
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

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  • Awesome List

    • Solidity - Curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more.
    • Ethereum - Awesome Ethereum & Dapps Resources.
    • Thirdweb - Curated list of awesome thirdweb resources, libraries, examples, showcase, and open source projects.
    • Farcaster Protocol - A collection of awesome Farcaster links including clients, tools, and more.
    • Lens Protocol - Curated list of awesome Lens Protocol projects, resources, libraries, tools and more.
    • RPC Nodes - Curated list of awesome Node providers and public RPC endpoints.
    • Web3 Security - Curated list of web3 security materials and resources for pentesters and bug hunters.
    • Wagmi - Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Wagmi.
    • XMTP - Curated list of awesome resources and projects built using XMTP.
    • NFT - Curated list of awesome Non Fungible Token (NFT, ERC721) frameworks, libraries and software.
    • Blockchain - Curated list of resources for the development and applications of blockchain.
    • ethereum-security - Curated list of Ethereum security references, guidance, tools, and more.
    • Foundry - Curated list of awesome Foundry resources, tutorials, tools and libraries.
    • Vyper - Curated resources for Vyper, the Pythonic smart contract language for the EVM.
    • StarkNet - Curated list of awesome StarkNet resources, libraries, tools and more.
    • Arweave - Curated list of awesome resources related to the Arweave.
    • Huff - Curated list of resources for Huff language.
    • The Graph - Curated list of awesome resources for The Graph.
    • Zero Knowledge - Curated list of awesome ZK resources, libraries, tools and more.
    • Algorand - Curated list of awesome resources related to the Algorand Blockchain.
  • Reference

    • BIPs - Bitcoin Improvement Proposals.
    • Ethereum Yellow Paper - Formal definition of the Ethereum protocol.
    • EIPs - Ethereum Improvement Proposals.
    • EVM Illustrated - Illustrated explanation of how EVM works under the hood.
  • Software Development

    • Developer Roadmap

      • DeFi Developer - Curated Web3.0 Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps, development resources and lifehacks.
      • Blockend Developer - Step By Step Roadmap for those who want to Learn Blockchain Development from Beginning.
    • Development Environment

      • Brownie - Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
      • Ethereum Code Viewer - View source of deployed Ethereum smart contracts in VS Code.
      • Embark - The all-in-one developer platform for building and deploying decentralized applications.
      • Hardhat - Development environment to compile, deploy, test, and debug your Ethereum software.
      • Remix - Online IDE for Solidity development.
      • Foundry - Foundry is blazing fast, portable and modular toolkit for Ethereum application development written in Rust.
    • SDK

      • Kryptokrona Kotlin SDK - Kryptokrona SDK in Kotlin for building decentralized private communication and payment systems.
    • Protocol

      • WalletConnect - Open protocol connecting wallets to Dapps.
      • WalletLink - Open protocol that lets users connect their mobile wallets to your DApp.
      • SmartWeave - SmartWeave is smart contract protocol that allows developers to build permanent applications on top of Arweave.
      • Lens Protocol - Lens Protocol is composable and decentralized social graph, ready for you to build on so you can focus on creating a great experience, not scaling your users.
      • Aave Protocol - Aave is decentralized non-custodial liquidity protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers.
      • Push - Push Protocol is web3 communication network, enabling cross-chain notifications and messaging for dapps, wallets, and services.
      • Ceramic Network - Ceramic is decentralized data network that brings unlimited data composability to Web3 applications.
      • zkSync - Protocol zkSync is trustless protocol that uses cryptographic validity proofs to provide scalable and low-cost transactions on Ethereum.
      • Uniswap - Uniswap is protocol for trading and automated liquidity provision on Ethereum.
      • NEAR - NEAR is smart-contract compatible blockchain, designed and built to support the development of highly secure and scalable dApps.
      • Arweave - Arweave is protocol that allows you to permanently and sustainably store data for a single upfront fee.
      • Livepeer - Livepeer is Ethereum-based protocol that distributes video transcoding work throughout its decentralized network.
      • Compound - Compound is algorithmic, autonomous interest rate protocol built for developers, to unlock universe of open financial applications.
      • Yield - Yield Protocol is permissionless market for collateralized fixed-rate borrowing and lending.
      • Euler - Euler is non-custodial protocol on Ethereum that allows users to lend and borrow almost any crypto asset.
      • Unitas - Unitas Protocol enables financial sovereignty by granting people the right to choose their units of account while transacting with each other.
      • Pika Protocol - Pika is one of the most leveraged DeFi protocols, offering up to 100 times leverage on trades.
      • Ocean Protocol - Ocean protocol aims to allow businesses and individuals to exchange and monetize data and data-based services.
      • Rollup ID - User management for the private web.
    • JavaScript

