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# Rust算法
- [ ] 总进度条 72/183 剩余 111








- [x] 数组 5/5

- [x] [704. Binary Search]( 🌸
- [x] [27. Remove Element]( 🌟
- [x] [977. Squares of a Sorted Array]( 🌟
- [x] [209. Minimum Size Subarray Sum]( 🌟
- [x] [59. Spiral Matrix II]( 🌟

- [ ] 链表 8/9

- [x] [203. Remove Linked List Elements]( 🌟🌟
- [x] [707. Design Linked List]( 🌟
- [x] [206. Reverse Linked List ]( ⭐️🌟
- [x] [24. Swap Nodes in Pairs]( ⭐️
- [x] [19. Remove Nth Node From End of List]( 🌟
- [ ] [面试题 02.07. 链表相交](
- [x] [142. Linked List Cycle II]( 🌟
- [x] [141. Linked List Cycle]( 🌸
- [x] [92. Reverse Linked List II]( ✨

- [ ] 哈希表 5/8

- [x] [242. Valid Anagram]( ✨
- [x] [349. Intersection of Two Arrays]( 🌥
- [x] [202. Happy Number]( 🌸
- [x] [1. Two Sum]( 🌟
- [ ] [454. 4Sum II](
- [ ] [383. Ransom Note](
- [x] [15. 3Sum](🌟
- [ ] [18. 4Sum](

- [ ] 字符串 1/7

- [x] [344. Reverse String]( 🌸
- [x] [541. Reverse String II](
- [ ] [剑指 Offer 05. 替换空格](
- [ ] [151. Reverse Words in a String](
- [ ] [剑指 Offer 58 - II. 左旋转字符串](
- [ ] [28. Implement strStr()](
- [ ] [459. Repeated Substring Pattern](

- [ ] 双指针法 1/10

- [ ] [27. Remove Element](
- [x] [344. Reverse String](
- [ ] [剑指 Offer 05. 替换空格](
- [ ] [151. Reverse Words in a String](
- [x] [206. Reverse Linked List ]( ⭐️
- [ ] [19. Remove Nth Node From End of List](
- [ ] [面试题 02.07. 链表相交](
- [ ] [142. Linked List Cycle II](
- [ ] [15. 3Sum](
- [ ] [18. 4Sum](

- [ ] 栈与队列 3/7🌟

- [ ] [232. Implement Queue using Stacks](
- [ ] [225. Implement Stack using Queues](
- [x] [20. Valid Parentheses]( 🌟🌸
- [ ] [1047. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String](
- [ ] [150. Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](
- [x] [239. Sliding Window Maximum](
- [x] [347. Top K Frequent Elements]( ✨
- [x] [215. Kth Largest Element in an Array]( 🌟

- [ ] [二叉树](/algorithms-summary/ 8/42

- [x] [144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( 🌟🌟
- [x] [94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( 🔥🌟
- [x] [145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( 🌟
- [x] [102. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( 🔥🌟
- [x] [107. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II]( 🌸
- [x] [199. Binary Tree Right Side View]( 🔥🌸
- [x] [637. Average of Levels in Binary Tree]( 🌸
- [ ] 429
- [ ] 515
- [ ] 116
- [ ] 117
- [ ] 104 🔥
- [ ] 111
- [x] [226. Invert Binary Tree]( 🔥🌟
- [ ] 101 🔥
- [ ] 222
- [ ] 110
- [ ] 257
- [ ] 404
- [ ] 513
- [ ] 112
- [ ] 106
- [ ] 654
- [ ] 617
- [ ] 700
- [ ] 98 🔥
- [ ] 530
- [ ] 501
- [ ] 236 🔥
- [ ] 235
- [ ] 701
- [ ] 450
- [ ] 669
- [ ] 108
- [ ] 538
- [ ] 543 🔥
- [ ] 96 🔥
- [ ] 105 🔥
- [ ] 114 🔥
- [ ] 230 🔥
- [ ] 437 🔥
- [ ] 124 🔥

