An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.
Every awesome list on every topic, including awesome lists of awesome lists, updated daily.
Last synced: 1 day ago
JSON representation
Programming Language Lists
C# Lists
- awesome-xamarin - A collection of interesting libraries/tools for Xamarin mobile projects .
- awesome-dotnet - A collection of awesome .NET libraries, frameworks and tools.
- awesome-dotnet-core - :honeybee: A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-unity-open-source-on-github - A categorized collection of awesome Unity open source on GitHub (800+).
- awesome-unity3d - A categorized collection of awesome opensource unity3d repos.
- csharp-source-generators - A list of C# Source Generators (not necessarily awesome) and associated resources: articles, talks, demos.
- awesome-dotnet-maui - A curated list of awesome .NET MAUI libraries and resources.
- awesome-monogame - A collection of interesting libraries/tools for Monogame based game projects.
- awesome-vl - A collection of libraries, resources and tutorials for vvvv and VL.
- awesome-dotnet-core - .NET Core库、工具、框架和软件的中文收录大全。 内容包括:库、工具、框架、模板引擎、身份认证、数据库、ORM框架、图片处理、文本处理、机器学习、日志、代码分析、教程等。.
- awesome-avalonia - A collection of interesting libraries and tools for Avalonia project.
- awesome-xamarin-forms - A curated list of awesome Xamarin.Forms libraries and resources.
- open-source-xamarin-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open Source Xamarin & MAUI Apps.
- awesome-semantickernel - Awesome list of tools and projects with the awesome semantic kernel framework.
- awesome-unity-games - A curated list of useful open-source Unity games.
- awesome-dotnet-machine-learning - A collection of some awesome public machine learning framework, tutorial, blogs, library and applications for .NET.
- fucking-awesome-dotnet-core - 🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software. With up-to-date repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-monodevelop - A curated list of awesome Visual Studio for macOS and MonoDevelop addins, tools and resources.
- awesome-reference-tools - A collection of awesome packages, libraries, tools, frameworks and software reference links.
- awesome-dotnet-core - 🐝 A collection of awesome .NET core libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- Awesome-Sitecore - Awesome lists of useful Sitecore tools, extensions and GitHub repositories .
- awesome-dnn - Awesome things related to DNN (DotNetNuke).
Erlang Lists
- awesome-erlang - A curated list of awesome Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
D Lists
- awesome-d - A curated list of awesome D documents, frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python.
Java Lists
- awesome-neo4j - A curated list of Neo4j resources.
- awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries.
- vertx-awesome - A curated list of awesome Vert.x resources, libraries, and other nice things.
- awesome-rxjava - Useful resources for working with RxJava.
- awesome-android - A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
- awesome-java - Collection of awesome Java project on GitHub(非常棒的 Java 开源项目集合).
- awesome-github-android-ui - 安卓UI相关开源项目库汇总 .
- awesome-burp-extensions - A curated list of amazingly awesome Burp Extensions.
- awesome-libgdx - 🎮 📝 A curated list of libGDX resources to help developers make awesome games.
- awesome-graphql-java - Awesome list of graphql-java related projects.
- awesome-android-things - A curated list of awesome android things tutorials, libraries and much more at one place.
- Awesome-Android-Open-Source-Projects - :eyeglasses: A curated list of awesome android projects by open-source contributors. .
- awesome-minecraft - A curated list of awesome (free) open-source frameworks, libraries and software for Minecraft.
- awesome-kafka - A curated list of awesome things related to Apache Kafka.
- minecraft-hack-clients - A collection of Minecraft Hack Clients.
- awesome-android - A awesome list of organizations, developers and libraries.
- awesome-minecraft - 😎 Awesome Minecraft ⭐ A list of frameworks, libraries and software relating to Minecraft.
- awesome-fabric - A curated list of Fabric libraries and tools - contributions welcome.
- Android-Awesome-Resources - One and only place on the internet for all Android Development Resources.
- awesome-android-things - A curated list of awesome android things tutorials, libraries and much more at one place.
- -awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries.
- awesome-android-ui - A curated list of awesome Android UI/UX libraries .
- awesome-streaming - A curated list of awesome streaming frameworks, applications, etc.
- awesome-android - A curated list of awesome Android packages and resources.
- awesome-datalake - Awesome list for datalake.
- aboutfx - An unofficial GitHub repo that sums up everything about the JavaFX project state on a single page.
- awesome-android - The most awesome android libraries.
Vala Lists
- awesome-vala - A curated list of Vala projects.
- awesome-elementaryos - A curated list of awesome applications, tools and shiny things for elementary OS .
Swift Lists
- awesome-ios - A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects .
- awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-swift - A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.
- TheList - A list of Awesome Server Side Swift 3 projects.
- awesome-ios - A collaborative list of awesome for iOS developers. Include quick preview.
- awesome-apple-watch - ⌚A curated list of awesome watchOS frameworks, libraries, sample apps, including Objective-C and Swift Projects.
- awesome-system-swift - An index of cross-platform libraries or projects made in Swift by the open source community. Issue a PR if something's missing! :).
- awesome-ios-star - All data is from Only the GitHub star count is added to this list. Update weekly.
- awesome-macos-libraries - :fire: Awesome list of macOS libraries.
- awesome-swift - Better Awesome Swift List with 🔥 Stars 🌐 Dependent Packages 📝 Last Commit.
- awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-ios-1 - Awesome iOS Frameworks.
- awesome-result-builders - A list of cool DSLs made with Swift 5.4’s @resultBuilder.
- awesome-swiftui-libraries - :rocket: Awesome SwiftUI Libraries .
- fucking-about-SwiftUI - Gathering all info published, both by Apple and by others, about new framework SwiftUI. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-swift-cn - **deprecated**.
- Awesome-Swift-Packages - A list of swift packages, samples, tutorials etc. .
- awesome-ios - Awesome-ios.
- awesome-SS-Mobile - This repo contains all the Open-source Libraries from iOS, Android, Flutter and React-Native.
- awesome-rxswift - An "awesome" type curated list of RxSwift library and learning material.
- Awesome-Mobile-UI - A curated list of awesome mobile UI/UX libraries.Both Android and iOS.
- Awesome-Swift-Playgrounds - A List of Awesome Swift Playgrounds.
- fucking-open-source-ios-apps - 📱 Collaborative List of Open-Source iOS Apps. With up-to-date repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- fucking-awesome-swift - A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute! With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
Rust Lists
- awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources.
- awesome-rust - Rust代码和资源的整理清单汇总--全网最全,快速精通rust~欢迎star,fork!.
- awesome-alternatives-in-rust - A curated list of replacements for existing software written in Rust.
- awesome-blockchain-rust - Collect libraries and packages about blockchain/cryptography in Rust.
- awesome-rust - Rust框架、库和资源的汇总, Rust中文社区 .
- awesome-esp-rust - Curated list of resources for ESP32 development in the Rust programming language.
- awesome-rust - Awesome Rust.
- awesome-rust-tools - Harness the power of Rust. Those fast productivity tools based on Rust.
- awesome-rust-zh - Rust资源分享中文版,每周三更新。.
- awesome-quads - ▦⧉⊞□ A curated list of links to miniquad/macroquad-related code & resources.
- awesome-offensive-rust - Curated list of projects, articles and more related to Offensive Security and Red Teaming. Completely written in Rust.
- awesome-rust-cn - Rust资源列表 中文版 主要参考自:
- awesome-egui - A collection of egui libraries and programs for inspiration.
- awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources.
- awesome-nu - A curated list of awesome tools that work within the nu language ecosystem e.g. nushell, scripts, nana, etc.
- awesome-cryptography-rust - Collect libraries and packages about cryptography in Rust.
- awesome-rust-security - Curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Rust and computer security.
- awesome-rust-formalized-reasoning - An exhaustive list of all Rust resources regarding automated or semi-automated formalization efforts in any area, constructive mathematics, formal algorithms, and program verification.
- awesome-ratatui - A curated list of TUI apps and libraries built with Ratatui.
- awesome-georust - A curated list of awesome geospatial software, libraries, tools and resources, written in Rust.
- awesome-ratatui - A curated list of TUI apps and libraries built with Ratatui.
- awesome-yew - 😎 A curated list of awesome things related to Yew / WebAssembly.
- fucking-awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-rust-zh - 中文翻译: <rust-unofficial/awesome-rust> Rust 代码和资源的精选列表 :heart: 更新✅.
- awesome-rust-list - This repository lists some awesome public Rust projects, Videos, Blogs and Jobs.
- awesome-rust-list - This repository lists some awesome public Rust projects, Videos, Blogs and Jobs.
PHP Lists
- awesome-php - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-cakephp - A curated list of amazingly awesome CakePHP plugins, resources and shiny things. .
- awesome-phalcon - A curated list of awesome Phalcon libraries and resources.
- islandora_awesome - A list of awesome modules for Islandora.
- awesome-yii2 - Yii2 干货集.
- mageres - A list of useful Magento technical resources.
- awesome-cakephp - A curated list of amazingly awesome CakePHP plugins, resources and shiny things. .
- awesome-shopware6 - Awesome Shopware 6 plugins, resources, themes, etc.
- awesome-acf - A collection of third party add-ons for advanced custom field plugin for WordPress.
- awesome-swoole - A curated list of Swoole.
- awesome-psr15-middlewares - A curated list of awesome PSR-15 HTTP Middleware resources.
- awesome-swoole - 💎 A curated list of awesome things related to Swoole.
- awesome-laravel-admin - A curated list of Laravel-admin resources.
- awesome-filament - Awesome FilamentPHP stuff.
- awesome-shopware - Shopware - Open Source eCommerce built with PHP.
- awesome-laravel-zero - 👋 START HERE! A curated list of Laravel Zero libraries, resources and projects.
- awesome-magento - A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Magento ecosystem.
- awesome-php - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-http - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things related to HTTP.
- awesome - List made daily from repo I've starred.
- awesome-laravel - Una lista de paquetes, tutoriales, videos y otros recursos del maravilloso ecosistema de Laravel.
- awesome-php-cn - Php常见的资源、库 中文版本 应该是最全的中文库了.
- awesome-laravel4 - A list of awesome Laravel 4 packages, utilities and resources.
- awesome-composer - :sunglasses: A curated awesome list for Composer, Packagist, Satis, Plugins, Scripts, Composer related resources, tutorials.
- awesome-laravel-framework - 😎 📦 📄 A curated list of awesome packages, tutorials and other cool resources for Laravel.
- awesome-laravel-filament - A list for the topic laravel and filament.
- php-awesome - PHP 优秀资源整理汇集.
- awesome-wordpress-gatsby - An awesome list of resources about WordPress as a headless CMS with Gatsby.
- awesome-codeigniter - A list of awesome Codeigniter core, helpers, hooks, language, libraries, third party and other cool resources for CodeIgniter :fire:.
- awesome - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to YOURLS.
Lua Lists
- awesome-neovim - Collections of awesome neovim plugins.
- awesome-mpv - A curated list of awesome mpv resources.
- awesome-resty - A List of Quality OpenResty Libraries, and Resources.
- my-neovim-pluginlist - My personal list of Neovim plugins.
- awesome-onset - A collection of awesome Onset packages, assets, tools, guides, and more.
- awesome-solar2d - A collection of awesome Solar2D resources.
- awesome-love2d - A curated list of amazingly awesome LÖVE libraries, resources and shiny things.
GDScript Lists
- awesome-godot - A curated list of free/libre plugins, scripts and add-ons for Godot.
- awesome-godot-3 - A curated list of free/libre games, plugins, add-ons and scripts for Godot 3.
JavaScript Lists
- awesome-d3 - A list of D3 libraries, plugins and utilities.
- awesome-cross-platform-nodejs - :two_men_holding_hands: A curated list of awesome developer tools for writing cross-platform Node.js code.
- awesome-reactnative-ui - Awesome React Native UI components updated weekly.
- Awesome-Repository - A collection of links to examples and tutorials to help you get started building Decentraland scenes and other content.
- awesome-fastify - A curated list of awesome fastify resources.
- awesome-typescript-ecosystem - 😎 A list of awesome TypeScript transformers, plugins, handbooks, etc.
- awesome-frontend-libraries - Catalog of Frontend UI Libraires.
- awesome-react-native-ui - A curated list of awesome React Native UI/UX libraries.
- awesome-crafted-nodejs - Awesome list of well crafted Node.js packages.
- awesome-star-libs - 将自己收藏的前端库整理成一份清单.
- awesome-node - Best Node.js tools, libraries, frameworks and resources.
- awesome-assemblyscript - Curated listing for AssemblyScript packages, libraries, and tools. 🚀.
- awesome-nodejs - Node常用库.
- awesome-fe - 收集平时关注的前端库与资源.
- awesome-client-side - A dedicated place for cool client side stuffs.
- awesome-react-components - A list of some react components, by not a very good one at that.
- awesome-react-native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!.
- awesome-reactnative-ui - Awesome React Native UI components updated weekly.
- awesome - VUE资料.
- awesome-react-native - Awesome React Native is an awesome style list that curates the best React Native libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. PRs are welcome!.
- awesome-mmm - Awesome MagicMirror² modules.
- awesome-react-native - Awesome-react-native中文版【更新时间2019-2-20】.
- awesome-github-vue - Vue相关开源项目库集合.
- awesome-nodejs - :zap: Delightful Node.js packages and resources.
- awesome-react-components - Curated List of React Components & Libraries.
- awesome-electron - Useful resources for creating apps with Electron.
- awesome-vite - ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js.
- awesome-github-vue - Vue相关开源项目库汇总.
- awesome-wepy - Awesome for wepy ! 微信小程序组件化开发框架wepy开发资源汇总.
- awesome-web-effect - A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects.
- awesome-taro - 多端统一开发框架 Taro 优秀学习资源汇总.
- awesome-bun - ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Bun.
- awesome-puppeteer - A curated list of awesome puppeteer resources.
- awesome-peer-to-peer - A list of peer-to-peer resources.
- awesome-f2e-libs - 🎉 整理我平时关注的前端库。.
- awesome-feathersjs - A list of awesome things related to FeathersJS.
- awesome-babel - 😎A list of awesome Babel plugins, presets, etc.
- awesome-react-cn - 收集react库,项目,文章,vscode插件的中文仓库,更新中.
- awesome-typesafe - A curated list of awesome 🔥 TypeScript Typesafe Libraries🔥.
- awesome-react-hooks - Awesome React Hooks.
- promise-fun - Promise packages, patterns, chat, and tutorials.
- awesome-angular-components - Catalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries.
- awesome-wysiwyg-editors - A curated list of awesome WYSIWYG Editors.
- awesome - ⚡️ Delightful Rollup Plugins, Packages, and Resources.
- awesome-editorjs - 🤩 A curated list of awesome Editor.js tools, libraries and resources.
- awesome-strapi - A curated list of awesome things related to Strapi.
- awesome-jest - 🕶Awesome Jest packages and resources .
- awesome-parcel - 🔗 A curated list of awesome Parcel resources, libraries, tools and boilerplates.
- awesome-react-render-props - Awesome list of React components with render props.
- awesome-stenciljs - List of Awesome Web Components Built with StencilJS .
- awesome-vue - Vue相关开源项目库汇总 .
- awesome-koa - :dancers: Awesome Koa.js Web Framework.
- awesome-micro - A collection of awesome things regarding zeit's micro.
