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The high-impact (popular) packages of npm

high impact npm popular

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The high-impact (popular) packages of npm

Awesome Lists containing this project



# npm-high-impact


The high-impact (popular) packages of npm.

## Contents

* [What is this?](#what-is-this)
* [When should I use this?](#when-should-i-use-this)
* [Install](#install)
* [Use](#use)
* [API](#api)
* [`npmHighImpact`](#npmhighimpact)
* [`npmTopDependents`](#npmtopdependents)
* [`npmTopDownloads`](#npmtopdownloads)
* [Data](#data)
* [Scripts](#scripts)
* [Types](#types)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [Related](#related)
* [Contribute](#contribute)
* [Security](#security)
* [License](#license)

## What is this?

This package exposes the names of popular packages on the public npm registry.
The definition of the term *popular* here is the same as what npm itself calls
They classify packages as having a high impact on the ecosystem when a package
meets one or more of the following conditions:

* download count of 1 000 000 or more per week
* depended on by 500 or more other packages

## When should I use this?

Please use this for fun experiments when researching the npm registry.

## Install

This package is [ESM only][esm].
In Node.js (version 16+), install with [npm][]:

npm install npm-high-impact

In Deno with [``][esmsh]:

import {npmHighImpact} from ''

In browsers with [``][esmsh]:


import {npmHighImpact} from ''


## Use

import {npmHighImpact} from 'npm-high-impact'


// …

## API

This package exports the identifiers [`npmHighImpact`][api-npm-high-impact],
[`npmTopDependents`][api-npm-top-dependents], and
There is no default export.

### `npmHighImpact`

List of top package names (`Array`).

Sorted by most downloaded first.
Includes (unique) packages from `npmTopDependents` and `npmTopDownloads`.

### `npmTopDependents`

List of package names that are depended on a lot (`Array`).

Sorted by most dependents first.

### `npmTopDownloads`

List of package names that are downloaded a lot (`Array`).

Sorted by most downloaded first.

## Data

> 👉 **Note**: not all of these packages are popular.
> There are some false-positives, such that download counts can be gamed, and
> that `` sometimes thinks that a fork of webpack or so is actually
> webpack.

## Scripts

This repo includes several scripts to crawl different services.

###### All packages

`script/crawl-packages.js` follows an append-only database to find all the
changes to things in the npm registry.
We filter duplicates out, but still end up with ±2.5m “things”, which aren’t
all proper packages.
Later scripts will have to deal with them being missing.

The script takes like 12-18 hours to run (it finished somewhere at night).
But the good news is that it’s additive: so the next time you run it, it’ll
only pull in everything that changed since you last ran in.

It crawls [``][npm-replicate].

###### Top downloads

`script/crawl-top-download-unscoped.js` and
`script/crawl-top-download-scoped.js` look for download counts of all ±4.1m
packages on the registry.
Later scripts can filter the complete list to get the top packages.
The script takes like 30 hours to run.
About 10 hours is spent on ±3.2m unscoped packages.
Another 8 or so on ±900k scoped packages (yes, sad).
After filtering, the interesting data would result in about 6k packages.

It crawls the npm [package download count API][npm-api].
Unscoped packages are crawled using the batch API to get 128 per request.
Scoped packages are crawled with 20 HTTP requests at a time, as there is no
batch API, and higher rates are limited by npm.

###### Top dependents

`script/crawl-top-dependent.js` looks for packages that are depended on by
500 or more other packages.
The script takes like 30 minutes to run and currently gets about 3 000

It crawls the `` [project search API][libraries-io-api], whose
results can also [be browsed on the web][libraries-io-web].
Crawling stops paginating when a package is seen that is depended on by less
than 500 other packages.

You need an API key for ``, see their API docs for more info.

## Types

This package is fully typed with [TypeScript][].
It exports no additional types.

## Compatibility

This package is at least compatible with all maintained versions of Node.js.
As of now, that is Node.js 16+.
It also works in Deno and modern browsers.

## Related

* [`npm-high-impact-cli`](
— find the popular npm packages someone maintains
* [`npm-esm-vs-cjs`](
— data on the share of ESM vs CJS on the public npm registry

## Contribute

Yes please!
See [How to Contribute to Open Source][contribute].

## Security

This package is safe.

## License

[MIT][license] © [Titus Wormer][author]














[license]: license






[api-npm-high-impact]: #npmhighimpact

[api-npm-top-dependents]: #npmtopdependents

[api-npm-top-downloads]: #npmtopdownloads