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# Reading notes


For books which cross more than one period, the record is made on the finished date.
The list does not include foreign language textbooks.

The reading period before my third year of high school is blurred.
I read some abridged versions of foreign literatures. Below is a partial list:

* 母亲 (高尔基)
* 战争与和平
* 钢铁是怎样炼成的
* 少年维特之烦恼
* 茶花女
* 爱的教育
* 八十天环游地球
* 格列佛游记
* 雾都孤儿
* 金银岛
* 汤姆索亚历险记

As far as I can remember, I have read partial contents of "Oliver Twist" in my undergraduate time.

Possibly the following partial lists are complete translation since the original writing is also short (I have not checked it):
* 名人传(罗曼罗兰)
* 老人与海

For Chinese books, below is a partial list of books I read completely:
* 骆驼祥子
* 两宋风云
* 长恨歌 (蒙曼说唐)
* 水浒传
* 三国演义
* 侠骨柔情陆放翁
* 风雨张居正
* 时间简史
* 草根品三国-揭密隐藏在三国中的历史真相
* 狼图腾
* 我等不到了
* 山居笔记
* 宋词密码
* 宛如花间

Below is the book I read partially
* 张居正大传
* 史记选本(本纪为主)
* 古文观止 (use an abridged version, 熟读原书50%左右)
* 中国不高兴 : 大时代大目标及我们的内忧外患

From the third year of high school, I can make my reading list in different periods.
They are constructed from the records of books I borrowed from library and other
electronic documentation. Though I only read some books partially, these books
have significant influence on my mind. For these books, I include them into the list.

## 2012/9-2013/6
* 红楼梦诗词今译 金城出版社
* The Story of My Life
* Jane Eyre
* 走进翻译 (林庆扬)
* 把栏杆拍遍

## 2013 summer
* 民国风度
* 脂砚斋全评石头记 东方出版社
* 围城
* 我们仨
* 命若琴弦 史铁生 (partial)
* 百年孤独
* 正能量 : 坚持正能量,人生不畏惧 (理查德·怀斯曼)
* Who moves my cheese
* Moment in Peking
* The Gay Genius
* Pilgrim's Progress (partial)
* The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (partial)
* How to Ace Calculus

## 2013/9 - 2014/8
* 共产党宣言
* 四书章句集注孟子部分
* 明史讲义 孟森
* Daddy-Long-Legs
* The Gadfly
* Tales from Shakespeare (Lamb Charles)

## 2014/9 - 2015/8
* Wuthering Heights
* 桃花扇
* 平山冷燕
* 1984 (original version, Orwell, George)
* 中国大历史(吕思勉, partial)
* The Study of Sociology (Spencer, Herbert,严复译为群学肄言, partial)

## 2016/9 - 2017/6
* 耶路撒冷告白
* 牡丹亭 (partial)

## 2017/7 - 2017/8
* 六祖坛经 (partial)

## 2019/1 - 2019/12
* 庄子今注今译

## 2020/2 - 2020/5
* Heidi
* The wonderful Wizard of Oz
* Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
* Story of the Bible (by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut)
* The Outline of History (partial, by Herbert George Well)

## 2020/5 - 2021/6
* 活着
* 诗经全注全译 (王秀梅)
* 杜甫诗选 张忠纲
* 东周列国志(春秋部分)
* Pride and Prejudice
* Educated

## 2021/7 - 2021/12
* 左传(全三册,中华书局全注全译本)
* 周易译注 (黄寿祺、张善文)
* 罗马史 (author: Philip van Ness Myers)
* 光明共和国
* 万历十五年 (1587, a year of no significance. read half in English, half in Chinese)
* 中国大历史 (Ray Huang)
* 四书章句集注 (only read partial comments)

## 2022-
### Detective novels
read four books by 東野圭吾 Keigo Higashino

* The Devotion of Suspect X (read mostly in English)
* 沉睡的人鱼之家
* 白夜行 (Journey under the midnight sun) (read half in English)
* Malice
* 无人生还

### 散文集
read four books by 龙应台

* 亲爱的安德烈
* 孩子你慢慢来
* 沉重的肉身
* 野火集 : 二十周年纪念版
* 目送

### 中国古典文史
* 诗经
* 浮生六记

### 历史书
* A child's history of England
* Sapiens: Brief History of Humankind
* Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

### 社科类
* How to read a book
* 历史学与社会理论(第2版)
* Non violent communication
* 李银河说爱情
* Black Holes: The BBC Reith Lectures (by Stephen Hawking)
* 被淹没与被拯救的
* 少有人走的路 : 心智成熟的旅程

### 科普类
* 深度营养 : 为什么人类的基因需要传统饮食?
* 信念的力量 : 新生物学给我们的启示
* 杂食者的两难 : 食物的自然史
* Why we sleep

### 哲学类
* 被讨厌的勇气 : “自我启发之父”阿德勒的哲学课

### 宗教类
* Good and Evil: The Ultimate Comic Book Action Bible

### 文学类
two books by Camus (English translation), four books by Hermann Hesse
* The Plague
* The Stranger
* Animal Farm
* 罗密欧与朱丽叶 威廉·莎士比亚 / 朱生豪译
* 茶馆
* 荒原狼
* 盖特露德
* 悉达多
* 我的天才女友 : 那不勒斯四部曲1
* 小王子 The little prince (read both Chinese and English translation)
* 追风筝的人
* 摆渡人
* 萤火虫小巷
* Normal People
* 家 : 激流三部曲之一
* 红楼梦 人民文学出版社 (主要完整读完了后四十回)
* 德米安:彷徨少年时
* 新名字的故事 : 那不勒斯四部曲2
* 平凡的世界

### 传记类
* 躁郁之心 : 我与躁郁症共处的30年(上)
* When breath becomes air