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The code snippets of all kinds of languages and some docs.

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The code snippets of all kinds of languages and some docs.

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The code snippets of all kinds of languages and some docs.

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- [Algorithm](./snippet/docs/algorithm/
- [算法分析与设计](./snippet/docs/algorithm/
- [红黑树深入剖析及Java实现](
- [漫画:什么是动态规划](
- [漫画:什么是 B+ 树?](
- [Architecture](./snippet/docs/architecture)
- [system Design Primer](
- [High Availability & Load Balance](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb)
- [Keepalived](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/
- [Keepalived Config](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/
- [HAProxy Introduction](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/haproxy-intro.txt)
- [HAProxy Architecture](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/haproxy-architecture.txt)
- [HAProxy Configure](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/haproxy-configuration.txt)
- [HAProxy Conf Example](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/
- [LVS 技术原理](
- [LVS 负载均衡原理及安装配置详解](./snippet/docs/architecture/ha-lb/
- [究竟啥才是互联网架构 `高可用`](
- **RESTfull API**
- [RESTful API 设计指南](
- [REST接口设计规范](
- [跟着 Github 学习 Restful HTTP API 设计](
- **微服务(Micro-Service)**
- [微服务:从设计到部署(Designing and Deploying Microservices)]( | [中文版]( | 点击 [阅读](
- **Other**
- [我的架构感悟:从美国宪法学习架构设计原则](
- [实录:架构设计,可以学美国制宪;架构改造,可以学中国改革](
- [秒杀系统架构分析与实战](
- [HTTP API 接口调用规范](./snippet/docs/architecture/
- [Assembly](./snippet/docs/assembly)
- [Linux 汇编语言开发指南](./snippet/docs/assembly/
- [Book & Atricle](./snippet/docs/book&article)
- [free tech ebooks from packtpub](
- [BitTorrent](./snippet/docs/bt)
- [DHT中文版](./snippet/docs/bt/
- [C & C++](./snippet/docs/c&c++)
- [C & C++ 标准解读](
- [《Effective C++》要点摘录](./snippet/docs/c&c++/
- [《More Effective C++》要点摘录](./snippet/docs/c&c++/
- [C++ 资源管理](./snippet/docs/c&c++/
- [C++ 支言碎语](./snippet/docs/c&c++/
- [Compile](./snippet/docs/compile)
- [Parser Generator](./snippet/docs/compile/
- [Links](./snippet/docs/compile/
- [Compute](./snippet/docs/compute)
- [How to teach endian](./snippet/docs/compute/
- [DataBase](./snippet/docs/db)
- [SQL](./snippet/docs/db/sql)
- [处理百万级以上的数据时,提高查询速度的方法](./snippet/docs/db/sql/
- [MySQL 的查询、子查询及连接查询](./snippet/docs/db/sql/
- [MySQL 建表与索引使用规范详解](./snippet/docs/db/sql/
- [理解MySQL——索引与优化](./snippet/docs/db/sql/
- [SQL快速参考](./snippet/docs/db/sql/
- [高性能的 MySQL](
- [MySQL 连表查询](
- [我必须得告诉大家的MySQL优化原理](
- [一分钟掌握数据库垂直拆分](
- [数据库秒级平滑扩容架构方案](
- [100亿数据1万属性数据架构设计](
- [58到家数据库30条军规解读](
- [业界难题:`跨库分页` 的四种方案](
- [100亿数据平滑数据迁移,不影响服务](
- [细聊冗余表数据一致性](
- [mysql并行复制降低主从同步延时的思路与启示](
- [Distributed](./snippet/docs/distributed)
- [分布式系统——CAP理论](./snippet/docs/distributed/
- [分布式系统常见的事务处理机制](./snippet/docs/distributed/
- [分布式一致性算法](./snippet/docs/distributed/
- [etcd集群实例](./snippet/docs/distributed/
- [ZooKeeper原理](./snippet/docs/distributed/
- [基于 Redis 的分布式锁到底安全吗?](
- [Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure]( | [英文原版论文下载]( | [中文翻译阅读](
- [到底什么时候该使用MQ?](
- **gRPC**
- [Protobuf 语法](
- [gRPC 服务发现 & 负载均衡](
- [gRPC 拦截器 Interceptor](
- [gRPC HTTP/JSON 协议转换](
- [Docker](./snippet/docs/docker)
- [Docker — 从入门到实践]( (点击 [GitBook]( 或 [Github]( 阅读)
- [Document](./snippet/docs/document)
