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A package to parse @mentions from a text and mention the users with Laravel.

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A package to parse @mentions from a text and mention the users with Laravel.

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Xetaravel Mentions

> |Unit Tests|Coverage|Stable Version|Downloads|Laravel|License|
> |:-------:|:------:|:-------:|:------:|:-------:|:-------:|
> |[![GitHub Workflow Status](](|[![Coverage Status](](|[![Latest Stable Version](](|[![Total Downloads](](|[![Laravel 10.0](>=10.0-f4645f.svg?style=flat-square)](|[![License](](|
> A package to parse `@mentions` from a text and mention the user with a notification.
> **By default** this package is configured to parse any text type and it will replace any matched `@mention` with a markdown link (`[@Mention](/users/profile/@Mention)`) if the mentionned user exist in the database. It will also send a notification with the Laravel `Notifiable` trait to all mentionned users. (Inspired from the [laravel-mentions]( package.)
> Quick example :
> **Input** text :
> ```md
> Lorem ipsu @admin crepu @Member quis nostrud @UserDoesNotExist ullamcorper fail@mention nostrud @admin.
> ```
> **Output** text :
> ```md
> Lorem ipsu [@Admin](/users/profile/@Admin) crepu [@Member](/users/profile/@Member) quis nostrud
> @UserDoesNotExist ullamcorper fail@mention nostrud [@Admin](/users/profile/@Admin).
> ```
> **And** Both `Admin` and `Member` users will be notified. **But** `Admin` will be notified only **one** time. (Yes the Parser include an anti-spam rule.)
> ## Table of Contents
> * [Requirement](#requirement)
> * [Installation](#installation)
> * [ServiceProviders](#serviceproviders)
> * [Vendor Publish](#vendor-publish)
> * [Configuration](#configuration)
> * [Usage](#usage)
> * [Parser configuration](#parser-configuration)
> * [Parser configuration methods](#parser-configuration-methods)
> * [Custom Parser](#custom-parser)
> * [Notification](#notification)
> * [Contribute](#contribute)
> ## Requirement
> ![PHP](>=7.3-brightgreen.svg?style=flat-square)
> ## Installation
> ```
> composer require xetaio/xetaravel-mentions
> ```
> #### ServiceProviders
> Import the `MentionServiceProvider` in your `config/app.php`:
> ```php
> 'providers' => [
> //...
> Xetaio\Mentions\Providers\MentionServiceProvider::class,
> //...
> ]
> ```
> #### Vendor Publish
> Publish the vendor files to your application (included the config file `config/mentions.php` and the migration file) :
> ```php
> php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Xetaio\Mentions\Providers\MentionServiceProvider"
> ```
> Then migrate the database :
> ```sh
> php artisan migrate
> ```
> #### Configuration
> ```php
> return [
> 'pools' => [
> // Here you configure as many pools as you want. But basically we
> // notify only the Users.
> 'users' => [
> // Model that will be mentioned.
> 'model' => App\Models\User::class,
> // The column that will be used to search the model by the parser.
> 'column' => 'username',
> // The route used to generate the user link.
> 'route' => '/users/profile/@',
> // Notification class to use when this model is mentioned.
> 'notification' => App\Notifications\MentionNotification::class,
> ]
> ]
> ];
> ```
> ## Usage
> First, you will need to add the `HasMentionTrait` to the *mentioner* Model :
> ```php
> namespace App\Models;
> use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
> use Xetaio\Mentions\Models\Traits\HasMentionsTrait;
> class Comment extends Model
> {
> use HasMentionsTrait;
> }
> ```
> Now, you can start to parse a text in your controller or where you want :
> ```php
> namespace App\Http\Controllers;
> use Xetaio\Mentions\Parser\MentionParser;
> class CommentController extends Controller
> {
> public function create(Request $request)
> {
> // Handle the comment creation however you like
> $comment = Comment::create($request->all());
> // Register a new Parser and parse the content.
> $parser = new MentionParser($comment);
> $content = $parser->parse($comment->content);
> /**
> * Re-assign the parsed content and save it.
> *
> * Note : If you use a custom Parser and you don't modify
> * the `$content` in your custom Parser, you can ignore that.
> */
> $comment->content = $content;
> $comment->save();
> }
> }
> ```
> And that's all ! At least with the default configuration. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
> #### Parser configuration
> The `MentionParser` take a second parameter who is a configuration array, **this is the default configuration** :
> ```php
> [
> // The pool used with the parser.
> 'pool' => 'users',
> // If `false`, the parser won't mention the user.
> 'mention' => true,
> /**
