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:computer: :wine_glass: Solutions to LeetCode problems

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:computer: :wine_glass: Solutions to LeetCode problems

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# leetcode

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## Environment setup

# Install python
pyenv install 3.9.0

# Create virtual env
pyenv virtualenv 3.9.0 leetcode
pyenv local leetcode

# Install dependencies
pip install pipenv
pipenv install --dev

# Optional, enable pre-commit hook
pre-commit install

## Typical flow

# Create a new template for the problem
# Example:
# make new 1
make new

# Stage changes and run test cases for this problem
# This will execute:
# - git add .
# - pre-commit
# - pytest
make add

# Commit changes
# This will:
# - stage changes
# - run test cases
# - generate commit message
# - commit changes
make commit

## List of Problems (Total: 404)
| # | Title | Solution | Test cases |
| 1 | [Two Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 2 | [Add Two Numbers]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 3 | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 4 | [Median Of Two Sorted Arrays]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 5 | [Longest Palindromic Substring]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 6 | [Zigzag Conversion]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 7 | [Reverse Integer]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 8 | [String To Integer Atoi]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 9 | [Palindrome Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 10 | [Regular Expression Matching]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 11 | [Container With Most Water]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 12 | [Integer To Roman]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 13 | [Roman To Integer]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 14 | [Longest Common Prefix]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 15 | [3Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 16 | [3Sum Closest]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 17 | [Letter Combinations Of A Phone Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 18 | [4Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 19 | [Remove Nth Node From End Of List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 20 | [Valid Parentheses]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 21 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 22 | [Generate Parentheses]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 23 | [Merge K Sorted Lists]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 24 | [Swap Nodes In Pairs]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 25 | [Reverse Nodes In K Group]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 26 | [Remove Duplicates From Sorted Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 27 | [Remove Element]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 28 | [Implement Strstr]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 29 | [Divide Two Integers]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 30 | [Substring With Concatenation Of All Words]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 31 | [Next Permutation]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 32 | [Longest Valid Parentheses]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 33 | [Search In Rotated Sorted Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 34 | [Find First And Last Position Of Element In Sorted Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 35 | [Search Insert Position]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 36 | [Valid Sudoku]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 37 | [Sudoku Solver]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 38 | [Count And Say]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 39 | [Combination Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 40 | [Combination Sum Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 41 | [First Missing Positive]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 42 | [Trapping Rain Water]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 43 | [Multiply Strings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 44 | [Wildcard Matching]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 45 | [Jump Game Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 46 | [Permutations]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 47 | [Permutations Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 48 | [Rotate Image]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 49 | [Group Anagrams]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 50 | [Powx N]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 51 | [N Queens]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 52 | [N Queens Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 53 | [Maximum Subarray]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 54 | [Spiral Matrix]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 55 | [Jump Game]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 56 | [Merge Intervals]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 58 | [Length Of Last Word]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 61 | [Rotate List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 63 | [Unique Paths Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 64 | [Minimum Path Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 71 | [Simplify Path]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 72 | [Edit Distance]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 74 | [Search A 2D Matrix]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 75 | [Sort Colors]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 76 | [Minimum Window Substring]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 77 | [Combinations]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 78 | [Subsets]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 79 | [Word Search]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 84 | [Largest Rectangle In Histogram]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 86 | [Partition List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 90 | [Subsets Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 91 | [Decode Ways]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 92 | [Reverse Linked List Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 95 | [Unique Binary Search Trees Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 98 | [Validate Binary Search Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 99 | [Recover Binary Search Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 101 | [Symmetric Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 103 | [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 105 | [Construct Binary Tree From Preorder And Inorder Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 108 | [Convert Sorted Array To Binary Search Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 109 | [Convert Sorted List To Binary Search Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 112 | [Path Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 113 | [Path Sum Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 118 | [Pascals Triangle]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 120 | [Triangle]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 121 | [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 122 | [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 123 | [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 124 | [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 127 | [Word Ladder]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 130 | [Surrounded Regions]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 133 | [Clone Graph]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 135 | [Candy]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 136 | [Single Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 138 | [Copy List With Random Pointer]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 139 | [Word Break]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 141 | [Linked List Cycle]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 142 | [Linked List Cycle Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 146 | [Lru Cache]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 