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Projects in Awesome Lists by Randhir200
A curated list of projects in awesome lists by Randhir200 .
N-Traversal Left to Right in Square Matrix
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
This is a time-tracking website clone that we made during the construct week at Masai School. You can put your daily tasks to do and also you can track your workouts on the website.
chakra-ui css javascript json-server leafletjs netlify react redux redux-thunk tailwindcss
Last synced: 06 Nov 2024
Given an array of integers of length n and a positive integer K, the task is to find the count of the longest possible subarrays with the sum of its elements not divisible by K.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
BudgetBuddy is a expense tracking application designed to help you monitor and manage your spending with ease. Built with a modern tech stack, this project leverages the strengths of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL to deliver a seamless and efficient user experience.
css docker express html javascript linux mongodb mongoose nginx nodejs pm2 postgresql react unit-testing
Last synced: 13 Oct 2024
This is a sample application that demonstrates an E-commerce website using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The application loads products on local storage and displays them. Users can select to display products in a single category. Users can click on any product to get more information including pricing, reviews and rating.
css html javascript localstorage
Last synced: 06 Nov 2024
There are several ways to initialize a React project. Here are some of the most common methods:
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You take part in a marathon, and there are many different points from where you can start running (named from 0); at each point, there is a counter for energy drinks. Not all energy drinks are the same; every one of them gives you a different amount of energy. With one unit of energy, you can only run 1 km, and the starting points are located randomly, so the distance between them is not fixed. Assume that at the start of the marathon, you're exhausted. So you want to find the point from which you should start running so that you complete the whole marathon.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer with expertise in both frontend and backend technologies. This repository showcases my portfolio, highlighting projects where I've applied my skills in React.js, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and more. Here, you'll find examples of my work, including web applications.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Setting up a React application manually using Webpack and Babel involves several steps. I'll guide you through the process.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an arrayAcontaining N integers, find the running sum of the array. The running sum of the array is defined as the sum of all the elements of the array that exists before the current element, including the current element Refer the sample I/O for better understanding, {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given two arraysAandB, each of size N. The first array A, is sorted in ascending order, while the second array is sorted in descending order. You have to find the number of elements common in both the arrays. Try to solve this without using any extra space, Constraints 1 <=T<= 10 1 <=N<= 1000000 1 <=A[i]<= 1000
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
A total of n participants took part in the contest (n ≥ k), and you already know their scores. Calculate how many participants will advance to the next round. The rule of contest is :"Contestant who earns a score equal to or greater than the k-th place finisher's score will advance to the next round, as long as the contestant earns a positive score...(greater than 0)"
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are visiting a friend at her housewarming party. When you arrive at her house, you see a queue of people standing outside waiting to go inside. Everybody is holding a present in their hands, and since there aren't many gift shops nearby, most of them end up buying the same gift for her. As more and more people keep joining the queue, you are curious to find the first unique gift in the line. You sit and examine the row after a new person arrives; when he does, you examine the queue from front to back to find out which is the first different gift and add it to your list. Note-
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Create the API for workouts app
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
As part of our construct week for group project in Unit 6 at Masai School, we were given to build the clone of the Everhour website.
hacktoberfest hacktoberfest-accepted hacktoberfest2022
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given an array of integers and a number k, find the maximum sum of a subarray of size k., Constraints 1 <= n <= 10^7, 1 <= k <= 10^6
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given an array of size n, which is strictly increasing and then strictly decreasing in order. Find out the index (0-based) which is the peak of the array.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given a sorted array of integers, return indices of two numbers such that they add up to a target value. Print -1 -1 if not found.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given a array A having N positive integers. Count all the subarrays of A having length X, such that each subarray has no integer greater than K.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
About is an e-commerce website, From this website, you can buy electronics products Developed along with a team of 6 members in 5 days.
css html javascript json-server localstorage
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
in JavaSrcipt how can we implement tree data structure?
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Top to Bottom Z-Travversal in Square Matrix
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given a string S. Cut it into 2 equal halves and reverse it. So, suppose if you have a string "abcxyz" then after performing the above mentioned operation it becomes "cbazyx" If you have a string "abcdxyz", then after performing the above mentioned operation it becomes "cbadzyx"
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove the duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears only once. The relative order of the elements should be kept the same.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given a Linked List of unsorted integers with unique values, we need to check that it forms a wave pattern or not. A sequence is said to be in wave pattern if it is increasing and then decreasing alternatively or vice versa. For example, if we have a linked list 4->7->2->8.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Description Given an array of non-negative integers, and a value 'sum', determine if there is a subset of the given set (array) with sum equal to given sum. If there is a subset whose sum is equal to the required sum then print "yes" else print "no" without quotes.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given a string s consisting of u, l, r, and d as characters and you are standing at point (x,y) = (0,0) and you have to traverse the string and do the movements in the direction you are been instructed by the character as If s[i] = 'u' then x = x + 1 If s[i] = 'd' then x = x - 1 If s[i] = 'r' then y = y + 1 If s[i] = 'l' then y = y - 1 Print the final coordinates after traversing the whole string.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given a matrix of size N x M. You have to print all the even indexed rows. Note: Indexing in the matrix starts from 0.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Learning Context API made this application theme app, you can change the theme of the app in between dark and light
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given string str of lowercase alphabets of length n and an integer K, the task is to count all substrings of length K which have exactly K distinct characters.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Sorting using selection technique
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given n different numbers and an integer k. Write a program that finds number of times k is present in log(n) time complexity. NOTE: YOU MUST NOT USE BRUTE FORCE SOLUTION WE KNOW THAT YOU KNOW BRUTE FORCE SOLUTION AND WANT YOU TRY THE LOGN SOLUTION
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
given string like this "randhir" your task to print output as "nardrih" if string length is even "neha" then print as "enah"
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Hassan has discovered his own sorting algorithm. The algorithm has following conditions: 1. Given an integer k, sort the values in the array according to their modulo with k. That is, if there are two integers a and b, and a%k < b%k, then a would come before b in the sorted array. 2. If a%k = b%k, then the integer which comes first in the given array remains first in the sorted array. Your task is to write a program that sorts the given array as per above mentioned condition and print the sorted array.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Tom and Nick are good friends.Once Tom asked Nick exactly N rupees, but Nick has only 1 rupee in his bank account. Nick wants to help his friend so he wrote two hacks First hack can multiply the amount of money he owns by 10,while the second can multiply it by 20. These hacks can be used any number of times.Can Nick help Tom with his hacks?
