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Projects in Awesome Lists by Randhir200
A curated list of projects in awesome lists by Randhir200 .
Create a stack from scratch **data structures to use** 1. array 2. top 3. maxSize **create 3 functions** 1. push(x) 2. pop() 3. peek()
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an integer array height of length n. There are n vertical lines drawn such that the two endpoints of the ith line are (i, 0) and (i, height[i]).
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given two sorted arraysAandBof sizeNandM. You have to fiThe resultant list should also be sorted. Note: If there are not elements common in both the arrays, then print-1nd the list of elements common in both the arrays
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
For last N days, you did nothing but eat, sleep and code. A close friend of you kept an eye on you for the last N days. For every single minute of the day, he kept track of your actions and prepared a log file. The log file contains exactly N lines, each line contains a string of length 1440 ( i.e. the number of minutes in 24 hours of the day). The string is made of characters E, S, and C only; representing Eat, Sleep and Code respectively. the ith character of the string represents what you were doing during the ith minute of the day.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given a string of lowercase characters in range ascii[‘a’..’z’]. You can perform one operation on this string in which you can selects a pair of adjacent lowercase letters that match, and delete them. For instance, the string aab could be shortened to b in one operation. Your task is to delete as many characters as possible using this method and print the resulting string. If the final string is empty, print "Empty String" (without quotes). Please note that characters can be deleted only if they form a pair and are same(i.e from aaa we can only delete 2 a's and will be left with a single a).
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
This is a sample application that demonstrates an E-commerce website using ReactJs and JSON-server, The application loads products from JSON-server and displays them on the webpage. Users can select to display products in different categories such as different ratings as well ascending and descending order in price. Users can click on any product to add to the cart, and from the cart, users can customize their products as well, Authentication functionality also be added in this project.
chakaraui context-api css html json-server reactjs
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
create validation in Rest API
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
practice context API creating Auth small demo app
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Alice is playing a game with his little brother Adam. Alice gives Adam, a stringA, and along with it a bag which contains characters made up of clay are kept. Adam has to make the stringA, given to him by Alice, with the help of these characters in the bag. Find out if he can make the string or not. Note: The stringAand the bag, both contain only small case characters
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given n distinct numbers, implement a recursive binary search to check the presence of target number k. In case k is present among those n numbers, print 1 Else print -1
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Donald Trump has lost the presidential election of America, and because of the sadness he decides to leaves the White House before he was supposed to. Also, he took the entire staff with him, leaving the white house empty, and unguarded. Seeing the opportunity, Kim-Jong-Un and his North Korean militias decide to take over the white-house, and they did. But fortunately, all the important resources were safeguarded before they took over, except for the Nuclear codes. The Nuclear Codes are hidden at different spots in the white house, and the its only a matter of time before the Koreans get it. Thankfully, Mike Banning has managed to get into the President’s office. The white house has been designed in such a way, that every spot where a Nuclear code is hidden can be reached from the President’s office in 1 unit of time. So, Mike can go to the site where the code is present, then get the code, come back to the office, and go to the next site. The time required by the Koreans to get to the Nuclear Codes is given in the form of an array of size N, where N is the number of Nuclear Codes. The President-elect, Joe Biden, is very tensed. He wants to know if Mike can get all the Nuclear Codes before the Koreans. Since, you are his personal secretary, he asks you for help. If Mike can get all the Nuclear Codes before the Koreans, print “Oorah!”, else print “MayDay” Note : If the Koreans and the Mike reach the Nuclear Code together , the Koreans will take the key, as they will outnumber him and defeat him to get the key. I
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given a string S, find the number of substrings which contains all the vowels present in "coronavirus".