150 | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 152 | [Maximum Product Subarray]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 157 | [Read N Characters Given Read4]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 158 | [Read N Characters Given Read4 Ii Call Multiple Times]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 160 | [Intersection Of Two Linked Lists]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 161 | [One Edit Distance]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 174 | [Dungeon Game]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 188 | [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock Iv]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 191 | [Number Of 1 Bits]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 198 | [House Robber]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 199 | [Binary Tree Right Side View]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 200 | [Number Of Islands]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 204 | [Count Primes]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 205 | [Isomorphic Strings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 206 | [Reverse Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 207 | [Course Schedule]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 208 | [Implement Trie Prefix Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 210 | [Course Schedule Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 212 | [Word Search Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 213 | [House Robber Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 215 | [Kth Largest Element In An Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 221 | [Maximal Square]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 224 | [Basic Calculator]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 225 | [Implement Stack Using Queues]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 227 | [Basic Calculator Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 232 | [Implement Queue Using Stacks]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 234 | [Palindrome Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 236 | [Lowest Common Ancestor Of A Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 238 | [Product Of Array Except Self]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 239 | [Sliding Window Maximum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 240 | [Search A 2D Matrix Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 242 | [Valid Anagram]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 243 | [Shortest Word Distance]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 244 | [Shortest Word Distance Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 246 | [Strobogrammatic Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 249 | [Group Shifted Strings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 252 | [Meeting Rooms]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 253 | [Meeting Rooms Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 256 | [Paint House]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 257 | [Binary Tree Paths]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 259 | [3Sum Smaller]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 261 | [Graph Valid Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 265 | [Paint House Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 268 | [Missing Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 269 | [Alien Dictionary]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 273 | [Integer To English Words]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 277 | [Find The Celebrity]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 278 | [First Bad Version]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 284 | [Peeking Iterator]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 285 | [Inorder Successor In Bst]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 286 | [Walls And Gates]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 295 | [Find Median From Data Stream]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 300 | [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 303 | [Range Sum Query Immutable]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 304 | [Range Sum Query 2D Immutable]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 309 | [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock With Cooldown]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 310 | [Minimum Height Trees]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 311 | [Sparse Matrix Multiplication]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 312 | [Burst Balloons]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 314 | [Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 317 | [Shortest Distance From All Buildings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 322 | [Coin Change]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 323 | [Number Of Connected Components In An Undirected Graph]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 325 | [Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals K]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 326 | [Power Of Three]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 328 | [Odd Even Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 334 | [Increasing Triplet Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 337 | [House Robber Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 339 | [Nested List Weight Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 340 | [Longest Substring With At Most K Distinct Characters]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 341 | [Flatten Nested List Iterator]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 343 | [Integer Break]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 346 | [Moving Average From Data Stream]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 347 | [Top K Frequent Elements]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 348 | [Design Tic Tac Toe]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 353 | [Design Snake Game]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 354 | [Russian Doll Envelopes]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 355 | [Design Twitter]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 359 | [Logger Rate Limiter]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 362 | [Design Hit Counter]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 364 | [Nested List Weight Sum Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 376 | [Wiggle Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 377 | [Combination Sum Iv]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 380 | [Insert Delete Getrandom O1]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 382 | [Linked List Random Node]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 384 | [Shuffle An Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 387 | [First Unique Character In A String]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 398 | [Random Pick Index]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 413 | [Arithmetic Slices]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 415 | [Add Strings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 417 | [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 423 | [Reconstruct Original Digits From English]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 426 | [Convert Binary Search Tree To Sorted Doubly Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 428 | [Serialize And Deserialize N Ary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 435 | [Non Overlapping Intervals]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 437 | [Path Sum Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 438 | [Find All Anagrams In A String]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 446 | [Arithmetic Slices Ii Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 450 | [Delete Node In A Bst]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 451 | [Sort Characters By Frequency]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 452 | [Minimum Number Of Arrows To Burst Balloons]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 459 | [Repeated Substring Pattern]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 460 | [Lfu Cache]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 463 | [Island Perimeter]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 