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A curated list of awesome ZK resources, libraries, tools and more.

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A curated list of awesome ZK resources, libraries, tools and more.

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A curated list of awesome ZK resources, libraries, tools and more. For a ZK knowledge base, please see

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Table of Contents

* [Basics](#basics)
* [Mathematical Foundations](#mathematical-foundations)
* [Projects](#projects)
* [Zk\-VM](#zk-vm)
* [Zk\-Layer1](#zk-layer1)
* [Zk\-Layer2](#zk-layer2)
* [Transpiler](#transpiler)
* [Computing Infrastructure](#computing-infrastructure)
* [Framework / SDK](#framework--sdk)
* [Zk\-Applications](#zk-applications)
* [Hardware Acceleration](#hardware-acceleration)
* [TEE Based Projects](#trusted-execution-environment-tee-based-projects)
* [Programming Languages](#programming-languages)
* [Programming Libraries](#programming-libraries)
* [Developer Tools](#tools)
* [Auditing and Consulting](#auditing-and-consulting)
* [Validator Services](#validator-services)
* [Books](#books)
* [Discussions](#discussions)
* [Communities](#communities)
* [Advanced Topics](#advanced-topics)

## Basics

- [Prerequisite understanding questions](
- [ZKP Overview: History, Proving Systems, Circuits, Compilers](
- Introduction
- [Understanding ZKPs Through Illustrated Examples](
- [Understanding zero-knowledge proofs without cryptography background](
- [A Non-Mathematical Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proof](
- [Zero Knowledge Proofs: An Illustrated Primer](
- [What are zk-SNARKs?](
- [ZKPs for Engineers: Introduction](
- [Privacy in Cryptocurrencies: An Overview](
- [Zero Knowledge virtual machine step by step](
- Vitalik's blogs for STARKs
- [Part 1: Proofs with Polynomials](
- [Part 2: Thank Goodness It's FRI-day](
- [Part 3: Into the Weeds](
- Explaining STARKs
- [Part I: STARK Overview](
- [Part II: Basic Tools](
- [Part II: FRI](
- [Part IV: The STARK Polynomial IOP](
- [Part V: A Rescue-Prime STARK](
- [Part VI: Speeding Things Up](
- [Brainfuck STARK Tutorial](
- [zkSNARKs in a nutshell](
- [The RareSkills Book of Zero Knowledge](
- [The MoonMath Manual to zk-SNARKs](
- [Comments on paper: zkSNARKs in a Nutshell by Aaron](
- [An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible](
- Explaining SNARKs
- [Part I: Homomorphic Hidings](
- [Part II: Blind Evaluation of Polynomials](
- [Part III: The Knowledge of Coefficient Test and Assumption](
- [Part IV: How to make Blind Evaluation of Polynomials Verifiable](
- [Part V: From Computations to Polynomials](
- [Part VI: The Pinocchio Protocol](
- [Part VII: Pairings of Elliptic Curves](
- Important landmarks for zk-SNARKs
- [Succinct ZK]( - K92
- [Succinct Non-Interactive ZK]( - M94
- [“SNARK” terminology and characterization of existence]( - BCCT11
- [Succinct NIZK without the PCP Theorem]( - Groth10
- [Succinct NIZK without PCP Theorem & Quasi-linear prover time]( - GGPR13
- [Verifiable Delay Function](
- Circuit optimization
- [Circuit Optimisation Handout](
- Introduction to Layer 2
- [An Incomplete Guide to Rollups](
- [Why rollups + data shards are the only sustainable solution for high scalability](
- [Introducing zkSync: the missing link to mass adoption of Ethereum](
- [Validity Proofs vs. Fraud Proofs](
- [A Pre-consensus Mechanism by Leohio](

### Mathematical Foundations

- [Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography](
- [Modern Computer Algebra](
- [Explicit-Formulas Database](
- [Abstract Algebra](
- [Algebraic Number Theory](
- [Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra](
- [A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography](
- [Lattice Cryptography](
- [The Design of Rijndael](

More specific to ZK:

- [Elliptic Curves Number Theory And Cryptography](
- [Pairings for Beginners](
- [Succint Proofs and Linear Algebra](
- [Proofs, Arguments, and Zero-Knowledge](

## Projects

### Zk-EVM

- [Matter Labs zkEVM](
- [Hermez zkEVM](
- [Scroll]( and their [zkEVM](
- [Appliedzkp: Circuits for zkEVM](
- [ConsenSys zkEVM]( and their [gnark library](
- [TinyZKEVM](
- [Sovereign Labs: zkEVM on Risc0](

