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Snappy compressor/decompressor for Java

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Snappy compressor/decompressor for Java

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snappy-java is a Java port of the [snappy](, a fast C++ compresser/decompresser developed by Google.

## Features
* Fast compression/decompression around 200~400MB/sec.
* Less memory usage. SnappyOutputStream uses only 32KB+ in default.
* JNI-based implementation to achieve comparable performance to the native C++ version.
* Although snappy-java uses JNI, it can be used safely with multiple class loaders (e.g. Tomcat, etc.).
* Compression/decompression of Java primitive arrays (`float[]`, `double[]`, `int[]`, `short[]`, `long[]`, etc.)
* To improve the compression ratios of these arrays, you can use a fast data-rearrangement implementation ([`BitShuffle`](!/org/xerial/snappy/BitShuffle.html)) before compression
* Portable across various operating systems; Snappy-java contains native libraries built for Window/Mac/Linux, etc. snappy-java loads one of these libraries according to your machine environment (It looks system properties, `` and `os.arch`).
* Simple usage. Add the snappy-java-(version).jar file to your classpath. Then call compression/decompression methods in `org.xerial.snappy.Snappy`.
* [Framing-format support]( (Since 1.1.0 version)
* OSGi support
* [Apache License Version 2.0]( Free for both commercial and non-commercial use.

## Performance
* Snappy's main target is very high-speed compression/decompression with reasonable compression size. So the compression ratio of snappy-java is modest and about the same as `LZF` (ranging 20%-100% according to the dataset).

* Here are some [benchmark results](, comparing
snappy-java and the other compressors
`LZO-java`/`LZF`/`QuickLZ`/`Gzip`/`Bzip2`. Thanks [Tatu Saloranta @cotowncoder](!/cowtowncoder) for providing the benchmark suite.
* The benchmark result indicates snappy-java is the fastest compressor/decompressor in Java:
* The decompression speed is twice as fast as the others:

## Download

[![Maven Central](](

* [Release Notes](

The current stable version is available from here:
* Release version:
* Snapshot version (the latest beta version):

### Using with Maven

Snappy-java is available from Maven's central repository. Add the following dependency to your pom.xml:


### Using with sbt

libraryDependencies += "org.xerial.snappy" % "snappy-java" % "(version)"

## Usage
First, import `org.xerial.snapy.Snappy` in your Java code:

import org.xerial.snappy.Snappy;

Then use `Snappy.compress(byte[])` and `Snappy.uncompress(byte[])`:

String input = "Hello snappy-java! Snappy-java is a JNI-based wrapper of "
+ "Snappy, a fast compresser/decompresser.";
byte[] compressed = Snappy.compress(input.getBytes("UTF-8"));
byte[] uncompressed = Snappy.uncompress(compressed);

String result = new String(uncompressed, "UTF-8");

In addition, high-level methods (`Snappy.compress(String)`, `Snappy.compress(float[] ..)` etc. ) and low-level ones (e.g. `Snappy.rawCompress(.. )`, `Snappy.rawUncompress(..)`, etc.), which minimize memory copies, can be used.

### Stream-based API
Stream-based compressor/decompressor `SnappyOutputStream`/`SnappyInputStream` are also available for reading/writing large data sets. `SnappyFramedOutputStream`/`SnappyFramedInputStream` can be used for the [framing format](

* See also [Javadoc API](!/index.html)

#### Compatibility Notes

The original Snappy format definition did not define a file format. It later added
a "framing" format to define a file format, but by this point major software was
already using an industry standard instead -- represented in this library by the
`SnappyOutputStream` and `SnappyInputStream` methods.

For interoperability with other libraries, check that compatible formats are used.
Note that not all libraries support all variants.