- awesome-adonisjs - A curated list of awesome bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the AdonisJS ecosystem.
- awesome-preact - A curated list of amazingly awesome things regarding Preact ecosystem :star2:.
- awesome-egg - Awesome Egg.js Web Framework and Plugin.
- awesome-solid-js - Curated resources on building sites with SolidJS, a brand new way(now 1.0) to build JavaScript based interactive web applications. A very close looking cousin to React/JSX by syntax, and to Svelte by few important principles(compiler and fine-grained reactivity), it's a highly optimised way to deliver web applications with best-in-class performance. .
- awesome-web-editor - 🔨 Open source WEB editor summary.
- awesome-summernote - A curated list for summernote modules.
- Algorithms-Cheatsheet-Resources - 🤓All the geeky stuffs you need to know at one place! .
- think-awesome - A curated list of awesome things related to ThinkJS 3.x.
- awesome-sfdx-plugins - A place to share plugins you've created.
- awesome-egg - Egg 资源大全中文版。An awesome egg packages and resources.
- awesome-dat - Community curated resources for Dat Project [ DEPRECATED - More info on active projects and modules at ] .
- awesome-lens-protocol - A curated list of awesome Lens Protocol projects, resources, libraries, tools and more.
- awesome-ionic2-components - Should help you to get awesome components and plugins for Ionic2.
- awesome-lwc - A list of interesting on platform Lightning Web Components resources and code examples.
- awesome-codemods - Awesome list of codemods for various languages, libraries and frameworks.
- awesome-nodejs-streams - Awesome resources and modules for Streams in Node.
- awesome-bpmn-io - A curated list of related projects and resources. .
- awesome-npm - Collections for node.js and fe.
- awesome-nestjs - 🇨🇳中文Awesome NestJS—集合了采用nest.js框架的相关项目以及文档资源.
- awesome-react - React 资源大全中文版。An awesome React packages and resources.
- awesome-syntax-tree - Curated list of awesome syntax-tree, unist, hast, xast, mdast, esast, nlcst resources.
- awesome-adventjs - 🎅🎄 A collection of awesome resources related to the adventJS challenge by @midudev.
- awesome-power-bi - ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Awesome Power BI dashboards, visuals, development resources, learning materials and more 🔥🔥🔥.
- awesome-node-esm - A curated list of Node.js Native ESM modules and resources.
- awesome-angular - :sparkling_heart: A list of awesome Angular (:two::heavy_plus_sign:) resources.
- awesome-callbags - Callbag Libraries & Learning Material
- awesome-rspack - A curated list of awesome things related to Rspack, Rsbuild and Rspress.
- Awesome-NextJs - Curated list of awesome things related to NextJs.
- awesome-cryptocoinjs - Useful crypto coins JavaScript libraries.
- awesome-deku - A curated list of awesome Deku resources.
- awesome-volto - A curated list of everything that makes Volto awesome.
- awesome-react-hooks-cn - Awesome React Hooks 中文版本.
- awesome-javascript-audio - JavaScript tools, libraries and components for creating/managing audio, sounds and music.
- awesome-nodejs-pure-js - Many low level node.js libs written in c/c++ or dependent on native modules. That's awesome, but in some trade off case we need pure JavaScript lib.
- awesome-zod - A collection of awesome Zod resources .
- fucking-awesome-web-effect - A series of exquisite and compact web page cool effects. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-blazingly-fast - A (satire) awesome list which lists all projects which are described as `blazingly fast`.
- awesome-buildspace - 🎉 A curated list of awesome Buildspace projects.
- awesome - Useful resources for creating apps with fibjs.
- awesome-nodejs-cn - Awesome-Node.js 中文版🇨🇳.
- awesome-faker - 😎 A curated list of awesome things related to Faker 🐼.
- fucking-awesome-react-components - Curated List of React Components & Libraries. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-angular-components - Catalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries.
- Awesome-Remix - Curated List Awesome Remix Resources.
- awesome-web-cn - 收集JavaScript实用的工具,以及react,vue的一些好用的组件.
- awesome-react-components-all - Catalog of React components / libraries / React 学习大全.
- awesome-jquery - List of awesome jquery plugin.
- awesome-list - Awesome-list.
- awesome-d3 - A list of D3 libraries, plugins and utilities
- fucking-awesome-react-hooks - Awesome React Hooks. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome - 整理一下star的内容,以及遇到的一些坑的处理方法.
- awesome-javascript - A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things. Crawl and sort daily by AwesomelsBot.
- awesome-learning-resources - A curated list of awesome learning and career development resources for Front End Web Developers.
- awesome-github-wechat-app - 微信小程序开源项目汇总.
- awesome-nodejs - Delightful Node.js packages and resources. Crawl and sort daily by AwesomelsBot.
- awesome-react-cn - Learn Java from here.
- awesome-xinix - :star2: A curated list of awesome things related to Xinix Technology.
- awesome-react-hooks - 关于 React Hooks 的精选列表。Hooks 是 React 16.8 中的新增功能。它们让您无需编写类即可使用状态和其他 React 功能。.
- awesome-angular-components - Catalog of Angular 2+ Components & Libraries .
- awesome-d3 - A list of D3 libraries, plugins and utilities.
- awesome-peer-to-peer - A list of peer-to-peer resources.
- awesome-react-components - Curated List of React Components & Libraries.
- awesome-react-render-props - Awesome list of React components with render props.
- awesome - A curated list of form8ion related tools.
- awesome-list - Awesome personal list.
- awesome-deno - Awesome deno.
- awesome-wysiwyg - A curated list of awesome WYSIWYG editors.
- Awesome - A collection of awesome IonicFramework resources and shiny things.
- awesome-shadcn-ui - A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.
- awesome-react-native - Awesome React Native components, news, tools, and learning material!.
- awesome-deno - Curated list of awesome things related to Deno.
- awesome-eslint - A list of awesome ESLint plugins, configs, etc.
- es6-tools - An aggregation of tooling for using ES6 today.
- awesome-workshopper - A list of CLI workshopper/adventure tutorials for various things. Inspired by awesome.
- awesome-webaudio - A curated list of awesome WebAudio packages and resources.
- awesome-network-js - A :tophat: list of network layer resources written pure JS.
- awesome-redux - Catalog of Redux Libraries & Learning Material.
- awesome-choo - 🌅 Awesome things related with choo framework.
- awesome-angular - :page_facing_up: A curated list of awesome Angular resources.
- awesome-ponyfills - A curated list of awesome ponyfills for writing cross-platform and cross-browser code.
- awesome-angular-components - This project is no longer supported.
- awesome-ant-design - A curated list of Ant Design resources and related projects. The main idea is that everyone can contribute here, so we can have a central repository of informations about Ant Design that we keep up-to-date.
- awesome-web-animation - A list of awesome web animation libraries, books, apps etc.
- awesome-node-modules - Awesome Node.js modules.
- awesome-canvas - Canvas资源库大全中文版。An awesome Canvas packages and resources.
- awesome-tiny-js - 🤏 A collection of tiny JS libraries (under 2 kB) to put your bundle on a diet.
- awesome-obsidian-zh - Obsidian 优秀中文插件、主题与资源.
- awesome-frontend-lib - Web front-end awesome library collection. (好用的前端开发库收集。).
- awesome-shadcn-ui - A curated list of awesome things related to shadcn/ui.
- awesome-react - A collection of awesome things regarding React ecosystem.
- hyperawesome - A curated list of awesome projects built with Hyperapp + more.
- awesome-nodejs-cn - Node.js优秀资源集.
- awesome-elysia - Community driven curated list of awesome things related to ElysiaJS.
- awesome-electron - Electron 资源大全中文版。An awesome electron packages and resources.
- awesome-koa - Koa 资源大全中文版。An awesome Koa packages and resources.
- awesome-nodejs - ⚡优质的 Node.js 包和资源.
- awesome-electron-zh - 🇨🇳翻译: < awesome-electron > 噢 electron 的 资源列表耶 ❤ 校对 ✔.
- awesome-react - Better Awesome React List with 🔥 Stars 🌐 Dependent Packages 📝 Last Commit.
- Awesome-Arcade-Extensions - This is a list of MakeCode Arcade extensions that I find super useful (or just plain cool) in my projects.
- awesome-nodejs-projects - Https://
- awesome-development - A curated list of packages and resources I use in front-end development.
- awesome-github-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开源项目库汇总.
- awesome-nodejs - Node.js 资源大全中文版。An awesome Node.js packages and resources.
- awesome-nodejs-cn - Node.js 资源大全中文版,内容包括:命令行工具、日志、调试、HTTP、构建工具、文件系统、模板、Web 框架、流程控制、文本、图片和数据校验等。由「开源前哨」和「前端大全」微信公号团队维护更新。.
- awesome-vue-cn - Vuejs的优秀资源。.
- fucking-awesome-vite - ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Vite.js. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-react-components - This is a list of AWESOME components. Nope, it's NOT a comprehensive list of every React component under the sun. So, what does "awesome" mean? Well: It solves a real problem It does so in a 🦄 unique, 🦋 beautiful, or 🏆 exceptional way. (And it's not super popular and well-known. no point in listing those.) It has recent code commits!.
- fucking-awesome-angular - 📄 A curated list of awesome Angular resources. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- popular-dependents-lists - Lists with repo links for various JS libraries. The list contains GitHub repos that depend on these libraries.
Crystal Lists
- awesome-crystal - :gem: A collection of awesome Crystal libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-crystal - Https://
- awesome-crystal - A collection of awesome Crystal libraries, tools, frameworks and software .
Ruby Lists
- awesome-rails-gem - A collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails development.
- Open-Source-Ruby-and-Rails-Apps - Awesome Ruby and Rails Open Source applications 🌈.
- awesome-jekyll-plugins - A collection of awesome Jekyll plugins (gems, scripts, pasties, etc.).
- data-science-with-ruby - Practical Data Science with Ruby based tools.
- awesome-hanami - A collection of awesome Hanami Gems and projects.
- awesome-danger - An awesome list of all things Danger.
- awesome-ruby-cli-apps - A curated list of awesome command-line applications in Ruby.
- awesome-opal - Awesome Opal.
- awesome-ruby-toolbox - A collection of awesome Ruby libraries from , with removing DRPRECATED libraries.
- awesome-rspec - Curated list of awesome RSpec related resources.
- awesome-rails-api-gems - A collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails API development.
- awesome-open-ror - A collection of awesome Ruby on Rails open source projects and software.
- awesome-ruby - A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software .
- awesome - 收集有意思的GitHub仓库.
- my-awesome-rails-gem - My collection of awesome Ruby Gems for Rails development.
C++ Lists
- awesome-game-remakes - Actively maintained open-source game remakes.
- awesome-game-security - Awesome game security [Welcome to PR].
- AwesomeCppGameDev - A curated list of awesome C++ (mainly) things for Game Development. Inspired by awesome-. stuff. .
- awesome-unreal - A categorized collection of awesome opensource Unreal Engine 4 and 5 repos.
- Awesome-SLAM - A curated list of SLAM resources.
- awesome-juce - A curated list of JUCE modules, templates, plugins, oh my!.
- Awesome-arduino - A curated list of awesome Arduino hardwares, libraries and softwares with update script.
- awesome-code-for-gamedev - A curated list of awesome (cpp,go,rust,c#) libraries,frameworks,softwares for game development IMHO.
- awesomecpp - Awesome C++ Libraries.
- awesome-modern-cpp - A collection of modern C++ libraries, including the most basic usage.
- awesome-arduino - A curated list of awesome Arduino libraries, hardware and projects.
- awesome-ncnn - 😎 A Collection of Awesome NCNN-based Projects.
CoffeeScript Lists
- awesome-framer - A curated list of awesome things related to Framer prototyping tool.
Game Maker Language Lists
- awesome-gamemaker - A curated list of awesome libraries, snippets, guides, and projects for GameMaker.
Go Lists
- awesome-tf - Curated list of resources on HashiCorp's Terraform and OpenTofu.
- awesome-slog - Collection of log/slog related projects.
- awesome-software-supply-chain-security - Sharing software supply chain security open source projects.
- awesome-cloud-native - Some useful cloud native project and tools.
- awesome - Curated list of GitHub repositories.
- awesome-go-storage - A curated list of awesome Go storage projects and libraries.
- charm-in-the-wild - Featuring only the most showstopping, glamorous CLI tooling out there.
- awesome-k8s-resources - A curated list of awesome Kubernetes tools and resources.
- awesome-kubectl-plugins - Curated list of kubectl plugins.
- awesome-pion - A curated list of awesome things related to Pion.
- awesome-go-security - A dedicated place for cool golang security projects.
- awesome-gf - Awesome projects using GoFrame.
- awesome-go - Awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Crawl and sort daily by AwesomelsBot.
- awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-go-storage - A curated list of awesome Go storage projects and libraries.
- awesome-go-quant - A curated list of insanely awesome libraries for golang, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance).
- awesome-go-extra - Parse awesome-go README file and generate a new README file with repo info.
- awesome-golang-repositories - List of the repositories published by Larry.
- cybersecurity-golang-security - An ongoing collection of Go tools and frameworks, software, libraries, learning tutorials, frameworks, academic and practical resources.
- awesome-k8s - List of various CNCF and non-CNCF projects and components to help you build cloud-native microservices architectures. .
- awesome-trevor - This repository contains links to things that Trevor thinks are awesome.
- awesome-golang-ai - Golang AI applications have incredible potential. With unique features like inexplicable speed, easy debugging, concurrency, and excellent libraries for ML, deep learning, and reinforcement learning.
- awesome-go - It's a mirror of `avelino/awesome-go`, which sorts the repos by stars, while original `awesome-go` sorts by alphabet only.
- go-awesome - Go language excellent resource arrangement, to accelerate the implementation of the project.
- zero-alloc-awesome-go - Zero Allocation Golang Packages / Stuff.
- awesome-go - A list of my personally frequently used modules.
- awesome-go - Https://
- awesome-gin - Awesome for gin framework.
- awesome-devops - List of stuff worth remembering (and using).
Python Lists
- starred-awesome - A curated list of my GitHub stars!.
- awesome-ovos-plugins - List of ovos-plugin-manager plugins and projects.
- awesome-production-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning.
- awesome-quant - A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for Quants (Quantitative Finance).
- awesome-flask - A curated list of awesome Flask resources and plugins.
- awesome-django - A curated list of awesome things related to Django.
- awesome-llmops - An awesome & curated list of best LLMOps tools for developers.
- awesome-termux-hacking - ⚡️An awesome list of the best Termux hacking tools .
- awesome-TS-anomaly-detection - List of tools & datasets for anomaly detection on time-series data.
- awesome-image-classification - A curated list of deep learning image classification papers and codes.
- Awesome-explainable-AI - A collection of research materials on explainable AI/ML.
- awesome-flake8-extensions - :octocat: A curated awesome list of flake8 extensions. Feel free to contribute! :mortar_board:.
- awesome-huggingface - 🤗 A list of wonderful open-source projects & applications integrated with Hugging Face libraries.
- quantum-awesome - Curated list of awesome quantum resources, focusing on quantum software engineering and quantum applications.
- awesome-python-applications - 💿 Free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python. .
- awesome-langchain - 😎 Awesome list of tools and projects with the awesome LangChain framework.
- awesome_time_series_in_python - This curated list contains python packages for time series analysis.
