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Projects in Awesome Lists tagged with clean-architecture

A curated list of projects in awesome lists tagged with clean-architecture .

This Flask application demonstrates Clean Architecture principles using Python, integrating Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Docker, SQL databases, and an ORM. It exemplifies a robust, scalable, and maintainable design ideal for complex applications.

clean-architecture ddd-architecture docker flask-api python sqldatabase

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

[iOS] SwiftUI Video Playlist complete with Unit-Tests using Combine, URLSession, Coredata and architectured in Clean Architecture & MVVM

avplayer clean-architecture combine coredata future ios kingfisher mvvm swift swiftui unit-test urlsession

Last synced: 06 Aug 2024

A robust RESTful API for managing tasks and users, built with the Gin framework. Features include user authentication with JWT, user management, and task management. This API follows Clean Architecture principles for modularity and maintainability.

cicd clean-architecture docker docker-compose gin-gonic github-action go golang makefile mongodb testify testify-mocking testing

Last synced: 30 Sep 2024

Sistema de pagamento completo em Java e Clean Architecture

clean-architecture clean-code git java maven solid spring-boot

Last synced: 30 Sep 2024

Starter kit for api in clean architecture using typescript to follow abstract concepts.

api clean-architecture express koa solid solid-principles typescript

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

I developed this project as my university graduation work, which involves internal training management within a company. Key features include user management (learners and lecturers), class registration, confirmation, and student score management.

asp-net-core clean-architecture dapper mssqlserver reactjs stored-procedures

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Pynavt is a cli tool to create clean architecture app for you including Fastapi, bcrypt and jwt.

clean-architecture cli python

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

Manager is an app to manage the versioning of any apps deployed. Written using php Hyperf framework running with swoole async server, following DDD concepts and written over clean architecture.

clean-architecture ddd docker hyperf php82 swoole

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

this repository is creating on the base of dotnet core concept

angular clean-architecture csharp design-patterns dill dotnet-core dotnet-core8 redis-cli signalr signalr-chat

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

Weathy is a mobile application that provides real-time weather updates, including current conditions, tomorrow’s forecast, and a 10-day outlook. It also features upcoming football matches for your location and a 10-month weather forecast, allowing you to stay informed and plan ahead with ease.

api clean-architecture clean-code custom-date-picker dart environment-variables flutter geolocation google-maps hive restful-api sharedpreferences weather

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

🧺 This is the backend for the Market Zone project. It is a RESTful API that provides the necessary endpoints for the frontend to interact with the database.

api clean-architecture cqrs-pattern csharp ddd ddd-architecture dotnet dotnet-core postgresql

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

Spring boot restful employee state machine. implement spring state machine example in clean architecture.

clean-architecture employee-service java-11 liquibase postgresql spring-boot spring-state-machine

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

ShopEase is a simple and user-friendly shopping cart system built for e-commerce platforms. It allows users to browse products, add them to a cart, and proceed to checkout seamlessly. This system is designed with scalability in mind, making it perfect for small to medium-sized online stores.

ajax bootstrap clean-architecture css design-patterns html jquery mvc

Last synced: 25 Sep 2024

Андроид приложение для загрузки фотографий в альбомы ВКонтакте

android clean-architecture jetpack-compose vk vk-sdk

Last synced: 25 Sep 2024

ASP.NET Core full-stack application - An educational discussion platform for students and teachers, featuring many beautiful features.

asp-net-core-mvc asp-net-core-web-api bootstrap-5 clean-architecture clean-code discussion-platform dotnet-8 entity-framework-core full-stack-application jquery ms-sql-server repository-pattern rnd

Last synced: 27 Sep 2024

Contatain the common project strcuture, convention plugin, common dependency and commonent such as network request, common ui etc

android clean-architecture clean-code convention-plugin jetpack-compose kotlin

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

YouTube Music Player is a demo project that plays YouTube videos, music, and live streams while the app is in the background.

android app application clean-architecture compose jetpack-compose kotlin live music mvi player video youtube

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

Service for modeling delivery service operations, built using Kotlin, Vert.x, Koin, and Protocol Buffers. Uses Hexagonal Architecture

clean-architecture dependency-injection gradle juint koin kotlin kotlin-coroutines mockk protobuf vertx

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

Project to apply Clean Architecture principles:

chi-router clean-architecture golang graphql mux-router neo4j

Last synced: 30 Sep 2024

the backend Repo for eLearn, a graduation project for the Computer Science department at South Valley University.

api asp-net-core automapper clean-architecture clean-code csharp end-to-end-encryption entity-framework-core jwt linq signalr solid

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

A robust Flutter blog app following clean architecture principles, featuring user authentication, blog management, comments, and responsive design. The project is structured into presentation, domain, and data layers for maintainability and testability.

