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Boilerplate to create a Fastify app with better DX

Last synced: 4 months ago
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Boilerplate to create a Fastify app with better DX

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# fastify-esbuild

Opinionated boilerplate to build a Fastify app with better DX.


## Articles

- [Better Backend DX: Fastify + ESBuild = ⚡️](
- [Better Backend DX: JSON Schema + TypeScript + Swagger = ✨ Vol. 1](
- [Better Backend DX: JSON Schema + TypeScript + Swagger = ✨ Vol. 2](

## Features

- Use `@fastify/autoload` for filesystem-based routes & plugins.
- Use [`esbuild-kit/tsx`]( to reduce feedback loop during devlopment.
- Use `esbuild` to bundle production code.
- Use `json-schema-to-ts` to validate & type your route
- Auto-generated Swagger UI: `http://localhost:3000/documentation` (production ready)


## How to start?

# Install dependencies
pnpm i

# Start development
pnpm dev

# Build production code
pnpm build

# Run production code
pnpm start