- awesome-systematic-trading - A curated list of insanely awesome libraries, packages and resources for systematic trading. Crypto, Stock, Futures, Options, CFDs, FX, and more | 量化交易 | 量化投资.
- awesome-django-rest-framework - 💻😍Tools, processes and resources you need to create an awesome API with Django REST Framework.
- awesome-yolo-object-detection - 🚀🚀🚀 A collection of some awesome public YOLO object detection series projects.
- Awesome-MXNet - A curated list of MXNet examples, tutorials and blogs.
- awesome-sanic - A curated list of awesome Sanic resources and extensions.
- awesome-asyncio-cn - 😎 Python Asyncio 精选资源列表,囊括了网络框架,库,软件等资源.
- Awesome-state-space-models - Collection of papers on state-space models.
- awesome-gpt-security - A curated list of awesome security tools, experimental case or other interesting things with LLM or GPT.
- awesome-time-series - Resources for working with time series and sequence data.
- awesome-physics - 🌌 A collaborative list of awesome software for exploring Physics concepts.
- awesome-taichi - A curated list of awesome Taichi applications, courses, demos and features.
- AiTreasureBox - 🤖 Collect practical AI repos, tools, websites, papers and tutorials on AI. 实用的AI百宝箱 💎 .
- ai-game-devtools - Here we will keep track of the latest AI Game Development Tools, including LLM, Agent, Code, Writer, Image, Texture, Shader, 3D Model, Animation, Video, Audio, Music, Singing Voice and Analytics. 🔥.
- awesome-python-code-formatters - A curated list of awesome Python code formatters.
- awesome-pytorch - Awesome PyTorch.
- best-of-atomistic-machine-learning - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome atomistic machine learning projects ⚛️🧬💎.
- awesome-django-cms - A curated list of awesome django-cms add-ons. You should also checkout:
- awesome-django-security - A collection of Django security-related tools and libs.
- awesome-python-testing - Collection of awesome 😎️ Python resources for testing .
- awesome-django-performance - A curated list of libraries, tools, blog articles, and books to help profile and optimize your Django project.
- Awesome-Semi-Supervised-Semantic-Segmentation - A summary of recent semi-supervised semantic segmentation methods.
- awesome-langchain-zh - Langchain 工具,流程设计组件,服务,代理以及相关学习文档的合集(agent,service,tutorials,flow-design).
- awesome-marketing-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome machine learning libraries for marketing, including media mix models, multi touch attribution, causal inference and more.
- awesome-xontribs - Awesome list of Xonsh contributions/extensions.
- Python-Security-Tool-Database - Solid Python toolkit for those in the security industry. Some by me, most by smarter people.
- Awesome-Tensorflow2 - 基于Tensorflow2开发的优秀扩展包及项目.
- awesome-python-web-frameworks - A curated list of awesome Python Web Frameworks (micro, full-stack, REST, etc.).
- awesome-medphys - A list of open-source software tailored for the Medical Physics domain.
- awesome-bbht - A bash script that will automatically install a list of bug hunting tools that I find interesting for recon, exploitation, etc. (minus burp) For Ubuntu/Debain.
- awesome-data-synthesis - A curated list of awesome resources for creating synthetic data.
- awesome-mpython - 掌控板资源精选
- Awesome-BEV-Perception - Awesome-BEV-Perception.
- awesome-anchor-free-object-detection - A collection of some awesome public Anchor-Free object detection series projects.
- awesome-python-machine-learning - Curated list of Awesome Python Machine Learning frameworks, libraries, tools, etc.
- awesome-nlp-note - A curated list of resources dedicated to NLP (paper, blogs, note and etc).
- awesome-list - A list of useful stuff in Machine Learning, Computer Graphics, Software Development, .
- awesome-discordpy - An Awesome list for all things
- awesome-taichi - A curated list of awesome Taichi applications, courses, demos and features.
- awesome-LLM-resourses - 🧑🚀 全世界最好的中文LLM资料总结.
- awesome_medical - Awesome m.
- awesome-fastapi - 一个基于FastAPI的文档,包含数据库、网关等集成和项目分享,欢迎star或fork.
- awesome-projects - Awesome List of my own!.
- awesome-bbht - From
- -awesome-django - Useful tools.
- awesome-pathology - Awesome List of Digital and Computational Pathology Resources.
- awesome-meteo - A list of python resources to do stuffs related to atmospheric science.
- awesome-flask - Https://
- my-awesome-starred - My awesome starred.
- awesome-asyncio - A curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-image-classification - A curated list of deep learning image classification papers and codes.
- awesome-python-applications - Free software that works great, and also happens to be open-source Python.
- awesome-fastapi - A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI.
- awesome-asyncio - A curated list of awesome Python asyncio frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-python-typing - Collection of awesome Python types, stubs, plugins, and tools to work with them.
- awesome-micropython - A curated list of awesome MicroPython libraries, frameworks, software and resources.
- awesome-golem - A community-curated list of awesome projects and resources related to the Golem peer-to-peer computational resources marketplace.
- awesome-biological-image-analysis - A curated list of software, tools, pipelines, plugins etc. for image analysis related to biological questions.
- awesome-plone - Add-ons and resources for the CMS Plone.
- awesome-frappe - A curated list of awesome things related to the Frappe Framework.
- awesome-openvino - A curated list of OpenVINO based AI projects.
- Awesome-MLLM-Safety - Accepted by IJCAI-24 Survey Track.
- awesome-AI-driven-development - Awesome list of AI-Driven Development.
- awesome-pytorch - Awesome PyTorch.
- awesome-fastapi - 一个基于FastAPI的文档,包含数据库、网关等集成和项目分享,欢迎star或fork.
- awesome-machine-learning-resources - 😎 A curated list of awesome lists across all machine learning topics. | 机器学习/深度学习/人工智能一切主题 (学习范式/任务/应用/模型/道德/交叉学科/数据集/框架/教程) 的资源列表汇总。.
- fucking-awesome-tensorflow - TensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-django - A curated list of the best and most useful packages, models, and resources for Django development.
- awesome-scrapy - A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Scrapy community.
- awesome-agents - 🤖 Awesome list of AI Agents.
- awesome-netbox - A curated list of awesome NetBox resources.
- awesome-textualize-projects - A curated list of awesome projects related to Textualize.
- awesome-human-pose-estimation - Human Mesh Recovery / Human Pose Estimation.
- awesome-dependency-injection-in-python - A curated list of awesome things related to dependency inversion / dependency injection in Python. (Contributions welcomed).
- awesome_photonics - 😎 curated list of open source photonics projects.
- awesome - A list of some interesting repositories, tools.
Solidity Lists
- awesome-foundry - A curated list of awesome of the Foundry development framework.
- awesome-dapptools - Get up to speed on dapptools.
- awesome-huff - A curated list of resources for Huff language.
C Lists
- awesome-embedded-software - :stars: List of software (HW interfaces, libs, protocols, etc) specifically suitable for resource-constrained Embedded Systems (low-memory and low-power) like 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers.
- awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device.
- Mac-QuickLook - QuickLook plugins and packages.
- fucking-awesome-flipperzero - 🐬 A collection of awesome resources for the Flipper Zero device. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-zephyr-rtos - 🪁 A curated list of awesome projects and resources for the Zephyr RTOS project.
- AwesomeInterpreter - The Big list of the GitHub, open-source interpreters.
- awesome-php-extensions - Collect awesome php extensions.
- awesome-mongoose-os - A curated list of Awesome Resources for Mongoose OS.
Typst Lists
- awesome-typst-cn - Awesome Typst 列表中文版.
- awesome-typst - Awesome Typst Links.
Mathematica Lists
- awesome-wolfram-language - A curated list of Wolfram Language packages and resources.
Julia Lists
- awesome-julia-datasciences - Resources about Julia for DataSciences / Machine Learning.
- awesome-sciml - Awesome-spatial-temporal-scientific-machine-learning-data-mining-packages. Julia and Python resources on spatial and temporal data mining. Mathematical epidemiology as an application. Most about package information. Data Sources Links and Epidemic Repos are also included. .
Scala Lists
- awesome-scala - A community driven list of useful Scala libraries, frameworks and software.
- awesome-sbt-plugins - Awesome list of sbt plugins.
- awesome-playframework - A collaborative curated list of awesome Play Framework resources from the last version.
- awesome-scala-native - Compilation of Scala Native resources and libraries .
Shell Lists
- awesome-tmux - A list of awesome resources for tmux.
- awesome-password-store - A collection of awesome pass extensions and interfaces (for zx2c4's pass).
- awesome-bash - My personal Awesome Bash list.
CSS Lists
- awesome-obsidian - 🕶️ Awesome stuff for Obsidian.
- awesome-css-only - An awesome & curated list of beautiful projects made with pure CSS!.
Dart Lists
- open-source-flutter-apps - :iphone: List of open source Flutter applications :octocat:.
- awesome-dart - A curated list of Dart code and resources, inspired by awesome lists. .
Kotlin Lists
- awesome-kotlin - A curated list of awesome Kotlin frameworks, libraries, documents and other resources.
- awesome-shizuku - Curated list of awesome Android apps making use of Shizuku.
- awesome - Awesome Compose Multiplatform.
- awesome-mirai - Mirai相关项目和插件收集.
- awesome-kotlin-multiplatform - 🕶️ A curated list of awesome Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
- awesome-compose - Curated collection of repositories containing awesome UI using Jetpack Compose.
- awesome-kotlin - A collaborative list of awesome Kotlin libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-kotlin-multiplatform - We are Rx-Mobile-Team ( Kotlin Multiplatform. Welcome PR if you find or create new Kotlin Multiplatform Library and Project.
- mobile-awesome - Most useful Android libraries, samples, books and other resources.
- awesome-list - My awesome list.
- awesome-kotlin-libraries-for-android - 😎 A curated list of awesome Kotlin libraries for Android.
- jetpack-compose-awesome - 📝 A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose libraries, projects, articles and resources.
- awesome-android-kotlin-apps - 👓 A curated list of awesome android kotlin apps by open-source contributors.
- awesome-kotlin-android - 🔥📱收集利用 Kotlin 进行 Android 开发的开源库,扩展,工具,开源项目,资料等高质量资源.
Nix Lists
- awesome-nix - 😎 A curated list of the best resources in the Nix community [maintainer=@cyntheticfox].
Nim Lists
- awesome-nim - A curated list of awesome Nim frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
Clojure Lists
- awesome-clojurescript - A community driven list of ClojureScript frameworks, libraries and wrappers.
Gleam Lists
- awesome-gleam - 💯 A collection of Gleam libraries, projects, and resources.
TeX Lists
- latex-templates - A collection of awesome LaTeX Thesis/Dissertation templates and beyond! (LaTeX / Word / Typst / Markdown 格式的学位论文、演示文稿、报告、项目申请书、简历、书籍等模板收藏).
- awesome-uva - A curated list of UVa projects.
Groovy Lists
- awesome-gradle - A curated list of awesome Gradle plugins and resources for a better development workflow automation.
Racket Lists
- awesome-racket - A curated list of awesome Racket frameworks, libraries and software, maintained by Community.
- awesome-racket-and-scheme - Awesome racket and scheme project.
Zig Lists
- awesome-zig - A collection of some awesome public Zig programming language projects.
Smalltalk Lists
- awesome-pharo - A collection of awesome Pharo libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
F# Lists
- awesome-websharper - Awesome links for WebSharper.
Motoko Lists
- awesome-motoko - A curated list of Motoko code and resources.
ActionScript Lists
- awesome-actionscript-sorted - A curated list of awesome ActionScript frameworks, libraries and software.
ABAP Lists
- abap-florilegium - A collection of the most popular ABAP-related repositories sorted by category and scope of use.
Common Lisp Lists
- awesome-stumpwm - A curated list of high-quality docs/modules/configs for StumpWM.
Objective-C Lists
- Awesome-iOS - A curated list of most common & awesome iOS frameworks, libraries, tools, components and much more.
PureScript Lists
- awesome-purescript - A collection of awesome Purescript libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-purescript - A curation of awesome PureScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
PowerShell Lists
- awesome-powershell - A handpicked collection of impressive PowerShell packages and resources. Including customized modules, scripts, and snippets.
Elixir Lists
- freaking_awesome_elixir - More than Awesome Elixir.
- fucking-awesome-elixir - A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-elixir - A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:.
V Lists
- awesome-v - A curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
Ada Lists
- awesome-ada - A curated list of awesome resources related to the Ada and SPARK programming language.
R Lists
- awesome-r-dataviz - Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R.
- awesome-shiny-extensions - 🐝 Awesome R and Python packages offering extended UI or server components for the web framework Shiny.
Mojo Lists
- awesome-max-mojo - A collection of some awesome public MAX platform, Mojo programming language projects.
Other Lists
PowerShell Lists
- awesome-quarto - A curated list of Quarto talks, tools, examples & articles! Contributions welcome!.
- nlp-with-ruby - Curated List: Practical Natural Language Processing done in Ruby.
- awesome-perl - A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks and libraries. Come on Pull Requests!.
- awesome-symfony-education - Useful sources around Symfony - articles, series and books (not Bundles).
- awesome-scapy - Great packages that use Scapy.
- awesome-steam-deck - A curated list of awesome Steam Deck software, resources and more.
- awesome-indie - Resources for independent developers to make money.
- amas - Awesome & Marvelous Amas.
- awesome-tikz - A curated list of awesome TikZ documentations, libraries and resources.
- awesome-sdn - A awesome list about Software Defined Network (SDN).
- awesome-for-beginners - A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
- awesome-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-cpp - A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-. stuff.
- awesome-java - A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software for the Java programming language.
- awesome-zsh-plugins - A collection of ZSH frameworks, plugins, themes and tutorials.
- awesome-ruby - 💎 A collection of awesome Ruby libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-wpo - :pencil: A curated list of Web Performance Optimization. Everyone can contribute here!.
- awesome-fp-js - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome functional programming stuff in js.
- awesome-cmake - A curated list of awesome CMake resources, scripts, modules and examples.
- awesome-micro-npm-packages - A curated list of small, focused npm packages.
- awesome-lua - A curated list of quality Lua packages and resources.
- awesome-iot - 🤖 A curated list of awesome Internet of Things projects and resources.
- awesome-ocaml - A curated collection of awesome OCaml tools, frameworks, libraries and articles.
- awesome-web-components - A curated list of awesome Web Components resources.
- awesome-katas - A curated list of code katas.
- awesome-cl - A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
- awesome-dart - A curated list of awesome Dart frameworks, libraries, and software.
- awesome-symfony - A list of awesome Symfony bundles, utilities and resources.
- awesome-meteor - A curated, community driven list of awesome Meteor packages, libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-react-hooks - A curated list about React Hooks.
- awesome-pixel-art - Curated list of everything awesome around pixel art.
- awesome-game-engine-dev - Awesome list of resources for Game Engine Development.
- awesome-suricata - A curated list of awesome things related to Suricata.
- awesome-veganism - Curated list of awesome resources, pointers, and tips related to veganism.
- awesome-couchdb - CouchDB - curated meta resources & best practices list.
- awesome-audiovisual - Curated list of audiovisual projects.
- awesome-standard - Documenting the explosion of packages in the standard ecosystem!.
- awesome-dropwizard - Java framework.
- jimsghstars - A curated application for browsing my GitHub stars! ⭐.
- awesome-go - 一个专门收集GO语言相关的工具库.
- awesome-wechat-app - 微信小程序开发资源汇总 💯.
