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Finally, push notification framework that does not hurt. currently supports Android (FCM) and iOS (APNs)

android apns fcm gcm ios notification-framework notifications push push-notifications rails ruby

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Finally, push notification framework that does not hurt. currently supports Android (FCM) and iOS (APNs)

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# Pushing: ActionMailer for Push Notifications [![Build Status](](

Pushing is a push notification framework that implements interfaces similar to ActionMailer.

* **Convention over Configuration**: Pushing brings Convention over Configuration to your app for organizing your push notification implementations.
* **Extremely Easy to Learn**: If you know how to use ActionMailer, you already know how to use Pushing. Send notifications asynchronously with ActiveJob at no learning cost.
* **Testability**: First-class support for push notification. No more hassle writing custom code or stubs/mocks for your tests.

## Getting Started

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pushing'
gem 'jbuilder' # if you don't have it in your Gemfile

At the time of writing, Pushing only has support for [jbuilder]( (Rails' default JSON constructor), but there are plans to add support for [jb]( and [rabl](

### Supported Platforms

Pushing itself doesn't make HTTP requests. Instead, it uses an adapter to make actual calls. Currently, Pushing has support for the following client gems:

* [APNs]( (iOS):
* [anpotic]( (recommended)
* [lowdown](
* [houston](

* [FCM]( (Android):
* [andpush]( (recommended)
* [fcm](

If you are starting from scratch, it is recommended using [anpotic]( for APNs and [andpush]( for FCM due to their reliability and performance:

gem 'apnotic' # APNs
gem 'andpush' # FCM

### Walkthrough to Writing a Notifier

#### Generate a new notifier:

$ rails g pushing:notifier TweetNotifier new_direct_message

# app/notifiers/tweet_notifier.rb
class TweetNotifier < ApplicationNotifier
def new_direct_message(message_id, token_id)
@message = DirectMessage.find(message_id)
@token = DeviceToken.find(token_id)

push apn: @token.apn? && @token.device_token, fcm: @token.fcm?

#### Edit the push notification payload:


# app/views/tweet_notifier/new_direct_message.json+apn.jbuilder
json.aps do
json.alert do
json.title "#{@tweet.user.display_name} tweeted:"
json.body truncate(@tweet.body, length: 235)

json.badge 1
json.sound 'bingbong.aiff'


# app/views/tweet_notifier/new_direct_message.json+fcm.jbuilder @token.registration_id

json.notification do
json.title "#{@tweet.user.display_name} tweeted:"
json.body truncate(@tweet.body, length: 1024)

json.icon 1
json.sound 'default'

### Deliver the push notifications:

# => sends a push notification immediately

# => enqueues a job that sends a push notification later

## Advanced Usage

### Pushing only to one platform

Pushing only sends a notification for the platforms that are given a truthy value. For example, give the following code:

push apn: @token.device_token, fcm: false
# => only sends a push notification to APNs

push apn: @token.device_token
# => same as above but without the `:fcm` key, only sends a push notification to APNs

This will only send a push notification to APNs and skip the call to FCM.

### APNs

It is often necessary to switch the environment endpoint or adjust the request headers depending on the notification you want to send. Pushing's `#push` method allows for overriding APNs request headers on a delivery-basis:

#### Overriding the default environment:

push apn: { device_token: @token.device_token, environment: @token.apn_environment }

#### Overriding the default APN topic:

push apn: { device_token: @token.device_token, headers: { apns_topic: 'your.otherapp.ios' } }

#### Or all of the above:

push fcm: @token.fcm?,
apn: {
device_token: @token.apn? && @token.device_token,
environment: @token.apn_environment,
headers: {
apns_id: uuid,
apns_expiration: 7.days.from_now,
apns_priority: 5,
apns_topic: 'your.otherapp.ios',
apns_collapse_id: 'not-so-important-notification'

The `:fcm` key, on the other hand, doesn't have any options as everything's configurable through the request body.

## Error Handling

Like ActionMailer, you can use the `rescue_from` hook to handle exceptions. A common use-case would be to handle a **'BadDeviceToken'** response from APNs or a response with a **'Retry-After'** header from FCM.

