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A Python API for the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). N.B. This repository has been migrated from Mercurial on 2019-11-16, so references to commits before this date will refer to the Mercurial source and not this Git repository. The migration is marked by a commit that adds a .gitignore file.

encryption-decryption gnupg python signing verification

Last synced: 1 day ago
JSON representation

A Python API for the GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG). N.B. This repository has been migrated from Mercurial on 2019-11-16, so references to commits before this date will refer to the Mercurial source and not this Git repository. The migration is marked by a commit that adds a .gitignore file.

Awesome Lists containing this project



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:alt: GitHub test status

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:alt: PyPI package

What is it?

The GNU Privacy Guard (gpg, or gpg.exe on Windows) is a command-line program
which provides support for programmatic access via spawning a separate process
to run it and then communicating with that process from your program.

This project, ``python-gnupg``, implements a Python library which takes care
of the internal details and allows its users to generate and manage keys,
encrypt and decrypt data, and sign and verify messages.


Installing from PyPI

You can install this package from the Python Package Index (pyPI) by running::

pip install python-gnupg

.. important::
There is at least one fork of this project, which was apparently created
because an earlier version of this software used the ``subprocess`` module
with ``shell=True``, making it vulnerable to shell injection. **This is no
longer the case**.

Forks may not be drop-in compatible with this software, so take care to use
the correct version, as indicated in the ``pip install`` command above.

Installing from a source distribution archive
To install this package from a source distribution archive, do the following:

1. Extract all the files in the distribution archive to some directory on your
2. In that directory, run ``pip install .``, referencing a suitable ``pip`` (e.g. one
from a specific venv which you want to install to).
3. Optionally, run ``python`` to ensure that the package is
working as expected.


* The developers of the GNU Privacy Guard.
* The original version of this module was developed by Andrew Kuchling.
* It was improved by Richard Jones.
* It was further improved by Steve Traugott.

The present incarnation, based on the earlier versions, uses the ``subprocess``
module and so works on Windows as well as Unix/Linux platforms. It's not,
however, 100% backwards-compatible with earlier incarnations.

Change log

.. note:: GCnn refers to an issue nn on Google Code.

0.5.4 (future)

Released: Not yet


Released: 2024-09-20

* Fix #117: Add WKD (Web Key Directory) support for auto-locating keys. Thanks to Myzel394
for the patch.

* Fix #237: Ensure local variable is initialized even when an exception occurs.

* Fix #239: Remove logging of decryption result.


Released: 2023-12-12

* Fix #228: Clarify documentation for encryption/decryption.

* Make I/O buffer size configurable via ``buffer_size`` attribute on a ``GPG`` instance.


Released: 2023-07-22

* Added ``TRUST_EXPIRED`` to ``trust_keys``. Thanks to Leif Liddy for the patch.

* Fix #206: Remove deprecated ``--always-trust`` in favour of ``--trust-model always``

* Fix #208: Add ``status_detail`` attribute to result objects which is populated when
the status is ``'invalid recipient'`` (encryption/decryption) or ``'invalid signer'``
(signing). This attribute will be set when the result object's ``status`` attribute is
set to ``invalid recipient`` and will contain more information about the failure in the
form of ``reason:ident`` where ``reason`` is a text description of the reason, and
``ident`` identifies the recipient key.

* Add ``scan_keys_mem()`` function to scan keys in a string. Thanks to Sky Moore
for the patch.

* Fix #214: Handle multiple signatures when one of them is invalid or unverified.

* A ``problems`` attribute was added which holds problems reported by ``gpg``
during verification. This is a list of dictionaries, one for each reported
problem. Each dictionary will have ``status`` and ``keyid`` keys indicating
the problem and the corresponding key; other information in the dictionaries
will be error specific.

* Fix #217: Use machine-readable interface to query the ``gpg`` version. Thanks to Justus
Winter for the patch.

* Added the ability to export keys to a file. Thanks to Leif Liddy for the patch.