- [Markdown](./snippet/docs/document/markdown)
- [Cheat Sheet](./snippet/docs/document/markdown/
- [Markdown 语法说明]([快速入门版](
- [Markdown & GFM](
- Github Docs
- [Basic writing and formatting syntax](
- [Organizing information with tables](
- [reStructuredText](./snippet/docs/document/reStructuredText)
- [Quick reStructuredText](
- [reStructuredText Markup Specification](
- [reStructuredText 入门](
- [Sphinx](
- [YAML](
- [YAML 语言教程](
- [Editor](./snippet/docs/editor)
- [VIM](./snippet/docs/editor/vim)
- [VIM命令集](
- [VIM脚本语法摘录](./snippet/docs/editor/vim/
- [VIM脚本编写第一部分:变量、值和表达式](./snippet/docs/editor/vim/
- [VIM键盘映射(Map)](./snippet/docs/editor/vim/
- [vi/vim使用进阶](
- [Links](./snippet/docs/editor/vim/
- [Others](./snippet/docs/editor/vim/
- Plugins
- [NERDTree](./snippet/docs/editor/vim/
- [Encoding](./snippet/docs/encoding)
- [XML参考手册](
- [GCC](./snippet/docs/gcc)
- [Go](./snippet/docs/go)
- [前言](./snippet/docs/go/
- [1. 基本语法](./snippet/docs/go/
- [2. 基本类型](./snippet/docs/go/
- [3. 表达式](./snippet/docs/go/
- [4. 声明与语句](./snippet/docs/go/
- [1. 声明与赋值](./snippet/docs/go/声明与赋值)
- [2. 常量](./snippet/docs/go/常量)
- [3. 控制语句](./snippet/docs/go/控制语句)
- [4. Go例程](./snippet/docs/go/例程)
- [5. 方法声明](./snippet/docs/go/方法声明)
- [6. if 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [7. switch 和 fallthrough 语句](./snippet/docs/go/和-fallthrough-语句)
- [8. for 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [9. go 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句goroutine)
- [10. select 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [11. return 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [12. break 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [13. continue 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [14. goto 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [15. defer 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [16. Label 语句](./snippet/docs/go/语句)
- [17. 终止语句](./snippet/docs/go/终止语句)
- [5. 函数](./snippet/docs/go/
- [6. 包](./snippet/docs/go/
- [7. 库](./snippet/docs/go/
- [8. 不常用的特性](./snippet/docs/go/
- [字节对齐](./snippet/docs/go/字节对齐)
- [GO环境变量](./snippet/docs/go/环境变量)
- [9. GO标准版本变化](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.1](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.2](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.3](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.4](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.5](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.6](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.7](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.8](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.9](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.10](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.11](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.12](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.13](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GO1.14](./snippet/docs/go/
- [Others]
- [Go Playground](
- [Golang net.http标准库](./snippet/docs/go/
- [Golang HTML Template](./snippet/docs/go/template.txt)
- [Golang Packages](./snippet/docs/go/
- [Go `database/sql` tutorial](
- [Go 性能优化](./snippet/docs/go/
- [优化Go的模式](
- 《The Go Programming Language》(Go语言圣经) [中文版]( [中文版阅读]( [官网]( [源码](
- [Go语言设计与实现](
- [Go语言高级编程]( (点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [Go2编程指南]( (点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [Go 内嵌静态资源](