**Handling a 'BadDeviceToken' response from APNs**:

class ApplicationNotifier < Pushing::Base
rescue_from Pushing::ApnDeliveryError do |error|
response = error.response

if response.status == 410 || (response.status == 400 && response.json[:reason] == 'BadDeviceToken')
token = error.notification.device_token"APN device token #{token} has been expired and will be removed.")

# delete or expire device token accordingly
raise # Make sure to raise any other types of error to re-enqueue the job

**Handling a 'Retry-After' header from FCM**:

class ApplicationNotifier < Pushing::Base
rescue_from Pushing::FcmDeliveryError do |error|
if error.response&.headers['Retry-After']
# re-enqueue the job honoring the 'Retry-After' header
raise # Make sure to raise any other types of error to re-enqueue the job

## Interceptors and Observers

Pushing implements the Interceptor and Observer patterns. A common use-case would be to update registration ids with canonical ids from FCM:

# app/observers/fcm_token_handler.rb
class FcmTokenHandler
def delivered_notification(payload, response)
return if response.json[:canonical_ids]

response.json[:results].select {|result| result[:registration_id] }.each do |result|
result[:registration_id] # => returns a canonical id

# Update registration ids accordingly

# app/notifiers/application_notifier.rb
class ApplicationNotifier < Pushing::Base


## Configuration

##### TODO: Make this section more helpful

Pushing.configure do |config|
# Adapter that is used to send push notifications through FCM
config.fcm.adapter = Rails.env.test? ? :test : :andpush

# Your FCM servery key that can be found here:
config.fcm.server_key = 'YOUR_FCM_SERVER_KEY'

# Adapter that is used to send push notifications through APNs
config.apn.adapter = Rails.env.test? ? :test : :apnotic

# The environment that is used by default to send push notifications through APNs
config.apn.environment = Rails.env.production? ? :production : :development

# The scheme that is used for negotiating connection trust between your provider
# servers and Apple Push Notification service. As documented in the offitial doc,
# there are two schemes available:
# :token - Token-based provider connection trust (default)
# :certificate - Certificate-based provider connection trust
# This option is only applied when using an adapter that uses the HTTP/2-based
# API.
config.apn.connection_scheme = :token

# Path to the certificate or auth key for establishing a connection to APNs.
# This config is always required.
config.apn.certificate_path = 'path/to/your/certificate'

# Password for the certificate specified above if there's any.
# config.apn.certificate_password = 'passphrase'

# A 10-character key identifier (kid) key, obtained from your developer account.
# If you haven't created an Auth Key for your app, create a new one at:
# Required if the +connection_scheme+ is set to +:token+.
config.apn.key_id = 'DEF123GHIJ'

# The issuer (iss) registered claim key, whose value is your 10-character Team ID,
# obtained from your developer account. Your team id could be found at:
# Required if the +connection_scheme+ is set to +:token+.
config.apn.team_id = 'ABC123DEFG'

# Header values that are added to every request to APNs. documentation for the
# headers available can be found here:
config.apn.default_headers = {
apns_priority: 10,
apns_topic: 'your.awesomeapp.ios',
apns_collapse_id: ''


## Testing

Pushing provides first-class support for testing. In order to test your notifier, use the `:test` adapter in the test environment instead of an actual adapter in development/production.

# config/initializers/pushing.rb
Pushing.configure do |config|
config.apn.adapter = Rails.env.test? ? :test : :apnotic
config.fcm.adapter = Rails.env.test? ? :test : :andpush

Now you can call the `#deliveries` method on the notifier. Here is an example with [ActiveSupport::TestCase](

TweetNotifier.deliveries.clear # => clears the test inbox

assert_changes -> { TweetNotifier.deliveries.apn.size }, from: 0, to: 1 do

apn_message = TweetNotifier.deliveries.apn.first
assert_equal 'apn-device-token', apn_message.device_token
assert_equal "Hey coffee break?", apn_message.payload[:aps][:alert][:body]

assert_changes -> { TweetNotifier.deliveries.fcm.size }, from: 0, to: 1 do

fcm_payload = TweetNotifier.deliveries.fcm.first.payload
assert_equal 'fcm-registration-id', fcm_payload[:to]
assert_equal "Hey coffee break?", fcm_payload[:notification][:body]

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant]( code of conduct.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](