Released: 2022-08-23

* Fixed #181: Added the ability to pass file paths to encrypt_file, decrypt_file,
sign_file, verify_file, get_recipients_file and added import_keys_file.

* Fixed #183: Handle FAILURE and UNEXPECTED conditions correctly. Thanks to sebbASF for
the patch.

* Fixed #185: Handle VALIDSIG arguments more robustly.

* Fixed #188: Remove handling of DECRYPTION_FAILED from Verify code, as not required
there. Thanks to sebbASF for the patch.

* Fixed #190: Handle KEY_CREATED more robustly.

* Fixed #191: Handle NODATA messages during verification.

* Fixed #196: Don't log chunk data by default, as it could contain sensitive
information (during decryption, for example).

* Added the ability to pass an environment to the gpg executable. Thanks to Edvard
Rejthar for the patch.


Released: 2022-05-20

* Fixed #161: Added a status attribute to the returned object from gen_key() which
is set to 'ok' if a key was successfully created, or 'key not created' if that
was reported by gpg, or None in any other case.

* Fixed #164: Provided the ability to add subkeys. Thanks to Daniel Kilimnik for the
feature request and patch.

* Fixed #166: Added keygrip values to the information collected when keys are listed.
Thanks to Daniel Kilimnik for the feature request and patch.

* Fixed #173: Added extra_args to send_keys(), recv_keys() and search_keys() to allow
passing options relating to key servers.


Released: 2021-11-24

* Fixed #147: Return gpg's return code in all result instances.

* Fixed #152: Add check for invalid file objects.

* Fixed #157: Provide more useful status message when a secret key is absent.

* Fixed #158: Added a get_recipients() API to find the recipients of an encrypted
message without decrypting it.


Released: 2021-03-11

* Fixed #129, #141: Added support for no passphrase during key generation.

* Fixed #143: Improved permission-denied test. Thanks to Elliot Cameron for the patch.

* Fixed #144: Updated logging to only show partial results.

* Fixed #146: Allowed a passphrase to be passed to import_keys(). Thanks to Chris de
Graaf for the patch.


Released: 2020-04-17

* Fixed #122: Updated documentation about gnupghome needing to be an existing

* Fixed #123: Handled error conditions from gpg when calling trust_keys().

* Fixed #124: Avoided an exception being raised when ImportResult.summary()
was called after a failed recv_keys().

* Fixed #128: Added ECC support by changing key generation parameters. (The Key-Length
value isn't added if a curve is specified.)

* Fixed #130: Provided a mechanism to provide more complete error messages.

Support for Python versions 3.5 and under is discontinued, except for Python 2.7.


Released: 2019-08-12

* Fixed #107: Improved documentation.

* Fixed #112: Raised a ValueError if a gnupghome is specified which is not an
existing directory.

* Fixed #113: Corrected stale link in the documentation.

* Fixed #116: Updated documentation to clarify when spurious key-expired/
signature-expired messages might be seen.

* Fixed #119: Added --yes to avoid pinentry when deleting secret keys with
GnuPG >= 2.1.

* A warning is logged if gpg returns a non-zero return code.

* Added ``extra_args`` to ``import_keys``.

* Added support for CI using AppVeyor.


Released: 2019-01-24

* Fixed #108: Changed how any return value from the ``on_data`` callable is
processed. In earlier versions, the return value was ignored. In this version,
if the return value is ``False``, the data received from ``gpg`` is not
buffered. Otherwise (if the value is ``None`` or ``True``, for example), the
data is buffered as normal. This functionality can be used to do your own
buffering, or to prevent buffering altogether.

The ``on_data`` callable is also called once with an empty byte-string to
signal the end of data from ``gpg``.

* Fixed #97: Added an additional attribute ``check_fingerprint_collisions`` to
``GPG`` instances, which defaults to ``False``. It seems that ``gpg`` is happy
to have duplicate keys and fingerprints in a keyring, so we can't be too
strict. A user can set this attribute of an instance to ``True`` to trigger a
check for collisions.

