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# Fedora Configuration Notes

updated for Fedora 36

## change root password

sudo passwd root

## Post Install

dnf update
dnf install emacs emacs-flycheck emacs-yaml-mode

## hostname

hostnamectl set-hostname new-name

## show grub menu (it is hidden by default)

grub2-editenv - unset menu_auto_hide

(see, )

## fix GNOME suspend

GNOME enters suspend after 15 minutes of inactivity even when plugged


display current sleep status:

sudo -u gdm dbus-run-session gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power | grep sleep

change plugged in delay to 0 to disable suspend:

sudo -u gdm dbus-run-session gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-inactive-ac-timeout 0

## change root prompt

edit `/root/.bashrc/` and add:

export PS1='\[\e[1;31m\][\u@\h \W]# \[\e[0m\]'

## Securing

### SSH

start sshd:

systemctl enable sshd
systemctl start sshd

securing against root login:

* edit `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`

* change:

#PermitRootLogin yes


PermitRootLogin no

### fail2ban

(for CentOS, do: `dnf install epel-release`)


* `dnf install fail2ban`

* look over `/etc/fail2ban/jail.conf` for the configuration

* create `/etc/fail2ban/jail.local`:
bantime = 3600
backend = systemd
sender = [email protected]
destemail = root
#action = %(action_mwl)s

enabled = true

* start it:

systemctl start fail2ban
systemctl enable fail2ban

to see the status:

fail2ban-client status sshd
to unban, do:
fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip

## python

For CentOS, do:
alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3

Install core packages via `dnf`, install rapidly changing/specialty ones through

dnf install python3-scipy ipython3 python3-matplotlib python3-sympy
dnf install python3-f2py python3-Cython python3-h5py
dnf install python3-pylint python3-pyflakes
dnf install python3-ipython-sphinx

pip3 install jupyter --user
pip3 install numba --user

for jupyter lab,
as root:
dnf install nodejs
as user:
pip3 install jupyterlab --user
jupyter lab build

Needed for development:

dnf install openssl-devel

Testing infrastructure:

pip3 install pytest --user

Sphinx infrastructure:
pip3 install nbsphinx --user
pip3 install numpydoc --user
pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme --user
pip3 install sphinxcontrib-bibtex --user
pip3 install breathe --user
pip3 install sphinx-copybutton --user
pip3 install sphinx-prompt --user

dnf install pandoc

## Julia

dnf install julia

at the julia prompt:
using Pkg

then you can select the Julia kernel from Jupyter

## LaTeX

First line gets most of what is needed. The remaining packages are used
by some of my docs:

dnf install texlive texlive-collection-latex texlive-collection-fontsrecommended texlive-collection-latexextra
dnf install texlive-epstopdf*
dnf install texlive-latexdiff

dnf install 'tex(raleway.sty)'
dnf install 'tex(ly1enc.def)'
dnf install 'tex(inconsolata.sty)'
dnf install 'tex(cantarell.sty)'
dnf install texlive-revtex
dnf install pdfmerge

Also useful for publishing:

dnf install gv enscript netpbm-progs

## Developing

dnf install gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ redhat-rpm-config make ccache
dnf install clang-tools-extra
dnf install valgrind
dnf install libasan libubsan

Useful tools:

dnf install screen ack


dnf install mpich mpich-devel mpich-autoload


dnf install openblas openblas-devel


dnf install clang-tools-extra

### xxdiff

download the source here:

some additional packages are needed:

dnf install qt6-qtbase-devel


cd xxdiff/src
make -f Makefile.bootstrap

## Other Useful Packages

dnf install stellarium gnuplot

dnf install motif motif-devel
dnf install libXpm libXpm-devel
dnf install lyx-fonts
dnf install keepassxc


dnf install gnome-tweaks levien-inconsolata-fonts

terminal shortcut: settings -> keyboard -> view and customize shortcuts

select "custom shortcuts", and add one for `gnome-terminal` assigned to F1

Run `gnome-tweaks`:

* fonts:
* hinting: full
* antialiasing: subpixel
* set monospace font to Inconsolata Medium / 11 pt

* topbar: turn on date

* window titlebars:
* turn on maximize and minimize

* windows
* edge-tiling: off (this prevents window from maximizing when it hits the top of the screen)
* focus is secondary click