- awesome-nodejs-new - Delightful Node.js packages and resources
- awesome-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开发资源汇总.
- awesome-swiftui - 🌮 Awesome resources, articles, libraries about SwiftUI.
- awesome-twig - A curated list of amazingly awesome Twig extensions, snippets and tutorials.
- awesome-python-data-science - A curated list of Python libraries used for data science.
- awesome-riboseq - A list of bioinformatic tools for working with Ribo-Seq data.
- awesome-python - Python API.
- awesome-python-again - Python.
- awesome-python - A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- curated-awesome-cl - A curated and non exhaustive list of Common Lisp libraries and resources.
- awesome-n64-development - A curated list of Nintendo 64 development resources including toolchains, documentation, emulators, example code, and more.
- system-architecture-awesome - A collection of awesome system architecture.
- public-apis - A collective list of free APIs.
- awesome-python - An opinionated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- awesome-chatgpt-prompts - This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
- Awesome-Hacking - A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers.
- Front-End-Checklist - 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers.
- architect-awesome - 后端架构师技术图谱.
- awesome-scalability - The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems.
- awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
- awesome-wechat-weapp - 微信小程序开发资源汇总 :100:.
- awesome-design-patterns - A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.
- Awesome-Design-Tools - The best design tools and plugins for everything 👉.
- awesome-python-cn - Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由「开源前哨」和「Python开发者」微信公号团队维护更新。.
- Tvlist-awesome-m3u-m3u8 - 直播源相关资源汇总 📺 💯 IPTV、M3U —— 勤洗手、戴口罩,祝愿所有人百毒不侵.
- awesome-cto - A curated and opinionated list of resources for Chief Technology Officers, with the emphasis on startups.
- awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources inspired by Awesome PHP.
- awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open-source sysadmin resources.
- awesome-github-profile-readme - 😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile which updates in real time .
- Free-Certifications - A curated list of free courses & certifications.
- Awesome-Linux-Software - 🐧 A list of awesome Linux softwares .
- Public-APIs - 📚 A public list of APIs from round the web.
- awesome-pentest - A collection of awesome penetration testing resources, tools and other shiny things.
- awesome-blockchain-cn - 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)技术开发相关资料,包括Fabric和Ethereum开发资料.
- awesome-osint - :scream: A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT.
- A-to-Z-Resources-for-Students - ✅ Curated list of resources for college students .
- Front-End-Performance-Checklist - 🎮 The only Front-End Performance Checklist that runs faster than the others.
- awesome-nlp - :book: A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- personal-security-checklist - 🔒 A compiled checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2024.
- awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome applications, softwares, tools and shiny things for macOS.
- awesome-design - 🌟 Curated design resources from all over the world.
- awesome-oss-alternatives - Awesome list of open-source startup alternatives to well-known SaaS products 🚀.
- Awesome-pytorch-list - A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on GitHub,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,tutorials etc.
- Awesome-LLM - Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model.
- Awesome-Hacking-Resources - A collection of hacking / penetration testing resources to make you better!.
- Awesome-GitHub-Repo - 收集整理 GitHub 上高质量、有趣的开源项目。.
- ciencia-da-computacao - 🎓 Um caminho para a educação autodidata em Ciência da Computação!.
- awesome-lowcode - 国内低代码平台从业者交流.
- Awesome-Chinese-LLM - 整理开源的中文大语言模型,以规模较小、可私有化部署、训练成本较低的模型为主,包括底座模型,垂直领域微调及应用,数据集与教程等。.
- awesome-bigdata - A curated list of awesome big data frameworks, ressources and other awesomeness.
- awesome-redux - Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares.
- awesome-podcasts - Collection of awesome podcasts.
- awesome-modern-cpp - A collection of resources on modern C++.
- awesome-nestjs - A curated list of awesome things related to NestJS 😎.
- movies-for-hackers - 🎬 A curated list of movies every hacker & cyberpunk must watch.
- awesome-semantic-segmentation - :metal: awesome-semantic-segmentation.
- awesome-distributed-systems - A curated list to learn about distributed systems.
- Awesome-Diffusion-Models - A collection of resources and papers on Diffusion Models.
- awesome-system-design-resources - This repository contains System Design resources which are useful while preparing for interviews and learning Distributed Systems.
- awesome-guidelines - A curated list of high quality coding style conventions and standards.
- be-a-professional-programmer - 成为专业程序员路上用到的各种优秀资料、神器及框架.
- Awesome-Multimodal-Large-Language-Models - :sparkles::sparkles:Latest Papers and Datasets on Multimodal Large Language Models, and Their Evaluation.
- DeFi-Developer-Road-Map - DeFi Developer roadmap is a curated Developer handbook which includes a list of the best tools for DApps development, resources and references! .
- software-architecture-books - A comprehensive list of books on Software Architecture.
- awesome-architecture - 架构师技术图谱,助你早日成为架构师.
- spark-joy - ✨😂 2000+ ways to add design flair, user delight, and whimsy to your product.
- awesome-database-learning - A list of learning materials to understand databases internals.
- awesome-rl - Reinforcement learning resources curated.
- awesome-compilers - :sunglasses: Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes.
- awesome-wasm - 😎 Curated list of awesome things regarding WebAssembly (wasm) ecosystem.
- awesome-system-design - A curated list of awesome System Design (A.K.A. Distributed Systems) resources. .
- awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of awesome tools, demos, docs for ChatGPT and GPT-3.
- awesome-chinese-nlp - A curated list of resources for Chinese NLP 中文自然语言处理相关资料.
- awesome-developer-streams - 👩🏿💻👨🏾💻👩🏼💻👨🏽💻👩🏻💻 Awesome Developers, Streaming.
- awesome-project-ideas - Curated list of Machine Learning, NLP, Vision, Recommender Systems Project Ideas.
- awesome-serverless - :cloud: A curated list of awesome services, solutions and resources for serverless / nobackend applications.
- awesome-bash - A curated list of delightful Bash scripts and resources.
- awesome-grpc - A curated list of useful resources for gRPC.
- lemonade-stand - A handy guide to financial support for open source.
- frontend-case-studies - 💼 A curated list of technical talks and articles about real world enterprise frontend development.
- awesome-ai-agents - A list of AI autonomous agents.
- awesome-cheatsheet - :beers: awesome cheatsheet.
- awesome-ml-for-cybersecurity - :octocat: Machine Learning for Cyber Security.
- GameNetworkingResources - A Curated List of Multiplayer Game Network Programming Resources.
- ai-collection - The Generative AI Landscape - A Collection of Awesome Generative AI Applications.
- awesome-iptv - A curated list of resources related to IPTV.
- Awesome-Red-Teaming - List of Awesome Red Teaming Resources.
- awesome-tuis - List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces.
- awesome-solidity - ⟠ A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more.
- alternative-front-ends - Overview of alternative open source front-ends for popular internet platforms (e.g. YouTube, Twitter, etc.).
- awesome-c-cn - C 资源大全中文版,包括了:构建系统、编译器、数据库、加密、初中高的教程/指南、书籍、库等。.
- awesome-java-books - Java开发者技术书籍大全 - Java入门书籍,Java基础及进阶书籍,框架与中间件,架构设计,设计模式,数学与算法,JVM周边语言,项目管理&领导力&流程,职业素养与个人成长,格局与视野,面试参考书等。.
- awesome-NeRF - A curated list of awesome neural radiance fields papers.
- awesome-crawler - A collection of awesome web crawler,spider in different languages.
- awesome-machine-learning-on-source-code - Cool links & research papers related to Machine Learning applied to source code (MLonCode).
- awesome-prometheus-alerts - 🚨 Collection of Prometheus alerting rules.
- awesome-privacy - 🦄 A curated list of privacy & security-focused software and services.
- awesome-rnn - Recurrent Neural Network - A curated list of resources dedicated to RNN.
- awesome-self-supervised-learning - A curated list of awesome self-supervised methods.
- Awesome-WAF - 🔥 Web-application firewalls (WAFs) from security standpoint.
- Awesome-MaterialDesign - Collection of material design libs and res.
- awesome-reMarkable - A curated list of projects related to the reMarkable tablet.
- awesome-chaos-engineering - A curated list of Chaos Engineering resources.
- awesome-workflow-engines - A curated list of awesome open source workflow engines.
- useful-java-links - A list of useful Java frameworks, libraries, software and hello worlds examples.
- awesome-embedded-rust - Curated list of resources for Embedded and Low-level development in the Rust programming language.
- books - Awesome Books.
- awesome-multimodal-ml - Reading list for research topics in multimodal machine learning.
- awesome-android-libraries - This is an alphabetical list of libraries for Android development, the majority being actively maintained.
- awesome-nodejs-projects - Curated list of awesome open-source applications made with Node.js.
- DevSecOps - Ultimate DevSecOps library.
- awesome-learning-resources - 🔥 Awesome list of resources on Web Development.
- Awesome-WSL - Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux.
- awesome-terraform - Curated list of resources on HashiCorp's Terraform and OpenTofu.
- Awesome-Embedded - A curated list of awesome embedded programming.
- Awesome-Fuzzing - A curated list of fuzzing resources ( Books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, tutorials and vulnerable applications to practice on ) for learning Fuzzing and initial phases of Exploit Development like root cause analysis.
- awesome-monorepo - A curated list of awesome Monorepo tools, software and architectures.
- awesome-ios-architecture - :japanese_castle: Better ways to structure iOS apps.
- awesome - A curated list of awesome things related to Nuxt.js.
- awesome-security-hardening - A collection of awesome security hardening guides, tools and other resources.
- awesome-infosec - A curated list of awesome infosec courses and training resources.
- awesome-domain-adaptation - A collection of AWESOME things about domian adaptation.
- awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs - A curated list of awesome things related to learning Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP).
- gans-awesome-applications - Curated list of awesome GAN applications and demo.
- go-awesome - Go 语言优秀资源整理,为项目落地加速🏃.
- Awesome-RxJava - RxJava resources.
- Awesome-GPT-Agents - A curated list of GPT agents for cybersecurity.
- osint_stuff_tool_collection - A collection of several hundred online tools for OSINT.
- awesome-elasticsearch - A curated list of the most important and useful resources about elasticsearch: articles, videos, blogs, tips and tricks, use cases. All about Elasticsearch!.
- awesome-go-cn - 一个很棒的Go框架、库和软件的中文收录大全。:alarm_clock:脚本定期与英文文档同步,包含了各工程star数/最近更新时间,助您快速发现优质项目。Awesome Go~.
- deploy-your-own-saas - List of "only yours" cloud services for everyday needs :black_flag:.
- awesome-3D-gaussian-splatting - Curated list of papers and resources focused on 3D Gaussian Splatting, intended to keep pace with the anticipated surge of research in the coming months.
- awesome-powershell - A curated list of delightful PowerShell modules and resources.
- awesome-chatgpt - 🤖 Awesome list for ChatGPT — an artificial intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI.
- awesome-split-keyboards - A collection of ergonomic split keyboards ⌨.
- awesome-uses - A list of /uses pages detailing developer setups, gear, software and configs.
- awesome-typescript - A collection of awesome TypeScript resources for client-side and server-side development. Write your awesome JavaScript in TypeScript.
- awesome-pwa - Awesome list of progressive web apps! (PR welcomed ;)).
- awesome-devsecops - An authoritative list of awesome devsecops tools with the help from community experiments and contributions.
- awesome-totally-open-chatgpt - A list of totally open alternatives to ChatGPT.
- Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups - A curated list of bugbounty writeups (Bug type wise) , inspired from
- awesome-bug-bounty - A comprehensive curated list of available Bug Bounty & Disclosure Programs and Write-ups.
- awesome-npm - Awesome npm resources and tips.
- awesome-knowledge-graph - 整理知识图谱相关学习资料.
- awesome-spring-boot - Spring Boot Resources.
- awesome-LLMs-In-China - 中国大模型.
- channels - 📺 A collection of useful YouTube channels for JavaScript developers and web designers.
- awesome-reverse-engineering - Reverse Engineering Resources About All Platforms(Windows/Linux/macOS/Android/iOS/IoT) And Every Aspect! (More than 3500 open source tools and 2300 posts&videos).
- Awesome-Transformer-Attention - An ultimately comprehensive paper list of Vision Transformer/Attention, including papers, codes, and related websites.
- awesome-pretrained-chinese-nlp-models - Awesome Pretrained Chinese NLP Models,高质量中文预训练模型&大模型&多模态模型&大语言模型集合.
- awesome-ios-cn - IOS 资源大全中文版,内容包括:框架、组件、测试、Apple Store、SDK、XCode、网站、书籍等.
- awesome-gis - 😎Awesome GIS is a collection of geospatial related sources, including cartographic tools, geoanalysis tools, developer tools, data, conference & communities, news, massive open online course, some amazing map sites, and more.
- awesome-iot - Awesome IoT. A collaborative list of great resources about IoT Framework, Library, OS, Platform.
- awesome-blender - 🪐 A curated list of awesome Blender addons, tools, tutorials; and 3D resources for everyone.
- awesome-scifi - Sci-Fi worth consuming.
- awesome-machine-learning-cn - 机器学习资源大全中文版,包括机器学习领域的框架、库以及软件.
- awesome_3DReconstruction_list - A curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.
- Resources-Front-End-Beginner - 💯 The most essential list of resources for Front-End beginners (🇺🇸 & 🇫🇷).
- awesome-reversing - A curated list of awesome reversing resources.
- Awesome-ChatGPT - ChatGPT资料汇总学习,持续更新.
- awesome-point-cloud-analysis - A list of papers and datasets about point cloud analysis (processing).
- awesome-sec-talks - A collected list of awesome security talks.
- awesome-typescript - A collection of awesome TypeScript resources for client-side and server-side development.
- Awesome-Geospatial - Long list of geospatial tools and resources.
- awesome-python-books - :books: Directory of Python books.
- awesome-libra - A Curated List of Awesome Facebook Libra Resources.
- awesome-books - :books: 开发者推荐阅读的书籍.
- awesome-quant - 中国的Quant相关资源索引.
- go-recipes - 🦩 Tools for Go projects.
- awesome-analytics - A curated list of analytics frameworks, software and other tools.
- awesome-webpack-cn - [印记中文]( - webpack 优秀中文文章.
- Awesome-Unity-Shader - :boat: 关于炫酷的Unity3D Shader | About Cool Unity3D Shaders .
- WebHackersWeapons - ⚔️ Web Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Web hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting.
- awesome-action-recognition - A curated list of action recognition and related area resources.
- awesome-blockchains - A collection about awesome blockchains - open distributed public databases w/ crypto hashes incl. git ;-). Blockchains are the new tulips :tulip::tulip::tulip:. Distributed is the new centralized. .
- really-awesome-gan - A list of papers on Generative Adversarial (Neural) Networks.
- awesome-bugbounty-tools - A curated list of various bug bounty tools.
- awesome-mlops - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome MLOps tools.
- awesome-forensics - A curated list of awesome forensic analysis tools and resources.
- awesome-generative-ai-guide - A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!.
- awesome-tauri - 🚀 Awesome Tauri Apps, Plugins and Resources.
- Awesome-Prompt-Engineering - This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering with a focus on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), ChatGPT, PaLM etc .
- awesome-apache-airflow - Curated list of resources about Apache Airflow.
- awesome-dataviz - :chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources.
- awesome-computer-science-opportunities - An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students.
- Awesome-Incremental-Learning - Awesome Incremental Learning.