- [ ] 回溯算法 1/16

- [ ] [77. Combinations](
- [ ] [216. Combination Sum III](
- [ ] [17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](
- [ ] [39. Combination Sum](
- [ ] [40. Combination Sum II](
- [ ] [131. Palindrome Partitioning](
- [ ] [93. Restore IP Addresses](
- [ ] [78. Subsets](
- [ ] [90. Subsets II](
- [ ] [491. Increasing Subsequences](
- [ ] [46. Permutations](
- [ ] [47. Permutations II](
- [ ] [332. Reconstruct Itinerary](
- [ ] [51. N-Queens](
- [ ] [37. Sudoku Solver](
- [x] [22. Generate Parentheses](

- [ ] 贪心算法 2/18

- [ ] [455. Assign Cookies](
- [ ] [376. Wiggle Subsequence](
- [ ] [53. Maximum Subarray](
- [ ] [122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](
- [x] [55. Jump Game](
- [x] [45. Jump Game II](
- [ ] [1005. Maximize Sum Of Array After K Neg](
- [ ] [134. Gas Station](
- [ ] [135. Candy](
- [ ] [860. Lemonade Change](
- [ ] [406. Queue Reconstruction by Height](
- [ ] [452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons](
- [ ] [435. Non-overlapping Intervals](
- [ ] [763. Partition Labels](
- [ ] [56. Merge Intervals](
- [ ] [738. Monotone Increasing Digits](
- [ ] [714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee](
- [ ] [968. Binary Tree Cameras](

- [ ] 动态规划 18/42

- [ ] [509. Fibonacci Number](
- [x] [70. Climbing Stairs](
- [ ] [746. Min Cost Climbing Stairs](
- [x] [62. Unique Paths](
- [ ] [63. Unique Paths II](
- [ ] [343. Integer Break](
- [ ] [96. Unique Binary Search Trees](
- [ ] [416. Partition Equal Subset Sum](
- [ ] [1049. Last Stone Weight II](
- [ ] [494. Target Sum](
- [ ] [474. Ones and Zeroes](
- [ ] [518. Coin Change 2](
- [ ] [377. Combination Sum IV](
- [x] [322. Coin Change]( 🌸
- [ ] [279. Perfect Squares](
- [ ] [139. Word Break](
- [x] [198. House Robber]( 🌸
- [ ] [213. House Robber II](
- [ ] [337. House Robber III](
- [x] 股票买卖问题 6/6

- [x] [121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
- [x] [122. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](
- [x] [123. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III](
- [x] [188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV](
- [x] [309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown](
- [x] [714. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee](
- [x] [300. Longest Increasing Subsequence](
- [ ] [674. Longest Continuous Increasing Sub](
- [ ] [718. Maximum Length of Repeated Sub](
- [ ] [1143. Longest Common Subsequence](
- [ ] [1035. Uncrossed Lines](
- [x] [53. Maximum Subarray](
- [ ] [392. Is Subsequence](
- [ ] [115. Distinct Subsequences](
- [ ] [583. Delete Operation for Two Strings](
- [x] [72. Edit Distance](
- [ ] [647. Palindromic Substrings](
- [ ] [516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence](
- [x] [5. Longest Palindromic Substring](
- [x] [120. Triangle](
- [x] [64. Minimum Path Sum]( 🌸
- [x] [152. Maximum Product Subarray](
- [x] [91. Decode Ways]( 🌟

- [ ] 单调栈 0/5

- [ ] [739. Daily Temperatures](
- [ ] [496. Next Greater Element I](
- [ ] [503. Next Greater Element II](
- [ ] [42. Trapping Rain Water](
- [ ] [84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram](

- [x] [二分搜索](/algorithms-summary/ 9/9

- [x] [4. Median of Two Sorted Arrays](
- [x] [33. Search in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [x] [34. Find First and Last Position of Element in So](
- [x] [35. Search Insert Position](
- [x] [74. Search a 2D Matrix](
- [x] [153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](
- [x] [240. Search a 2D Matrix II](
- [x] [287. Find the Duplicate Number](
- [x] [704. Binary Search](

- [x] 滑动窗口 3/3
- [x] [3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](/leetcode/notes/
- [x] [438. Find All Anagrams in a String](/leetcode/notes/
- [x] [239. Sliding Window Maximum](

