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This is the repository for LeetCode coding exercise starting May 2021.
algorithms-and-data-structures leetcode python
Last synced: 10 days ago
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This is the repository for LeetCode coding exercise starting May 2021.
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: YukunJ
- Created: 2021-05-05T13:10:35.000Z (almost 4 years ago)
- Default Branch: main
- Last Pushed: 2021-11-07T22:51:25.000Z (over 3 years ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-12-05T12:24:13.912Z (2 months ago)
- Topics: algorithms-and-data-structures, leetcode, python
- Homepage:
- Size: 3.17 MB
- Stars: 0
- Watchers: 1
- Forks: 0
- Open Issues: 0
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Awesome Lists containing this project
# LeetCode-Practice-by-Tag
This is the repository for LeetCode coding exercise starting May 2021.
The exercises are sorted by tag, thanks to [Windsooon]('s retagging work.
**1**. [Two Sum](
**13**. [Roman to Integer](
**36**. [Valid Soduku](
**49**. [Group Anagrams](
**166**. [Fraction to Recurring Decimal](
**349**. [Intersection of Two Arrays](
**350**. [Intersection of Two Arrays II](
**523**. [Continuous Subarray Sum](
**560**. [Subarray Sum Equals K](
**953**. [Verifying an Alien Dictionary](
**1010**. [Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60](
**Binary Search**
**4**. [Median of Two Sorted Arrays](
**29**. [Divide Two Integers](
**33**. [Search in Rotated Sorted Array](
**34**. [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](
**35**. [Search Insert Position](
**57**. [Insert Intervals](
**81**. [Search in Rotated Sorted Array II](
**153**. [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array](
**154**. [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II](
**162**. [Find Peak Element](
**240**. [Search a 2D Matrix II](
**287**. [Find the Duplicate Number](
**528**. [Random Pick With Weight](
**710**. [Random Pick with Blacklist](
**1539**. [Kth Missing Positive Number](
**1901**. [Find a Peak Element II](
**Dynamic Programming**
**5**. [Longest Palindromic Substring](
**10**. [Regular Expression Matching](
**42**. [Trapping Rain Water](
**44**. [Wildcard Matching](
**45**. [Jump Game II](
**53**. [Maximum Subarray](
**62**. [Unique Paths](
**63**. [Unique Paths II](
**64**. [Minimum Path Sum](
**70**. [Climbing Stairs](
**72**. [Edit Distance](
**84**. [Largest Rectangle in Histogram](
**85**. [Maximal Rectangle](
**91**. [Decode Ways](
**95**. [Unique Binary Search Trees II](
**96**. [Unique Binary Search Trees](
**97**. [Interleaving String](
**120**. [Triangle](
**121**. [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
**122**. [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II](
**123**. [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III](
**132**. [Palindrome Partitioning II](
**139**. [Word Break](
**152**. [Maximum Product Subarray](
**198**. [House Robber](
**213**. [House Robber II](
**221**. [Maximal Square](
**303**. [Range Sum Query - Immutable](
**304**. [Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable](
**322**. [Coin Change](
**337**. [House Robber III](
**403**. [Frog Jump](
**416**. [Partition Equal Subset Sum](
**456**. [132 Pattern](
**518**. [Coin Change 2](
**647**. [Palindromic Substrings](
**739**. [Daily Temperatures](
**1048**. [Longest String Chain](
**1143**. [Longest Common Subsequence](
**1186**. [Maximum Subarray Sum with One Deletion](
**1218**. [Longest Arithmetic Subsequence Given Difference](
**1223**. [Dice Roll Simulation](
**1477**. [Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum](
**Greedy****23**. [Longest Valid Parentheses](
**55**. [Jump Game](
**134**. [Gas Station](
**279**. [Perfect Squares](
**300**. [Longest Increasing Subsequence](
**334**. [Increasing Triplet Subsequence](
**354**. [Russian Doll Envelopes](
**410**. [Split Array Largest Sum](
**621**. [Task Scheduler](
**630**. [Course Schedule III](
**670**. [Maximum Swap](
**1733**. [Minimum Number of People to Teach](
**Two Pointers**
**3**. [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](
**11**. [Container With Most Water](
**15**. [3Sum](
**16**. [3Sum Closest](
**18**. [4Sum](
**26**. [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array](
**27**. [Remove Element](
**30**. [Substring with Concatenation of All Words](
**31**. [Next Permutation](
**56**. [Merge Intervals](
**58**. [Length of Last Word](
**75**. [Sort Colors](
**76**. [Minimum Window Substring](
**88**. [Merge Sorted Array](
**161**. [Edit Distance](
**163**. [Missing Ranges](
**165**. [Compare Version Numbers](
**189**. [Rotate Array](
**202**. [Happy Number](
**209**. [Minimum Size Subarray Sum](
**238**. [Product of Array Except Self ](
**243**. [Shortest Word Distance](
**244**. [Shortest Word Distance II](
**283**. [Move Zeros](
**415**. [Add Strings](
**438**. [Find All Anagrams in a String](
**443**. [String Compression](
**567**. [Permutation in String](
**977**. [Squares of a Sorted Array](
**986**. [Interval List Intersections](
**Linked List**
**2**. [Add Two Numbers](
**19**. [Remove Nth Node From End of List](
**21**. [Merge Two Sorted Lists](
**24**. [Swap Nodes in Pairs](
**25**. [Reverse Nodes in k-Group](
**138**. [Copy List with Random Pointer](
**142**. [Linked List Cycle II](
**160**. [Intersection of Two