- Awesome-AIGC-Tutorials - Curated tutorials and resources for Large Language Models, AI Painting, and more. .
- awesome-minimalist - A curated list of awesome minimalist frameworks (simple and lightweight).
- awesome-api-devtools - :books: A collection of useful resources for building RESTful HTTP+JSON APIs.
- awesome-ci - List of Continuous Integration services.
- Awesome-AITools - Collection of AI-related utilities. Welcome to submit issues and pull requests /收藏AI相关的实用工具,欢迎提交issues 或者pull requests.
- awesome-machine-learning-interpretability - A curated list of awesome responsible machine learning resources.
- best-of-python - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Python open-source libraries and tools. Updated weekly.
- awesome-functional-programming - Yet another resource for collecting articles, videos etc. regarding functional programming.
- awesome-cyber-skills - A curated list of hacking environments where you can train your cyber skills legally and safely.
- awesome-devblog - 어썸데브블로그. 국내 개발/기술 블로그 모음(only 실명으로).
- awesome-hpp - A curated list of awesome header-only C++ libraries.
- awesome-knowledge-distillation - Awesome Knowledge Distillation.
- awesome-yara - A curated list of awesome YARA rules, tools, and people.
- Awesome-Visual-Transformer - Collect some papers about transformer with vision. Awesome Transformer with Computer Vision (CV).
- Awesome-JavaScript-Interviews - Popular JavaScript / React / Node / Mongo stack Interview questions and their answers. Many of them, I faced in actual interviews and ultimately got my first full-stack Dev job :) .
- awesome-devteam - 좋은 개발팀을 만드는데 도움이 되는 자료 .
- awesome-robotic-tooling - Tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python with a touch of ROS, autonomous driving and aerospace.
- awesome-speech-recognition-speech-synthesis-papers - Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Speaker Verification, Speech Synthesis, Text-to-Speech (TTS), Language Modelling, Singing Voice Synthesis (SVS), Voice Conversion (VC).
- awesome-systematic-trading - A curated list of awesome libraries, packages, strategies, books, blogs, tutorials for systematic trading.
- awesome-api-security - A collection of awesome API Security tools and resources. The focus goes to open-source tools and resources that benefit all the community.
- awesome-DeepLearning - 深度学习入门课、资深课、特色课、学术案例、产业实践案例、深度学习知识百科及面试题库The course, case and knowledge of Deep Learning and AI.
- awesome-lane-detection - A paper list of lane detection.
- awesome-RLHF - A curated list of reinforcement learning with human feedback resources (continually updated).
- awesome-ecs - A curated list of awesome ECS guides, development tools, and resources.
- awesome-mobile-security - An effort to build a single place for all useful android and iOS security related stuff. All references and tools belong to their respective owners. I'm just maintaining it.
- awesome-android-complete-reference - Here I list down all of the high-quality blogs that I publish on my website.
- anything_about_game - A wonderful list of Game Development resources.
- Checklist-Checklist - 🌈 A Curated List of Checklists ✔︎✔︎.
- awesome-deep-learning-music - List of articles related to deep learning applied to music.
- awesome-awesome - A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics.
- awesome-static-generators - A curated list of static web site generators.
- awesome-anomaly-detection - A curated list of awesome anomaly detection resources.
- awesome-clojure - A curated list of awesome Clojure libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-. stuff.
- alfred-workflows - Amazing Alfred Workflows.
- awesome-ocr - Links to awesome OCR projects.
- Awesome-AI - Awesome AI,你的《人工智能指南》!.
- Awesome-Cellular-Hacking - Awesome-Cellular-Hacking.
- awesome-ml-courses - Awesome free machine learning and AI courses with video lectures.
- awesome-productivity-cn - 绝妙的个人生产力(Awesome Productivity - Chinese version).
- Awesome-Microservices-DotNet - 💎 A collection of awesome training series, articles, videos, books, courses, sample projects, and tools for Microservices in .NET.
- IoTSecurity101 - A Curated list of IoT Security Resources.
- awesome-quantum-machine-learning - Here you can get all the Quantum Machine learning Basics, Algorithms ,Study Materials ,Projects and the descriptions of the projects around the web.
- awesome-nodejs-security - Awesome Node.js Security resources.
- awesome-network-embedding - A curated list of network embedding techniques.
- awesome-status-pages - Awesome list of status page open source software, services and public status pages of major internet companies.
- Awesome-Video-Diffusion - A curated list of recent diffusion models for video generation, editing, restoration, understanding, etc.
- Awesome-Learning-with-Label-Noise - A curated list of resources for Learning with Noisy Labels.
- awesome-api - A curated list of awesome resources for design and implement RESTful API's.
- favorite-link - ❤️ 每天收集喜欢的开源项目。.
- awesome-deep-text-detection-recognition - A curated list of resources for text detection/recognition (optical character recognition ) with deep learning methods.
- learning-oop-in-php - A collection of resources to learn object-oriented programming and related concepts for PHP developers.
- Awesome-Quant-Machine-Learning-Trading - Quant/Algorithm trading resources with an emphasis on Machine Learning.
- awesome-programmers - A list of history's greatest software engineers and tech pioneers.
- awesome-startup-credits - ✨ A collection of awesome companies offering free/discounted plans for eligible startups.
- awesome-sushi - 🍣 국내 스시 오마카세 맛집 리스트.
- awesome-oscp - A curated list of awesome OSCP resources.
- awesome-musicdsp - A curated list of my favourite music DSP and audio programming resources.
- awesome-nostr - - awesome-nostr is a collection of projects and resources built on nostr to help developers and users find new things .
- awesome-livecoding - All things livecoding.
- awesome-human-pose-estimation - A collection of awesome resources in Human Pose estimation.
- Computer-Science-Resources - A list of resources in different fields of Computer Science.
- awesome-implicit-representations - A curated list of resources on implicit neural representations.
- awesome-ricing - A curated list of awesome tools and technology to help you out with ricing on linux.
- awesome-generative-ai - A curated list of Generative AI tools, works, models, and references.
- awesome-decision-tree-papers - A collection of research papers on decision, classification and regression trees with implementations.
- backend-cheats - 📃 White paper for Backend developers.
- awesome-git - A curated list of amazingly awesome Git tools, resources and shiny things.
- open-source-jobs - A list of Open Source projects offering jobs.
- AwesomePerfCpp - A curated list of awesome C/C++ performance optimization resources: talks, articles, books, libraries, tools, sites, blogs. Inspired by awesome.
- Awesome-Crowd-Counting - Awesome Crowd Counting.
- Awesome-Ethical-Hacking-Resources - 😎 🔗 Awesome list about all kinds of resources for learning Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing.
- Awesome-LLM-Robotics - A comprehensive list of papers using large language/multi-modal models for Robotics/RL, including papers, codes, and related websites.
- Awesome-Deblurring - A curated list of resources for Image and Video Deblurring.
- Awesome-Super-Resolution - Collect super-resolution related papers, data, repositories.
- frontendDaily - 前端开发博客,分享互联网最精彩的前端技术,欢迎关注我微信公众号:前端开发博客,回复 1024,领取前端进阶资料包,回复 加群,与大神一起交流学习。.
- best-of-web-python - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome python libraries for web development. Updated weekly.
- awesome-italia-remote - A list of remote-friendly or full-remote companies that targets Italian talents.
- devmap - Карта развития веб-разработчика.
- awesome-vector-tiles - Awesome implementations of the Mapbox Vector Tile specification.
- awesome-raspberry-pi-zh - 树莓派(Raspberry Pi )资源大全中文版 , 包括工具、项目、镜像、资源等.
- Awesome-AutoDL - Automated Deep Learning: Neural Architecture Search Is Not the End (a curated list of AutoDL resources and an in-depth analysis).
- Awesome-Pruning - A curated list of neural network pruning resources.
- awesome-gan-for-medical-imaging - Awesome GAN for Medical Imaging.
- awesome-functional-python - A curated list of awesome things related to functional programming in Python.
- awesome-tensor-compilers - A list of awesome compiler projects and papers for tensor computation and deep learning.
- awesome-low-level-design - This repository contains low level design resources to improve coding skills and prepare for interviews.
- ruby-bookmarks - Ruby and Ruby on Rails bookmarks collection.
- awesome-visual-slam - :books: The list of vision-based SLAM / Visual Odometry open source, blogs, and papers.
- awesome-mobx - A collection of awesome things regarding MobX.
- Awesome-Graph-Neural-Networks - Paper Lists for Graph Neural Networks.
- awesome-network-automation - Curated Awesome list about Network Automation.
- awesome-leetcode-resources - This repository contains LeetCode articles which are very useful during the interview preparation.
- awesome-logseq - Awesome Logseq resources created by the community <3.
- awesome-autonomous-vehicles - Curated List of Self-Driving Cars and Autonomous Vehicles Resources.
- awesome-seo - Google SEO Research and Web Traffic Monetization.
- awesome-eventstorming - Awesome EventStorming.
- awesome-repos - A curated list of GitHub Repositories full of FREE Resources.
- awesome-layers - Λ A curated list of awesome AWS Lambda Layers. Sponsored by
- awesome-robotics-libraries - :sunglasses: A curated list of robotics libraries and software.
- awesome-qt-qml - A curated list of awesome Qt and QML libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things.
- awesome-gpt4 - A curated list of prompts, tools, and resources regarding the GPT-4 language model.
- frontend-development - A curated list of resources for Frontend development.
- awesome-iot-hacks - A Collection of Hacks in IoT Space so that we can address them (hopefully).
- awesome-papers - Papers & presentation materials from Hugging Face's internal science day.
- awesome-consensus - Awesome list for Paxos and friends.
- sqlserver-kit - Useful links, scripts, tools and best practice for Microsoft SQL Server Database.
- awesome-cloudflare - ⛅️ 精选的 Cloudflare 工具、开源项目、指南、博客和其他资源列表。.
- awesome-canbus - :articulated_lorry: Awesome CAN bus tools, hardware and resources for Cyber Security Researchers, Reverse Engineers, and Automotive Electronics Enthusiasts.
- awesome-streamlit - The purpose of this project is to share knowledge on how awesome Streamlit is and can be.
- awesome - A curated list of awesome Chart.js resources and libraries.
- awesome-business-intelligence - Actively curated list of awesome BI tools. PRs welcome!.
- fucking-awesome-python - Awesome-python with :octocat: :star: and :fork_and_knife:.
- awesome-engineering-management - Pointers and tools for learning and day-to-day practice of engineering management & leadership.
- awesome-node-based-uis - A curated list with resources about node-based UIs.
- awesome-cdk - A collection of awesome things related to the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
- awesome-cdk - A collection of awesome things related to the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK).
- tech-coops - A list of tech coops and resources concerning tech coops and worker owned cooperatives in general.
- awesome-cloud-native - A curated list for awesome cloud native tools, software and tutorials. -
- awesome-developer-experience - 🤘 A curated list of DX (Developer Experience) resources.
- awesome-cloud-security - 🛡️ Awesome Cloud Security Resources ⚔️.
- awesome-browser-exploit - Awesome list of browser exploitation tutorials.
- awesome-vim - The Vim plugin shortlist.
- awesome-hyprland - Awesome list for Hyprland [maintainer=@yavko].
- open-sustainable-technology - A directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, sustainable energy, biodiversity and natural resources.
- awesome-bookmarks - :sparkling_heart: A curated list of awesome things .
- awesome-windows-kernel-security-development - Windows kernel security development.
- awesome-golang-security - Awesome Golang Security resources 🕶🔐.
- study-is-wonderful - Awesome public courses and wonderful study resource.
- knowledge - 文档着重构建一个完整的「前端技术架构图谱」,方便 F2E(Front End Engineering又称FEE、F2E) 学习与进阶。.
- awesome-k8s-security - A curated list for Awesome Kubernetes Security resources.
- Awesome-Asset-Discovery - List of Awesome Asset Discovery Resources.
- Awesome-Federated-Learning - FedML - The Research and Production Integrated Federated Learning Library:
- awesome-reinforcement-learning-zh - 中文整理的强化学习资料(Reinforcement Learning).
- awesome-php - 收集整理一些常用的PHP类库, 资源以及技巧. 以便在工作中迅速的查找所需.
- awesome-interactive-journalism - A list of awesome interactive journalism projects.
- awesome-react-renderer - Awesome list of React Renderer.
- Awesome-Domain-LLM - 收集和梳理垂直领域的开源模型、数据集及评测基准。.
- awesome-llm-json - Resource list for generating JSON using LLMs via function calling, tools, CFG. Libraries, Models, Notebooks, etc.
- Awesome-Text-to-Image - (ෆ`꒳´ෆ) A Survey on Text-to-Image Generation/Synthesis.
- awesome-deepbio - A curated list of awesome deep learning applications in the field of computational biology.
- awesome-bert - Bert nlp papers, applications and GitHub resources, including the newst xlnet , BERT、XLNet 相关论文和 GitHub 项目.
- awesome-security-weixin-official-accounts - 网络安全类公众号推荐,欢迎大家推荐.
- awesome-chatgpt - ⚡ Everything about ChatGPT.
- awesome-argo - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Argo (a CNCF graduated project).
- ultimate-defi-research-base - Here we collect and discuss the best DeFI & Blockchain researches and tools. Feel free to DM me on Twitter or open pool request. .
- awesome-virtual-try-on - A curated list of awesome research papers, projects, code, dataset, workshops etc. related to virtual try-on.
- Awesome-Image-Inpainting - A curated list of image inpainting and video inpainting papers and resources.
- awesome-php-cn - PHP资源大全中文版,库、框架、模板、安全、代码分析、日志、第三方库、配置工具、Web 工具等.
- awesome-opensource-hardware - List of awesome open source hardware tools, generators, and reusable designs.
- awesome-space - 🛰️🚀A list of awesome space-related packages and resources maintained by The Orbital Index.
- awesome-aws-amplify - Curated list of AWS Amplify Resources.
- Awesome-Interview - Collection of awesome interview references.
- awesome-adversarial-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome adversarial machine learning resources.
- alternative-frontends - 🔐🌐 Privacy-respecting web frontends for popular services .
- awesome-devops - A curated list of awesome DevOps platforms, tools, practices and resources.
- awesome-rat - RAT And C&C Resources. 250+ Open Source Projects, 1200+ RAT/C&C blog/video.
- awesome-dotnet-cn - DotNet 资源大全中文版,内容包括:编译器、压缩、应用框架、应用模板、加密、数据库、反编译、IDE、日志、风格指南等。.
- awesome-swiftui - A collaborative list of awesome articles, talks, books, videos and code examples about SwiftUI.
- awesome-music - Awesome Music Projects.
- awesome-home-networking-cn - 家庭网络知识整理.
- awesome-embedding-models - A curated list of awesome embedding models tutorials, projects and communities.
- quasar-awesome - 🎉 A list of awesome things related to Quasar.
- awesome-windows-domain-hardening - A curated list of awesome Security Hardening techniques for Windows.
- computer-book-list - 一个综合了豆瓣,goodreads综合评分的计算机书籍书单.
- web3 - Making sense of web3 & crypto. Introduction to key concepts and ideas. Rigorous, constructive analysis of key claims pro and con. A look at the deeper hopes and aspirations.
- Awesome-pytorch-list-CNVersion - Awesome-pytorch-list 翻译工作进行中.
- awesome-cbir-papers - 📝Awesome and classical image retrieval papers.