bloc clean-architecture dart flutter supabase

Last synced: 27 Sep 2024

This is Eeats Backend Repository

clean-architecture nestjs typeorm typescript

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

Welcome to Procast, where skills meets opportunity! Procast is a game-changing aggregator business model operating in the dynamic realm of C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) interactions. Our mission is to empower individuals with remarkable skills, connecting them to a vast marketplace of opportunities they might never have discovered otherwise.

clean-architecture gin golang postgresql viper wire

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

This repository is useful for making APIs for quliku applications based on Android, later this application will be used to carry out ITS Youth Technopreneur (IYT) activities

clean-architecture gin golang gorm rest-api

Last synced: 03 Oct 2024

🤙 This repo for practicing GraphQL using Golang , Docker and PostgreSQL

circleci clean-architecture codecov docker gin go golang graphql postgresql rest-api swagger uncle-bob

Last synced: 03 Oct 2024

Una API para autenticar usuarios a través de JWT y encriptación de contraseñas con brypt utilizando una arquitectura limpia. Utiliza Prisma como ORM para interactuar con una base de datos PostgreSQL

api authentication bcrypt bunjs clean-architecture elysiajs hashing jwt-authentication jwt-token postgresql prisma typescript

Last synced: 25 Sep 2024

Create a simple API blog website using authorization and authentication for logged in users

clean-architecture gin-gonic golang golang-api golang-application gorm-orm

Last synced: 03 Oct 2024

🧙‍♂️ Building an application for INSS discounts with Ruby on Rails using TDD, DDD, CQRS, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns and SOLID principles 🎯

clean-architecture cqrs design-patterns docker domain-driven-design postgresql rspec ruby ruby-on-rails test-driven-development typescript

Last synced: 25 Sep 2024

⚙️ Building a platform to facilitate the registration and management of information for citizens of a municipality using TDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns and SOLID principles 🎯

clean-architecture design-patterns docker docker-compose elasticsearch postgresql rspec ruby ruby-on-rails solid stimulus tailwind-css test-driven-development twilio typescript

Last synced: 25 Sep 2024

Rust api implemented with clean architecture

clean-architecture diesel-rs rocket rust

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

This project serves primarily as a proof of concept, showcasing various features and implementations for demonstration purposes.

clean-architecture cqrs ddd dotnet-core elasticsearch kafka railway-oriented-programming

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Blog Project as Clean Architecture in ASP.NET CORE logging to elastic search , mailing, localization , redis cache , cqrs techniques implements in this project

asp-net-core automapper clean-architecture cqrs elasticsearch localization mediatr redis

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

SaaS ダッシュボード | 🔑 ユーザー認証 / 👤 アカウント管理 / 👥 メンバー管理 / 🏠 テナント / 📋 プロジェクト

authjs clean-architecture ddd fastapi nextauth nextjs

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

Ce projet est une démonstration de mes compétences avec Angular. Il intègre une variété de fonctionnalités et de bonnes pratiques, afin d’être utilisé à l’avenir comme référence pour mes projets. L'objectif était de créer une application maintenable et scalable dans ce langage.

angular angular-cli clean-architecture clean-code tutorials typescript

Last synced: 30 Sep 2024

Plataforma de ecommerce feita com base no conceito clean code, clean archtecture e TDD que estudei no curso do Rodrigo Branas

api-rest clean-architecture clean-code ecommerce php php81

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

A Golang web backend development starter template power by gin

clean-architecture gin golang starter-template

Last synced: 30 Sep 2024

Small project to show how to achieve polymorphism with repositories

clean-architecture go mongo mysql testcontainers

Last synced: 26 Sep 2024

Backend microservice for MyGraderList

clean-architecture golang grpc microservices

Last synced: 02 Oct 2024

AWS Lambdas operating with user, chat, message DynamoDB entities

aws-lambda aws-sam clean-architecture clean-code dynamodb gson java-11 lombok maven refactoring-exercise

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

Servidor backend para gestion de usaurios con prisma y Express

clean-architecture crud-api express nodejs prisma-orm typescript

Last synced: 27 Sep 2024

GenerateCampaignCode is a .NET 8.0 project designed to securely generate and validate campaign codes using SHA1 and HMACSHA256 hashing algorithms. The project provides RESTful API endpoints for generating and validating codes, with extensive unit tests to ensure reliability and performance. Built with clean architecture principles.

ci-cd clean-architecture cryptography dotnet dotnet-core generate-code webapi

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

This project provides a backend API for managing tasks with user authentication

api clean-architecture docker dotnet unit-testing

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

Simple app for execute shell commands through Telegram client

bot clean-architecture golang mongodb shell telegram-bot-api

Last synced: 03 Oct 2024

The API for Legal Lighthouse (codename Atlas). A SaaS Product for legal services with AI. An ASP.NET Core with C# Modular Monolithic API

asp-net-core c-sharp clean-architecture ddd domain-driven-design dot-net-core event-driven-architecture modular-monolith