* Fixed #111: With GnuPG 2.2.7 or later, provide the fingerprint of a signing
key for a failed signature verification, if available.

* Fixed #21: For verification where multiple signatures are involved, a
mapping of signature_ids to fingerprint, keyid, username, creation date,
creation timestamp and expiry timestamp is provided.

* Added a check to disallow certain control characters ('\r', '\n', NUL) in


Released: 2018-06-13

* Added --no-verbose to the gpg command line, in case verbose is specified in
gpg.conf - we don't need verbose output.


Released: 2018-03-28

* Fixed #81: Subkey information is now collected and returned in a ``subkey_info``
dictionary keyed by the subkey's ID.

* Fixed #84: GPG2 version is now correctly detected on OS X.

* Fixed #94: Added ``expect_passphrase`` password for use on GnuPG >= 2.1 when
passing passphrase to ``gpg`` via pinentry.

* Fixed #95: Provided a ``trust_keys`` method to allow setting the trust level
for keys. Thanks to William Foster for a suggested implementation.

* Made the exception message when the gpg executable is not found contain the
path of the executable that was tried. Thanks to Kostis Anagnostopoulos for
the suggestion.

* Fixed #100: Made the error message less categorical in the case of a failure
with an unspecified reason, adding some information from gpg error codes when


Released: 2017-07-06

* Updated message handling logic to no longer raise exceptions when a message
isn't recognised. Thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the patch.

* Always use always use ``--fixed-list-mode``, ``--batch`` and
``--with-colons``. Thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the patch.

* Improved ``scan_keys()`` handling on GnuPG >= 2.1. Thanks to Daniel Kahn
Gillmor for the patch.

* Improved test behaviour with GnuPG >= 2.1. Failures when deleting test
directory trees are now ignored. Thanks to Daniel Kahn Gillmor for the patch.

* Added ``close_file`` keyword argument to verify_file to allow the file closing
to be made optional. Current behaviour is maintained - ``close_file=False``
can be passed to skip closing the file being verified.

* Added the ``extra_args`` keyword parameter to allow custom arguments to be
passed to the ``gpg`` executable.

* Instances of the ``GPG`` class now have an additional ``on_data`` attribute,
which defaults to ``None``. It can be set to a callable which will be called
with a single argument - a binary chunk of data received from the ``gpg``
executable. The callable can do whatever it likes with the chunks passed to it
- e.g. write them to a separate stream. The callable should not raise any
exceptions (unless it wants the current operation to fail).


Released: 2017-01-29

* Added support for ``KEY_CONSIDERED`` in more places - encryption /
decryption, signing, key generation and key import.

* Partial fix for #32 (GPG 2.1 compatibility). Unfortunately, better
support cannot be provided at this point, unless there are certain
changes (relating to pinentry popups) in how GPG 2.1 works.

* Fixed #60: An IndexError was being thrown by ``scan_keys()``.

* Ensured that utf-8 encoding is used when the ``--with-column`` mode is
used. Thanks to Yann Leboulanger for the patch.

* ``list_keys()`` now uses ``--fixed-list-mode``. Thanks to Werner Koch
for the pointer.


Released: 2016-09-10

* Fixed #38: You can now request information about signatures against
keys. Thanks to SunDwarf for the suggestion and patch, which was used
as a basis for this change.

* Fixed #49: When exporting keys, no attempt is made to decode the output when
armor=False is specified.

* Fixed #53: A ``FAILURE`` message caused by passing an incorrect passphrase
is handled.

* Handled ``EXPORTED`` and ``EXPORT_RES`` messages while exporting keys. Thanks
to Marcel Pörner for the patch.

* Fixed #54: Improved error message shown when gpg is not available.

* Fixed #55: Added support for ``KEY_CONSIDERED`` while verifying.

* Avoided encoding problems with filenames under Windows. Thanks to Kévin
Bernard-Allies for the patch.

* Fixed #57: Used a better mechanism for comparing keys.


