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Android RecyclerView Adapter Library to Build Multiple, Single Items Easly

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Android RecyclerView Adapter Library to Build Multiple, Single Items Easly

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# Palex-Adapter

## Description
Simple Android Library Built to Make RecyclerView Adapters Easly to Build with Defined Multiple Types of Adapters

This Library built with Pre Loaded Adapters and Methods that Commonly Used in one library

## Adapters
All Supported Types in Palex Adapter
1. Multiple Views Type
2. Single View Type
3. Single Item Stable Id Type
4. Multiple Stable Id View Type

## Info

This Library Built with Kotlin Languages Based on RecyclerView Library (1.2.1)
And Supported By View LayoutInflater To Bind ViewHolders

1. Single Item Adapter (2 Types)
You Need to Build Class To Override The Required Methods in Adapter to Bind the Views with Data

2. Multiple Item Adapter (2 Types)
You Don't Need to Create Class to Override Anything Based on Adapter But you need to Make ItemView for Each Item
To Bind the Views with Data

## Installation

Gradle Root File

allprojects {
repositories {

dependency {
implementation "com.yazantarifi:palex-android:1.0.1"

## Example
1. Single Item Adapter

> Create Item

data class ItemExample(
val title: String,
val description: String
): PalexSingleItem

> Implement Adapter Class To Override The Required Methods

class ItemExampleAdapter constructor(
items: ArrayList,
context: Context
): PalexSingleItemAdapter(context, R.layout.row_single_item, items) {

override fun onBindItem(
item: ItemExample,
context: Context,
position: Int,
viewHolder: ItemExampleViewHolder
) {
viewHolder.description?.text = item.description
viewHolder.postText?.text = item.title
viewHolder.position?.text = "Position : $position"

// Used to Add Ripple Click Effect on Each Item

override fun getViewHolder(context: Context): ItemExampleViewHolder {
return ItemExampleViewHolder(getLayoutInstance(context))


> Create ViewHolder to Adapter

class ItemExampleViewHolder constructor(view: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
val postText: TextView? = view.postText
val description: TextView? = view.description
val position: TextView? = view.position

> Create Adapter Instance

private val adapterInstance by lazy {
ItemExampleAdapter(getItems(), this@SingleItemExampleScreen)

> Add Adapter To RecyclerView

singleItemRecyclerView?.apply {
PalexRecyclerViewInit.initVerticalView(this@SingleItemExampleScreen, this, adapterInstance)
adapterInstance.addPaginationListener(object: PalexAdapterPaginationCallback {
override fun onNextPageRequest() {

## Multi Items Example
2. Multiple Items Views Adapter Example

> You Need to Create The Item That Will Start Binding in Each RecyclerView Item

data class Post(
var id: Long = 0,
var title: String = "",
var description: String = ""
): PalexItem {

companion object {
const val TEXT = 1
const val GOOGLE_ADS = 2
const val SINGLE_IMAGE = 3

override fun getItemViewType(): Int {
return type


> Create Base ViewHolder

open class PostViewHolder constructor(view: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view)

> Now Create ItemView for Each View Type in Posts

1. First Supported ItemView
class PostImageItemView: PalexItemView() {
override fun onBindViewItem(
item: PalexItem,
position: Int,
viewHolder: ViewHolder,
context: Context,
pool: RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool?
) {
(item as? Post)?.let {
viewHolder.title?.text = it.title
viewHolder.image?.let { it1 ->

override fun onBindViewHolder(context: Context): ViewHolder {
return ViewHolder(getLayout(context))

override fun getLayoutResource(): Int {
return R.layout.row_image_post

override fun getViewType(): Int {
return Post.SINGLE_IMAGE

inner class ViewHolder(view: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
val title: TextView? = view.title
val image: ImageView? = view.loadPostImage

2. Second Supported ItemView


class PostTextItemView: PalexItemView() {

inner class ViewHolder(view: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
val description: TextView? = view.description
val postText: TextView? = view.postText

override fun onBindViewItem(item: PalexItem, position: Int, viewHolder: ViewHolder, context: Context, pool: RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool?) {
(item as? Post?)?.let {
viewHolder.description?.text = it.description
viewHolder.postText?.text = it.title

override fun onBindViewHolder(context: Context): ViewHolder {
return ViewHolder(getLayout(context))

override fun getLayoutResource(): Int {
return R.layout.row_post_text

override fun getViewType(): Int {
return Post.TEXT


3. Third Supported ItemView

class GoogleAdsItemView: PalexItemView() {

override fun onBindViewItem(
item: PalexItem,
position: Int,
viewHolder: ViewHolder,
context: Context,
pool: RecyclerView.RecycledViewPool?
) {
(item as? Post)?.let {
viewHolder.adManagerAdView?.let { it1 -> loadBannerItem(it1, it) }

private fun loadBannerItem(itemView: AdManagerAdView, item: Post) {
item.adView = itemView

override fun onBindViewHolder(context: Context): ViewHolder {
return ViewHolder(getLayout(context))

override fun getLayoutResource(): Int {
return R.layout.row_ads_item

override fun getViewType(): Int {
return Post.GOOGLE_ADS

inner class ViewHolder(view: View): RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
val adManagerAdView: AdManagerAdView? = view.adManagerAdView

> Create ItemView Factory To Add All of them To Adapter

class PostsItemViewFactory: PalexItemViewsFactory() {
override fun getSupportedViewTypes(): ArrayList> {
return ArrayList>().apply {

> Create Adapter Instance and Add All of Information to Adapter

adapterInstance = PalexAdapter(getPostsItems(), requireContext(), pool).apply {

adapterInstance?.addPaginationListener(object: PalexAdapterPaginationCallback {
override fun onNextPageRequest() {
println("III on New Page Request")

> Assign Adapter To RecyclerView

multiViewsRecyclerView?.apply {
getPostsAdapter(this)?.let {
PalexRecyclerViewInit.initVerticalView(requireContext(), this, it)

## Supported Features
1. Pagination Endless of RecyclerView
2. Add Ripple Effect On Click
3. Add Clickable Ids for All Items Via Click Factory
4. Replace, Add Items to Adapter
5. Vertical Divider
6. Error Listener To Listen to All Errors in One Callback
7. Animated Remove Item in Adapter, ItemView

## Next Features
1. Support Data Binding ItemViews
2. Support View Binding ItemViews
3. Generate ViewHolders In ItemViews
4. Support Loading Item, Page Size for Pagination

## License

Copyright (C) 2021 Palex Adapter is An Open Source Library (Licensed under the MIT License)