465 | [Optimal Account Balancing]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 471 | [Encode String With Shortest Length]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 474 | [Ones And Zeroes]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 478 | [Generate Random Point In A Circle]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 489 | [Robot Room Cleaner]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 496 | [Next Greater Element I]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 503 | [Next Greater Element Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 509 | [Fibonacci Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 516 | [Longest Palindromic Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 518 | [Coin Change 2]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 524 | [Longest Word In Dictionary Through Deleting]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 535 | [Encode And Decode Tinyurl]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 536 | [Construct Binary Tree From String]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 538 | [Convert Bst To Greater Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 542 | [01 Matrix]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 543 | [Diameter Of Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 545 | [Boundary Of Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 547 | [Number Of Provinces]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 554 | [Brick Wall]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 556 | [Next Greater Element Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 560 | [Subarray Sum Equals K]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 573 | [Squirrel Simulation]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 575 | [Distribute Candies]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 581 | [Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 582 | [Kill Process]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 583 | [Delete Operation For Two Strings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 588 | [Design In Memory File System]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 589 | [N Ary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 594 | [Longest Harmonious Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 609 | [Find Duplicate File In System]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 616 | [Add Bold Tag In String]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 622 | [Design Circular Queue]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 623 | [Add One Row To Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 630 | [Course Schedule Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 632 | [Smallest Range Covering Elements From K Lists]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 637 | [Average Of Levels In Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 642 | [Design Search Autocomplete System]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 645 | [Set Mismatch]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 647 | [Palindromic Substrings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 650 | [2 Keys Keyboard]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 651 | [4 Keys Keyboard]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 653 | [Two Sum Iv Input Is A Bst]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 662 | [Maximum Width Of Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 666 | [Path Sum Iv]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 667 | [Beautiful Arrangement Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 668 | [Kth Smallest Number In Multiplication Table]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 669 | [Trim A Binary Search Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 692 | [Top K Frequent Words]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 694 | [Number Of Distinct Islands]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 695 | [Max Area Of Island]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 696 | [Count Binary Substrings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 698 | [Partition To K Equal Sum Subsets]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 706 | [Design Hashmap]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 708 | [Insert Into A Sorted Circular Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 714 | [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock With Transaction Fee]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 721 | [Accounts Merge]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 723 | [Candy Crush]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 727 | [Minimum Window Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 729 | [My Calendar I]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 733 | [Flood Fill]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 739 | [Daily Temperatures]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 745 | [Prefix And Suffix Search]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 750 | [Number Of Corner Rectangles]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 759 | [Employee Free Time]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 764 | [Largest Plus Sign]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 772 | [Basic Calculator Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 774 | [Minimize Max Distance To Gas Station]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 775 | [Global And Local Inversions]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 778 | [Swim In Rising Water]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 784 | [Letter Case Permutation]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 785 | [Is Graph Bipartite]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 787 | [Cheapest Flights Within K Stops]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 792 | [Number Of Matching Subsequences]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 795 | [Number Of Subarrays With Bounded Maximum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 797 | [All Paths From Source To Target]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 815 | [Bus Routes]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 820 | [Short Encoding Of Words]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 821 | [Shortest Distance To A Character]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 823 | [Binary Trees With Factors]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 827 | [Making A Large Island]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 829 | [Consecutive Numbers Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 841 | [Keys And Rooms]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 848 | [Shifting Letters]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 855 | [Exam Room]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 856 | [Score Of Parentheses]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 860 | [Lemonade Change]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 863 | [All Nodes Distance K In Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 869 | [Reordered Power Of 2]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 870 | [Advantage Shuffle]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 871 | [Minimum Number Of Refueling Stops]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 875 | [Koko Eating Bananas]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 876 | [Middle Of The Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 877 | [Stone Game]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 882 | [Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 887 | [Super Egg Drop]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 895 | [Maximum Frequency Stack]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 899 | [Orderly Queue]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 906 | [Super Palindromes]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 907 | [Sum Of Subarray Minimums]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 916 | [Word Subsets]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 922 | [Sort Array By Parity Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 923 | [3Sum With Multiplicity]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 936 | [Stamping The Sequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 946 | [Validate Stack Sequences]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 