- [XML 动态解析样例](./snippet/example/go/xml.go)
- [Gopher Academy Blog](
- [Go Assembler](
- [Go Data Race Detector](
- [Approximating html/template Inheritance](
- [深入解析Go](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [使用 Go 工具链支持自定义仓库](./snippet/docs/go/
- [GraphQL](
- [The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL](点击 [这里]( 阅读 )
- [Java](./snippet/docs/java)
- [Packages](./snippet/docs/java/
- [JavaSript](./snippet/docs/js)
- [Can I Use](
- [JavaScript Documents]( | [中文版](
- [JavaScript Reference]( | [中文版](
- [JavaScript ES5 官方国际标准](点击 [这里]( 阅读中文版)
- [JavaScript ES6(ES2015) 官方国际标准](
- [JavaScript ES7(ES2016) 官方国际标准](
- [JavaScript ES8(ES2017) 官方国际标准](
- [ECMAScript 6 Features]( 或 [Babel版](
- [Exploring JS]( **【重点推荐】**
- [Speaking JavaScript (ES5)](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [Exploring ES6 (ES6)](点击 [这里]( 阅读) | [中文翻译](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [An overview of what’s new in ES6(ES2015)](./snippet/docs/js/
- [Exploring ES2016 and ES2017](点击 [这里]( 阅读)([单页版](./snippet/docs/js/
- [Setting up ES6 (Using and configuring Babel 6 in web browsers and on Node.js.)](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [ECMAScript 6入门]( (点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [JavaScript 标准参考教程]( (点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [JavaScript 半知半解](
- [一个很好的博客](
- [JavaScript ES3/ES5 快速参考](./snippet/docs/js/
- [Understanding ECMAScript 6](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [JavaScript 编程精解(英文原版阅读)](
- [Practical Node.js (2nd)](
- [深入浅出js(Node.js)异步流程控制](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [JavaScript 中至关重要的 Apply, Call 和 Bind](./snippet/docs/js/
- [JavaScript 风格指南](
- [测试框架 Mocha 实例教程](
- [Ajax 知识体系大梳理](
- [Tail call optimization in ECMAScript 6](
- [Packages](./snippet/docs/js/
- **Promise**
- [ES6 Promise 规范]( | [中文版](
- [JavaScript Promise迷你书](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- **DOM**
- [前端新手必看的JavaScript常用DOM操作方法和函数](
- [NodeJS](
- [Node.js ES2015 Support](
- [《深入理解Node.js:核心思想与源码分析》](点击 [这里]( 阅读)
- [Babel](
- [Babel Handbook]( (点击阅读 [用户手册(中)]( 或 [插件手册(中)](
- [React](
- 官方的 “[快速教程](”
- 官方的 “[高级向导](”
- 官方的 “[参考手册](”
- [React.js 小书](
- [Controlled vs. Uncontrolled components in Form](
- [React Lifecycle](./snippet/docs/js/_static/2.jpg)
- [30 Days of React Native](
- [React-Router](
- [官方文档的中文翻译](
- [深入理解 React-Router 路由系统](
- [Declarative Routing for React](
- [Redux](
- [Offline Docs: PDF EPUB MOBI](
- [React-Redux: Official React bindings for Redux](
- [React & Redux](
- [React 之 Redux 架构模式](
- [Redux Middleware 详解](
- [Redux Middleware: Behind the Scenes](
- [React、Redux、React-Redux 之间的关系](./snippet/docs/js/_static/3.png)
- [React and Redux 性能优化](
- **Module Definition**
- [AMD](
- [CommonJS](
- [UMD](
- [AMD、CMD、UMD 模块的写法](./snippet/docs/js/
- [Webpack]( | [中文](
- [《深入浅出Webpack》](点击 [阅读](
- [入门 Webpack,看这篇就够了](
- [细说webpack之流程篇]( | 点击看 [大图](
- [常用 Webpack 插件](./snippet/docs/js/
- [VueJS](
- [剖析 VUE 实现原理](
- [FAQ](./snippet/docs/js/
- [Kubernetes](./snippet/docs/kubernetes)
- [Kubernetes Handbook](点击 [阅读](
- [Linux](./snippet/docs/linux)
- [QoS](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS)
