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Generate CLI skeleton from the oclif's internal representation

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

Generate CLI skeleton from the oclif's internal representation

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Export a Fig completion spec generated using the oclif internal representation.


# Setup

1. Add the [@oclif/plugins-plugin]( (This is only necessary for developement and does not need to be included in production).
> First add the plugin to your project with `yarn add @oclif/plugin-plugins`, then add it to the package.json of the oclif CLI:
> ```json
> {
> "name": "mycli",
> "version": "0.0.0",
> "oclif": {
> "plugins": ["@oclif/plugin-help", "@oclif/plugin-plugins"]
> }
> }
> ```

2. Clone this repo and then inside of it run `your-cli-name plugins:link`. This will add the `fig-completion` command to `your-cli-name`.

3. Run `your-cli-name fig-completion -o output-file-name`. (The correct file extension will be added automatically)