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:movie_camera:The douban-movie Application built with webpack + vue + vuex + vue-router + iView.

douban-movie http-proxy-middleware iviewui lazyload vue vue-cli vue-router vuex

Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation

:movie_camera:The douban-movie Application built with webpack + vue + vuex + vue-router + iView.

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# douban-movie


It is the douban-movie Application built with webpack + vue + vuex + vue-router + iView.


because the limit of [open API]( is 40 times / minute.I recommended you clone this project to you own local environment.

Enter GitHub to see [code](!

Thanks for you support, waiting for your `issue`, `pr`, `star` or `follow`!I will release more interesting project in the future!

## Online
[Click Here](

Or you can clone this project to you own local environment, then enjoy this project online:

git clone

cd douban-movie

yarn install

yarn run server
Then open your browser, and go to http://localhost:3000/ to enjoy it!

## Development
git clone

cd douban-movie

yarn install

yarn run dev
Then open your browser, and go to http://localhost:8080/ to enjoy it!

## Preview

## Technology stack
- `vue` + `vuex`+ `vue-router` vue based project
- `webpack` + `webpack-dev-server` + `http-proxy-middleware` dev environment we use webpack-dev-server and http-proxy-middleware.
- `express` + `http-proxy-middleware` online we use express and http-proxy-middleware
- `iView` UI components library
- `vue-lazyload` help us lazyload images
- `rem` + `flex` + `grid` responsive layout in mobile
- `yarn` package manager.
- `postman` test our interface

## Functions
### src/containers/Home.vue
- [x] hot-movie, comming-soon, top250 and us-box.
- [x] horizontal scrolling.
- [x] preview the score of the movie.

### src/containers/Search.vue
You should input some word which is you want to search, then press `Enter` and begin to search, or you can click the button of search.
- [x] search.
- [x] save the hot search record.

### src/containers/More.vue
- [x] preview the score of the movie.
- [x] loading when you scroll.
- [x] save the data you accessd to `vuex`.

### src/containers/MovieDetail.vue
- [x] score of the movie.
- [x] information of the movie.
- [x] actors list.
- [x] the plot.
- [x] save the data you accessd to `vuex`.

### src/containers/Tah.vue
- [x] turn the page.
- [x] lazyload images.
- [x] preview the information of the movie.
- [x] cache your browsing.

## Directory
|—— build
|—— config
|—— server
| |—— index.js : the entry of the server.
| |—— static/ : static files after packaging.
| |__ index.html : the entry of this application.
|——src : dev resources.
| |—— assets : images
| |—— components/
| | |____ Common/ : reusable components
| | |____ ... : other components of the own page.
| |
| |—— router/
| | |____ index.js : the entry of router.
| | |____ server.js : export ajax function.
| | |____ serverConfig.js : export the server detail.
| | |____ routes/ : every page's router, changing the state of `vuex` at its lifecycle function.
| |
| |—— store : vuex
| |—— App.vue : douban-movieSPA
| |__ main.js : the entry of douban-movieSPA
|__ static : static files


## What did I learnt in this project?
### How to save data in vuex?

[`${}`]: A,
see the codes of `/src/router/routes`.
beforeEnter: (to, before, next) => {
const currentMovieId = to.params.currentMovieId;
if (store.state.moviedetail.currentMovie[`${currentMovieId}`]) {
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, false);
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, true);
currentMovie(currentMovieId).then((currentMovieDetail) => {
// 成功则commit后台接口的数据,并把NET_ERROR的数据置空,并把加载中的状态置为false。
const id =;
store.commit(types.CURRENT_MOVIE, {
[`${id}`]: currentMovieDetail,,
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, false);
store.commit(types.NET_STATUS, '');
document.title = `${currentMovieDetail.title} - 电影 - 豆瓣`;
}).catch((error) => {
document.title = '出错啦 Oops… - 豆瓣';
store.commit(types.NET_STATUS, error);
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, false);

### How to turn the page and load?

We set a state named `currentPage`,everytime we change this state, the page will rerender.

see the codes of `/src/containers/Tag.vue`.
computed: {
tagData(state) {
return state.tag.tagData[`${this.$route.params.currentTagId}`];

subjects() {
return this.tagData.subjects.slice(
(this.currentPage - 1) * 10,
this.currentPage * 10,

methods: {
changePage(flag) {
const currentTagId = this.$route.params.currentTagId;
const { start, count } = this.tagData;
// 第一页不能往前翻页,最后一页不能往后翻页。
if ((this.currentPage === 1 && flag === 'reduce') ||
(this.currentPage === Math.ceil( / 10) && flag === 'add')
) {
if (flag === 'add') {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
// 每次请求十条数据
tag: currentTagId,
count: 10,
start: count + start,
// 需要使用localStorge保存当前的页码信息,再次进入可以有这个页码信息。
const doubanMovieCurrentPage = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.doubanMovieCurrentPage);
window.localStorage.doubanMovieCurrentPage = JSON.stringify({
[`${currentTagId}`]: this.currentPage,
} else {
this.currentPage = this.currentPage - 1;
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
### How to scroll and load?