Released: 2015-09-24

* Fixed #22: handled ``PROGRESS`` messages during verification and signing.

* Fixed #26: handled ``PINENTRY_LAUNCHED`` messages during verification,
decryption and key generation.

* Fixed #28: Allowed a default Name-Email to be computed even when neither of
``LOGNAME`` and ``USERNAME`` are in the environment.

* Fixed #29: Included test files missing from the tarball in previous versions.

* Fixed #39: On Python 3.x, passing a text instead of a binary stream caused
file decryption to hang due to a ``UnicodeDecodeError``. This has now been
correctly handled: The decryption fails with a "no data" status.

* Fixed #41: Handled Unicode filenames correctly by encoding them on 2.x using
the file system encoding.

* Fixed #43: handled ``PINENTRY_LAUNCHED`` messages during key export. Thanks
to Ian Denhardt for looking into this.

* Hide the console window which appears on Windows when gpg is spawned.
Thanks to Kévin Bernard-Allies for the patch.

* Subkey fingerprints are now captured.

* The returned value from the ``list_keys`` method now has a new attribute,
``key_map``, which is a dictionary mapping key and subkey fingerprints to
the corresponding key's dictionary. With this change, you don't need to
iterate over the (potentially large) returned list to search for a key with
a given fingerprint - the ``key_map`` dict will take you straight to the key
info, whether the fingerprint you have is for a key or a subkey. Thanks to
Nick Daly for the initial suggestion.


Released: 2014-12-07

Signed with PGP key: Vinay Sajip (CODE SIGNING KEY)

Key Fingerprint : CA74 9061 914E AC13 8E66 EADB 9147 B477 339A 9B86

* Added an ``output`` keyword parameter to the ``sign`` and
``sign_file`` methods, to allow writing the signature to a file.
Thanks to Jannis Leidel for the patch.

* Allowed specifying ``True`` for the ``sign`` keyword parameter,
which allows use of the default key for signing and avoids having to
specify a key id when it's desired to use the default. Thanks to
Fabian Beutel for the patch.

* Used a uniform approach with subprocess on Windows and POSIX: shell=True
is not used on either.

* When signing/verifying, the status is updated to reflect any expired or
revoked keys or signatures.

* Handled 'NOTATION_NAME' and 'NOTATION_DATA' during verification.

* Fixed #1, #16, #18, #20: Quoting approach changed, since now shell=False.

* Fixed #14: Handled 'NEED_PASSPHRASE_PIN' message.

* Fixed #8: Added a scan_keys method to allow scanning of keys without the
need to import into a keyring. Thanks to Venzen Khaosan for the suggestion.

* Fixed #5: Added '0x' prefix when searching for keys. Thanks to Aaron Toponce
for the report.

* Fixed #4: Handled 'PROGRESS' message during encryption. Thanks to Daniel
Mills for the report.

* Fixed #3: Changed default encoding to Latin-1.

* Fixed #2: Raised ValueError if no recipients were specified
for an asymmetric encryption request.

* Handled 'UNEXPECTED' message during verification. Thanks to
David Andersen for the patch.

* Replaced old range(len(X)) idiom with enumerate().

* Refactored ``ListKeys`` / ``SearchKeys`` classes to maximise use of common

* Fixed GC94: Added ``export-minimal`` and ``armor`` options when exporting
keys. This addition was inadvertently left out of 0.3.6.


Released: 2014-02-05

* Fixed GC82: Enabled fast random tests on gpg as well as gpg2.
* Fixed GC85: Avoided deleting temporary file to preserve its permissions.
* Fixed GC87: Avoided writing passphrase to log.
* Fixed GC95: Added ``verify_data()`` method to allow verification of
signatures in memory.
* Fixed GC96: Regularised end-of-line characters.
* Fixed GC98: Rectified problems with earlier fix for shell injection.