### Zk-VM

- [Delphinus zkWASM]( and their [github](
- [zkMove: bytecode VM]( and their [github](
- [zkRiscV: RV32I Risc-V instruction set](
- [OlaVM: An Ethereum compatible ZKVM](
- [Tritron VM](
- [Risc0: a general purpose zkVM based on RISCV](
- [Miden: STARK-based zero-knowledge virtual machine](
- [Valida: A zkVM with an LLVM frontend](

#### Benchmarking

- [ZK System Benchmarking: compare the performance of different zero-knowledge proof libraries](
- [ZK-Bench: Benchmarks for popular ZK frameworks, continuously updated](
- [zk-Harness: a comprehensive benchmarking framework for zk SNARKs](

### Zk-Layer1

- [Mir Protocol](
- [Aleo: A SDK for Zero-Knowledge Transactions](
- [Iron Fish: the universal privacy layer for crypto](
- [Mina: a payment system using a succinct blockchain](
- [Celo: EVM compatible proof-of-stake layer-1]( and their [Light clients with ZKPs](
- [Zeeka Network: a light and scalable blockchain using ZKPs](
- [quark: decentralized state machine with STARK proofs](
- [Lelantus: transaction confidentiality and anonymity](
- [Neptune: a new privacy layer-one blockchain](
- [DarkFi: a new Layer 1 blockchain, designed with anonymity at the forefront](
- [Espresso Systems: single-shot scaling & privacy solution](

### Zk-Layer2

- [Aztec: Scalable Privacy on Ethereum](
- [StarkNet: permissionless decentralized ZK-Rollup](
- [Scroll: an EVM-equivalent zkRollup](
- [zkSync: an EVM-compatible zkRollup](
- [Polygon Zero: a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum](
- [Polygon Miden: a STARK-based zkRollup](
- [Taikocha: a zkEVM-based general-purpose zkRollup](
- [Twilight: Layer 2 for Private Computation](
- [Orbis: A Layer 2 ZK-Rollup Scaling Solution Built on Cardano](
- [Radius: MEV-resistant ZK-Rollups with Practical VDE (PVDE)](
- [ZEXE on Plasma: An implementation of ZEXE on Ethereum](
- [Nightfall: Private Token Transaction on Ethereum](

### Privacy Layer

- [Light Protocol: DeFi Privacy Infrastructure on Solana](

### Transpiler

- [Starlight: Generate a zApp from a Solidity contract](
- [Warp: transpile Ethereum smart contracts to Cairo](
- [zkay: A Language for Private Smart Contracts on Ethereum](

### Computing Infrastructure

- [=nil;'s zkLLVM: LLVM-based zero-knowledge proof systems compiler](
- [CirC: Compiler Infrastructure for Cryptosystems and Verification](
- [Trustless Labs: ZK-friendly Multi-rollup Architecture for Web3 Applications](
- [SuccinctX: Infrastructure for zk-app development](

### Framework / SDK

- [Adapt Framework: a toolkit for building end-to-end decentralized systems](
- [Atlas Protocol: Zero-Knowlege Blockchain Development Platform](

### Zk-Applications

#### Gaming

- [Dark Forest: an MMO space-conquest game]( and their [ZK Circuit Walkthrough](
- [Isaac: a physics-powered onchain reality on Starknet]( and their [blog](
- [Crypto Maze: action-packed MMO](
- [Zordle: the first end-to-end web app built using Halo 2 ZK proofs](
- [zkSNARK-Sudoku: Sudoku verifier using zkSNARK and circom.](
- [Leela vs the World: the first zkAI game](

#### Payment

- [Zcash: a privacy-protecting, digital currency](
- [Monero: private, decentralized cryptocurrency](
- [Manta: a Plug and Play Private DeFi Stack](
- [SwapCT: Swap Confidential Transactions for Privacy-Preserving Multi-Token Exchanges](
- [Zef: Low-latency, Scalable, Private Payments]( and their [Slides](
- [Anoma: A protocol for private, asset-agnostic digital cash]( and their [use of recursive zkps](
- [ZETH: Integrating Zerocash on Ethereum](
- [Intmax2: A ZK-rollup with Minimal Onchain Data and Computation Costs](

