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Config files to set up a Software development workstation!

configs desktop-environment dotfiles emacs emacs-config emacs-configuration emacs-lisp lua neovim nixos window-manager xmonad xmonad-conf xmonad-configuration

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Config files to set up a Software development workstation!

Awesome Lists containing this project



#+author: Zoey de Souza Pessanha
#+email: [email protected]


Matthew's Logo

Matthew's Dotfiles

Matthew's dotfiles config! Everything you need to have a productive environment for web developing and some hackings!


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Fish shell






** You'll be installing...
:CUSTOM_ID: programs

| Software | Description |
| [[][cURL]] | Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs |
| [[][git]] | Free and open source distributed version control system |
| [[][Github CLI]] | Github offcial CLI |
| [[][vim]] | Highly configurable terminal text editor |
| [[][alacritty]] | GPU based terminal |
| [[][xclip]] | Command line interface to the X11 clipboard |
| [[][Spotify]] | Music streaming and media services provider |
| [[][nodejs]] | JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine |
| [[][yarn]] | Fast and safe NodeJS package manager |
| [[][Docker]] | Platform for building, deploying, and managing containerized applications |
| [[][Insomnia]] | API Client and Design Tool |
| [[][typescript]] | Typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript |
| [[][elixir]] | Dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications |
| [[][rust]] | A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software |
| [[][procs]] | Replacement for ps written in Rust |
| [[][create-react-app]] | Set up a modern ReactJS web app by running one command |
| [[][eslint]] | JavaScript and Typescript linter |
| [[][prettier]] | Opinated code formatter |
| [[][neofetch]] | A command-line system information tool |
| [[][ncdu]] | Curses-based version of the well-known 'du' |
| [[][telegram-desktop]] | Instant message sender based on cloud |
| [[][google cloud sdk]] | A complete tooling to interact to google cloud |
| [[][qbittorrent]] | The qBittorrent project aims to provide an open-source software alternative to µTorrent |
| [[][discord]] | Group-chatting platform |
| [[][lazygit]] | A simple terminal UI for git commands |
| [[][glow]] | Terminal based markdown reader |
| [[][exa]] | exa is a modern replacement for ls |
| [[][starship]] | The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell! |
| [[][git-delta]] | A viewer for git and diff output |
| [[][xmonad]] | Dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written and configured in Haskell |
| [[][xmobar]] | Minimalistic text based status bar |
| [[][picom]] | A lightweight compositor for X11 |
| [[][dunst]] | Lightweight replacement for the notification-daemons provided by most desktop environments |
| [[][flameshot]] | Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software |
| [[][zathura]] | Vim like document viewer |
| [[][mpv]] | Command line video player |
| [[][erlang]] | Programming language used to build massively scalable soft real-time systems |
| [[][haskell]] | Declarative, statically typed code |
| [[][phoenix]] | Peace of mind from prototype to production |
| [[][fd]] | A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find' |
| [[][emacs]] | An extensible, customizable, free/libre text editor |
| [[][xrandr]] | Primitive command line interface to RandR extension |
| [[][nnn]] | n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager |
** Screenshots
:CUSTOM_ID: screenshots

#+caption: screenshot

** Emacs
:CUSTOM_ID: emacs

I have two =Emacs= "frameworks" configs:
1. The one that I'm building myself
2. My work config that uses =Doom Emacs=

My config you can find here -> [[]]

For the =Doom= config you can go here -> [[][Doom config]]

** Install
:CUSTOM_ID: install

*** NixOS
The default way to install is to use =NixOS=! You can learn more [[][here]].

After you boot on your machine you can install git as:
#+begin_src shell
nix-env -f '' -iA git

With =git= installed you can clone this repo and use my configs!
DISCLAIMER: remember to generate your own =hardware-configuration.nix= following =NixOS= manual and
replace this file from my repo!

**** Possible configs

I have 2 possible system wide configs:
1. My personal and playground config, with =Xmonad= as WE
2. My workstation config, with =Gnome3= as DE

After you had cloned this repo you can edit =services.nix= file and prepend:
#+begin_src nix
imports = [ ./xmonad ]; # or ./gnome

Also, take a look into =system/network.nix= to set up correct interfaces name!

*** Use dotfiles scripts
If you don't want to use =NixOS= or =Nix= at all, you can download my =dotfiles= script!

Once you have it on hands you can provide a =DOTS_DIR= env var that points to your own
dotfiles. This script will help you to link all your files/folders to the correct place!

** License
:CUSTOM_ID: license

This project is licensed under the[[./LICENSE][ GPLv3 License]]