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Its a Nodejs module for enabling autostart for your applications!

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Its a Nodejs module for enabling autostart for your applications!

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# `autostarter` 🚀

`autostarter` is a Node.js module that allows you to enable, disable, and check the autostart status of your applications. With `autostarter`, you can easily manage whether your application starts automatically on system boot.

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## Table of Contents 📚

- [`autostarter` 🚀](#autostarter-)
- [Table of Contents 📚](#table-of-contents-)
- [Installation 🛠️](#installation-️)
- [npm](#npm)
- [yarn](#yarn)
- [Simple Usage 📝](#simple-usage-)
- [API Documentation 📖](#api-documentation-)
- [`enableAutostart(appName, command, path)`](#enableautostartappname-command-path)
- [`disableAutostart(appName)`](#disableautostartappname)
- [`isAutostartEnabled(appName)`](#isautostartenabledappname)
- [Examples 💡](#examples-)
- [Enable Autostart](#enable-autostart)
- [Disable Autostart](#disable-autostart)
- [Check Autostart Status](#check-autostart-status)
- [Contributing 🤝](#contributing-)

## Installation 🛠️

You can install `autostarter` using either npm or yarn:

### npm

npm install autostarter

### yarn

yarn add autostarter

## Simple Usage 📝

Here's a basic example demonstrating how to use the `autostarter` module:

const autostarter = require("autostarter");

// Enable autostart for an application
.enableAutostart("myApp", "node myApp.js", "/path/to/app")
.then(() => console.log("Autostart enabled"))
.catch((error) => console.error("Failed to enable autostart:", error));

// Disable autostart for an application
.then(() => console.log("Autostart disabled"))
.catch((error) => console.error("Failed to disable autostart:", error));

// Check if autostart is enabled
.then((isEnabled) => {
if (isEnabled) {
console.log("Autostart is enabled");
} else {
console.log("Autostart is not enabled");
.catch((error) => console.error("Failed to check autostart:", error));

## API Documentation 📖

### `enableAutostart(appName, command, path)`

Enables autostart for the specified application.

- **Parameters:**

- `appName` (string): The name of the application to be enabled for autostart.
- `command` (string): The command to run the application.
- `path` (string): The path where the application is located.

- **Returns:** `Promise`: Resolves when autostart is successfully enabled.

### `disableAutostart(appName)`

Disables autostart for the specified application.

- **Parameters:**

- `appName` (string): The name of the application to be disabled for autostart.

- **Returns:** `Promise`: Resolves when autostart is successfully disabled.

### `isAutostartEnabled(appName)`

Checks if autostart is enabled for the specified application.

- **Parameters:**

- `appName` (string): The name of the application to check.

- **Returns:** `Promise`: Resolves with `true` if autostart is enabled, `false` otherwise.

## Examples 💡

### Enable Autostart

const autostarter = require("autostarter");

.enableAutostart("myApp", "node myApp.js", "/path/to/app")
.then(() => console.log("Autostart successfully enabled for myApp"))
.catch((error) => console.error("Error enabling autostart:", error));

### Disable Autostart

const autostarter = require("autostarter");

.then(() => console.log("Autostart successfully disabled for myApp"))
.catch((error) => console.error("Error disabling autostart:", error));

### Check Autostart Status

const autostarter = require("autostarter");

.then((isEnabled) => {
if (isEnabled) {
console.log("Autostart is enabled for myApp");
} else {
console.log("Autostart is not enabled for myApp");
.catch((error) => console.error("Error checking autostart status:", error));

## Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug reports, please submit an issue or pull request on the [GitHub repository](