#### Mixer

- [CoinJoin: an open-source way to mix bitcoins](
- [Tornado Cash: Introducing Private Transactions On Ethereum](
- [Otter Cash: A privacy layer for the Solana ecosystem](
- [Mobius: Trustless Tumbling for Transaction Privacy](
- [TumbleBit: An Untrusted Bitcoin-Compatible Anonymous Payment Hub](
- [Mixcoin: Anonymity for Bitcoin with accountable mixes](
- [CashShuffle: background coin shuffling for Bitcoin Cash](
- [MicroMix: A noncustodial Ethereum mixer](
- [Juicer Protocol: trusted and secure](
- [Privacy pools: Opt-in or Opt-out Anonymity Sets](

#### Identity

- [zkKYC: A solution concept for KYC without knowing your customer](
- [ A Privacy-Preserving Passport to the Web 3.0 World](
- [Notebook: a zero-knowledge B2B2C identity protocol](
- [Iden3: future-proof tech stack for self-sovereign identity](
- [Polygon ID: identity system with programmable privacy](
- [Sealance: building financial compliance into digital currencies](
- [Humanode: biologically verified human nodes for a fair financial system](
- [OutDID: your zero-knowledge, decentralized KYC filter of blockchain users](
- [IdentityBlockchain: state-certified electronic identities to establish blockchain identities](
- [Worldcoin: Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol](
- [ZeroBiometrics: Privacy Preserving and Data Protection Face Authentication](
- [zCloak: Privacy-first DID and verifiable computation infrastructure](
- [Everest ID: Your global everything account](
- [Proof of Passport: Privacy Preserving Passport Proving](

#### Wallet

- [Argent: smart contract wallet based on zkSync](
- [Numio: Layer 2 focused wallet built on zkSync](
- [Zkopru: Affordable Ethereum Privacy Wallet](
- [Bunkyr: zero‑knowledge security without seed phrases or backup codes](
- [Wasabi Wallet: non-custodial, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet](
- [Particle Network: Zero Knowledge Wallet-as-a-Service, confidential social logins and transactions](

#### Trustless Bridge

- [=nil; Foundation's Solana and Mina to Ethereum zkBridge](
- [Succinct Labs: the trust-minimized interoperability layer](
- [Overeality: Infrastructure for Web3 Interoperability]( and their [paper](

#### Crosschain

- [ZkLink: cross chain amm swap protocol powered by ZK-Rollup](
- [Mystiko Network: Anonymous Protocol for a Cross-Chain Network](
- [Penumbra: a shielded, cross-chain network](
- [Zecrey: Bringing Cross-chain Privacy to Digital Assets](
- [Suez: move Eth to the Starknet ecosystem](
- [ZKCross: a trustworthy cross-chain protocol built with multichain zkRollup](
- [Electron Labs: ZK Light Clients for NEAR Rainbow Bridge](
- [ZeroPool: a fully private multi-blockchain solution](
- [Raze Network: Multichain Privacy Middleware](
- [Zendoo: A zk-SNARK enabled verifiable cross-chain transfer protocol]( and their [whitepaper](
- [DarkFi: applications and shielded cross-chain assets utilizing Halo 2](

#### Marketplace

- [=nil; Foundation's Proof Market: a decentralized proof market protocol](
- [Modulo Zero: on-chain solution for private data exchange]( and their [Repo](
- [Ruby Protocol: Building a Cross-chain Cryptographic Infrastructure for Data Monetization](
- [zkPoD: A decentralized system for data exchange](

#### Fiat On-ramp

- [Ladder: KYC on-ramp solution implementing an oraclized peer-to-peer protocol](

#### User Profiling

- [FirstBatch: create a representation of your identity from your social data](
- [Interep: verify users' reputation without exposing their identities](

#### Data Infrastructure

- [=nil; \`DROP DATABASE \*: A database management system for blockchains enhanced by provable SQL](
- [Filecoin: Zero Knowledge and the Filecoin Network](
- [Nectar Protocol: Web3 infrastructure for healthcare]( and their [documentation](
- [zk-SQL: ZK-based engine for self-sovereign SQL queries](
- [Hyper Oracle: Programmable zkOracle network with zkIndexing and zkAutomation](

#### State Attestation

- [Relic Protocol: the first provably secure source of historical data on chain](
- [Axiom: generate proofs for various computations completed previously on chain](

#### Machine Learning

- [Checks and balances: Machine Learning and zero-knowledge proofs](
- [zk-MNIST: web frontend app + Jupyter notebook with ML model generation]( and their [demo](
- [zkCNN: GKR-based zero-knowledge proof protocol for CNN model inference]( and their [paper](
- [Modulus Labs: bringing powerful ML models on-chain]( and their [blogs](
- [ZKML: Bridging AI/ML and Web3 with Zero-Knowledge Proofs](
- [zkonduit: inference for deep learning models and other computational graphs in a zk-snark](
- [ZK Machine Learning: truly private machine learning, with zk-SNARKs and blockchain](