* `SnappyOutputStream` and `SnappyInputStream` use `[magic header:16 bytes]([block size:int32][compressed data:byte array])*` format. You can read the result of `Snappy.compress` with `SnappyInputStream`, but you cannot read the compressed data generated by `SnappyOutputStream` with `Snappy.uncompress`.
* `SnappyHadoopCompatibleOutputStream` does not emit a file header but write out the current block size as a preemble to each block

#### Data format compatibility matrix:

| Write\Read | `Snappy.uncompress` | `SnappyInputStream` | `SnappyFramedInputStream` | `` |
| --------------- |:-------------------:|:------------------:|:-----------------------:|:-------------------------------------------:|
| `Snappy.compress` | ok | ok | x | x |
| `SnappyOutputStream` | x | ok | x | x |
| `SnappyFramedOutputStream` | x | x | ok | x |
| `SnappyHadoopCompatibleOutputStream` | x | x | x | ok |

### BitShuffle API (Since 1.1.3-M2)

BitShuffle is an algorithm that reorders data bits (shuffle) for efficient compression (e.g., a sequence of integers, float values, etc.). To use BitShuffle routines, import `org.xerial.snapy.BitShuffle`:

import org.xerial.snappy.BitShuffle;

int[] data = new int[] {1, 3, 34, 43, 34};
byte[] shuffledByteArray = BitShuffle.shuffle(data);
byte[] compressed = Snappy.compress(shuffledByteArray);
byte[] uncompressed = Snappy.uncompress(compressed);
int[] result = BitShuffle.unshuffleIntArray(uncompress);


Shuffling and unshuffling of primitive arrays (e.g., `short[]`, `long[]`, `float[]`, `double[]`, etc.) are supported. See [Javadoc]( for the details.

### Setting classpath
If you have snappy-java-(VERSION).jar in the current directory, use `-classpath` option as follows:

$ javac -classpath ".;snappy-java-(VERSION).jar" # in Windows
$ javac -classpath ".:snappy-java-(VERSION).jar" # in Mac or Linux

## Public discussion group
Post bug reports or feature request to the Issue Tracker:

Public discussion forum is here: [Xerial Public Discussion Group](

## For developers

snappy-java uses sbt (simple build tool for Scala) as a build tool. Here is a simple usage

$ ./sbt # enter sbt console
> ~test # run tests upon source code change
> ~testOnly # run tests that matches a given name pattern
> publishM2 # publish jar to $HOME/.m2/repository
> package # create jar file
> findbugs # Produce findbugs report in target/findbugs
> jacoco:cover # Report the code coverage of tests to target/jacoco folder

If you need to see detailed debug messages, launch sbt with `-Dloglevel=debug` option:

$ ./sbt -Dloglevel=debug

For the details of sbt usage, see my blog post: [Building Java Projects with sbt](

### Building from the source code

See the [build instruction]( Building from the source code is an option when your OS platform and CPU architecture is not supported. To build snappy-java, you need Git, JDK (1.6 or higher), g++ compiler (mingw in Windows) etc.

$ git clone
$ cd snappy-java
$ make

When building on Solaris, use `gmake`:

$ gmake

A file `target/snappy-java-$(version).jar` is the product additionally containing the native library built for your platform.

### Creating a new release

GitHub action [] will publish a new relase to Maven Central (Sonatype) when a new tag vX.Y.Z is pushed.

## Miscellaneous Notes

### Using snappy-java with Tomcat 6 (or higher) Web Server

Simply put the snappy-java's jar to WEB-INF/lib folder of your web application. Usual JNI-library specific problem no longer exists since snappy-java version 1.0.3 or higher can be loaded by multiple class loaders.

### Configure snappy-java using property file

Prepare file (under the root path of your library) in Java's property file format.
Here is a list of the available properties:

* org.xerial.snappy.lib.path (directory containing a snappyjava's native library)
* (library file name)
* org.xerial.snappy.tempdir (temporary directory to extract a native library bundled in snappy-java)
* org.xerial.snappy.use.systemlib (if this value is true, use system installed looking the path specified by java.library.path)

Snappy-java is developed by [Taro L. Saito]( Twitter [@taroleo](!/taroleo)