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given an integer array nums and an integer val, remove all occurrences of val in nums in-place. The relative order of the elements may be changed.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
sorting an array using Quick Sort technique
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an array A of N integers, and an integer K. Find the maximum value of S, such S that S = a[i] + a[j], and S < K. If no such value exists, then print -1.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Higher Order Function Practice-2
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Anti Clock wise Spiral Traversal in 2d Matrix
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an array A of N integers, and an integer K. Find the maximum value of S, such S that S = a[i] + a[j], and S < K. If no such value exists, then print -1. Refer the sample test case for better understanding. Input The first line of the input contains T, the number of test cases. The first line of each test case contains N, the number of elements in the array. The next line contains N space separated integers, denoting the values in the array. The next line contains the value K. Constraints 1 <= T <= 10 1 <= N <= 10^4 1 <= A[i] <= 10^4
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given a string of lowercase characters in range ascii[‘a’..’z’]. You can perform one operation on this string in which you can selects a pair of adjacent lowercase letters that match, and delete them. For instance, the string aab could be shortened to b in one operation. Your task is to delete as many characters as possible using this method and print the resulting string. If the final string is empty, print "Empty String" (without quotes). Please note that characters can be deleted only if they form a pair and are same(i.e from aaa we can only delete 2 a's and will be left with a single a). I know there exists a simple implemented Stringentation based solution of this question, but please try to come up with an approach that uses stack data structure to solve the purpose
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
This is an extension of the above problem If the IMDb rating of a searched movie is >8.5, show a recommended tag in front of it.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an arrayAcontaining N integers, find the running sum of the array. The running sum of the array is defined as the sum of all the elements of the array that exists before the current element, including the current element Refer the sample I/O for better understanding, {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Enhance knowledge of Docker and Kubernetes
Last synced: 13 Nov 2024
Given a 0-indexed string word and a character ch, reverse the segment of word that starts at index 0 and ends at the index of the first occurrence of ch (inclusive). If the character ch does not exist in word, do nothing.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
There are many signal towers present in Bangalore.Towers are aligned in a straight horizontal line(from left to right) and each tower transmits a signal in the right to left direction. Tower X shall block the signal of Tower Y if Tower X is present to the left of Tower Y and Tower X is taller than Tower Y. So,the power of a signal of a given tower can be defined as : {(the number of contiguous towers just to the left of the given tower whose height is less than or equal to the height of the given tower) + 1}. You need to write a program that finds the power of each tower.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Tried to multiplication in two matrices whose time complexity is O(n^3)
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given two sorted arrays each of length N. Your task is to write a program that merges both the arrays such that the final array formed after merging is sorted. Note: You must not use sort() function in your entire code
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
N-Traversal Right to Left in Square Matrix
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given an array A of N integers. Now, two functions F(X) and G(X) are defined: F(X) : This is the smallest number Z such that X < Z <= N and A[X] < A[Z] G(X) : This is the smallest number Z such that X < Z <= N and A[X] > A[Z] Now, you need to find for each index i of this array G(F(i)) , where 1 <= i <= N. If such a number does not exist, for a particular index i, output -1 as its answer. If such a number does exist, output A[G(F[i])]
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Mr.Robot needs an encryption method, so Elliott was there to help him. At the same time, Richard wrote a paper on encryption. Elliott then started writing his algorithms with the help of paper from Richard but he needs your help in implementing. The algorithm is like this:
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given name and marks of N different students in a hackerrank contest. Your task is to write a program that makes leaderboard of the students under following conditions: - If two students get same marks they get same rank - The student placed next to the same marks students will get the rank skipping the intermediate ranks. Refer to the sample test case for better understanding Note : You cannot use built-in sort function. Using that can lead to disqualification. Write your own sorting algorithm
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Creating elements using javascript
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
Given an integer n, you need to find out its binary representation using recursion.
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
using MERN technology practicing authentication
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024
You are given a string, whose length is stored in a variable with the nameN The string is stored in a variable with the namestr It is given that the length of the string is always divisible by 3 You have to create a new modified string, such that individual parts of the original string of length 3, are reversed For example, consider the given string isstr = abcdefghi, andN = 9. In this case, there are 3 parts of the string with length 3 The first part isabc, the second part isdef, and the third part isghi. Now, you have to reverse all the three parts, and combine them in the same order as before Therefore, the first part after reversing iscba, second part after reversing isfed, and the third part after reversing isihg Combining the three parts, the new modified string becomescbafedihg, which is the required answer
Last synced: 24 Dec 2024