#### DeFi / DEX

- [Panther Protocol](
- [Loopring Launches zkRollup Exchange](
- [Railgun: brings privacy to cryptocurrencies](
- [EdgeSwap: Ethereum-based layer 2 trading protocol](
- [ZigZag: ZK Rollup order book DEX](
- [Mute: a ZK-Rollup based AMM exchange](

#### Tokens / NFT

- [StealthDrop: Anonymous Airdrops using ZK proofs](
- [ZKP Private Airdrop]( and their [Zk Merkle Airdrop Library](
- [zk-NftMint: Mint an NFT if you know a secret]( and their [contract](
- [Immutable X: the first layer-2 scaling solution for NFTs on Ethereum](

#### Voting / Participation

- [Semaphore: a privacy gadget built on Ethereum](
- [zkC.R.E.A.M: Confidential Reliable Ethereum Anonymous Mixer](
- [Cabal: create credibly pseudonymous channels based on members' Ethereum activity](
- [OVOTE: Offchain Voting with Onchain Trustless Execution]( and their [document](
- [Scaffold-ETH: Prove Membership with Circom and Zero Knowledge](
- [Vocdoni: A decentralized self sovereign governance platform]( and their [architecture](

#### Communication

- [Waku: a suite of privacy-preserving, peer-to-peer messaging protocols](
- [Zero Knowledge Message Board by nulven, yush\_g]( and their [article](
- [Double Blind: semi-anonymously sign messages for a group of people]( and their [documentation](

#### Document Management

- [zkDocs: information attestation and verification workflows](

### Hardware Acceleration

- [Hardware for ZKPs & VDFs with Supranational]( and their [Practical SNARK-based VDF](
- [PipeZK: Accelerating Zero-Knowledge Proof with a Pipelined Architecture](
- [Ingonyama: building a ZK processing unit]( and their [slides](
- [ZKAccel: Accelerated ZKP as a Service](
- [DZK: decentralized zero-knowledge proof platform](
- [Cysic: Hardware Accelerating Zero-Knowledge Proof](

### Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) Based Projects

- [Oasis Network](
- [Secret Network](
- [Obscuro](
- [Phala](

### Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) Based Projects

- [Zama](

## Programming Languages

| Name | Ecosystem | Type | GitHub | Documentation |
| ------------- |:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|
| Cairo | StarkNet | STARK-provable programs for general computation | | |
| ZoKrates | Python subset | R1CS SNARKs Frontend | | |
| Leo | Aleo | Functional, statically-typed | | |
| Circom | Typed JS | Circuit compiler | | |
| Noir | Aztec | Private contract language | |
| Snarky | Mina | R1CS SNARKs OCaml frontend | | / |
| Zinc | zkSync | Turing-complete smart contract | | / |
| Juxiv | Anoma | Functional | | |
| ZKPDL | / | High-level | | |
| zkVM | / | Stack machine with a string of bytecode representing ZkVM instructions | | |
| lurk | Protocol Labs | Lurk is a statically scoped dialect of Lisp, influenced by Scheme and Common Lisp | | |

### Language examples

- [zk-languages: A repo with basic example of most ZK languages](

## Programming Libraries

| Name | Host Language | Features | GitHub |
| ------------- |:-------------:|:-------------:|:-------------:|
| Libsnark | C++ | General-purpose proof systems, gadget libraries | |
| Bulletproofs | Rust | Single-party proofs, online multi-party computation, R1CS | |
| Bellman | Rust | Circuit traits, primitive structures, basic gadget implementations | |
| gnark | Go | High level API with frontend and backend to design circuits | |
| Arkworks | Rust | R1CS, curves, Groth16, finite field, curves | |
| Circomlib | Javascript | Circom templates | |
| libSTARK | C++ | ZK-STARK library | |
| plonky2 | rust | SNARK implementation based on techniques from PLONK and FRI | |
| plonk | rust | Pure Rust implementation of the PLONK ZKProof System | |
| Spartan | rust | High-speed zkSNARKs without trusted setup | |
| DIZK | Java | Distributed polynomial interpolation, Lagrange polynomials, multi-scalar multiplication | |
| wasmsnark | Javascript | Generate zkSnark proofs and verify from web browser | |
| jellyfish | rust | Rust Implementation of the PLONK ZKP System and Extensions | |
| libiop | C++ | IOP-based zkSNARKs | |
| Nova | rust | Recursive SNARKs without trusted setup | |
| plonky3 | rust | A toolkit for implementing polynomial IOPs (PIOPs), such as PLONK and STARKs | |