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

ASP.NET Core 8 Minimal API that processes boarding cards 🎫 Written with Clean Architecture, MediatR, FluentValidation. Includes unit tests (xUnit) 🧪

asp-net asp-net-core asp-net-core-8 asp-net-core-web-api carter clean-architecture csharp dotnet dotnet-core dotnet8 fluent-assertions fluent-validation mediatr minimal-api swagger-ui swashbuckle webapi xunit

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

Symfony example showcasing DDD, CQRS, Clean Architecture and framework agnostic approach.

clean-architecture cqrs ddd framework-agnostic php symfony

Last synced: 27 Sep 2024

A scalable RESTful API built with Go and Gin. It provides secure user authentication and authorization, task management, and role-based access control, integrating with MongoDB for data storage. The project follows Clean Architecture principles, ensuring maintainability and testability. Comprehensive unit tests are included to ensure code quality.

clean-architecture go mongodb postman testify

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Web chat with WebSocket, Redis, and Cassandra, including notifications for logged-in and logged-out users, and emoji support, implemented in Go and JavaScript.

cassandra chat clean-architecture emojis golang javascrit login logout redis websocket

Last synced: 29 Sep 2024

Clean Architurecture Flask Restplus API Sample

clean-architecture clean-code dependency-injection flask restplus

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

It is an application that provides user to apply job application with their resume files (CV) , Sending Emails To Users in order to information with mailkit

asp-net-core clean-architecture cqrs global-exception-handling linkedin logging mailing mailkit mediator-pattern mssqlserver serilog smtp web-api

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Backend created using PHP with TDD and Clean Architecture.

clean-architecture clean-code mockery php php-unit php8 phpunit

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Microsserviço de catálogo de vídeos, utilizando CLEAN ARCH + Laravel, e implementação testes unitários com PhpUnit.

clean-architecture laravel-framework php8 phpunit

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

REST API server for mobile apps of Easy-Dictionary project. Developed by Go and managing by Gin-Gonic HTTP framework

backend clean-architecture gin-gonic go golang server viper

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Authentication api using Go/Gin/Docker/PostgreSQL

clean-architecture docker gin go nginx posgresql

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

Small projects I worked on while learning back-end development with the GO programming language.

api clean-architecture gin-gonic go mongodb restful-api

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

This repository contains an e commerce rest api where services communicate using gRPC

api-gateway clean-architecture go grpc microservice protobuf

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

Dotnet Core 8 project using: Clean Architecture, using FastEndpoints, Identity and EntityFramework. Servers as the backend for

clean-architecture docker docker-compose dotnetcore entityframework fastendpoints swagger

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Desafio Técnico React WeFit 2024 - Criação de um site de e-commerce do zero, criando um fluxo com três módulos/telas: Home, Carrinho, Compra Realizada, no prazo de 24 horas.

agile approuter atomic clean-architecture clean-code context-api ddd fetch-api figma git-github gitflow-workflow html-css-javascript jira mobile-first nextjs14 notion react-hooks tailwindcss typescript

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Go + Clean Archtecture

clean-architecture clean-code go golang

Last synced: 01 Oct 2024

Application for generating payroll reports for employees based on department and assigned bonuses.

clean-architecture ddd-architecture layered-architecture php-8 symfony

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

📐 YACAE shows off a proof of concept for a Clean Architecture trying to follow some basic principles

clean-architecture example poc yet-another

Last synced: 02 Oct 2024

Slides of Clean Architecture Lecture

clean-architecture talk

Last synced: 03 Oct 2024

Teste Técnico FullStack (.NetCore 3.1 / Angular 16) - Empresa Viceri-Seidor

angular16 angularmaterial clean-architecture mssql net netcore signalr

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Starter with onion architecture and CQRS

clean-architecture cqrs docker onion-architecture phpunit

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024

Simple Todo API in .NET 5.0 using clean architecture, CQRS, EF Core, Swagger, unit and e2e testing

clean-architecture cqrs e2e-testing net50 unit-testing webapi

Last synced: 29 Jul 2024

Aplicación web de gestión de tareas construida con Blazor y .NET, siguiendo los principios de SOA y Clean Architecture.

blazor clean-architecture csharp soa

Last synced: 30 Sep 2024

⚙️ Building an API with Ruby using TDD, DDD, Clean Architecture, Design Patterns and SOLID principles 🎯

clean-architecture desing-patterns domain-driven-design mongodb rspec ruby sinatra solid-principles test-driven-development

Last synced: 28 Sep 2024