      • avalanchejs - JavaScript Library for interfacing with the Avalanche Platform.
      • Avalanche Wallet SDK - Typescript library to create and manage wallets on the Avalanche network.
      • BitcoinJS - Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.
      • dapparatus - Reusable dApp components in React.
      • ethers.js - Complete Ethereum wallet implementation and utilities in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
      • ipfs-mini - Super tiny module for querying an IPFS node, that works in the browser and in Node.
      • js-ipfs - IPFS implementation in JavaScript.
      • Truffle - Development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for Ethereum.
      • wagmi - React hooks library for Ethereum.
      • web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API which connects to the Generic JSON-RPC spec.
      • web3-react - Simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Ethereum dApps.
      • db3.js - DB3.js is SDK of DB3 network, a community-driven layer2 decentralized database network.
      • ensjs - Javascript bindings for the Ethereum Name Service.
      • bee-js - Javascript client library for connecting to Bee decentralised storage.
      • livepeer.js - Liverpeer.js provides core vanilla JS library and React hooks/components to easily connect to a Livepeer provider.
      • solana-web3.js - Solana Javascript API built on the Solana JSON RPC API.
      • seaport-js - JavaScript library to interface with the Seaport marketplace.
      • js-algorand-sdk - AlgoSDK is the official JavaScript library for communicating with the Algorand network.
      • starknet.js - JavaScript library to interact with Starknet.
      • notify - JavaScript library for real time notifications for Ethereum transaction state changes.
      • ethers.js - Complete Ethereum wallet implementation and utilities in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
      • RainbowKit - React library that makes it easy to add wallet connection to your dapp.
      • Lens.js - Lens.js is JavaScript SDK or API wrapper for the Lens API.
      • Dynamic - Web3 authentication platform and multi-chain wallet connection library.
    • Solidity

      • Date and Time tools - Contract which implements utilities for working with datetime values in ethereum.
      • OpenZeppelin - The standard for secure blockchain applications.
    • Go

      • avalanchego - Go implementation of an Avalanche node.
      • avalanche-network-runner - Tool to run and interact with an Avalanche network locally.
      • ava-sim - Helper tool to spin up a local instance of an Avalanche network to interact with the standard APIs or to test a custom VM.
      • ethereum-hdwallet - Ethereum HD Wallet derivations from seed which implements the go-ethereum's accounts.Wallet interface.
      • coreth - Code and wrapper to extract Ethereum blockchain functionalities without network/consensus, for building custom blockchain services.
      • subnet-cli - CLI tool to manage Avalanche Subnets.
    • C/C++

      • Trust Wallet Core - Cross-platform, mobile-focused library implementing low-level cryptographic wallet functionality for a high number of blockchains.
    • Rust

      • OpenEthereum - The fast, light, and robust client for the Ethereum mainnet.
    • Shell

      • avash - Avalanche shell client provides temporary stateful shell execution environment used to deploy networks locally, manage their processes, and run network tests.
    • Python

      • py-evm - Ethereum protocol implementation in Python.
      • Vyper - Contract-oriented, pythonic programming language that targets EVM.
      • - Python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
    • VMs

      • evmone - C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), faster.
      • SpacesVM - SpacesVM enables authenticated, hierarchical storage of arbitrary keys/values using any EIP-712 compatible wallet.
    • Boilerplate