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
made an e-commerce application with the following tech Chakra UI Axios, React, router dom - V6
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an array of N-1 integers and integers are in the range of 1 to N. There are no duplicates in the array. One of the integers is missing in the array. Find the missing integer
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Assignment - Go to , create account and explore API documentation. Create a decent UI where should be able to search for any movie they want. explore how can you make a search request. Make a fetch request and get the data depending on whatever movie you entered. Show the movie data on the app.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
This is an extension of the above problem. If there is no valid movie of searched name, show an error on the webpage. we would prefer if you could use images or gifs to show the error. If a movie is found, show the movie poster, release date, title, ratings and all the important info. Refer to Hotstar, Netflix, or any other streaming website for design ideas. You are free to create your own design.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Motu decided to visit his friend Potlu. It turned out that the Motu's house is located at point 0 and his friend's house is located at point x (x > 0) of the coordinate line. In one step the Motu can move 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 positions forward. Determine, what is the minimum number of steps he need to make in order to get to his friend's house.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are playing the famous Maze Runner Arcade Game. The game contains a maze which has values{'L', 'R', 'U', 'D'}, where L -> indicates that you move left, R -> indicates that you move right, U -> indicates that you move up, while D -> indicates that you move down. The score is calculates as the number of moves in which you exit the grid. If you cannot exit the grid, that means your scoreshould be returned as 0. Given a square matrix, denoting the maze, write a program to calculate the score. Note: You will always enter that the maze through the position (0,0).
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Neelam has N friendsstudying in various schools. She wants to find a new friend in(N+1)th school. Assume all schools are separated by 1 unit distance. To reach(N+1)th school she has to board a bus. The ith school would cost ofC[i]rupees to travel 1 unit of distance. In other words, the bus fare to travel from the ith school to the jth school isabs(i – j ) * C[i]rupees. The task is to find the minimum bus fare to travel from school 1 to school(N + 1)i.e. beyond the last school.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Linked list implementation from scratch
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given an integer array. Sort the array in such a way that all the odd number are in the beginning of the array followed by the even numbers. The odd number and even number should follow an ascending order.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
given a string like "aabbcc" your task, after rearranging detect whether is it possible to make palindrome or not,
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an arrayAofNintegers. You have to find the sum of the individual digit sum of all the elements in the array The digit sum here refers to the sum of digits, present in a given element Refer the sample I/O for better understanding, 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3 14 -> 1 + 4 = 5 16 -> 1 + 6 = 7 17 -> 1 + 7 = 8 29 -> 2 + 9 = 11 Therefore, the output is3 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 11 = 34.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Using DOM create a table, take data from form
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
create three different pages to handle request
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
All Prboblem list with their details
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given two sorted arraysAandBof sizeNandM. You have to find the list of elements common in both the arrays The resultant list should also be sorted. Note: If there are not elements common in both the arrays, then print-1
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Recently the famous ACP Pradhyuman has been handed a mystery to solve. His team has a recovered an old phone with a number keypad from the crime site. The picture of the phone keypad is attached below. ACP suspects something is wrong and feels curious about it. He has instructed his junior Daya to send this phone to forensic for further investigation. Doctor Salunkhe, one of the best forensic experts analyzes the phone and figures out the sequence of digit typed while sending the last message. Doctor Salunkhe stores this sequence as a string S. It's now Daya's task to figure out all the possible strings (messages) that the digit string could represent so that further investigation can be carried out. Since Daya is busy breaking all the doors of the crime scene, can you please help him out?
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given N numbers. Your task is to write MERGE SORT sorting algorithm (from scratch) to sort those N numbers.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You have a terrible toothache, so you went to book an appointment to see your doctor. When you reach there you notice that there are no seats and everyone's standing. The doctor's assistant is pretty strict, so she doesn't allow anyone inside the cabin until it's his turn. People are standing in a random order so she passes each person to check if he's next, when she finds the one she takes him with her. Meanwhile, nobody is allowed to exchange places, when she comes back she repeats the process from the front of the line. She takes one move to move from one person to another. You have to find the total number of moves she used to completely clear the queue.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given a ciphered string, you have to decipher the string. For example, if the given string is "a2b1c2", then the deciphered string will be "aabcc". Note: The string contains only lower-case letters and numbers.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
In the sample test case, in the first test case, the value ofN = 5, and that ofK = 3. Upon observation, you can see the pairs with values(2, 5)or(1,4)have a difference of 3. Therefore, the output is Yes. In the second test case, no pair exists such that the difference between them is 8. Therefore, the output is No.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
find next day upcoming day after n num
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Build this project to tracking our DSA problems, what we solved till now
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024