- awesome-lockfree - A collection of resources on wait-free and lock-free programming.
- awesome-llm-kg - Awesome papers about unifying LLMs and KGs.
- football_analytics - 📊⚽ A collection of football analytics projects, data, and analysis by Edd Webster (@eddwebster), including a curated list of publicly available resources published by the football analytics community.
- awesome-animation - :octocat: A great list of open sourced UI Motion Library produced by Animatious Group.
- awesome-generative-art - Awesome generative art.
- awesome-transfer-learning - Best transfer learning and domain adaptation resources (papers, tutorials, datasets, etc.).
- awesome-cryptoeconomics - An awesome curated list of Cryptoeconomic research and learning materials.
- Awesome-Rust-MachineLearning - This repository is a list of machine learning libraries written in Rust. It's a compilation of GitHub repositories, blogs, books, movies, discussions, papers, etc. 🦀.
- Awesome-Anything - General AI methods for Anything: AnyObject, AnyGeneration, AnyModel, AnyTask, AnyX.
- Awesome-Scene-Text-Recognition - A curated list of resources dedicated to scene text localization and recognition.
- awesome-css-cn - CSS 资源大全中文版,内容包括:CSS预处理器、框架、CSS结构、代码风格指南、命名习惯等等.
- awesome-ocr - A curated list of promising OCR resources.
- awesome-ai-devtools - Curated list of AI-powered developer tools.
- awesome-model-quantization - A list of papers, docs, codes about model quantization. This repo is aimed to provide the info for model quantization research, we are continuously improving the project. Welcome to PR the works (papers, repositories) that are missed by the repo.
- awesome-ChatGPT-repositories - A curated list of resources dedicated to open source GitHub repositories related to ChatGPT.
- awesome-virtualization - Collection of resources about Virtualization.
- awesome-crypto-trading-bots - Awesome crypto trading bots.
- DevSecOps - ♾️ Collection and Roadmap for everyone who wants DevSecOps. Hope your DevOps are more safe 😎.
- knowledge-graphs - A collection of research on knowledge graphs.
- awesome-technical-writing - :books: A curated list of awesome resources: articles, books, videos, tools, podcasts about technical writing.
- awesome-django-cn - Django 优秀资源大全。.
- awesome-geek-podcasts - A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to. .
- awesome-mpc - A curated list of multi party computation resources and links.
- awesome-android - A curated list of awesome open source Android applications, tutorials and resources.
- awesome-metaverse - Awesome metaverse projects.
- awesome-keycloak - A curated list of resources for learning about
- awesome-android-learning-resources - 👓 A curated list of awesome android learning resources for android app developers. .
- awesome-baremetal - Bare-metal is awesome. Let's share our favourite tools. .
- awesome-slam-datasets - A curated list of awesome datasets for SLAM.
- awesome-htmx - Awesome things about htmx.
- awesome-cloud-security - Awesome cloud security 收集一些国内外不错的云安全资源,该项目主要面向国内的安全人员.
- awesome - 🎉 The best resources related to Vuetify.
- awesome-wpf - A collection of awesome WPF resources, libraries and UI controls.
- google-apps-script-awesome-list - The usual list of links to interesting resources for Google Apps Script.
- awesome-frontend - A curated list of amazingly awesome frontend libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-regex - A curated collection of awesome Regex libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-techleads - Uma lista selecionada de conteúdos sobre liderança técnica, com preferência em conteúdos em português.
- awesome-decentralized-web - An awesome list of decentralized services and technologies.
- Awesome-Telegram-OSINT - 📚 A Curated List of Awesome Telegram OSINT Tools, Sites & Resources.
- the-engineering-managers-booklist - Books for people who are or aspire to manage/lead team(s) of software engineers.
- awesome-startup - :sunglasses: All the required resources to build your own startup.
- awesome-laravel - A curated list of delightful Laravel PHP framework packages and resources.
- Awesome-offer - 关于面试/谈Offer/程序员职场生涯等.
- awesome-fraud-detection-papers - A curated list of data mining papers about fraud detection.
- awesome-loginless - An awesome list of internet services that don't require logins or registrations.
- awesome-coronavirus - 🦠 Huge collection of useful projects and resources for COVID-19 (2019 novel Coronavirus).
- awesome-electron-alternatives - A curated list of awesome Electron alternatives.
- awesome-dynamodb - List of resources for learning about modeling, operating, and using Amazon DynamoDB.
- Deep-Learning-for-Medical-Applications - Deep Learning Papers on Medical Image Analysis.
- awesome-android-cn - Android 资源大全中文版,包括:图表、游戏开发、GUI、崩溃检测、调试工具等,由伯乐在线持续更新。.
- awesome-django - The Best Django Resource, Awesome Django for mature packages.
- awesome-remote-sensing-change-detection - List of datasets, codes, and contests related to remote sensing change detection.
- awesome-websockets - A curated list of Websocket libraries and resources.
- awesome-userscripts - 📖 A curated list of Awesome Userscripts.
- CS-Awesome-Courses - 计算机的优秀课程.
- awesome-ml4co - Awesome machine learning for combinatorial optimization papers.
- awesome-slam - A curated list of awesome SLAM tutorials, projects and communities.
- awesome-made-by-brazilians - 🇧🇷 A collection of amazing open source projects built by brazilian developers.
- awesome-os - A list of operating systems and stuff.
- awesome-uikit - Collect JS Frameworks, Web components library and Admin Template.
- awesome-french-devops - Une liste de liens permettant de se former aux outils utilisés dans le domaine du Devops.
- awesome-self-supervised-gnn - Papers about pretraining and self-supervised learning on Graph Neural Networks (GNN).
- awesome-asgi - A curated list of awesome ASGI servers, frameworks, apps, libraries, and other resources.
- awesome-diarization - A curated list of awesome Speaker Diarization papers, libraries, datasets, and other resources.
- Awesome-Meta-Learning - A curated list of Meta Learning papers, code, books, blogs, videos, datasets and other resources.
- awesome-japanese - Awesome Japanese Learning Resources.
- awesome-flutter-desktop - A curated list of awesome things related to Flutter desktop.
- awesome-libgen - 😎 Awesome list of Library Genesis, the world's largest free library.
- awesome-ggplot2 - A curated list of awesome ggplot2 tutorials, packages etc.
- awesome-vue-3 - A curated list of awesome things related to Vue 3.
- awesome-anki - A curated list of awesome Anki add-ons, decks and resources.
- Awesome-UNIX - All the UNIX and UNIX-Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more.
- awesome-spring-cloud - Spring Cloud 资源大全.
- awesome-video - A curated list of awesome streaming video tools, frameworks, libraries, and learning resources.
- programming-math-science - This is a list of links to different freely available learning resources about computer programming, math, and science.
- awesome-starknet - A curated list of awesome StarkNet resources, libraries, tools and more.
- awesome-bilibili-extra - 收集一些让我们在使用B站时更加方便的浏览器扩展/脚本/程序【月底更新】.
- awesome-grid - A curated list of grid(table) libraries and resources that developers may find useful.
- iOS_ML - List of Machine Learning, AI, NLP solutions for iOS. The most recent version of this article can be found on my blog.
- awesome-stable-diffusion - Curated list of awesome resources for the Stable Diffusion AI Model.
- Awesome-Advanced-Windows-Exploitation-References - List of Awesome Advanced Windows Exploitation References.
- awesome-tiny-object-detection - 🕶 A curated list of Tiny Object Detection papers and related resources.
- awesome-decentralized-finance - A curated list of awesome decentralized finance projects.
- Awesome-GPT-Store - Custom GPT Store - A collection of major GPTS available in public.
- awesome-deep-trading - List of awesome resources for machine learning-based algorithmic trading.
- awesome-lite-websites - A list of awesome lightweight websites without all the bloat.
- awesome-RemoteWork - Resources for remote workers: approaches, hiring page, remote life and more.
- awesome-gitops - A curated list for awesome GitOps resources.
- awesome-phd-advice - Collection of advice for prospective and current PhD students.
- awesome-awesomeness-zh_CN - 一份关于“资料汇总”的汇总。.
- Awesome-Interaction-aware-Trajectory-Prediction - A selection of state-of-the-art research materials on trajectory prediction.
- awesome-deep-rl - For deep RL and the future of AI. .
- awesome-markdown - A collection of awesome markdown goodies (libraries, services, editors, tools, cheatsheets, etc.).
- Crypto-OpSec-SelfGuard-RoadMap - Here we collect and discuss the best DeFi, Blockchain and crypto-related OpSec researches and data terminals - contributions are welcome.
- awesome-create-react-app - Awesome list of Create React App articles / tutorials / videos and FAQ.
- awesome-google-colab - Google Colaboratory Notebooks and Repositories (by @firmai).
- awesome-webgpu - 😎 Curated list of awesome things around WebGPU ecosystem. .
- vim-keybindings-everywhere-the-ultimate-list - The ultimate list of which programs support Vim-like keybindings natively, or how they can be added with extensions. A collaborative project.
- awesome-quantum-software - Curated list of open-source quantum software projects.
- awesome-english - A collection of awesome study resources for learners of English.
- awesome-segment-anything - Tracking and collecting papers/projects/others related to Segment Anything.
- awesome-spinners - 💫 A curated collection of dazzling web spinners.
- awesome-zk - A curated list of awesome ZK resources, libraries, tools and more. .
- awesome-azure-architecture - AWESOME-Azure-Architecture -
- awesome-open-geoscience - Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome.
- Awesome-AI-Security - :file_folder: #AISecurity.
- awesome-bootstrap - ✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Bootstrap tools and themes.
- awesome-wordpress - A curated list of amazingly awesome WordPress resources, themes, plugins and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-php. .
- awesome-semantic-web - A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources.
- awesome-typography - ✏︎ Curated list about digital typography 🔥.
- awesome-human-pose-estimation - Human Pose Estimation Related Publication.
- awesome-machine-learning-in-compilers - Must read research papers and links to tools and datasets that are related to using machine learning for compilers and systems optimisation.
- Awesome-CloudSec-Labs - Awesome free cloud native security learning labs. Includes CTF, self-hosted workshops, guided vulnerability labs, and research labs. .
- awesome-swift-korean-lecture - 훌륭한 Swift 세션 동영상(강좌), 한글 자막있는 혹은 한국어 강의 정보 링크 모음 (Awesome Swift Korean lecture information).
- awesome-normalizing-flows - Awesome resources on normalizing flows.
- awesome-python-resources - Awesome Python Resources.
- awesome-dbdev - Awesome materials about database development.
- not-yet-awesome-rust - A curated list of Rust code and resources that do NOT exist yet, but would be beneficial to the Rust community.
- Awesome-FL - Comprehensive and timely academic information on federated learning (papers, frameworks, datasets, tutorials, workshops).
- awesome-vector-search - Collections of vector search related libraries, service and research papers.
- awesome-transit - Community list of transit APIs, apps, datasets, research, and software :bus::star2::train::star2::steam_locomotive:.
- machine-learning-surveys - A curated list of Machine Learning Surveys, Tutorials and Books.
- awesome-jellyfin - A collection of awesome Jellyfin Plugins, Themes. Guides and Companion Software (Not affiliated with Jellyfin).
- awesome-graph-self-supervised-learning - Code for TKDE paper "Self-supervised learning on graphs: Contrastive, generative, or predictive".
- awesome-low-light-image-enhancement - This is a resouce list for low light image enhancement.
- awesome-wasm-runtimes - A list of webassemby runtimes.
- awesome-macos - A curated list of awesome software for Apple's macOS.
- k8s_awesome_document - 【2021年新鲜出炉】K8s(Kubernetes)的工程师资料合辑,书籍推荐,面试题,精选文章,开源项目,PPT,视频,大厂资料.
- awesome-linuxaudio - [mirror] A list of software and resources for professional audio/video/live events production on Linux.
- awesome-imbalanced-learning - Everything about class-imbalanced/long-tail learning: papers, codes, frameworks, and libraries | 有关类别不平衡/长尾学习的一切:论文、代码、框架与库.
- awesome-gpt-store - A curated list of awesome GPTs in the GPT Store.
- awesome-echarts - Awesome list of Apache ECharts.
- awesome-indie - Awesome-indie 中文版 - 帮助独立开发者赚钱的资源.
- CV-pretrained-model - A collection of computer vision pre-trained models.
- awesome-text-summarization - The guide to tackle with the Text Summarization.
- Awesome-Multimodal-Research - A curated list of Multimodal Related Research.
- awesome-web-desktops - Websites, web apps, portfolios which look like desktop operating systems.
- awesome-neural-ode - A collection of resources regarding the interplay between differential equations, deep learning, dynamical systems, control and numerical methods.
- awesome-symbolic-execution - A curated list of awesome symbolic execution resources including essential research papers, lectures, videos, and tools.
- awesome-ethereum-security - A curated list of awesome Ethereum security references.
- awesome-malware-development - Organized list of my malware development resources.
- awesome-acg - A curated list of awesome technologies related to Anime, Comic and Games.
- awesome-pretrained-stylegan2 - A collection of pre-trained StyleGAN 2 models to download .
- awesome-ruby - A curated list of awesome Ruby frameworks, libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-php & awesome-python.
- awesome-search - Awesome Search - this is all about the (e-commerce, but not only) search and its awesomeness.
- osx-and-ios-security-awesome - macOS and iOS related security tools.
- awesome-knowledge-graph - A curated list of Knowledge Graph related learning materials, databases, tools and other resources.
- awesome-face - An awesome face technology repository.
- Awesome-Video-Diffusion-Models - [Arxiv] A Survey on Video Diffusion Models.
- awesome-transit - Community list of transit APIs, apps, datasets, research, and software :bus::star2::train::star2::steam_locomotive:.
- awesome-colab-notebooks - Collection of google colaboratory notebooks for fast and easy experiments.
- awesome-gpts - Collection of all the GPTs created by the community.
- awesome-radar-perception - A curated list of radar datasets, detection, tracking and fusion.
- awesome-digital-human - A collection of resources on digital human including clothed people digitalization, virtual try-on, and other related directions.
- awesome-icons - A curated list of awesome Web Font Icons.
- awesome-resources - :sunglasses: List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!.
- awesome-styleguides - A curated list of UI styleguides — 😎💄.
- Blockchain-Development-Resources - The contents of this repository will help you launch a career in Blockchain development. How to deploy Smart contracts on Ethereum, build DApps, DeFi, DAO, NFT and Token protocol. .
- Awesome-PicGo - A collection of awesome projects using PicGo.
- Awesome-Graph-LLM - A collection of AWESOME things about Graph-Related LLMs.
- Awesome-Cybersecurity-Datasets - A curated list of amazingly awesome Cybersecurity datasets.
- awesome-artificial-intelligence-guidelines - This repository aims to map the ecosystem of artificial intelligence guidelines, principles, codes of ethics, standards, regulation and beyond.
- Awesome-Dataset-Distillation - Awesome Dataset Distillation Papers.
- awesome-view - 自定义View有这些足够了.
- awesome-jetpack-compose-learning-resources - 👓 A continuously updated list of learning Jetpack Compose for Android apps.
- Awesome-LLM-Inference - 📖A curated list of Awesome LLM Inference Paper with codes, TensorRT-LLM, vLLM, streaming-llm, AWQ, SmoothQuant, WINT8/4, Continuous Batching, FlashAttention, PagedAttention etc.
- awesome-AI-books - Some awesome AI related books and pdfs for learning and downloading, also apply some playground models for learning.
