in the feed. This is an older version and should not be used anymore. Use ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks instead.

## Render Image in Markup
Most convenient way to render image in markup would be use `HtmlHelper` extension method:

@using ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver


This will make sure that markup for visitors would be (assuming that image is `png`):



And in edit mode it would generate something like this:



`ProcessImage` returns back `UrlBuilder` type, so you can fluently chain any additional paramters if needed:


Alternatively you could supply the image with all the parameters in the HTML:

See for all options

## Picture Helper
ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver also include an Html helper that renders a [Picture element]( that let's you have responsive, optimized, and lazy loaded images.

Example usage
@Html.Picture(Model.Image, ImageTypes.Teaser)

@* Url (string) as input + render for progressive lazy loading *@
@Html.Picture(Url.ContentUrl(Model.Image), ImageTypes.Teaser, LazyLoadType.CustomProgressive)

@* Picture helper can be used together with the ProcessImage helper *@
@Html.Picture(Html.ProcessImage(Model.Image).ReplaceColor("fff", "f00", 99).Watermark("Episerver", new Point(100, 100), "fff"), ImageTypes.Teaser)
#### Parameters
* **imageReference (ContentReference)
imageUrl (string or UrlBuilder)**

* **imageType (ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.ImageType)**
An "Image type" defines the possible sizes and quality for an image.
[Example of how to define image types](
* **cssClass (string)**
Will be added to the rendered img element.
* **layzLoadType (ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.LazyLoadType)**

Set lazy load type to "Native" to have a browser-native lazy loaded image. The attribute "loading='lazy'" is added to the img element.

When lazy load type is "Custom", the srcset attribute of the source element (inside the rendered picture element) will be empty,
and an additional attribute (data-srcset) will be added that contains the image url(s).
That enables you to lazy load the image after the rest of your page content is loaded.

When lazy load type is "CustomProgressive", the srcset attribute will contain image url(s) for a low quality version of the image, and makes it possible to lazy load the high quality image.

Lazy load type "Hybrid" render the same as "Custom", and also adds the "loading='lazy'" attribute. That means you can have native lazy loading combined with custom lazy loading for browsers that doesn't support native lazy loading.

[Javascript example of how to lazy load the images](

* **altText (string)**
Will be added to the rendered img element.

See also how to [get alt text from the image](

The picture helper is described in more detail [here](

### Custom rendering of a picture element
If you for some reason wnat to render the markup yourself, you can use PictureUtils to get the data needed to render a picture element.
PictureUtils.GetPictureData(myImageRef, ImageTypes.Teaser)
GetPictureData returns a PictureData object that contains all the data needed for rendering a picture element.

GetPictureData parameters are similar to the parameters for the Picture html helper.

### Change log
To get a more exact overview of the changes, you can also take a look at the commit history.
#### V5.9.0
- Update all packages to use Newtonsoft.Json version 13.0.1. **This means minimum required EPiServer.CMS.Core version is now 11.20.1**
#### V5.8.0
- Picture helper: Possible to create Webp versions for other formats than jpg. Add formats to the `CreateWebpForFormat` array in the Image Type. See also issue #40.
- Picture helper: Webp versions of png images will lossless by default. Can be changed by setting `CreateLosslessWebpForPng` in the Image Type.
- Picture helper: `decoding="async"` is now by default added to the img element. Can be changed by setting `ImageDecoding`in the Image Type.
- Picture helper: `DefaultImgWidth` is now optional. Will use the largest `SrcSetWidth` if not set.
#### V5.7.0
- Fix unhandled HttpException in FileBlobCache
- Fix AzureBlobCache.TrimCacheAsync erro when blob already deleted
- Fix Crop script helper path
#### V5.6.3 (Blocks)
- Fix type type in CropProcessImageBlock
#### V5.6.5
- Fix #44. When '#' is found in color string for Tint, it will now be encoded in UrlBuilder.
#### V5.6.4
- Fix #41 (thanks Erik!)
#### V5.6.3
- Fix #38 (hopefully)
- updated the package reference for WindowsAzure.Storage to align with EPiServer.Azure version
#### V5.6.2
- Actually set dependencies to use the newer ImageProcessor packages
- Give Blocks and Crop packages the same version number. No new functionallity added.
#### V5.6.1
- Update to latest ImageProcessor (2.9) and ImageProcessor.Web (4.12) packages
#### V5.6
- Added options for rendering attribute for browser-native lazy loading.
- Adding and renaming values in Lazyloading enum. Keeping the old ones, but marked as obsolete, so no breaking change.
- Added overloading methods for Picture helper to simplify usage.
- Fixed GetCropUrl to use Width/Height instead of offsets
- Update to allow new major Episerver.Azure (v10) release
#### V5.5
- All modules updated to use the latest ImageProcessor releases

#### V5.4
- Added functionality to allow for a relative app data path as well

#### V5.3.0
- References new ImageProcessor packages
- Updated Microsoft.Data.OData (security alert) in Azure package (5.3.1) and sample site
- Fixed a bug in Azure package (5.3.2) when running multi-site environment and site-specific assets

#### V5.2.0
- New package: ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Crop. Based on [](
- Added back `CropRatio` (version 5.3)
- Renamed `ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI` to `ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks`.
- Added `CropProcessImageBlock` to `ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI.Blocks`. Blocks package now has a dependency on Crop package.
- See [the blogpost on World]( for more information

#### V5.1.0
- Basic focal point support in Picture helper
- Possible to set alt text for the generated img element inside the picture element.
- Possible to get Picture data with content reference instead of string/urlbuilder (same applies to Picture helper)
- Change of "ImageProcessorDebug" appsetting to "IPE_ShowInfo"
- Update several NuGet packages to resolve security alerts

#### V5.0.2
- Fix progressive lazyload webp bug

#### V5.0.1
- Fix regression of bug with UNC Path

#### V5.0.0
- New add-on: ImageProcessor.Web.Episerver.UI. See [the blogpost on World](
- Minor Picture helper improvements

#### V4.2.0
- Minor Picture helper improvements
- Fixed (hopefully!) working with CDN/DXC-S

#### V4.1.0
- UNC path support is back!

#### V4.0.0
- New major version number because of breaking change in lazy loading functionality for the Picture element

#### V3.0.1
- Don't stream blobs directly anymore.
- Works with private containers now (DXC Service)! Now uses Shared Access Signature for downloading from blob storage.

#### V3.0.0
- Use ImageProcessor on static files!
- Added support for lazy loading images in Picture element
- Simplifying caches (both File and Azure) and configuration
- Removed Azure specific `IImageService`
- **Changes no longer backported to CMS 10**
- See

#### V2.1.0
- Added Picture element for responsive images. See

#### V2.0.0
- Added Azure Blob Storage support.
- CMS 11 support
- See

#### V1.0.0
- Initial version. See