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Just another ECS library for Go/Ebitengine

ebitengine ecs entity-component-system game-engine gamedev

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Just another ECS library for Go/Ebitengine

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[![Go Reference](](

Donburi is an Entity Component System library for Go / Ebitengine inspired by [legion](

It aims to be a feature rich and high-performance [ECS]( Library.

## Contents

- [Contents](#contents)
- [Summary](#summary)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Worlds](#worlds)
- [Queries](#queries)
- [Tags](#tags)
- [Systems (Experimental)](#systems-experimental)
- [Debug](#debug)
- [Features](#features)
- [Math](#math)
- [Transform](#transform)
- [Events](#events)
- [Projects Using Donburi](#projects-using-donburi)
- [Games](#games)
- [Libraries](#libraries)
- [Architecture](#architecture)
- [How to contribute?](#how-to-contribute)
- [Contributors](#contributors)

## Summary

- It introduces the concept of [Archetype]([email protected]/manual/ecs_core.html), which allows us to query entities very efficiently based on the components layout.
- It is possible to combine `And`, `Or`, and `Not` conditions to perform complex queries for components.
- It avoids reflection for performance.
- Ability to dynamically add or remove components from an entity.
- Type-safe APIs powered by Generics
- Zero dependencies
- Provides [Features](#features) that are common in game dev (e.g., `math`, `transform`, `hieralchy`, `events`, etc) built on top of the ECS architecture.

## Examples

To check all examples, visit [this]( page.

The bunnymark example was adapted from [mizu]('s code, which is made by [sedyh](

## Installation

go get

## Getting Started

### Worlds

import ""

world := donburi.NewWorld()

Entities can be created via either `Create` (for a single entity) or `CreateMany` (for a collection of entities with the same component types). The world will create a unique ID for each entity upon insertion that we can use to refer to that entity later.

// Component is any struct that holds some kind of data.
type PositionData struct {
X, Y float64

type VelocityData struct {
X, Y float64

// ComponentType represents kind of component which is used to create or query entities.
var Position = donburi.NewComponentType[PositionData]()
var Velocity = donburi.NewComponentType[VelocityData]()

// Create an entity by specifying components that the entity will have.
// Component data will be initialized by default value of the struct.
entity = world.Create(Position, Velocity)

// We can use entity (it's a wrapper of int64) to get an Entry object from World
// which allows you to access the components that belong to the entity.
entry := world.Entry(entity)

// You can set or get the data via the ComponentType
Position.SetValue(entry, math.Vec2{X: 10, Y: 20})
Velocity.SetValue(entry, math.Vec2{X: 1, Y: 2})

position := Position.Get(entry)
velocity := Velocity.Get(entry)

position.X += velocity.X
position.Y += velocity.y

Components can be added and removed through `Entry` objects.

// Fetch the first entity with PlayerTag component
query := donburi.NewQuery(filter.Contains(PlayerTag))
// Query.First() returns only the first entity that
// matches the query.
if entry, ok := query.First(world); ok {
donburi.Add(entry, Position, &PositionData{
X: 100,
Y: 100,
donburi.Remove(entry, Velocity)

Entities can be removed from World with the World.Remove() as follows:

if SomeLogic.IsDead(world, someEntity) {
// World.Remove() removes the entity from the world.
// Deleted entities become invalid immediately.
if world.Valid(someEntity) == false {
println("this entity is invalid")

Entities can be retrieved using the `First` and `Each` methods of Components as follows:

// GameState Component
type GameStateData struct {
// .. some data
var GameState = donburi.NewComponentType[GameStateData]()

// Bullet Component
type BulletData struct {
// .. some data
var Bullet = donburi.NewComponentType[BulletData]()

// Init the world and create entities
world := donburi.NewWorld()
world.CreateMany(100, Bullet)

// Query the first GameState entity
if entry, ok := GameState.First(world); ok {
gameState := GameState.Get(entry)
// .. do stuff with the gameState entity

// Query all Bullet entities
Bullet.Each(world, func(entry *donburi.Entry) {
bullet := Bullet.Get(entry)
// .. do stuff with the bullet entity

### Queries

Queries allow for high performance and expressive iteration through the entities in a world, to get component references, test if an entity has a component or to add and remove components.

// Define a query by declaring what componet you want to find.
query := donburi.NewQuery(filter.Contains(Position, Velocity))

// Iterate through the entities found in the world
query.Each(world, func(entry *donburi.Entry) {
// An entry is an accessor to entity and its components.
position := Position.Get(entry)
velocity := Velocity.Get(entry)

position.X += velocity.X
position.Y += velocity.Y

There are other types of filters such as `And`, `Or`, `Exact` and `Not`. Filters can be combined wth to find the target entities.

For example:

// This query retrieves entities that have an NpcTag and no Position component.
query := donburi.NewQuery(filter.And(

If you need to determine if an entity has a component, there is `entry.HasComponent`

For example:

// We have a query for all entities that have Position and Size, but also any of Sprite, Text or Shape.
query := donburi.NewQuery(
filter.Contains(Position, Size),

// In our query we can check if the entity has some of the optional components before attempting to retrieve them
query.Each(world, func(entry *donburi.Entry) {
// We'll always be able to access Position and Size
position := Position.Get(entry)
size := Size.Get(entry)

if entry.HasComponent(Sprite) {
sprite := Sprite.Get(entry)
// .. do sprite things

if entry.HasComponent(Text) {
text := Text.Get(entry)
// .. do text things

if entry.HasComponent(Shape) {
shape := Shape.Get(entry)
// .. do shape things


## Ordered Queries
Sometimes you may need to iterate a query in a specific order. Donburi supports this through the `OrderedQuery[T]` type.
In order to use this, the component must implement the IOrderable interface:
type IOrderable interface {
Order() int

Here we assume the `spatial.TransformComponent` implements `Order()`.
q := donburi.NewOrderedQuery[spatial.Transform](
filter.Contains(sprite.Component, spatial.TransformComponent))

q.EachOrdered(w, spatial.TransformComponent, func(entry *donburi.Entry) {
// This will be iterated according to the spatial.TransformComponent's Order() function.

