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Code of the paper: On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of Large Vision-Language Models

adversarial-attack deep-generative-model foundation-models generative-ai image-to-text-generation large-language-models text-to-image-generation trustworthy-ai vision-language-model

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Code of the paper: On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of Large Vision-Language Models

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On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of Large Vision-Language Models

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### TL, DR:
In this research, we evaluate the adversarial robustness of recent large vision-language (generative) models (VLMs), under the most realistic and challenging setting with threat model of black-box access and targeted goal.

Our proposed method aims for the targeted response generation over large VLMs such as MiniGPT-4, LLaVA, Unidiffuser, BLIP/2, Img2Prompt, etc.

In other words, we mislead and let the VLMs say what you want, regardless of the content of the input image query.

![Teaser image](./assets/teaser_1.jpg)
![Teaser image](./assets/teaser_2.jpg)

# Requirements

- Platform: Linux
- Hardware: A100 PCIe 40G
- lmdb, tqdm
- wandb, torchvision, etc.

In our work, we used DALL-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion for the target image generation and demonstration. For the large-scale experiments, we apply [Stable Diffusion]( for target image generation. To install Stable Diffusion, we init our [conda]( environment following [Latent Diffusion Models]( A suitable base conda environment named `ldm` can be created and activated with:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate ldm

Note that for different victim models, we will follow their official implementations and conda environments.

# Targeted Image Generation
![Teaser image](./assets/teaser_3.jpg)
As discussed in our paper, to achieve a flexible targeted attack, we leverage a pretrained text-to-image model to generate an targetd image given a single caption as the targeted text. Consequently, in this way you can specify the targeted caption for attack by yourself!

We use [Stable Diffusion](, [DALL-E]( or [Midjourney]( as the text-to-image generators in our experiments. Here, we use Stable Diffusion for demonstration (thanks for open-sourcing!).

## Prepare the scripts

git clone
cd stable-diffusion
then, prepare the full targeted captions from [MS-COCO](, or download our processed and cleaned version:
and move it to ```./stable-diffusion/```. In experiments, one can randomly sample a subset of COCO captions (e.g., `10`, `100`, `1K`, `10K`, `50K`) for the adversarial attack. For example, lets assume we have randomly sampled `10K` COCO captions as our targeted text c_tar and stored them in the following file:

## Generate the targeted images
The targeted images h_ξ(c_tar) can be obtained via Stable Diffusion by reading text prompt from the sampled COCO captions, with the script below and [``]( (please move `` to ```./stable-diffusion/```, note that hyperparameters can be adjusted with your preference):

python \
--ddim_eta 0.0 \
--n_samples 10 \
--n_iter 1 \
--scale 7.5 \
--ddim_steps 50 \
--plms \
--skip_grid \
--ckpt ./_model_pool/sd-v1-4-full-ema.ckpt \
--from-file './name_of_your_coco_captions_file.txt' \
--outdir './path_of_your_targeted_images' \
where the ckpt is provided by [Stable Diffusion v1]( and can be downloaded here: [sd-v1-4-full-ema.ckpt](

Additional implementation details of text-to-image generation by Stable Diffusion can be found [HERE](,Reference%20Sampling%20Script,-We%20provide%20a).

# Adversarial Attack & Black-box Query

## Overview of our AttackVLM strategy
![Teaser image](./assets/teaser_4.jpg)

## Prepare the VLM scripts

There are two steps of adversarial attack for VLMs: (1) transfer-based attacking strategy and (2) query-based attacking strategy using (1) as initialization. For BLIP/BLIP-2/Img2Prompt Models, please refer to ```./LAVIS_tool```. Here, we use [Unidiffuser]( for an example.

### Example: Unidiffuser
- Installation
git clone
cd unidiffuser
cp ../unidff_tool/* ./
then, create a suitable conda environment named `unidiffuser` following the steps [HERE](\).-,Dependency,-conda%20create%20%2Dn), and prepare the corresponding model weights (we use `uvit_v1.pth` as the weight of U-ViT).

- Transfer-based attacking strategy

conda activate unidiffuser

the crafted adv images x_trans will be stored in `dir of white-box transfer images` specified in `--output`. Then, we perform image-to-text and store the generated response of x_trans. This can be achieved by:

python \
--batch_size 100 \
--mode i2t \
--img_path 'dir of white-box transfer images' \
--output 'dir of white-box transfer captions' \

where the generated responses will be stored in `dir of white-box transfer captions` in `.txt` format. We will use them for pseudo-gradient estimation via RGF-estimator.

- Query-based attacking strategy (via RGF-estimator): assume we use **fixed perturbation budget** for `MF-ii + MF-tt` (e.g., 8 px)


On the other hand, if you want to conduct transfer+query - based attack with **separate perturbation budget**, we additionally provide a script:


# Evaluation
Here, we use [`wandb`]( to dynamically monitor the moving average of the CLIP score (e.g., RN50, ViT-B/32, ViT-L/14, etc.) to evaluate the similarity between (a) the generated response (of trans/query images) and (b) the predefined targeted text `c_tar`.

An example shown as below, where the dotted line denotes the moving average of the CLIP score (of image captions) after query:
![Teaser image](./assets/example.png)

Meanwhile, the image caption after query will be stored and the directory can be specified by `--output`.

# Bibtex
If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:

title={On Evaluating Adversarial Robustness of Large Vision-Language Models},
author={Zhao, Yunqing and Pang, Tianyu and Du, Chao and Yang, Xiao and Li, Chongxuan and Cheung, Ngai-Man and Lin, Min},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},

Meanwhile, a relevant research that aims to [Embedding a Watermark to (multi-modal) Diffusion Models](
title={A Recipe for Watermarking Diffusion Models},
author={Zhao, Yunqing and Pang, Tianyu and Du, Chao and Yang, Xiao and Cheung, Ngai-Man and Lin, Min},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.10137},

# Acknowledgement:

We appreciate the wonderful base implementation of [MiniGPT-4](, [LLaVA](, [Unidiffuser](, [LAVIS]( and [CLIP](
We also thank [@MetaAI]( for open-sourcing their LLaMA checkponts. We thank SiSi for providing some enjoyable and visual-pleasant images generated by [@Midjourney]( in our research.