- awesome-ida-x64-olly-plugin - A curated list of IDA x64DBG, Ghidra and OllyDBG plugins. .
- awesome-architecture-search - A curated list of awesome architecture search resources.
- awesome-ml-demos-with-ios - The challenge projects for Inferencing machine learning models on iOS.
- awesome-relation-extraction - 📖 A curated list of awesome resources dedicated to Relation Extraction, one of the most important tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- On-Chain-Investigations-Tools-List - Here we discuss how one can investigate crypto hacks and security incidents, and collect all the possible tools and manuals! PRs are welcome! If any tool is missing - please open PR!.
- Awesome-web3-Security - A curated list of web3Security materials and resources For Pentesters and Bug Hunters.
- awesome-oss - A list of open source projects with links to contribute or donate.
- awesome-fsharp - A curated list of awesome F# frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-contrastive-self-supervised-learning - A comprehensive list of awesome contrastive self-supervised learning papers.
- awesome-go-zh - :books: Go资源精选中文版(含中文图书大全).
- awesome-crdt - A collection of awesome CRDT resources.
- awesome-fashion-ai - A repository to curate and summarise research papers related to fashion and e-commerce.
- Awesome-LLM-Reasoning - Reasoning in Large Language Models: Papers and Resources, including Chain-of-Thought, Instruction-Tuning and Multimodality. .
- Awesome-Implicit-NeRF-Robotics - A comprehensive list of Implicit Representations and NeRF papers relating to Robotics/RL domain, including papers, codes, and related websites.
- awesome-document-understanding - A curated list of resources for Document Understanding (DU) topic.
- awesome-element - A curated list of Element projects.
- awesome-cafe - ☕ 모각코하기 좋은 국내 카페 리스트.
- awesome-template-literal-types - Curated list of awesome Template Literal Types examples.
- awesome-sre-tools - A curated list of Site Reliability and Production Engineering Tools.
- Awesome-Design-Tokens - A list of resources on all things to do with Design Tokens.
- awesome-aws-security - Curated list of links, references, books videos, tutorials (Free or Paid), Exploit, CTFs, Hacking Practices etc. which are related to AWS Security.
- awesome-vision-language-pretraining-papers - Recent Advances in Vision and Language PreTrained Models (VL-PTMs).
- awesome-gcp-certifications - A curated list of resources for learning about Google Cloud Platform certifications and how to prepare for it.
- awesome-hacking - Awesome hacking chinese version.
- awesome-micro-frontends - An Awesome list of posts, videos and tutorials on Micro Frontends.
- awesome-terminals - Terminal Emulators.
- awesome-transformers-in-medical-imaging - A collection of resources on applications of Transformers in Medical Imaging.
- cli-apps - The largest Awesome Curated list of CLI/TUI applications with source data organized into CSV files.
- awesome-graph - A curated list of resources for graph databases and graph computing tools.
- awesome-glsl - :sparkler: Compilation of the best resources to learn programming OpenGL Shaders.
- Awesome-person-re-identification - Awesome Person Re-identification.
- awesome-privilege-escalation - A curated list of awesome privilege escalation.
- awesome-magento2 - Curated list of awesome Magento 2 Extensions, Resources and other Highlights.
- awesome-magento2 - Curated list of awesome Magento 2 Extensions, Resources and other Highlights.
- awesome-image-registration - Image registration related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes .
- awesome-bazel - A curated list of Bazel rules, tooling and resources.
- awesome-spring - A curated list of awesome books, tutorials, courses, and resources for the Spring framework ecosystem.
- awesome-executable-packing - A curated list of awesome resources related to executable packing.
- GAN-Inversion - [TPAMI 2022] GAN Inversion: A Survey.
- Awesome-Vulnerability-Research - 🦄 A curated list of the awesome resources about the Vulnerability Research.
- Awesome-Talking-Face - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to talking face.
- awesome-ghidra - A curated list of awesome Ghidra materials.
- awesome-google-vrp-writeups - 🐛 A list of writeups from the Google VRP Bug Bounty program.
- awesome-bci - Curated Collection of BCI resources.
- awesome-style-guide - A list of awesome style guide.
- awesome-local-ai - An awesome repository of local AI tools.
- awesome-dbt - A curated list of awesome dbt resources .
- awesome-multiple-object-tracking - Resources for Multiple Object Tracking (MOT).
- courses - Awesome Courses.
- awesome-datahoarding - List of data-hoarding related tools.
- awesome-image-captioning - A curated list of image captioning and related area resources. :-).
- awesome-kotlin-cn - Kotlin 资源大全,包括教程文章、开源库和框架、Demo 等,由掘金技术社区整理和维护。.
- awesome-soc - A collection of sources of documentation, as well as field best practices, to build/run a SOC.
- Awesome-SLU-Survey - Tracking the progress in SLU (resources, code, and new frontiers etc.).
- awesome-cs-cloudnative-blockchain - 📚 菜鸟成长手册🚀 CS系列 、云原生系列、区块链系列、web3系列🔥、Golang系列💡.
- awesome-mpvue - A curated list of awesome things related to mpvue.
- awesome-python-chemistry - A curated list of Python packages related to chemistry .
- awesome-anti-censorship - Curated list of open-source anti-censorship tools.
- awesome-AI-for-time-series-papers - A professional list of Papers, Tutorials, and Surveys on AI for Time Series in top AI conferences and journals.
- Awesome-CLIP - Awesome list for research on CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training).
- awesome-llm-powered-agent - Awesome things about LLM-powered agents. Papers / Repos / Blogs / .
- awesome-graphics - Curated list of computer graphics tutorials and resources.
- awesome-blackmagic - 🎭 ♠♥奇技淫巧 💠黑魔法大集合♦♣ 👺.
- awesome-MEV-resources - Get up to speed on Maximum Extractable Value.
- awesome-learning - A curated list of awesome learning material.
- awesome_OpenSetRecognition_list - A curated list of papers & resources linked to open set recognition, out-of-distribution, open set domain adaptation and open world recognition.
- awesome-gatsby - ⚛️ 📄 🚀 Awesome list for the mighty Gatsby.js, a blazing fast React static site generator.
- awesome-instruction-dataset - A collection of open-source dataset to train instruction-following LLMs (ChatGPT,LLaMA,Alpaca).
- sublime-bookmarks - Sublime Text essential plugins and resources.
- javascript-dev-bookmarks - A collection of articles that will help you get better at JavaScript.
- awesome-pinescript - A Comprehensive Collection of Everything Related to Tradingview Pine Script. .
- awesome-wasm-zh - WebAssembly(wasm)资源精选.
- awesome-opensource-unity - A list of curated opensource Unity packages for future proof Game Developers.
- awesome-nft - A curated list of awesome Non Fungible Token (NFT, ERC721) frameworks, libraries and software.
- Awesome-ChatGPT-Prompts-CN - ChatGPT调教指南|咒语指南|聊天提示词指南|学习指南.
- awesome-django-admin - Curated List of Awesome Django Admin Panel Articles, Libraries/Packages, Books, Themes, Videos, Resources.
- non-typical-OSINT-guide - The most unusual OSINT guide you've ever seen. The repository is intended for bored professionals only. PRs are welcome! .
- Awesome-Mamba-Papers - Awesome Papers related to Mamba.
- awesome-activitypub - Awesome list of ActivityPub based projects.
- awesome-gradient-boosting-papers - A curated list of gradient boosting research papers with implementations. .
- awesome-mecheng - Awesome Mechanical Engineering Resources.
- awesome-microbit - A curated list of BBC micro:bit resources.
- best-of-python-dev - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly.
- awesome-burp-suite - Awesome Burp Suite Resources. 400+ open source Burp plugins, 400+ posts and videos.
- awesome-lightning-network - ⚡ A curated list of awesome Lightning Network projects for developers and crypto enthusiasts.
- awesome-whisper - 🔊 Awesome list for Whisper — an open-source AI-powered speech recognition system developed by OpenAI.
- awesome-quill - A curated list of awesome things related to Quill.
- awesome-capsule-networks - A curated list of awesome resources related to capsule networks.
- awesome-ansible - A collaborative curated list of awesome Ansible resources.
- awesome-3D-generation - A curated list of awesome 3d generation papers.
- awesome-attention-mechanism-in-cv - Awesome List of Attention Modules and Plug&Play Modules in Computer Vision.
- awesome-grounding - Awesome grounding: A curated list of research papers in visual grounding.
- awesome-solana-nfts - A curated list of Solana NFT protocols, repos & community tools.
- Awesome-Knowledge-Graph-Reasoning - AKGR: Awesome Knowledge Graph Reasoning is a collection of knowledge graph reasoning works, including papers, codes and datasets.
- awesome-markdown-editors - A collection of awesome markdown editors & (pre)viewers for Linux, Apple macOS, Microsoft Windows, the World Wide Web & more.
- awesome-telegram - Collection great groups, channels, bots and libraries for Telegram.
- ForensicsTools - A list of free and open forensics analysis tools and other resources.
- awesome-mobile-CTF - This is a curated list of mobile based CTFs, write-ups and vulnerable apps. Most of them are android based due to the popularity of the platform. .
- Awesome-AI-GPTs - Awesome AI GPTs, OpenAI GPTs, GPT-4, ChatGPT, GPTs, Prompts, plugins, Prompts leaking.
- AwesomeAnimeResearch - Papers, repository and other data about anime or manga research. Please let me know if you have information that the list does not include.
- awesome-dashboard - A curated list of amazingly awesome dashboards/visualization resources.
- awesome-cg-vfx-pipeline - List of open-source technologies that help in the process of building a pipeline for CG and VFX productions.
- awesome-webpack-perf - A curated list of webpack tools for web performance.
- awesome-toolbox-chinese - 🧰 优秀工具箱集合 - 收集,推荐好用、优秀的工具箱。工具箱大全。| |
- awesome-he - ✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Homomorphic Encryption libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-react-headless-components - Awesome list of React headless components!.
- awesome-gpt - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to GPT, ChatGPT, OpenAI, LLM, and more.
- Awesome-GPTs - 1000+ GPTs and 10 categories. 80+ Leaked Prompt,Awesome,chatgpt,Ai,prompt.
- Awesome-Azure-Pentest - A collection of resources, tools and more for penetration testing and securing Microsofts cloud platform Azure.
- awesome-reversing - A collection of resources to learn Reverse Engineering from start!.
- awesome-uni-app - Awesome for uni-app! 基于Vue.js的跨平台多端应用前端框架uni-app一站式开发资源汇总.
- awesome-blockchain - 区块链白皮书、书籍、交易所、币种、自媒体等资源汇总 💯.
- awesome-hacking-lists - 平常看到好的渗透hacking工具和多领域效率工具的集合.
- awesome - 🚀A curated list of awesome resources related to Alpine.
- awesome-appwrite - Carefully curated list of awesome Appwrite resources 💪.
- awesome-lemmy-instances - Comparison of different Lemmy Instances.
- awesome-distributed-systems - A curated list of awesome distributed systems books, papers, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-hugo - A curated list of awesome things related to Hugo, The world's fastest framework for building websites.
- awesome-speech-enhancement - Speech enhancement\speech seperation\sound source localization.
- awesome-nocode-lowcode - A curated list of awesome nocode / lowcode applications to build other applications.
- awesome-pyproject - An Awesome List of projects using the pyproject.toml Python configuration file.
- awesome-gemini - A collection of awesome things regarding the gemini protocol ecosystem.
- Unreal-Engine-Guide - Unreal Engine 5 Guide. Learn to develop games for Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch.
- awesome-nifi - A list of useful Apache NiFi resources, processor bundles and tools.
- awesome-sveltekit - Awesome examples of SvelteKit in the wild.
- awesome-react-context - 😎 A curated list of stuff related to the new React Context API.
- awesome-react-framer-x - A collection of awesome links to learn React, ES6 & Framer X.
- awesome-weekly - An "awesome" type curated list of quality weekly subscription newsletters from the software world.
- awesome-llm-interpretability - A curated list of Large Language Model (LLM) Interpretability resources.
- awesome-robotics - A curated list of awesome links and software libraries that are useful for robots.
- awesome-sentiment-analysis - 😀😄😂😭 A curated list of Sentiment Analysis methods, implementations and misc. 😥😟😱😤 .
- awesome-auth - 📊 Software and Libraries for Authentication & Authorization & SSO & IAM.
- AWESOME-FER - Top conferences & Journals focused on Facial expression recognition (FER)/ Facial action unit (FAU) .
- awesome-visualization-research - A list of recommended research papers and other readings on data visualization.
- best-of-jupyter - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). Updated weekly.
- awesome-zero-shot-learning - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to zero shot learning.
- Awesome-Image-Colorization - :books: A collection of Deep Learning based Image Colorization and Video Colorization papers.
- awesome-zig - 📜Zig Learning Guide & Project Lists.
- awesome-privacy - 💡Limiting personal data leaks on the internet.
- awesome-python-security - Awesome Python Security resources 🕶🐍🔐.
- awesome-subreddits - :memo: A curated list of awesome programming subreddits.
- aprenda-swift - Uma lista de conteúdos para você aprender Swift.
- awesome-gbadev - A curated list of Game Boy Advance development resources.
- awesome-hcloud - A curated list of awesome libraries, tools, and integrations for Hetzner Cloud.
- awesome-sar - A curated list of awesome Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) software, libraries, and resources.
- awesome-kubernetes-security - A curated list of awesome Kubernetes security resources.
- academics-on-mastodon - A list of various lists consisting of academics on Mastodon.
- dev-resources - A collaborative list of resources for developers.
- awesome-face - 😎 face releated algorithm, dataset and paper .
- awesome-shopify - 📌✨A curated list of awesome Shopify resources, libraries and open source projects.
- awesome-time-series - List of papers, code, and other resources.
- awesome-metaverse - Useful resources for creating Meta-verse .
- my-cs-degree - A CS degree with a focus on full-stack ML engineering, 2020.
- awesome-paid-open-source - Collection of links around paid/sustainable open source development.
- Awesome-GEE - A curated list of Google Earth Engine resources.
- Awesome-LLM-for-RecSys - Survey: A collection of AWESOME papers and resources on the large language model (LLM) related recommender system topics.
- awesome-devbook - 📕 국내 개발 도서 리스트.
- awesome-hdl - Hardware Description Languages.
- awesome-mastodon - Curated list of awesome Mastodon-related stuff!.
- awesome-rime - A curated list of Rime IME schemata | Rime 輸入法方案列表.
- awesome-vulnerable - A curated list of VULNERABLE APPS and SYSTEMS which can be used as PENETRATION TESTING PRACTICE LAB.
- awesome-digital-nomads - 🏝 A curated list of awesome resources for Digital Nomads.
- awesome-offline-rl - An index of algorithms for offline reinforcement learning (offline-rl).
- awesome-books - 技术类精华书单推荐,包括 前端、后端、数据结构与算法、计算机基础、设计模式、数据库等书籍。.
- Awesome_Prompting_Papers_in_Computer_Vision - A curated list of prompt-based paper in computer vision and vision-language learning.
- open-source-games - A list of open source games.
- awesome-critical-tech-reading-list - A reading list for the modern critical programmer .
- awesome-ld-preload - List of resources related to LD_PRELOAD, a mechanism for changing application behavior at run-time.
- awesome-git-hooks - 😎 A collection of awesome Git Hooks.
- awesome-ethereum - :zap: Awesome Ethereum Resources.