like the waterfall layout,when user scroll to some location , we request the data form back-end.

see the codes of `src/containers/More.vue`。
handleScroll() {
// 函数的作用是滚动加载电影详情信息
// 判断是否为请求后台中的状态,如果是则返回
const { start, count, total } = this.currentSeeMore;
if (!this.requestFlag) {
// 不同浏览器top展现会不一致
let top = window.document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (top === 0) {
top = document.body.scrollTop;
const clientHeight = document.getElementById('app').clientHeight;
const innerHeight = window.innerHeight;
const proportion = top / (clientHeight - innerHeight);
// 但如果已把所有数据加载完毕了,则不请求
if (proportion > 0.6 && (start + count) < total) {
start: start + count,
title: this.$route.params.title,
this.requestFlag = false;

### How to throttle when user scroll?

To implementation throttle of scrolling, we set a `flag`.when `flag === true`, we return the scroll function.

see the codes of `src/containers/More.vue`.

scrolling() {
// scrolling函数用于作函数节流
if (this.scrollFlag) {
this.scrollFlag = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.scrollFlag = false;
}, 20);

### 404 and loading

set two states in `vuex`.

see the codes of `src/App.vue`



### How to change the asynchronous state?

We often use [universal-router]( in `React` that case, we can `dispatch` an `action` to change the state of `redux`, when we entry/change the router, and we use async/await fuction.

Like this code of React:

async action({ store, params }) {
// 判断store里的id和当前id是否一致,若一致,则不请求后台
const chapterInfos = store.getState().home.chapterInfos;
if (Object.keys(chapterInfos).length === 0 || !== parseInt(params.chapter, 10)) {
await store.dispatch(chapter(params.chapter));

And in this project, I had imitated it!

see the codes of `/src/router/routes`

beforeEnter: (to, before, next) => {
document.title = '电影 - 豆瓣';
if (Object.keys(store.state.home.homeData).length !== 0) {
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, false);
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, true);
hotMovie(8, 0),
commingSoon(8, 0),
top250(8, 0),
usBox(8, 0),
]).then((homeData) => {
// 成功则commit后台接口的数据,并把NET_ERROR的数据置空,并把加载中的状态置为false。
store.commit(types.HOME_DATA, homeData);
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, false);
store.commit(types.NET_STATUS, '');
}).catch((error) => {
document.title = '出错啦 Oops… - 豆瓣';
store.commit(types.NET_STATUS, error);
store.commit(types.LOADING_FLAG, false);

### Ajax

import serverConfig from './serverConfig';

const Ajax = url => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
} else {
reject(`错误: ${xhr.status}`);

// 影院热映
export const hotMovie = (count, start) =>
// 即将上映
export const commingSoon = (count, start) =>
// top250
export const top250 = (count, start) =>
// 北美票房榜
export const usBox = (count, start) =>
// 当前电影详情信息
export const currentMovie = currentMovieId =>
// 当前标签详情信息
export const getTagData = (tag, count, start) =>

### How to set proxy?
In dev environment we use `webpack-dev-server` and `http-proxy-middleware`, and online we use `express` and `http-proxy-middleware`.

proxyTable: {
'/v2': {
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
pathRewrite: {
'^/v2': '/v2'

var express = require('express');
var proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');

var app = express();
app.use('/static', express.static('static'));
app.use('/v2', proxy({
target: '',
changeOrigin: true,
headers: {
Referer: ''

app.get('/*', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');

### Responsive layout in mobile

Use `rem`! In this project `1rem = 100px`!

The browser run the codes following,change the `font-size` of the document.



(function (doc, win) {
var docEl = doc.documentElement,
resizeEvt = 'orientationchange' in window ? 'orientationchange' : 'resize',
recalc = function () {
var clientWidth = docEl.clientWidth > 750 ? 360 : docEl.clientWidth ;
if (!clientWidth) return; = clientWidth / 750 * 100 + 'px';
if (!doc.addEventListener) return;
doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', recalc, false);
if (docEl.clientWidth > 750) return;
win.addEventListener(resizeEvt, recalc, false);
})(document, window);

Chinese document referencing my friend [ShanaMaid](!
## Support

Thanks for you support,being glad for your `star`, `pr`, `follow` and `issue`.

When you see bugs.You can mail to me! [email protected] !