- [理论篇](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [应用篇](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [过滤器](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [HTB使用例子](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [HTB使用例子2](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [HTB入队规则手册————用户向导](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [其它资源](./snippet/docs/linux/QoS/
- [TC man](
- [TC U32 man]( ([源码](
- [DiskIO](./snippet/docs/linux/diskio)
- [Distrbution](./snippet/docs/linux/distribution)
- Debian
- [用户手册](
- [The Debian Administrator's Handbook]( ([中文版](
- [Debian Reference]( ([中文版](
- [开发手册](
- [Debian Policy Manual](
- [Debian Developer's Reference](
- [Kali](./snippet/docs/linux/distribution/
- Package Manager
- [Debian New Maintainers' Guide]( ([中文版](
- [Guide for Debian Maintainers]( ([中文版](
- [RPM Packaging Guide](
- [RPM Spec File Syntax](
- [Fedora RPM Guide](
1. [Dependencies]( and [More Dependencies](
2. [Macro syntax](
- [IP Route2](./snippet/docs/linux/iproute2)
- [IPv4](./snippet/docs/linux/ipv4)
- [Kernel](./snippet/docs/linux/kernel)
- [Linux Kernel Map](./snippet/docs/linux/kernel/_static/linux-kernel-map.png)(点击 [这里]( 看大图)
- [NetFilter](./snippet/docs/linux/netfilter)
- [Linux IPtables使用入门](./snippet/docs/linux/netfilter/
- [TCP握手与IPtables](./snippet/docs/linux/netfilter/
- [IPtables 扩展](./snippet/docs/linux/netfilter/
- [NetFilter插件开发](./snippet/docs/linux/netfilter/netfilter.txt)
- [其它链接](./snippet/docs/linux/netfilter/
- [NetLink](./snippet/docs/linux/netlink)
- [Tap/Tun](./snippet/docs/linux/tap)
- [Program](./snippet/docs/linux/program)
- [编译Linux内核](./snippet/docs/linux/program/
- [守护进程](./snippet/docs/linux/program/
- [Linux系统编程开发](./snippet/docs/linux/program/
- [SOCK_RAW Demystified](./snippet/docs/linux/program/raw-socket-demystified.txt)
- [使用原始套接字发送任意的IPv4数据报](./snippet/docs/linux/program/
- [Raw Socket 接收和发送数据包](./snippet/docs/linux/program/
- [`SO_REUSEADDR` and `SO_REUSEPORT`](./snippet/docs/linux/program/
- [Other](./snippet/docs/linux/others)
- [Linux Bridge - how it works](
- [How to find namespaces in a Linux system](
- [Linux Switching – Interconnecting Namespaces](
- [Switching Performance – Connecting Linux Network Namespaces](
- [Switching Performance – Chaining OVS bridges](
- [Linux Socket Listen Backlog](./snippet/docs/linux/others/
- [跟我一起修改 Gnome Shell theme](./snippet/docs/linux/others/
- [Linux性能分析与调优](./snippet/docs/linux/others/
- [设置 Linux 的分辨率](【[脚本](./snippet/bin/shell/】
- **Systemd**
- [Systemd 入门教程:命令篇](
- [Systemd 入门教程:实战篇](
- [Network](./snippet/docs/network)
- [DDOS](./snippet/docs/network/ddos)
- [NAT](./snippet/docs/network/nat)
- [穿越NAT的P2P通信方法的研究(英)](./snippet/docs/network/nat/
- [P2P、UDP和TCP穿透NAT](./snippet/docs/network/nat/
- [OpenVSwitch & OpenFlow](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of)
- [OVS + DPDK](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- **FAQ**
- [Quality of Service (QoS)](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- [Dump Flows](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- [`in_port`](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- [Tunnel](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- [Other](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- [其它学习资料](./snippet/docs/network/ovs-of/
- [Protocol](./snippet/docs/network/protocol)
- [TCP/IP Protocol Layer](./snippet/docs/network/protocol/_static/tcpip.png)(点击 [这里]( 看大图)
- [TCP](./snippet/docs/network/tcp)
- [`CLOSE_WAIT`和`TIME_WAIT`](./snippet/docs/network/tcp/
- [Tcpdump](./snippet/docs/network/tcpdump)
