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# [fit] Automate all the things


# Self Intro

- Joshua Kaplan
- minne @ GMO Pepabo
- Danger-Swift contributer
- Likes 🤖

^ 日本最大のハンドメイドマーケットプレイスである minne の iOS エンジニア
本日発表する Danger の contributer


# [fit] Why automate?


- Fewer mistakes
- Increase development speed
- More efficient
- More exciting

^ “Emotion” and coaching can only get you so far. Improve stability and reliability


# [fit] What areas to automate?


- Take much time
- Take time for _multiple people_
- High risk
- Prone to being forgotten

^(it’s not just yourself doing that task 15 minutes a month
^(eg: major bugs w/ calendar or answering a question wrong w/ App Submission)
^ (closing the milestone and making release notes)


# [fit] Tools of the trade


# [fit] Fastlane

^ The classic set of tools that almost every team of two or more developers use
^ More built in features for delivering, testing, taking screenshots, and more
^ Many tools are wrappers for xcodebuild and Apple utilities
^ Uses headless browser due to lack of APIs, so sometimes breaks


# [fit] Danger

^ Programmable set of rules that are applied to PRs


# [fit] SwiftLint


# [fit] Scripting languages

^ Swift, shell, ruby, python


# [fit] Bots and Github apps


* [Probot](
* Automatically marking old branches as stale
* Reminders
* Delete merged branch
* Marking issues to be closed when PR is merged
* Updating dependencies automatically


# [fit] CI is the ultimate automation tool

^ Combining the tools above w/ CI


# [fit] Normal CI flow (level 1)


# Run tests for each PR

^ Github につなげて、単体テストをすべての PR に対して実行する
これを code review と組み合わせて、品質を担保する




# [fit] Intermediate CI flow (level 2)

^ それだけではない


# [fit] Linters and other static analysis

^ linter などの静的解析ツールにより、さらなる品質とレビューの自動化を実現できる


# SwiftLint + Danger

^ これだいたい知られているやつ

swiftlint.lint_files inline_mode: true




# Original static analysis


# Spell checking

^ 私が職場で唯一の英語ネーティブなので、スペルに厳しいやつとして見られた
cspell という JS のツールを使っている. Xcode には spell check のメニュー項目はあるが、機能しない




# タイポを検知する
added_and_modified_files = git.added_files + git.modified_files
added_and_modified_files.each do |file_path|
next unless file_path =~ /\.swift$/
stdout, status = Open3.capture2("npx", "cspell", file_path)

next if status.success?
stdout.split("\n").each do |line|
next unless matches = /\w+\.swift:(\d+).*-\sUnknown\sword\s\((\w+)\)/.match(line)
line_number = matches[1].to_i
word = matches[2]

warning = "タイポかも? #{word}"
warn(warning, file: file_path, line: line_number)


# [fit] Automate PR tasks


# Assign reviewers


# レビュワー指定(コメント指定のためにこれを一番上に書く必要あり)
reviewers = ["user1", "user2", "user3"].reject { |reviewer| reviewer == github.pr_author }
repo_name = github.pr_json["head"]["repo"]["full_name"]
pr_number = github.pr_json["number"]

number_of_comments = github.api.issue_comments(repo_name, pr_number).size

reviewers = reviewers.sample(2)

"reviewers": reviewers


# Post CI results

^ CI のログを見に行く時間を減らすと楽
また、某 B 社のちょっと遅いログのロード時間を省ける




# Xcode Summary
build_report_file = 'build_results.json'
xcode_summary.ignored_files = 'Pods/**'
xcode_summary.ignores_warnings = true
xcode_summary.inline_mode = true build_report_file


# Post code coverage

^ 絵文字でテストを書くモチベーションをあげる




scheme: 'minne',
workspace: 'minne.xcworkspace',
exclude_targets: 'TodayExtension.appex, NotificationServiceExtension.appex, MinneKit.framework',


# Check for dead code

^ minne では Swift 化を積極的に行なっているので、使われていないコードに時間をかけて、Swift 化したら、もったいない
本当は Go の linter みたいに PR で確認したいけど、Periphery はビルドが必要なので、定期実行にしている


## ![100%](images/dead_code.png)


def get_dead_objc_code
std_out, status = Open3.capture2("bundle", "exec", "fui", "--ignorexib", "--path", "minne/Classes")
# fuiのexitstatusは、使われていないクラスの数で、
# Bridging-Headerが必ず当たってしまうので、
# 2つ以上の結果がある場合通知している。
return status.exitstatus >= 2 ? std_out : ""

def get_dead_swift_code
std_out, _ = Open3.capture2("periphery", "scan")
r = /minne.*(Struct|Class) .*is unused$/
filtered_results_array = std_out.to_enum(:scan,r).map {$&}.flatten
return filtered_results_array.join("\n")

# Main
dead_objc_result = get_dead_objc_code
dead_swift_result = get_dead_swift_code
mention = ""
message = "#{mention}, Unused files exist:\n"

notify_slack(message + dead_objc_result) unless dead_objc_result == ""
notify_slack(message + dead_swift_result) unless dead_swift_result == ""


# Custom linter rules

name: "Gregorian Calendar"
regex: "Calendar\\.current"
message: "Please use `Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)` to avoid Japanese calendar-related bugs"
severity: error
name: "HTTPS Only"
- string # コメントなどを無視して、文字列のみをみる
regex: "http:"
message: "Please use HTTPS due to security policy"
severity: error

^ すべての会社には、特定のルールやベストプラクティスがあるので、custom ルールでそのルールの遵守を担保できる


# [fit] Advanced CI flow (level 3)


# [fit] Runtime analysis and integration tests


* Checking for thread issues (thread sanitizer)
* Checking for memory leaks
* Performance tests


# [fit] Automatic dependency updates




# [fit] Deployment








lane :release do
capture_screenshots # generate new screenshots for the App Store
sync_code_signing(type: "appstore") # see code signing guide for more information
build_app(scheme: "MyApp")
upload_to_app_store # upload your app to App Store Connect
slack(message: "Successfully uploaded a new App Store build")


# [fit] Speed optimization


# [fit] Caching

^ CI の時間を半分にした. Rome or git LFS, etc


# Parallelization


# [fit] Conclusion


# [fit] "Liquid Software"

^ Book by Fred Simon, Yoav Landman, Baruch Sadogursky
^ 流れるソフトウェア, continuous deployment の進化版. What it means for mobile