Released: 2013-08-30

* Added improved shell quoting to guard against shell injection.
* Fixed GC76: Added ``search_keys()`` and ``send_keys()`` methods.
* Fixed GC77: Allowed specifying a symmetric cipher algorithm.
* Fixed GC78: Fell back to utf-8 encoding when no other could be determined.
* Fixed GC79: Default key length is now 2048 bits.
* Fixed GC80: Removed the Name-Comment default in key generation.


Released: 2013-06-05

* Fixed GC65: Fixed encoding exception when getting version.
* Fixed GC66: Now accepts sets and frozensets where appropriate.
* Fixed GC67: Hash algorithm now captured in sign result.
* Fixed GC68: Added support for ``--secret-keyring``.
* Fixed GC70: Added support for multiple keyrings.


Released: 2013-03-11

* Fixed GC57: Handled control characters in ``list_keys()``.
* Fixed GC61: Enabled fast random for testing.
* Fixed GC62: Handled ``KEYEXPIRED`` status.
* Fixed GC63: Handled ``NO_SGNR`` status.


Released: 2013-01-17

* Fixed GC56: Disallowed blank values in key generation.
* Fixed GC57: Handled colons and other characters in ``list_keys()``.
* Fixed GC59/GC60: Handled ``INV_SGNR`` status during verification and removed
calls requiring interactive password input from doctests.


Released: 2012-09-01

* Fixed GC45: Allowed additional arguments to gpg executable.
* Fixed GC50: Used latin-1 encoding in tests when it's known to be required.
* Fixed GC51: Test now returns non-zero exit status on test failure.
* Fixed GC53: Now handles ``INV_SGNR`` and ``KEY_NOT_CREATED`` statuses.
* Fixed GC55: Verification and decryption now return trust level of signer in
integer and text form.


Released: 2012-05-12

* Fixed GC49: Reinstated Yann Leboulanger's change to support subkeys
(accidentally left out in 0.2.7).


Released: 2012-03-29

* Fixed GC36: Now handles ``CARDCTRL`` and ``POLICY_URL`` messages.
* Fixed GC40: Now handles ``DECRYPTION_INFO``, ``DECRYPTION_FAILED`` and
``DECRYPTION_OKAY`` messages.
* The ``random_binary_data file`` is no longer shipped, but constructed by the
test suite if needed.


Released: 2011-09-02

* Fixed GC29: Now handles ``IMPORT_RES`` while verifying.
* Fixed GC30: Fixed an encoding problem.
* Fixed GC33: Quoted arguments for added safety.


Released: 2011-04-10

* Fixed GC24: License is clarified as BSD.
* Fixed GC25: Incorporated Daniel Folkinshteyn's changes.
* Fixed GC26: Incorporated Yann Leboulanger's subkey change.
* Fixed GC27: Incorporated hysterix's support for symmetric encryption.
* Did some internal cleanups of Unicode handling.


Released: 2011-01-25

* Fixed GC14: Should be able to accept passphrases from GPG-Agent.
* Fixed GC19: Should be able to create a detached signature.
* Fixed GC21/GC23: Better handling of less common responses from GPG.


Released: 2010-10-13

* Fixed GC11/GC16: Detached signatures can now be created.
* Fixed GC3: Detached signatures can be verified.
* Fixed GC12: Better support for RSA and IDEA.
* Fixed GC15/GC17: Better support for non-ASCII input.


Released: 2010-03-01

* Fixed GC9: Now allows encryption without armor and the ability to encrypt
and decrypt directly to/from files.


Released: 2010-01-07

* Fixed GC7: Made sending data to process threaded and added a test case.
With a test data file used by the test case, the archive size has gone up
to 5MB (the size of the test file).


Released: 2009-10-06

* Fixed GC5/GC6: Added ``--batch`` when specifying ``--passphrase-fd`` and
changed the name of the distribution file to add the ``python-`` prefix.


Released: 2009-08-07

* Fixed GC2: Added ``handle_status()`` method to the ``ListKeys`` class.


Released: 2009-07-16

* Various changes made to support Python 3.0.


Released: 2009-07-04

* Initial release.