### Extensions

dnf install gnome-extensions-app

then run "extensions" via the software search

* extensions: turn on window list

### sound selector:

## Multimedia

### rpmfusion

Enable rpmfusion:

dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

disable the rpmfusion-nonfree.repo and rpmfusion-nonfree-updates.repo

### MS Core Fonts:

based on

dnf install curl cabextract xorg-x11-font-utils fontconfig
rpm -i

### Raleway fonts:

download from


cd /usr/share/fonts
mkdir raleway

copy .ttf into raleway/
fc-cache -v

### other fonts

dnf install adf-gillius-fonts mozilla-fira-sans-fonts* powerline-fonts


### Movies

dnf install mplayer mencoder gstreamer-plugins-* gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer1-libav ffmpeg

### Images

dnf install inkscape gthumb gimp

## Communication

### Slack:

Download from:

## Nvidia

### Wayland:

need to remove disable wayland in gdm:

* edit `/etc/gdm/custom.conf`

* uncomment: `WaylandEnable=False`

### Drivers

Best to install via CUDA (make sure the rpmfusion-nonfree stuff is disabled)

dnf config-manager --add-repo
dnf module install nvidia-driver:latest-dkms
dnf install cuda

That will install the drivers and CUDA

For multiple GPUs, set which is wanted for CUDA via:
(e.g. for device `1`)

Test it with




add `/etc/yum.repos.d/ROCm.repo`:


dnf install rocm-device-libs hsakmt-roct hip-samples hipify-clang

dnf repoquery --location rocminfo

using that output:
rpm -Uvh --nodeps

fix shebang for python in `/opt/rocm-4.0.0/bin/rocm_agent_enumerator` to be `/usr/bin/python`
(need to temporarily `chmod a+w /opt/rocm-4.0.0/bin/rocm_agent_enumerator`)

## Solvers

### hypre w/ GPU support

git clone [email protected]:hypre-space/hypre.git
cd hypre/src
module load gcc/8.3
module swap mpi mpi/mpi-pgi
HYPRE_CUDA_SM=70 CXX=mpicxx CC=mpicc FC=mpifort ./configure --prefix=/path/to/Hypre/install --with-MPI --with-cuda --enable-unified-memory
make -j 4
make install

### Trilinos

dnf install netcdf netcdf-devel matio matio-devel

crate a `do_config` script with


cmake \
-DMPI_BASE_DIR=/usr/lib64/mpich \
-DTrilinos_ENABLE_Epetra=OFF \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/trilinos \

then `./do_config` and `make -j 8 install`

## Sending mail

Fedora uses postfix
dnf install postfix
dnf install mailx

(mailx provides the `mail` command)

Note: for Rocky Linux 9, do

dnf install s-nail

instead of `mailx`

See this:

> The default /etc/postfix/ file does not allow Postfix to
> accept network connections from a host other than the local
> computer.

Since that is what we want (only us to send), we can just do:
systemctl enable postfix.service
systemctl start postfix.service

To look at mail logs to debug, do:
journalctl --no-pager -t postfix/smtp

## RAID management

Software RAID with mdm

### Fresh install on system with existing array

Create the mount point:
mkdir /raid

Make sure the raid is found. You can use `lsblk` to list all of the
block devices on the system, and this will show which are parts of the
RAID, or you can examine them one-by-one with
mdadm --examine /dev/sdb1

To get details, do:
mdadm --detail /dev/md0

cat /proc/mdstat

To create the configuration file that allows the device to be mounted, do:
mdadm --detail --scan > /etc/mdadm.conf

Then you can mount this by adding to the fstab:
/dev/md0 /raid ext4 defaults 1 2

Alternately, we can get the UUID of the filesystem via:
blkid /dev/md0

and then mount via UUID as:
UUID=a2c185fd-44f7-44a7-8410-4768e44848d6 /raid ext4 defaults 1 2

### Rebuilding

If a disk dropped out of the array, you can add it via:
mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1

You can see the status as
cat /proc/mdstat

or via:
mdadm --detail /dev/md0

Once you add, the rebuild should start immediately, and will be seen
in the above status

### have mdadm send e-mail alerts:

MAILADDR [email protected]
to `/etc/mdadm.conf`

test this with:
mdadm --monitor --scan --test -1

enable monitoring,_querying_and_testing
mdadm --monitor --daemonise [email protected] --delay=1800 /dev/md0
upon reboot, the mdadm daemon appears to run as:
/sbin/mdadm --monitor --scan -f --pid-file=/var/run/mdadm/