Linked Lists](
**147**. [Insertion Sort List](
**206**. [Reverse Linked List](
**234**. [Palindrome Linked List](
**445**. [Add Two Numbers II](
**7**. [Reverse Integer](
**9**. [Palindrome Number](
**20**. [Valid Parentheses](
**71**. [Simplify Path](
**150**. [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](
**224**. [Basic Calculator](
**227**. [Basic Calculator II](
**394**. [Decode String](
**636**. [Exclusive Time of Functions](
**726**. [Number of Atoms](
**735**. [Asteroid Collision](
**918**. [Maximum Sum Circular Subarray](
**1047**. [Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String](
**1249**. [Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses](
**1762**. [Buildings With an Ocean View](
**23**. [Merge k Sorted Lists](
**215**. [Kth Largest Element in an Array](
**239**. [Sliding Window Maximum](
**253**. [Meeting Rooms II](
**264**. [Ugly Number II](
**295**. [Find Median from Data Stream](
**347**. [Top K Frequent Elements](
**373**. [Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums](
**973**. [K Closest Points to Origin](
**98**. [Validate Binary Search Tree](
**99**. [Recover Binary Search Tree](
**101**. [Symmetric Tree](
**104**. [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](
**105**. [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal](
**109**. [Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree](
**116**. [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node](
**117**. [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II](
**199**. [Binary Tree Right Side View](
**124**. [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](
**230**. [Kth Smallest Element in a BST](
**236**. [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree](
**297**. [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree](
**298**. [Longest Consecutive Sequence](
**314**. [Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal](
**333**. [Largest BST Subtree](
**426**. [Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List](
**536**. [Construct Binary Tree from String](
**543**. [Diameter of Binary Tree](
**834**. [Sum of Distances in Tree](
**863**. [All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree](
**938**. [Range Sum of BST](
**987**. [Vertical Order Traversal of Binary Tree](
**1650**. [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree III](
**17**. [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](
**22**. [Generate Parentheses](
**37**. [Sudoku Solver](
**39**. [Combination Sum](
**40**. [Combination Sum II](
**46**. [Permutations](
**47**. [Permutations II](
**51**. [N-Queens](
**78**. [Subsets](
**79**. [Word Search](
**90**. [Subsets II](
**102**. [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](
**114**. [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List](
**126**. [Word Ladder II](
**127**. [Word Ladder](
**131**. [Palindrome Partitioning](
**133**. [Clone Graph](
**140**. [Word Break II](
**282**. [Expression Add Operators](
**301**. [Remove Invalid Parentheses](
**317**. [Shortest Distance from All Buildings](
**490**. [The Maze](
**864**. [Shortest Path to Get All Keys](
**886**. [Possible Bipartition](
**1263**. [Minimum Moves to Move a Box to Their Target Location](
**1293**. [Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Eliimination](
**1306**. [Jump Game III](
**1367**. [Linked List in Binary Tree](
**Topological Sort**
**Template**. [Topo Sort Template](
**207**. [Course Schedule](
**210**. [Course Schedule II](
**269**. [Alien Dictionary](
**787**. [Cheapest Flights Within K Stops](
**Disjoint Set Union**
**Template**. [DSU Template](
**128**. [Longest Consecutive Sequence](
**200**. [Number of Islands](
**547**. [Number of Provinces](
**721**. [Accounts Merge](
**839**. [Similar String Groups](
**Template**. [Trie Template](
**211**. [Add and Search Words Data Structure](
**336**. [Palindrome Pairs](
**642**. [Design Search Autocomplete System](
**146**. [LRU Cache](
**155**. [Min Stack](
**158**. [Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times](
**173**. [Binary Search Tree Iterator](
**341**. [Flatten Nested Iterator](
**359**. [Logger Rate Limiter](
**380**. [Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)](
**449**. [Serialize and Deserialize BST](
**460**. [LFU Cache](
**588**. [Design In-Memory File System](
**706**. [Design HashMap](
**981**. [Time Based Key-Value Store](
**1352**. [Product of the Last K Numbers](
**1570**. [Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors](
**43**. [Multiply Strings](
**48**. [Rotate Image](
**50**. [Pow(x,n)](
**54**. [Spiral Matrix](
**59**. [Spiral Matrix II](
**60**. [Permutation Sequence](
**66**. [Plus One](
**67**. [Add Binary](
**263**. [Ugly Number](
**342**. [Power of Four](
**371**. [Sum of Two Integers](
**384**. [Shuffle an Array](
**498**. [Diagonal Traverse](
**989**. [Add to Array-Form of Integer](
**6**. [ZigZag Conversion](
**8**. [String to Integer (atoi)](
**12**. [Integer to Roman](
**14**. [Longest Common Prefix](
**28**. [Implement strStr()](
**38**. [Count and Say](
**41**. [First Missing Positive](
**65**. [Valid Number](
**68**. [Text Justification](
**169**. [Majority Element](
**214**. [Shortest Palindrome](
**252**. [Meeting Rooms](
**289**. [Game of Life](
**398**. [Random Pick Index](
**1007**. [Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row](
**1094**. [Car Pooling](