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Simplifying the construction of network cluster services

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Simplifying the construction of network cluster services

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Simplifying the construction of network cluster services

### Introduction

> Based on Netty network framework and Springboot framework.
> The target is let easy to build a network cluster server. Minimize the use of third-party dependency libraries as much as possible.

### Architecture diagram


### Existing features

1. Supports multiple network protocols, including TCP, UDP, HTTP, and WEBSOCKET and MQTT; Multiple protocols can be configured on
the same port.

[comment]: <> (1. 多网络协议支持,支持TCP、UDP、HTTP、WEBSOCKET协议;同端口支持多种协议(可配置))

2. Supports multi-node clusters and dynamic node joining and exiting

[comment]: <> (2. 支持多节点集群,支持节点动态加入、退出)

3. Supports message forwarding between internal and external networks

4. Supports distributed transactions `server-message-queue` module

### Modules introduction

1. `server-framework`: The `core module` of the framework, which provides the basic configuration of the framework, and
the configuration of the network protocol, the message forwarding, and the message processing.

2. `server-database`: The `database` module of the framework, use `Mybatis` and `MySQL` to implement the database
operation. If you need to use a MySQL database, you can use it.`that is optional`.

3. `server-cache`: The `cache` module of the framework, use `Redisson` to implement the `Redis` cache operation, and
use `Caffeine` to implement the local cache operation. If you need to use a caching module, you can use
it.`that is optional`.

4. `server-permission`: The `permission` module of the framework, Use `Spring AOP` and annotations to control interface
permissions. The HTTP protocol uses the request header entrainment JWT method,
the `permissions` field in the `UserSession` is used for TCP and UDP and WebSocket. If you need
to use a `permission` module, you can use it.`that is optional`.

5. `server-access-control`: The `access control` module of the framework, Use `Spring AOP` and annotations
and `Guava library` to limit the rate of the interface. You can limit the rate of interfaces uniformly or based on
user granularity, and configure IP blacklists and whitelists. If you need to use a `access control` module, you can
use it.`that is optional`.

6. `server-message-queue`: The `message queue` module of the framework, Use the `server-framework` module to develop a
message queue module that supports message subscription and message push. If you need to use a `message queue`
module, you can use it.`that is optional`.

7. `gateway-server`、`hall-server`、`room-server`: These are three `sample nodes` of the cluster, and you can refer to
their configurations to get your own cluster

### How to use

1. You must had installed JDK 1.8+ and Maven 3.x
2. Switch to the project directory and run `mvn clean install`
3. Add the `server-framework` dependency in your project




4. Add the `server-framework` Configuration to your Springboot project `application.yml` file.

tcpHeader: THBS # TCP header
udpHeader: UHBS # UDP header
id: 1000 #Current node id
insideClient: 5 #inside client side business thread pool size
insideServer: 5 #inside server side business thread pool size
outsideServer: 5 #outside server side business thread pool size
enable: true #Whether to enable the outside server
port: 5555 #Outside server port
protocol: "TCP,UDP,WEBSOCKET,HTTP,MQTT" #Outside server protocol,Which protocols to use.
- host:
port: 6000
type: gateway #Inside server type,that's namespace customized
clientSize: 1 #Connect to inside server client size
weight: 10 #Inside server weight
id: 1000 #Inside server id; At least one id in the list of insideServers is associated with the current node id
- host:
port: 6003
type: hall
clientSize: 1
id: 2000
- host:
port: 6006
type: room
clientSize: 1
id: 3000

5. Define the HTTP message handler as follows

@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 0, uri = "/index", protocol = Protocol.HTTP)
public class IndexAction extends HttpServerMessageDispatcher {

public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPacket httpPacket) {
List genealogies = new ArrayList<>();
responseJson(httpPacket, genealogies);


QueueMessageSender.publish("hall", "test", genealogies.toString());

6. Define the WEBSOCKET message handler as follows

@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 100, protocol = Protocol.WEBSOCKET)
public class LoginChatRoomAction extends ServerMessageDispatcher {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoginChatRoomAction.class);

public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NetworkPacket.Decoder decoder) {
String username = decoder.readStr();
String channelId = decoder.readStr();
int userId = Math.abs(username.hashCode());"login chat room username:{},channelId:{},userId:{}", username, channelId, userId);
//notify client login success
NetworkPacket.Builder builder = decoder.toBuilder().writeInt(userId).writeStr(;
//forward to room server
forward2insideServerUseSender(builder, "room", userId);

public Object threadKey(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NetworkPacket.Decoder decoder) {
return decoder.readStr();