- [Tunnel](./snippet/docs/network/tunnel)
- [Others](./snippet/docs/network/others)
- [写一个每秒接收 100 万数据包的程序究竟有多难](
- [端口扫描](./snippet/docs/network/others/
- [用户空间网络栈](./snippet/docs/network/others/
- [OpenStack](./snippet/docs/openstack)
- [Package](./snippet/docs/package)
- [Python](./snippet/docs/python)(**废弃**,[看这里](
- [前言](./snippet/docs/python/
- [1. 基本知识](./snippet/docs/python/
- [2. 数据类型](./snippet/docs/python/
- [3. 表达式与语句](./snippet/docs/python/
- [4. 函数](./snippet/docs/python/
- [5. 类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [6. 变量名、对象、作用域及命名空间(模块)的分析](./snippet/docs/python/
- [变量名与对象](./snippet/docs/python/一变量名与对象)
- [作用域与命名空间](./snippet/docs/python/二作用域与命名空间)
- [模块、包的导入](./snippet/docs/python/三模块包的导入)
- [7. 异常](./snippet/docs/python/
- [8. 运算符重载](./snippet/docs/python/
- [9. 高级特性](./snippet/docs/python/
- [装饰器](./snippet/docs/python/一装饰器)
- [属性管理](./snippet/docs/python/二属性管理)
- [元类](./snippet/docs/python/三元类)
- [10. 其他要点](./snippet/docs/python/
- [向类中添加方法](./snippet/docs/python/一向类中添加方法)
- [向类中添加属性](./snippet/docs/python/二向类中添加属性)
- [Python2中的编码错误问题](./snippet/docs/python/三Python2中的编码错误问题)
- [11. 高级应用](./snippet/docs/python/
- [12. Python C 扩展](./snippet/docs/python/
- [附录](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Others]
- [Python打包指南](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Python内建模块](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Python日志系统Logging](./snippet/docs/python/
- [SQLAlchemy分析](./snippet/docs/python/
- [SQLAlchemy Expression Language](./snippet/docs/python/
- [SQLAlchemy ORM](./snippet/docs/python/
- [SQLAlchemy 简单教程](
- [PasteDeploy](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Django Form工作流程](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Form类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [BoundField类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Field类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Widget类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Media类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [各类间的关系](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Django Form的使用](./snippet/docs/python/
- [ModelForm类](./snippet/docs/python/
- [修改 `pypi` 源](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Python文件编码](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Python编码错误的本质原因](
- [其它资源](./snippet/docs/python/
- [Rust](./snippet/docs/rust)
- [Rust Packages](./snippet/docs/rust/
- [Rust参考手册(表达式和Item部分未翻译)](./snippet/docs/rust/
- [杂记](./snippet/docs/rust/
- `String` vs `&str`
- [String vs &str in Rust functions](
- [Creating a Rust function that accepts String or &str](
- [Creating a Rust function that returns a &str or String](
- [Writing an OS in Rust ](
- [Rust Example](
- [Shell](./snippet/docs/shell)
- [前言](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [一 词法预览](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [1 控制字符](./snippet/docs/shell/控制字符)
- [2 元字符](./snippet/docs/shell/元字符)
- [3 保留字](./snippet/docs/shell/保留字)
- [4 注释](./snippet/docs/shell/注释)
- [二 shell语法](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [5 变量](./snippet/docs/shell/变量)
- [6 命令解析](./snippet/docs/shell/命令解析)
- [7 管道](./snippet/docs/shell/管道)
- [8 列表(lists)](./snippet/docs/shell/列表lists)
- [9 复合命令](./snippet/docs/shell/复合命令)
- [10 函数](./snippet/docs/shell/函数)
- [三 引用](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [11 引用](./snippet/docs/shell/引用)
