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A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch

api backend boilerplate expressjs graphql gulp jasmine knex nodejs starter-kit tslint typescript wallaby

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A starter kit for building amazing GraphQL API's with TypeScript and express by @w3tecch

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# express-graphql-typescript-boilerplate

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A [GraphQL]( starter kit for building amazing API's in [TypeScript]( and with [Express.js]( framework.

This seed repository has a complete GraphQL starter kit written in TypeSciprt. For building our API we use various gulp-tasks. We use jasmine and Wallaby for our unit-testing. And there are a lot more awesome features like
* VSCode tasks and launch configuration
* Improved GraphQL Error Handling, so that the error stack will be shown in the console
* Multiple environemnt configurations
* Basic security configuration
* Basic cors configuration
* Basic logger configuration
* Advanced GraphQL-Context logic, so we can use repos, dataloader and other stuff in each resolver
* Complete [Knex.js]( integration with seeders and migration
* [DataLoaders](
* Extended GraphQL-Query and GraphQL-Field with a lite [Hook-System](###Hook-System)
* A lot of examples like:
* Pagination
* Search query with filter
* Custom GraphQL-Types like a date type
* Migtation and seeders
* Models
* Testing examples
* and many more, just have a look

## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
Install [Node.js](
* on OSX use [homebrew]( `brew install node`
* on Windows use [chocolatey]( `choco install nodejs`

## Installing
* `fork` this repo
* `clone` your fork
* `npm install` to install all dependencies
* `npm run install:typings` to install all typings
* Create new database. You will find the name in the `src/config.ts` file.
* `npm run db:migrate` to create the schema
* `npm run db:seed` to insert some test data
* `npm run serve` to start the dev server in another tab

## Running the app
After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app.
Run `npm run serve` to start a local server using `nodemon` which will watch for changes and then will restart the sever.
The port will be displayed to you as `` (or if you prefer IPv6, if you're using `express` server, then it's `http://[::1]:3000/`).

## Scripts / Commands
### Install
* Install all dependencies with `npm install`
* Install all typings with `npm run install:typings`
* To install all dependencies and typings use `npm run install:dev`
* Remove not needed libraries with `npm run install:clean`

### Linting
* Run code analysis using `npm run lint`. This runs tshint.
* There is also a vscode task for this called lint.

### Tests
* Run the unit tests using `npm test` or `npm run test:pretty` for more detailed reporting.
* There is also a vscode task for this called test.

### Running in dev mode
* Run `npm run serve` to start nodemon with ts-node, which will serve your app.
* The server address will be displayed to you as ``

### Cleaning the project
* Run `npm run clean` to remove all generated JavaScript files.

### Building the project and run it
* Run `npm run build` to generated all JavaScript files from your TypeScript sources. After this step you can deploy the app on any server.
* There is also a vscode task for this called build.
* To start the builded app use `npm start`.
* With `npm run zip` it will generate the JavaScript source and pack them into to a deployable zip file into the dist folder.

### Docs
* Run `npm run docs` to generate all doc files and serve it on ``

### Seed
* Run `npm run db:seed` to seed some data into the database

### Migration
* Run `npm run db:migrate` to migration the new schema to the database
* Run `npm run db:migrate:rollback` to rollback one version

## Exploring the boilerplate
### Structure
|-- .vscode/ * our vscode tasks, launch configuration and some settings
|-- build/ * our task runner configurations and tasks
| |-- tasks/ * gulp tasks
| |-- paths.js * project path setup for our gulp tasks
| |-- util.js * our gulp helper functions
|-- docs/ * our generated doc files
|-- src/ * our source files that will be compiled to javascript
| |
| |-- context/ * graphql context
| | |-- Context.ts * our graphql context class
| | |-- DataloadersContext.ts * our collection of all dataloaders
| | |-- ServicesContext.ts * our collection of all repositories
| |
| |-- core/ * our core functionalities
| | |-- Bootstrap.ts * our express helper functions to init and run the server
| | |-- Database.ts * our database setup
| | |-- Environment.ts * gets us the configuration for the given environment
| | |-- GraphQLErrorHandling.ts * our error handling
| | |-- Logger.ts * our logger configurations
| | |-- Server.ts * our server error handling
| | |-- Tables.ts * our database table names
| | |-- Utils.ts * our collection of util functions
| |
| |-- database/ * our database tasks
| | |-- factories * our factories to create simple fake data
| | |-- migrations * our database migration tasks
| | |-- seeds * our database seeder tasks
| |
| |-- exceptions/ * our errors to throw to the user
| | |-- Exception.ts * our basic user error all other errors should inherit from this one
| | |-- NotFoundException.ts * a basic not found error
| |
| |-- middlewares/ * our express custom middlewares (/*.middleware.ts)
| |
| |-- models/ * our database models (/*.model.ts)
| |
| |-- repositories/ * use a repository to fetch the date of the database
| | |-- **/*Repository.ts
| |
| |-- services/ * use a services to separate the logic that retrieves the data and maps it to the entity model from the business logic that acts on the model
| | |-- **/*Services.ts
| |
| |-- routes/ * defines our application routes
| | |-- **/*Routes.ts
| |
| |-- schemas/ * our graphql schema definitions (use a single file for every graphql object action)
| | |-- arguments/ * our graphql argument files
| | |-- fields/ * our graphql field files
| | |-- mutations/ * our graphql mutation files
| | |-- queries/ * our graphql query files
| | |-- types/ * our graphql type files
| |
| |-- index.ts * main entry point for our application
| |-- RootValue.ts * RootValue with some functions for all the queries and mutations
| |-- config.ts * has our configuration for our different environments
|-- test/ * our test files that will test our application
| |-- mocks * we use this to simulate other functions, classes or objects
| |-- unit/**/*.spec.ts * our unit test cases
|-- typings_custom/ * our local type definitions
|-- knexfile.ts * this has our database configuration from the config.ts
|-- gulpfile.js * entry point for our gulp tasks
|-- nodemon.json * nodemon setup, so that it uses typescript and runs tslint
|-- package.json * what npm uses to manage it's dependencies
|-- tslint.json * typescript lint config
|-- typedoc.json * typescript documentation generator
|-- tsconfig.json * typescript config
|-- wallaby.js * our wallaby configuration

### Hook-System
// We extend the AbstractQuery with the hook system. This
// gives us the 3 new methods called before, run and after.
export class FindAllBooksQuery extends AbstractQuery implements GraphQLFieldConfig {

public type = new GraphQLList(BookType);
public allow = ['admin'];
public args = {
limit: new LimitArgument(),
offset: new OffsetArgument()

// This will be called after the allow checking
public before(context: Context, args: common.PageinationArguments): Promise {
log.debug('hook before args', args);
return Promise.resolve(args);

// As long as the before function was okay this will be called afterwards
public execute(root: RootValue, args: common.PageinationArguments, context: Context): Promise {
log.debug('resolve findAllBooks()');
return context.Repositories.BookRepository.findAllBooks({
limit: args.limit,
offset: args.offset

// And at least before the results go back to our client it will pass this after function
public after(result:, context: Context, args: common.PageinationArguments): Promise {
log.debug('hook after args', args);
return Promise.resolve(result);

## Related Projects
* [GraphQL.js]( — The JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL
* [DataLoader]( — Batching and caching for GraphQL data access layer
* [aurelia-typescript-boilerplate]( - An Aurelia starter kit with TypeScript
* [express-typescript-boilerplate]( - Boilerplate for an restful express-apllication written in TypeScript

## License

Made with ♥ by Gery Hirschfeld ([@GeryHirschfeld1]( and [contributors](