- [x] 图 1/1
- [x] 环检测算法 1/1
- [x] [287. Find the Duplicate Number](/leetcode/notes/

- [x] Negative marking 1/1
- [x] [287. Find the Duplicate Number](/leetcode/notes/

- [x] 记忆化搜索 1/1

- [x] [397. Integer Replacement]( ✨


* 🔥 [Top 100 Liked Questions](
* 🌟 还需掌握
* 🌸 已独立写出

## LeetCode

| 🔗 | 📒 | Rust | Python3 | Java |
| ----------- | ----------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ----------- | ----------- |
| [1]( | [Two Sum](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | [Python3](/leetcode/src/python3/ | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [2]( | Add Two Numbers | | | [Java]() |
| [3]( | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | | | |
| [4]( | [Median of Two Sorted Arrays](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | | | |
| [5]( | Longest Palindromic Substring | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [15]( | [3Sum](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [19]( | Remove Nth Node From End of List | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | [Python3](/leetcode/src/python3/ | |
| [20]( | [Valid Parentheses](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [22]( | Generate Parentheses | [Rust]() | | |
| [24]( | Swap Nodes in Pairs | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | [Python3](/leetcode/src/python3/ | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [25]( | Reverse Nodes in k-Group | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [26]( | Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [27]( | Remove Element | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | |[Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [33]( | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | | | |
| [34]( | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | | | |
| [35]( | [ Search Insert Position](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [45]() | Jump Game II | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [53]( | Maximum Subarray | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [55]( | Jump Game | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [59]( | Spiral Matrix II | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [62]( | Unique Paths | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [64]( | Minimum Path Sum | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [70]( | Climbing Stairs | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [72]( | Edit Distance | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [74]( | [Search a 2D Matrix](/leetcode/notes/0001~0099/ | | | |
| [83]( | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [91]( | Decode Ways | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [92]( | Reverse Linked List II | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [94]( | Binary Tree Inorder Traversal | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [102]( | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [107]( | Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [120]( | Triangle | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [121]( | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](/leetcode/notes/0100~0199/ | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [122]( | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [123]( | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [141]( | Linked List Cycle | | [Python3](/leetcode/src/python3/ | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [142]( | Linked List Cycle II | | [Python3](/leetcode/src/python3/ | |
| [144]( | Binary Tree Preorder Traversal | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [145]( | Binary Tree Postorder Traversal | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [152]( | Maximum Product Subarray | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [153]( | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](/leetcode/notes/0100~0199/ | | | |
| [188]( | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV | [Rust]() | | |
| [198]( | House Robber | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [199]( | Binary Tree Right Side View | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [202]( | Happy Number | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [203]( | Remove Linked List Elements | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | |[Java](leetcode/src/java/ |
| [206]( | Reverse Linked List | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | |[Java](leetcode/src/java/ |
| [209]( | Minimum Size Subarray Sum | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [215]( | Kth Largest Element in an Array | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [226]( | Invert Binary Tree | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [239]( | Sliding Window Maximum | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [240]( | [Search a 2D Matrix II](/leetcode/notes/0200~0299/ | | | |
| [242]( | Valid Anagram | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [283]( | Move Zeroes | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [287]( | [Find the Duplicate Number](/leetcode/notes/0200~0299/ | | | |
| [300]( | Longest Increasing Subsequence | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [303]( | Range Sum Query - Immutable | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [304]( | Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [309]( | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [322]( | Coin Change | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [344]( | Reverse String | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [347]( | [Top K Frequent Elements](/leetcode/notes/0300~0399/ | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [349]( | Intersection of Two Arrays | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [397]( | Integer Replacement | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [438]( | [Find All Anagrams in a String](/leetcode/notes/0400~0499/ | | | |
| [541]( | Reverse String II | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |
| [637]( | Average of Levels in Binary Tree | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [704]( | Binary Search | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [707]( | Design Linked List | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [714]( | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [977]( | Squares of a Sorted Array | [Rust](/leetcode/src/rust/ | | |
| [1094]( | Car Pooling | | | [Java](/leetcode/src/java/ |