## SMART monitoring

Disk health monitoring with smartctl
dnf install smartmontools

edit `/etc/smartmontools/smartd.conf`

comment out the first `DEVICESCAN` line and put an explicit entry for
each device:
/dev/sda -H -s L/../../7/04 -m [email protected] -M test
/dev/sdb -H -s L/../../6/04 -m [email protected] -M test
/dev/sdc -H -s L/../../5/04 -m [email protected] -M test
/dev/nvme0n1 -H -m [email protected] -M test

* `-H` means health check
* `-s L/../../7/04` means run a long test every Sunday at 4am
* `-m X` means mail `X` with any errors
* `-M test` means send a single test email upon smartd startup -- to verify
that monitoring is working

Note: you won't get the test e-mails unless you have the `mailx` command

## webserver

dnf install httpd

in `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`




DocumentRoot to "/raid/www/"

Beneath that, leave the `/var/www` block alone, but under that,
change the `/var/www/html` block to `/raid/www` to relax access
in the html directory.

create an index.html there: test page

now tell selinux to copy the original /var/www/html permissions:

chcon -R --reference=/var/www/html /raid/www


apachectl reload
systemctl restart httpd.service
systemctl enable httpd.service

open the firewall

dnf install firewall-config

then run firewall-config, select the "permanent" configuration from
the dropdown and check `http`. (permanent becomes runtime in the next

The test page should appear

## Nameserver

If the nameserver is not working do:

systemctl restart systemd-resolved

## Handy commands

### Debugging services

List failed services:
systemctl list-units --state=failed

What's happening with startup:
systemd-analyze critical-chain

## Libreoffice

Turn off "use background cache":

Tools->options->LibreOffice Impress-> General,

supposed to help with flickering.

## wacom

Plugged in and it was recognized as "android touchpad" in the settings
panel for it. Following hints online, I held down the first and last
button for a few seconds -- X restarted and it came up as a tablet.
Eventually the stylus options appeared in the panel as well.

I am using it in relative mode and it works great with Xournal++::

dnf install xournalpp

## system upgrades

If a system upgrade doesn't take do:
dnf system-upgrade log
you might need to specify a number, like:
dnf system-upgrade log --number 2

## laptop battery

dnf install tlp tlp-rdw
systemctl enable tlp.service

## firmware updates

Firmware updates are handled by gnome-software. This frequently fails
to refresh. Do the following:

## gnome software

killall gnome-software
rm -rf ~/.cache/gnome-software

## Zoom

Hack to get Zoom working with GNOME 41 + Wayland:

1. press ALT+F2
2. enter `lg`
3. enter `global.context.unsafe_mode=true`

see this thread:

## Zotero

download from:

tar xf Zotero-

move the full directory into ~/system and do a symlink f `zotero` into

also install the chrome zotero connector extension

## Cosair keyboard

dnf install ckb-next

run `ckb-next`

## dyndns

dnf install ddclient

then edit `/etc/ddclient.conf`. It should have in particular:


then test it:
ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet

now set it to start automatically:
systemctl enable ddclient.service
systemctl start ddclient.service

The `start` will likely fail. Look at the log:
journalctl -xeu ddclient.service

it'll probably say something like:
Jan 29 12:19:28 loons touch[258877]: /bin/touch: cannot touch '/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache': Permission denied

you need to change the permissions on that file:
chown ddclient:ddclient /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache

see: (but those instructions are a bit off)

## dnf update issues

If dnf crashes while updating. Check for dupes:

dnf repoquery --duplicated

then remove:

dnf remove --duplicates

and run a check:

dnf check

## Adobe Reader


dnf install snapd
snap install acrordrdc

Note that you can only store to `drive_c` and this is located in

but also see this:

it seems that firefox can open these PDFs (which are XFA files) natively.



you can check the status of the system's IPMI config via:

ipmiutil lan -c

It is recommended that you set things up as static with the IP address
set to `` to disable.

## Suspend

Fedora 38 now automatically suspends when on AC power after 15 minutes. This is a
setting on GNOME.

Here's how to see the setting:

sudo -u gdm dbus-run-session gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power | grep sleep

here's how to disable it:

gdm dbus-run-session gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power


## dnf automatic updates


dnf install dnf-automatic

edit: `/etc/dnf/automatic.conf` and change:

* `upgrade_type` to `security`
* `emit_via` to `email`

and update the email settings

then enable:

systemctl enable --now dnf-automatic.timer

and check:

systemctl status dnf-automatic.timer
systemctl list-timers dnf-*