> * If `false` the parser won't notify the user.
> *
> * Note : If the `mention` option is set to `false`, this setting is ignored.
> */
> 'notify' => true,
> /**
> * The character that will trigger the mention.
> * Note : If you modify this setting, you will also need to modify
> * the `regex_replacement.{character}` option to match this setting.
> */
> 'character' => '@',
> // The regex used to parse the mentions.
> 'regex' => '/\s({character}{pattern}{rules})/',
> /**
> * The replacement used to replace the regex pattarn.
> * Can be usefull if you want to allow a special character in the mention like `_` or `-`
> * or pass dynamic value to the regex.
> *
> * Note : The parse use the PHP function `strtr` to replace the pattarn in the regex.
> */
> 'regex_replacement' => [
> '{character}' => '@',
> '{pattern}' => '[A-Za-z0-9]',
> '{rules}' => '{4,20}'
> ]
> ]
> ```
> The configuration is merged with the default configuration, so you can set only the options that you want to modify. Exemple :
> ```php
> $parser = new MentionParser($comment, [
> 'pool' => 'members',
> 'notify' => false
> ]);
> ```
> You can also set a configuration at the runtime :
> ```php
> $parser = new MentionParser($comment);
> $parser->setOption('notify', false);
> $content = $parser->parse($comment->content);
> ```
> Or even get a configuration option value :
> ```php
> $value = $parser->getOption('notify');
> // false
> ```
> #### Parser configuration methods :
> The parser use the [Xety/Configurator]( package to manage the configuration.
> Check this repository to get all the methods and their description.
> |Function Name|Description|
> | --- | --- |
> |`setConfig(array $config)`|Sets a configuration array.(Will replace all configuration options **be carefull**)|
> |`getConfig()`|Get all the configuration options.|
> |`setOption(string $name, $value)`|Set a value for the given key.|
> |`getOption(string $name)`|Get a configuration value.|
> |`hasOption(string $name)`|Determines if current instance has the given option.|
> |`mergeConfig(array $values, bool $invert = false)`|Merges configuration values with the new ones. If the `$invert` param is set to `true` it will merge the default configuration **into** the `$values`.|
> ## Custom Parser
> If you want more flexibility for the Parser, the best way is to create a new Parser and overwrite the methods that you want to modify. For an example, let's create a new Parser that will return a HTML link instead of a Markdown link :
> ```php
> namespace App\Parser;
> use Illuminate\Support\Str;
> use Xetaio\Mentions\Parser\MentionParser;
> class CustomParser extends MentionParser
> {
> protected function replace(array $match): string
> {
> $character = $this->getOption('character');
> $mention = Str::title(str_replace($character, '', trim($match[0])));
> $route = config('mentions.pools.' . $this->getOption('pool') . '.route');
> $link = $route . $mention;
> // Here we return a HTML link instead of the default Markdown.
> return " {$character}{$mention}";
> }
> }
> ```
> To use it :
> ```php
> $parser = new \App\Parser\CustomParser($comment);
> $content = $parser->parse($comment->content);
> ```
> You can of course overwrite all Parser's methods if you need to.
> ## Notification
> You will need to write your own Notififation class, but I'm cool with you, you can find an example here using the delivery channel `database` :
> ```php
> namespace App\Notifications;
> use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
> use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
> class MentionNotification extends Notification
> {
> use Queueable;
> /**
> * The Comment instance.
> *
> * @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
> */
> public $model;
> /**
> * Create a new notification instance.
> *
> * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
> */
> public function __construct($model)
> {
> $this->model = $model;
> }
> /**
> * Get the notification's delivery channels.
> *
> * @param mixed $notifiable
> *
> * @return array
> */
> public function via($notifiable): array
> {
> return ['database'];
> }
> /**
> * Get the array representation of the notification.
> *
> * @param mixed $notifiable
> *
> * @return array
> */
> public function toDatabase($notifiable): array
> {
> // The instance `$this->model` represent the `Comment` model.
> $username = $this->model->user->username;
> $modelId = $this->model->getKey();
> $message = "@{ $username } has mentionned your name in his comment !";
> // You could (and probably should) use a route name here with the function `route()`.
> $link = "/comment/show/{ $modelId }";
> return [
> 'message' => $message,
> 'link' => $link,
> 'type' => 'mention'
> ];
> }
> }
> ```
> ## Contribute
> If you want to contribute, please [follow this guide](