- [12 反斜杠转义字符序列](./snippet/docs/shell/反斜杠转义字符序列)
- [四 算术计算](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [13 运算符](./snippet/docs/shell/运算符)
- [14 算术扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/算术扩展)
- [15 条件表达式](./snippet/docs/shell/条件表达式)
- [五 参数](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [16 位置参数](./snippet/docs/shell/位置参数)
- [17 数组](./snippet/docs/shell/数组)
- [六 扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [18 大括号扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/大括号扩展)
- [19 波浪线(~)扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/波浪线扩展)
- [20 参数扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/参数扩展)
- [21 命令替换](./snippet/docs/shell/命令替换)
- [22 算术扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/算术扩展)
- [23 进程替换](./snippet/docs/shell/进程替换)
- [24 单词分割](./snippet/docs/shell/单词分割)
- [25 模式匹配](./snippet/docs/shell/模式匹配)
- [七 重定向](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [26 重定向(redirection)](./snippet/docs/shell/重定向redirection)
- [八 历史](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [27 历史](./snippet/docs/shell/历史)
- [28 历史扩展](./snippet/docs/shell/历史扩展)
- [九 Readline](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [29 Readline](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [十 Shell内建命令](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [30 Shell内建命令](./snippet/docs/shell/内建命令)
- [十一 环境变量](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [31 环境变量](./snippet/docs/shell/环境变量)
- [十二 其他](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [32 作业控制](./snippet/docs/shell/作业控制)
- [33 信号](./snippet/docs/shell/信号)
- [34 退出状态](./snippet/docs/shell/退出状态)
- [35 提示符](./snippet/docs/shell/提示符)
- [36 控制字符](./snippet/docs/shell/控制字符)
- [37 脚本编写](./snippet/docs/shell/脚本编写)
- [附录](./snippet/docs/shell/
- [Swift](./snippet/docs/swift)
- [Ownership Manifesto(所有权宣言)](阅读 [中文版](
- [Packages](./snippet/docs/swift/
- [Tool](./snippet/docs/tool)
- [Diff & Patch](./snippet/docs/tool/diff&
- [tmux 使用手册]( ([备用](
- other tools
- [Version Control System](./snippet/docs/vcs)
- [Conventional Commits(约定式提交)](阅读[英文版]( | [中文版](
- [SVN搭建与简单使用](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [Git服务器架设](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [Git HTTP代理](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [Git学习笔记](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [Git rebase详解](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [Github Guide](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [git-extras]( ( [安装]( )
- [Git 思维导图](./snippet/docs/vcs/_static/git-shortcut.jpg)(点击 [这里]( 看大图)
- [使用 `5W1H` 写出高可读的 Git Commit Message](./snippet/docs/vcs/
- [图解Git](
- [一个小时学会 Git](
- [Web](./snippet/docs/web)
- [浏览器 HTTP 协议缓存机制详解](./snippet/docs/web/
- [URL 中的 `#`](./snippet/docs/web/
- [URL 编码的奥秘](
- **大型网站技术架构**
- [大型网站技术架构的演进](./snippet/docs/web/
- [大型网站技术架构-入门梳理](./snippet/docs/web/
- **CSS**
- [CSS 选择器](./snippet/docs/web/
- [Bootstrap 速查表](
- [16种方法实现水平居中垂直居中](
- [CSS实战之Flex详解以及其在微信中的兼容实现](
- [让PC页面自动伸缩,以适应所有设备](
- [CSS 定位 浮动](
- [CSS Position 定位属性](
- [CSS float 浮动属性](
- **HTML**
- [HTML 获取屏幕、浏览器、页面的高度宽度](
- [HTML 鼠标坐标和元素坐标](
- [移动前端开发之 viewport 的深入理解](
- **Other**
- [HTML5 大文件上传]( | [BaiDu Web Uploader](
- [文件上传那些事儿](
- WeChat
- [微信小程序开源项目库汇总](
- [Windows](./snippet/docs/windows)
- Others
- [十二要素应用宣言]([中文版摘录](
- [提问的智慧](点击 [这里]( 阅读英文原版)
- [通过 GitHub 代码库总结出来的代码书写习惯](