947 | [Most Stones Removed With Same Row Or Column]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 953 | [Verifying An Alien Dictionary]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 966 | [Vowel Spellchecker]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 969 | [Pancake Sorting]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 970 | [Powerful Integers]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 971 | [Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 973 | [K Closest Points To Origin]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 978 | [Longest Turbulent Subarray]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 981 | [Time Based Key Value Store]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 986 | [Interval List Intersections]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 987 | [Vertical Order Traversal Of A Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 990 | [Satisfiability Of Equality Equations]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 991 | [Broken Calculator]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1000 | [Minimum Cost To Merge Stones]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1004 | [Max Consecutive Ones Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1005 | [Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1006 | [Clumsy Factorial]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1007 | [Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1008 | [Construct Binary Search Tree From Preorder Traversal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1009 | [Complement Of Base 10 Integer]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1010 | [Pairs Of Songs With Total Durations Divisible By 60]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1011 | [Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1013 | [Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1038 | [Binary Search Tree To Greater Sum Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1041 | [Robot Bounded In Circle]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1047 | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1048 | [Longest String Chain]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1057 | [Campus Bikes]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1059 | [All Paths From Source Lead To Destination]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1086 | [High Five]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1091 | [Shortest Path In Binary Matrix]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1105 | [Filling Bookcase Shelves]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1120 | [Maximum Average Subtree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1133 | [Largest Unique Number]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1136 | [Parallel Courses]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1140 | [Stone Game Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1143 | [Longest Common Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1151 | [Minimum Swaps To Group All 1S Together]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1153 | [String Transforms Into Another String]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1165 | [Single Row Keyboard]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1166 | [Design File System]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1167 | [Minimum Cost To Connect Sticks]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1182 | [Shortest Distance To Target Color]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1186 | [Maximum Subarray Sum With One Deletion]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1191 | [K Concatenation Maximum Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1197 | [Minimum Knight Moves]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1198 | [Find Smallest Common Element In All Rows]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1209 | [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1217 | [Minimum Cost To Move Chips To The Same Position]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1228 | [Missing Number In Arithmetic Progression]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1229 | [Meeting Scheduler]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1236 | [Web Crawler]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1242 | [Web Crawler Multithreaded]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1244 | [Design A Leaderboard]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1249 | [Minimum Remove To Make Valid Parentheses]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1275 | [Find Winner On A Tic Tac Toe Game]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1302 | [Deepest Leaves Sum]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1329 | [Sort The Matrix Diagonally]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1332 | [Remove Palindromic Subsequences]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1335 | [Minimum Difficulty Of A Job Schedule]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1337 | [The K Weakest Rows In A Matrix]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1339 | [Maximum Product Of Splitted Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1342 | [Number Of Steps To Reduce A Number To Zero]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1353 | [Maximum Number Of Events That Can Be Attended]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1354 | [Construct Target Array With Multiple Sums]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1396 | [Design Underground System]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1406 | [Stone Game Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1423 | [Maximum Points You Can Obtain From Cards]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1428 | [Leftmost Column With At Least A One]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1437 | [Check If All 1S Are At Least Length K Places Away]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1448 | [Count Good Nodes In Binary Tree]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1461 | [Check If A String Contains All Binary Codes Of Size K]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1471 | [The K Strongest Values In An Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1494 | [Parallel Courses Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1498 | [Number Of Subsequences That Satisfy The Given Sum Condition]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1500 | [Design A File Sharing System]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1551 | [Minimum Operations To Make Array Equal]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1584 | [Min Cost To Connect All Points]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1629 | [Slowest Key]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1631 | [Path With Minimum Effort]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1641 | [Count Sorted Vowel Strings]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1642 | [Furthest Building You Can Reach]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1644 | [Lowest Common Ancestor Of A Binary Tree Ii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1646 | [Get Maximum In Generated Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1650 | [Lowest Common Ancestor Of A Binary Tree Iii]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1657 | [Determine If Two Strings Are Close]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1658 | [Minimum Operations To Reduce X To Zero]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1663 | [Smallest String With A Given Numeric Value]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1673 | [Find The Most Competitive Subsequence]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1675 | [Minimize Deviation In Array]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1676 | [Lowest Common Ancestor Of A Binary Tree Iv]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1679 | [Max Number Of K Sum Pairs]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1680 | [Concatenation Of Consecutive Binary Numbers]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1704 | [Determine If String Halves Are Alike]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1710 | [Maximum Units On A Truck]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |
| 1721 | [Swapping Nodes In A Linked List]( | [src](leetcode/ | [tst](tests/ |