### Tags

One or multiple "Tag" components can be attached to an entity. "Tag"s are just components with a single name string as data.

Here is the utility function to create a tag component.

// This is the utility function to make tag component
func NewTag(name string) *ComponentType {
return NewComponentType(Tag(name))
Since "Tags" are components, they can be used in queries in the same way as components as follows:

var EnemyTag = donburi.NewTag("Enemy")
world.CreateMany(100, EnemyTag, Position, Velocity)

// Search entities with EnemyTag
EnemyTag.Each(world, func(entry *donburi.Entry) {
// Perform some operation on the Entities with the EnemyTag component.

### Systems (Experimental)

**⚠ this feature is currently experimental, the API can be changed in the future.**

The [ECS package]( provides so-called **System** feature in ECS which can be used together with a `World` instance.

See the [GoDoc]( and [Example](

How to create an ECS instance:

import (
ecslib ""

world := donburi.NewWorld()
ecs := ecslib.NewECS(world)

A `System` is created from just a function that receives an argument `(ecs *ecs.ECS)`.

// Some System's function
func SomeFunction(ecs *ecs.ECS) {
// ...


We can provide `Renderer` for certain system.

ecs.AddRenderer(ecs.LayerDefault, DrawBackground)

// Draw all systems

The `Layer` parameter allows us to control the order of rendering systems and to which screen to render. A `Layer` is just an `int` value. The default value is just `0`.

For example:

const (
LayerBackground ecslib.LayerID = iota

// ...

AddRenderer(LayerBackground, DrawBackground).
AddRenderer(LayerActors, DrawActors)

// ...

func (g *Game) Draw(screen *ebiten.Image) {
g.ecs.DrawLayer(LayerBackground, screen)
g.ecs.DrawLayer(LayerActors, screen)

The `ecs.Create()` and `ecs.NewQuery()` wrapper-functions allow to create and query entities on a certain `Layer`:

For example:
var layer0 ecs.LayerID = 0

// Create an entity on layer0
ecslib.Create(layer0, someComponents...)

// Create a query to iterate entities on layer0
queryForLayer0 := ecslib.NewQuery(layer0, filter.Contains(someComponent))

### Debug

The [debug package]( provides some debug utilities for `World`.

For example:

// [Example Output]
// Entity Counts:
// Archetype Layout: {TransformData, Size, SpriteData, EffectData } has 61 entities
// Archetype Layout: {TransformData, Size, SpriteData, ColliderData } has 59 entities
// Archetype Layout: {TransformData, Size, SpriteData, WeaponData} has 49 entities
// ...

## Features

Under the [features]( directory, we develop common functions for game dev. Any kind of [Issues]( or [PRs]( will be very appreciated.

### Math

The [math package]( provides the basic types (Vec2 etc) and helpers.

See the [GoDoc]( for more details.

### Transform

The [transform package]( provides the `Tranform` Component and helpers.

It allows us to handle `position`, `rotation`, `scale` data relative to the parent.

This package was adapted from [ariplane]('s code, which is created by [m110](

For example:
w := donburi.NewWorld()

// setup parent
parent := w.Entry(w.Create(transform.Transform))

// set world position and scale for the parent
transform.SetWorldPosition(parent, dmath.Vec2{X: 1, Y: 2})
transform.SetWorldScale(parent, dmath.Vec2{X: 2, Y: 3})

// setup child
child := w.Entry(w.Create(transform.Transform))
transform.Transform.SetValue(child, transform.TransformData{
LocalPosition: dmath.Vec2{X: 1, Y: 2},
LocalRotation: 90,
LocalScale: dmath.Vec2{X: 2, Y: 3},

// add the child to the parent
transform.AppendChild(parent, child, false)

// get world position of the child with parent's position taken into account
pos := transform.WorldPosition(child)

// roatation
rot := transform.WorldRotation(child)

// scale
scale := transform.WorldScale(child)

How to remove chidren (= destroy entities):

// Remove children

// Remove children and the parent

### Events

The [events package]( allows us to send arbitrary data between systems in a Type-safe manner.

This package was adapted from [ariplane]('s code, which is created by [m110](

For example:

import ""

// Define any data
type EnemyKilled struct {
EnemyID int

// Define an EventType with the type of the event data
var EnemyKilledEvent = events.NewEventType[EnemyKilled]()

// Create a world
world := donburi.NewWorld()

// Add handlers for the event
EnemyKilledEvent.Subscribe(world, LevelUp)
EnemyKilledEvent.Subscribe(world, UpdateScore)

// Sending an event
EnemyKilledEvent.Publish(world, EnemyKilled{EnemyID: 1})

// Process specific events

// Process all events

// Receives the events
func LevelUp(w donburi.World, event EnemyKilled) {
// .. processs the event for levelup

func UpdateScore(w donburi.World, event EnemyKilled) {
// .. processs the event for updating the player's score

## Projects Using Donburi

### Games

- [airplanes]( - A 2D shoot 'em up game by [m110](
- [goingo]( - Go game implemented in the Go language by [joelschutz](
- [revdriller]( - An action puzzle game by yohamta

### Libraries
- [necs]( - Networked Entity Component System; a networking layer for donburi by [gin](

## Architecture


## How to contribute?

Feel free to contribute in any way you want. Share ideas, questions, submit issues, and create pull requests. Thanks!

## Contributors

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