7. Client side network packet and server side network packet as follows


8. Define the transaction queue message handler at sender side as follows
@MessageListener(topic = "test", serverType = "hall")
public class MessageQueueTest implements TransactionQueueMessageSenderHandler {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageQueueTest.class);

public void handleCallback(CallbackMessage callbackMessage) {"callbackMessage = {}", callbackMessage);

public int consumerSize() {
return 2;

public boolean handle(Long msgId, String objJson) {
logger.debug("handle msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId, objJson);
return true;

public boolean rollback(Long msgId, String objJson) {
logger.debug("rollback msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId, objJson);
return true;
9. Define the transaction queue message handler at receiver side as follows
@MessageListener(topic = "test", serverType = "hall")
public class MessageQueueTest implements TransactionQueueMessageHandler {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageQueueTest.class);

public boolean handle(Long msgId, String objJson) {
logger.debug("handle msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId, objJson);
return false;

public boolean rollback(Long msgId, String objJson) {
logger.debug("rollback msgId = {},objJson = {}", msgId,objJson);
return false;
10. Publish the transaction queue message as follows
@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 0, uri = "/index", protocol = Protocol.HTTP)
public class IndexAction extends HttpServerMessageDispatcher {

public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPacket httpPacket) {
List genealogies = new ArrayList<>();
responseJson(httpPacket, genealogies);
// publish transaction queue message
QueueMessageSender.publish("hall", "test", genealogies.toString());

### How to develop

1. You must had installed JDK 1.8+ and Maven 3.x
2. Clone the project and import it into your IDE
3. Run the project

### Stress test

* Jvm configuration parameters as follows
> -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

* The interface tested was IndexAction, as follows

@PermissionAuth(permission = {})
//@AccessLimit(userRateSize = 1, globalRateSize = 2)
@OutsideMessageHandler(value = 0, uri = "/index", protocol = Protocol.HTTP)
public class IndexAction extends HttpServerMessageDispatcher {
private IGenealogyService genealogyService;

public void handle(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpPackage httpPacket) {
final List genealogies = genealogyService.listAll();
//System.out.println("genealogies = " + genealogies);
responseJson(ctx, httpPacket, genealogies);
QueueMessageSender.publish("hall", "test", genealogies.toString());

public Object threadKey(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, NetworkPacket.Decoder decoder) {
return null;

* The stress test tool is `jmeter`, and the configuration is as follows


* Test result


### NOTE

调试资源泄露,启动时添加:-Xms12m -Xmx12m -Dio.netty.leakDetection.level=paranoid


1. ~~内网不同协议的转发~~
2. ~~外网消息转发到内网处理器中~~
3. ~~外部用户登录~~
4. ~~用户消息内网转发~~
5. ~~用户消息外网转发~~
6. ~~群组消息内网转发~~
7. ~~群组消息外网转发~~
8. ~~serverType写在framework中需要解决~~
9. ~~服务端、客户端消息转发待测试~~
10. ~~延迟线程池装配,任务执行完之后,处理逻辑~~
11. ~~http协议抽离~~
12. ~~完善readme~~
13. ~~mysql~~、~~mybatis~~、~~redis~~、~~mq等配置~~
14. ~~本地缓存~~~~,缓存失效时间,缓存失效时,重新查询数据库~~
15. ~~请求限流~~
16. ~~内网消息队列和失败重发机制~~,~~添加权重转发机制~~
17. ~~为避免长时间占用链接,没有登录的链接,服务端添加心跳检测机制,如果超过一定时间没有收到心跳,则主动断开链接~~
18. ~~外网支持协议配置化~~
19. ~~内网消息重组~~,~~支持延迟消息~~,~~可靠消息(保证送达与幂等性)~~
20. ~~分布式事务?~~
21. ~~内网服务器登录,将已登录的session同步给登录服务器~~
22. ~~内网服务登出,同步消息给登录服务器~~
23. ~~用户登录接口抽离由使用框架者实现~~,~~同时还有用户登录内网同步和登出内网同步接口~~
24. ~~内网消息不可达时,可选路由到相同类型的其他节点~~
25. 消息转发,重复发送检测
26. ~~MQTT协议支持?~~
27. ~~协议头配置化~~?
28. 注册接口?
29. ~~接口权限控制?~~
30. ~~做一个im群组聊天室,测试框架完善度~~
31. ~~让内部服务客户端发送同步消息(客户端发送等待服务端返回消息)~~
32. ~~重构NetworkPacket,body部分改成rawBody、extendBody,方便扩展~~
33. ~~udp协议问题修复,消息体改版后其他模块的适配~~
34. ~~消息解码时,添加消息体长度校验:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space~~
35. ~~转发延迟时间单位可选~~