      • scaffold-eth - Ethereum dev stack focused on fast product iterations.
      • create-eth-app - Create Ethereum-powered apps with one command, similar to create-react-app.
      • next-web3-boilerplate - Boilerplate in TypeScript using Next.js, NextAuth.js, siwe, Web3modal, useDapp, next-i18next, reactMUI.
      • useDApp - Framework for rapid Dapp development.
      • Turbo ETH - Web3 App Template in Next.js 13, Tailwind, RainbowKit and Optimized Developer UX.
      • ethereum-boilerplate - The ultimate NextJS Ethereum Dapp Boilerplate which gives you maximum flexibility and speed.
      • create-web3-dapp - The complete toolbox to create web3 applications.
      • nexth - Next.js + Ethereum starter kit to quickly ship Web3 Apps.
      • create-eth-app - Create Ethereum-powered apps with one command, similar to create-react-app.
    • Testing

      • mock-contract - Simple Solidity contract to mock dependent contracts in truffle tests.
      • openzeppelin-test-helpers - Assertion library for Ethereum smart contract testing that you can use with hardhat.
      • Robot Framework Solidity Testing Toolkit - This combines popular smart contract testing and deployment libraries with Robot Framework (a generic RPA ecosystem).
      • solidity-coverage - Code coverage for Solidity smart-contracts.
      • Waffle - Library for writing and testing smart contracts.
      • prb-test - Modern collection of testing assertions and logging utilities for Solidity.
      • Waffle - Library for writing and testing smart contracts.
    • Code Quality

      • solhint - Solidity linter providing Security and Style Guide validations.
    • Database

      • Gun - Small, easy, and fast protocol for syncing data.
      • DB3 - DB3 is a community-driven layer2 decentralized database network, a firebase firestore alternative.
      • WeaveDB - WeaveDB is NoSQL Database as Smart Contract Bringing web2-like smooth UX, complexity, and scalability to web3 dApps.
      • OrbitDB - Serverless, distributed, peer-to-peer database.
      • Polybase - Polybase is a drop-in replacement for Firebase, Firstore alongside 10x better db permissions with ZK + Wallet Auth.
    • Risk Management

      • CryptoFin Solidity Auditing Checklist - A checklist of common findings, and issues to watch out for when auditing a contract for a mainnet launch.
      • Mythril - Open-source EVM bytecode security analysis tool.
      • Oyente - Alternative static smart contract security analysis.
      • Ethersplay - EVM disassembler.
      • Evmdis - Alternative EVM disassembler.
      • Hydra - Framework for cryptoeconomic contract security, decentralised security bounties.
      • Solgraph - Visualise Solidity control flow for smart contract security analysis.
      • Manticore - Symbolic execution tool on smart contracts and binaries.
      • Adelaide - The SECBIT static analysis extension to Solidity compiler.
      • solc-verify - A modular verifier for Solidity smart contracts.
      • Solidity security blog - Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns.
      • Slither - A Solidity static analysis framework.
      • Oyente - Alternative static smart contract security analysis.
      • solc-verify - A modular verifier for Solidity smart contracts.
      • MythX - Security verification platform and tools ecosystem for Ethereum developers.
    • No Code

      • ChainJet - No-code platform for building on-chain or off-chain task automations. Use ChainJet to integrate multiple web3 services to automate all kinds of tasks.
      • Polkadot.js - Free and open-source plugin for no code platform Use polkadot.js to build a web3 app that interacts with the Polkadot chain without code. The plugin was built with the help from Web3 Foundation.
      • Rarible SDK - Build an NFT marketplace without code, a free plugin for Deploy collections, set royalties/platform fees, bid, sell, etc.
      • ZilPay - Zilliqa Wallet plugin for, connect your Bubble app to the Zilliqa Blockchain and interact with ZilPay Wallet.
      • WalletConnect - Web3Modal v2 SDK with updated UI integrated into a plugin for - Connect a wallet, sign a message, detect chain or account changed.
    • Communities