## Tools

### Plonk

- [plonkit: zkSNARK toolkit to work with circom DSL in PLONK proof system](
- [Plonk: A pure Rust PLONK implementation](


- [zk-ECDSA: zkSNARKs for ECDSA](
- [Spartan ECDSA: Fast in-browser ECDSA verification](

### Circuit Building Library

- [Circom: zkSnark circuit compiler](
- [Arkworks: an ecosystem for developing with zkSNARKs](
- [ZoKrates: a toolbox for zkSNARKs on Ethereum](
- [Snarkjs: zkSNARK implementation in JavaScript & WASM](
- [RCC: Rust Circuit Compiler](
- [Chiquito: DSL for Halo2 circuits](

### Formal Verification

- [The State of Current Progress](
- [Ecne: an engine for verifying the soundness of R1CS constraints](
- [Picus: Symbolic Virtual Machine for Automated R1CS Verification](
- [Papyrus: A Symbolic Execution Tool for Cairo](

### Other Tools

- [zkREPL: an in-browser collaborative development environment](
- [crrl: Rust library for cryptographic research](
- [Shield: a development framework for circom developers](

## Auditing and Consulting

- [ABDK](
- [Least Authority](
- [ZK Security](
- [Hashcloak](
- [Taurus](
- [Common Prefix](
- [ZK Labs](
- [Diligence](
- [Trail of Bits](
- [Kudelski Security](

## Validator Services

- [ZK Validator](

## Books

- [Proofs, Arguments, and Zero-Knowledge]( (Justin Thaler, 2022)
- [A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography]( (Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup, 2020)

## Discussions

- [Why Dark Forest Matters: A Good Game, not a Crypto Game](
- [Six Moonshot ZK Applications](
- [A Socratic Dialogue to Come Up With a Secure ZK Message Board Architecture](
- [The Strongest Crypto Gaming Thesis](
- [Hardware Acceleration for Zero Knowledge Proofs](
- [How do trusted setups work?](
- [10 zkApps Use Cases on Mina Protocol](
- [Programming Languages in ZKP](

## Communities

- [Harmony zkDAO](
- [Zero Knowledge University](
- [ZK Hash Bounties](
- [Zero Knowledge Forum](
- [0xPARC: Program for Applied Research in Cryptography](
- [ZPrize: accelerate zero-knowledge cryptography](
- [zkMesh: a monthly newsletter](
- [ZKHack Discord]( Read, discuss, and implement ZK in Rust/Python (Fridays at 11:30ET)
- [ZKP Discussion Group Chat by Delendum]( idea sharing, seeking advice/review/co-publish

## Advanced Topics


- [Understanding PLONK](
- [Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge](

### Groth16

- [On the Size of Pairing-based Non-interactive Arguments](

### Halo

- [Vitalik Buterin: Halo and more: exploring incremental verification and SNARKs without pairings]( - Proof size reduction
- [Recursive Proof Composition without a Trusted Setup](

### Probabilistic Proof Systems

- [Georgetown University COSC 544 Class Notes](

### Pinocchio

- [Pinocchio: Nearly Practical Verifiable Computation](

### Bulletproofs

- [Bulletproofs: Short Proofs for Confidential Transactions and More](
- [Bulletproofs+: Shorter Proofs for Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger](

### Hash Functions

- [POSEIDON: A New Hash Function for Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems](

### Systems

- [SNARKs for C: Verifying Program Executions Succinctly and in Zero Knowledge](

### Quadratic Span Programs

- [Quadratic Span Programs and Succinct NIZKs without PCPs](

### Zether

- [Zether: Towards Privacy in a Smart Contract World](

### Anonymous Zether


### Quisquis

- [Quisquis: A New Design for Anonymous Cryptocurrencies](

### Zk-VM

- [ZKVM book](
- [Introduction to zkEVM](

### Elliptic Curve

- [2-chains of elliptic curves](
- [A survey of elliptic curves for proof systems](
- [ECFFT: Fast Polynomial Algorithms over all Finite Fields](

### Slush: Fractal Scaling

- [Slush, a proposal for Fractal scaling](

### DIZK: Distributed ZKP
- [DIZK: A Distributed Zero Knowledge Proof System](

### Network Privacy
- [Dandelion: Redesigning the Bitcoin Network for Anonymity](
- [A Flexible Network Approach to Privacy of Blockchain Transactions](