      • BuidlGuidl - Curated group of Ethereum builders creating products, prototypes, and tutorials to enrich the web3 ecosystem
      • DeveloperDAO - Community of thousands of web3 builders creating a better internet
      • WomenBuildlWeb3 - Global collective of women and non-binary developers learning and building in web3
      • Launchcaster - A place to share and discover the best new stuff in Web3. Built on Farcaster and Lens protocols.
    • Sample Code

  • Open Source Project

    • Risk Management

      • Blockscout - Blockchain explorer for Ethereum based network and a tool for inspecting and analyzing EVM based blockchains.
      • MetaMask - Browser extension of MetaMask crypto wallet.
      • Rabby - Browser extension crypto wallet for the DeFi ecosystem that works multi-chain.
      • Rainbow - Open source Ethereum wallet.
      • Remix - Browser-based compiler and IDE that enables users to build Ethereum contracts with Solidity language and to debug transactions.
      • Chainlink - Chainlink enhances the possibilities of smart contracts by allowing them to access real-world data.
      • react-moralis - Hooks and components to use Moralis in React app.
      • Solidity - Solidity is statically typed, contract-oriented, high-level language for implementing smart contracts on the Ethereum platform.
      • Solana - Web-Scale Blockchain for fast, secure, scalable, decentralized apps and marketplaces.
      • Neo - Neo is blockchain platform that is open-source and community-driven.
      • fabric - Hyperledger Fabric is enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications.
      • web3swift - web3swift is iOS toolbelt for interaction with the Ethereum network.
      • Hugin Messenger - Desktop - Private messaging application on Kryptokrona Blockchain for desktop.
      • Hugin Messenger - Mobile - Private messaging application on Kryptokrona Blockchain for mobile.
      • UniSwap - Decentralized trading protocol on Ethereum.
  • Book

  • Tutorial

    • Risk Management

      • Figment Learn - Tutorials for various use cases and networks, Avalanche, Solana, Polygon and more.
      • Buildspace - Cohort based web3 development courses, learn by building projects.
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      • link - eth/yolo-evm/tree/evm-from-scratch-pt1)
      • LearnWeb3 DAO - Free program that teach you how to become Web3 Developer.
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      • ODYSSEY - Odyssey is great platform to understand blochchain, NFTs, web3 concepts, Defi, Dao and more.
      • Bankless Academy - Bankless Academy is on a mission to ensure every web3 Explorer is ready for their crypto-verse voyage.
      • Speed Run Ethereum - Learn how to build on Ethereum; the superpowers and the gotchas.
      • Node Guardians - Learn about blockchain and programming as you navigate through a medieval game.
      • DApp World - DApp World is one-stop platform for blockchain developers that offers tutorials, quizzes, and other features.
      • How To Web3 - All essential resources to learn and build web3 projects in one place.
      • Developer DAO Academy - Developer DAO Academy is open-source education platform created by the Developer DAO.
      • Metaschool - Metaschool is free and trusted resource to become a Web3 Developer by building & shipping dApps.
      • District0x - District0x is Educational resource about Ethereum targeted at beginners.
      • SimpleHash - Tutorials for retrieving NFT metadata, media, sales and collection info from multiple chains.
      • Ape Academy - Learn how to build smart contracts with Python and Vyper.
      • NFT School - Learn everything there is to know about NFT from the ground up.
      • Layer3 - Layer3 is web3 teaching platform that is gamified and allows individuals to discover and learn about web3.
      • Vyper - Learn Vyper by building a Pokémon Game.
      • Staking Academy - Staking Academy is content aggregation platform with the goal of educating people about blockchain technology, staking and DeFi.
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      • ODYSSEY - Odyssey is great platform to understand blochchain, NFTs, web3 concepts, Defi, Dao and more.
  • YouTube Channel

    • Risk Management

      • HashLips NFT - Web3 Focused and has content on Blockchain development, and other topics.
  • Podcast

    • Risk Management

  • Newsletter

  • Platform as a Service

  • Other

    • Risk Management

      • Crypto Payroll - Automate and simplify payroll operations in crypto.
  • Contribute