- Awesome-Image-Quality-Assessment - A comprehensive collection of IQA papers.
- awesome-vulnerable-apps - Awesome Vulnerable Applications.
- awesome-react-design-systems - A collection of awesome React-based design systems.
- curated-lists - Curated lists on various topics.
- awesome-gcn - Resources for graph convolutional networks (图卷积神经网络相关资源).
- Awesome-Efficient-LLM - A curated list for Efficient Large Language Models.
- awesome-nomad - A curated list of amazingly awesome Nomad tools and shiny things.
- awesome-hacker-news - Awesome Hacker News: a collection of awesome Hacker News apps, libraries, resources and shiny things.
- security-apis - A collective list of public APIs for use in security. Contributions welcome.
- awesome-ui-component-library - Curated list of framework component libraries for UI styles/toolkit.
- Awesome-Text2SQL - Curated tutorials and resources for Large Language Models, Text2SQL, Text2DSL、Text2API、Text2Vis and more.
- awesome-flutter-plugins - 🔥🔥 收集好用的Flutter插件以便更效率的开发.
- awesome-ionic - An "awesome" list of Ionic resources .
- awesome-appimage - Lovingly crafted AppImage tools and resources .
- javascript-conferences - JavaScript Conferences & Events.
- awesome - My AwesomeWM configuration.
- awesome-flask - A curated list of awesome things related to Flask.
- awesome-LaTeX - Curated list of LaTeX awesomeness.
- awesome-jvm - A curated list of awesome loosely performance related JVM stuff. Inspired by awesome-python.
- awesome-dash - A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources.
- Awesome-Game-Analysis - A comprehensive collection of video game tech analysis resources.
- awesome-package-maintainer - How to become a packager.
- awesome-annual-security-reports - A curated list of annual cyber security reports.
- awesome-embedded-linux - A curated list of awesome Embedded Linux resources.
- awesome-data-contracts - A curated list of awesome blogs, videos, tools and resources about Data Contracts.
- fucking-Awesome-Hacking - A collection of various awesome lists for hackers, pentesters and security researchers. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-ogd-switzerland - Awesome Open Government Data ressoures related to Switzerland. A manually curated list of OGD portals, websites, APIs, tools and other related resources in Switzerland. Relevant links to international websites are listed as well.
- awesome-flux-ai - A curated list of awesome resources, tools, libraries, and applications related to Flux AI technology. This repository aims to be a comprehensive collection for developers, researchers, and enthusiasts interested in Flux AI.
- awesome-avatar - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to avatar.
- awesome-digital-twins - Curated repository of awesome Digital Twin resources.
- awesome-mixed-reality - 🌟 A curated list of awesome resources for Mixed Reality development.
- awesome-game-engines - The list of awesome game engines for everything😎.
- fucking-awesome-python-cn - Python资源大全中文版,包括:Web框架、网络爬虫、模板引擎、数据库、数据可视化、图片处理等,由「开源前哨」和「Python开发者」微信公号团队维护更新。 With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- Awesome-IDEs - A curated list of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and related tools that can enhance your coding experience and boost your productivity. .
- Awesome-KV-Cache-Compression - 📰 Must-read papers on KV Cache Compression (constantly updating 🤗).
- awesome-opendata-software - Awesome list of the software tools related to opendata: data catalogs, ingestion tools, data prep tools and so on.
- early-exit-papers - A curated list of early exiting.
- Environmental-Data-Science - A list of books, events, articles, journals, courses, etc related to Environmental Data Science.
- awesome-embedded-and-iot-security - A curated list of awesome embedded and IoT security resources.
- awesome-free-software - Curated list of free as in freedom software.
- awesome-documentation - 📃 A curated and up-to-date list of resources on software documentation templates, tools, guides, examples, etc.
- magento2-handy-snippets - Magento 2 – useful Code Snippets for Front-end Developer.
- Graph-Condensation-Papers - Awesome Graph Condensation Papers.
- fucking-build-your-own-x - Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-macos - A curated list of 😎 awesome apps and tools for macOS.
- awesome - My Awesome list.
- awesome-nft-onchain - 🕶 Awesome On-Chain NFT Collections, Contracts & Tutorials.
- awesome-tezos - A curated list of Tezos Ecosystem dApps, tools, and communities.
- Awesome-ReVanced - A curated list of all ReVanced resources, patches and projects!.
- fucking-awesome-for-beginners - A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- learn-functional-programming - Learning resources for Roc.
- awesome-mihoyo - Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Zenless Zone Zero, Honkai Impact content collect. 原神、崩坏星穹铁道、绝区零、崩坏3二创及官方内容集锦,分门别类整理好了。.
- Awesome-LLMSecOps - LLM | Security | Operations in one GitHub repo with good links and pictures.
- awesome-portablizing - A list of cool portablizing/modding projects, with a focus on open source hardware and software.
- awesome-python-data-visualization - 😎 list of awesome python data visualization.
- awesome-datascience - A curated list of awesome python, machine learning, computer vision and data science resources, articles, guides, courses and books.
- awesome-wax - 👑 A curated list of awesome resources related to the WAX Blockchain.
- awesome-game-console-development - Curated List of Game Console / Gaming Computer Development, Game Console / Gaming Computer Emulator, Hardware and Electronic Engineering Recap, and ROM Development and Hacking stuff. .
- fucking-awesome-redux - Awesome list of Redux examples and middlewares. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- Awesome-Deblurring-Resources - A curated list of research papers and datasets related to image and video deblurring.
- practice-linux-programming-courses - [Linux Programming Courses] This repository collects 8 of programming courses for Linux. Linux is one of the world's most popular operating systems, used in everything from desktop computers to servers and mobile devices. This LabEx skill tree offers a unique hands-on approach to learning Linux t.
- awesome-article-and-blog - Curated List of the great artcles and blogs about various topics like Computer Science, Art & Media, etc. .
- awesome-subscription-free - A list of great subscription-free alternatives to common software.
- JumpstyleUnitedNations - Volunteered open-initiative projects to help on Jumpstyle Community decentralized maintenance.
- awesome-obsidian-vault - Awesome list of obsidian vaults.
- sign_in - A curated list of awesome projects.
- awesome-bigdyl - A curated list of publications from BigDyL.
- awesome-browser-hdr - A List of Tools for browser HDR.
- awesome-ai-engineering - A list of resources for AI engineers.
- awesome - Curated list(s) of awesome resources.
- awesome-solarpunk - Ideas, tools, media and more to build and imagine a better and hopeful, but realistic: solarpunk future.
- devops-free-tutorials - [Practice DevOps Free Tutorials] This repository collects 69 of free tutorials for DevOps. The DevOps learning path involves mastering key technologies such as Linux, Docker, Git, Ansible, Kubernetes, and Jenkins. Understanding Linux fundamentals provides a strong foundation, while Docker enables.
- practice-git-programming-courses - [Git Programming Courses] This repository collects 2 of programming courses for Git. Git is a version control system that allows you to track changes in your code and collaborate with others. It's used by millions of developers around the world, including some of the largest companies in the worl.
- practice-linux-programming-projects - [Practice Linux Programming Projects] This repository collects 29 of programming projects for Linux. Linux is one of the world's most popular operating systems, used in everything from desktop computers to servers and mobile devices. This LabEx skill tree offers a unique hands-on approach to lear.
- awesome-lego-history - A curated list of historical LEGO resources for enthusiasts.
- awesome-psp - A best-effort list for Sony PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita consoles for modding purposes.
- awesome-computer-videos - Really awesome computer videos you're going to love.
- awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-courses - :books: List of awesome university courses for learning Computer Science!.
- awesome-dotnet - A collection of awesome .NET libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- awesome-privacy - Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
- awesome-ai-painting - AI绘画资料合集(包含国内外可使用平台、使用教程、参数教程、部署教程、业界新闻等等) Stable diffusion、AnimateDiff、Stable Cascade 、Stable SDXL Turbo.
- awesome-nextjs - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :books: A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about using Next.js (A minimalistic framework for universal server-rendered React applications) .
- Self-Hosting-Guide - Self-Hosting Guide. Learn all about locally hosting (on premises & private web servers) and managing software applications by yourself or your organization. Including Cloud, LLMs, WireGuard, Automation, Home Assistant, and Networking.
- awesome-hacker-search-engines - A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more.
- awesome-chatgpt-api - Curated list of apps and tools that not only use the new ChatGPT API, but also allow users to configure their own API keys, enabling free and on-demand usage of their own quota.
- awesome-prompts - Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store. Prompt Engineering, prompt attack & prompt protect. Advanced Prompt Engineering papers.
- awesome-Face_Recognition - Papers about Face Detection; Face Alignment; Face Recognition && Face Identification && Face Verification && Face Representation; Face Reconstruction; Face Tracking; Face Super-Resolution && Face Deblurring; Face Generation && Face Synthesis; Face Transfer; Face Anti-Spoofing; Face Retrieval;.
- Awesome-Black-Friday-Cyber-Monday - Awesome deals on Black Friday: Apps, SaaS, Books, Courses, etc.
- awesome-automl-papers - A curated list of automated machine learning papers, articles, tutorials, slides and projects.
- awesome-ebpf - A curated list of awesome projects related to eBPF.
- awesome-rails - A curated list of awesome things related to Ruby on Rails.
- services-engineering - A reading list for services engineering, with a focus on cloud infrastructure services.
- awesome-dataviz - :chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of awesome data visualization libraries and resources.
- awesome-conformal-prediction - A professionally curated list of awesome Conformal Prediction videos, tutorials, books, papers, PhD and MSc theses, articles and open-source libraries.
- awesome-front-end-system-design - Curated front end system design resources for interviews and learning.
- awesome-coding-js - 用JavaScript实现的算法和数据结构,附详细解释和刷题指南.
- pycrumbs - Bits and bytes of Python from the Internet.
- awesome-IntelliJ-IDEA - 收集一些 Intellij IDEA 的一些技巧.
- awesome-testflight-link - Collection of Testflight public app link(iOS/iPad OS/macOS)。.
- awesome-landing-page - A series of beautiful and practical landing page templates.
- kmp-awesome - An awesome list that curates the best Kotlin Multiplatform libraries, tools and more. .
- awesome-flutter-cn - 一个很棒的Flutter学习资源,官方教程,插件,工具,文章,App,视频教程等的资源列表.
- awesome-online-ide - 🌩️ A list of awesome online development environments.
- awesome-etl - A curated list of awesome ETL frameworks, libraries, and software.
- awesome-blockchain - ⚡️Curated list of resources for the development and applications of blockchain.
- awesome-dot-net-performance - A curated list of awesome .NET Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors. Inspired by awesome-. stuff.
- awesome-opensource-apps - :house::information_source: Curated list of awesome open source crafted web & mobile applications - Learn, Fork, Contribute & Most Importantly Enjoy!.
- awesome-xcode-extensions - Awesome native Xcode extensions.
- AwesomeJavaFX - A curated list of awesome JavaFX libraries, books, frameworks, etc.
- Awesome-System-for-Machine-Learning - A curated list of research in machine learning systems (MLSys). Paper notes are also provided.
- awesome-quantum-computing - A curated list of awesome quantum computing learning and developing resources.
- awesome-atom - A curated list of delightful Atom packages and resources.
- awesome-web-archiving - An Awesome List for getting started with web archiving.
- react-native-awesome - React Native 学习资源精选仓库(汇聚知识,分享精华)汇集了各类react-native学习资料、工具、组件、开源App、资源下载、以及相关新闻等,只求精不求全。.
- awesome-pascal - A curated list of awesome Delphi/FreePascal/(any)Pascal frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-. stuff. Open source and freeware only!.
- awesome-sysadmin-cn - 系统管理员资源大全中文版,备份/克隆软件、云计算/云存储、协作软件、配置管理、日志管理、监控、项目管理等.
- awesome-engineering-games - A curated list of engineering-related video games rated Very Positive or higher on Steam.
- awesome-broadcasting - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source resources related to broadcast technologies.
- Awesome-TensorFlow-Chinese - Awesome-TensorFlow-Chinese,TensorFlow 中文资源精选,官方网站,安装教程,入门教程,视频教程,实战项目,学习路径。QQ群:167122861,公众号:磐创AI,微信群二维码:
- awesome-move - Code and content from the Move community.
- awesome-flipperzero-withModules - A collection of awesome resources & modules for the Flipper Zero device. Best used with Rogue Master Flipper Zero Custom Firmware.
- awesome-scientific-computing - :sunglasses: Curated list of awesome software for numerical analysis and scientific computing.
- awesome-tensorflow - TensorFlow - A curated list of dedicated resources
- awesome-incident-response - A curated list of tools for incident response.
- awesome-python-data-science - Probably the best curated list of data science software in Python.
- awesome-python-scientific-audio - Curated list of python software and packages related to scientific research in audio.
- awesome-jax - JAX - A curated list of resources
- awesome-pyramid - A curated list of awesome Pyramid apps, projects and resources.
- awesome-promises - A curated list of useful resources for JavaScript Promises.
- awesome-jquery - A curated list of awesome jQuery plugins, resources and other shiny things.
- awesome-cyclejs - A curated list of awesome Cycle.js resources.
- awesome-gulp - :tropical_drink: A curated list of awesome gulp resources, plugins, and boilerplates for a better development workflow automation -
- awesome-steam - 😎 A curated list of packages and resources regarding Steam development.
- awesome-aurelia - A curated list of amazingly awesome Aurelia libraries.
- awesome-knockout - A curated list of awesome plugins for Knockout.
- awesome-cli-apps - 🖥 📊 🕹 🛠 A curated list of command line apps.
- awesome-groovy - A curated list of awesome groovy libraries, frameworks and resources.
- awesome-coq - A curated list of awesome Coq libraries, plugins, tools, verification projects, and resources [maintainers=@anton-trunov,@palmskog].
- awesome-actionscript3 - A curated list of awesome libraries and components for ActionScript 3 and Adobe AIR.
- awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers.
- awesome-vulkan - Awesome Vulkan ecosystem.
- awesome-linux-containers - A curated list of awesome Linux Containers frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-spark - A curated list of awesome Apache Spark packages and resources.
- awesome-iam - 👤 Identity and Access Management knowledge for cloud platforms.
- awesome-cordova - :iphone: A curated list of amazingly awesome Cordova libraries, resources and shiny things.
- Awesome-Ethereum - A Curated List of Awesome Ethereum Resources.
- awesome-nosql-guides - :computer: Curated list of awesome resources and links about using NoSQL databases.
- awesome-radio - Awesome radio stuff.
- urban-and-regional-planning-resources - Community list of data & technology resources concerning the built environment and communities. 🏙️🌳🚌🚦🗺️.
- awesome-ads - A curated list of awesome advertising content, resources and libraries.
- awesome-standard-notes - A curated list of tools and information relating to Standard Notes.
- Awesome-GANs - Awesome Generative Adversarial Networks with tensorflow.
- awesome-cybersecurity-blueteam-cn - 网络安全 · 攻防对抗 · 蓝队清单,中文版.
- awesome-autonomous-vehicle - 无人驾驶的资源列表中文版.
- awesome-zerotier - A collection of things you can do with ZeroTier, how-to guides, and more.
- awesome-openzeppelin - Blockchain educational resources curated by the OpenZeppelin team.
- awesome-sass - A curated list of awesome Sass.
- awesome-js-tooling-not-in-js - A curated list of JavaScript tooling not written in JavaScript.
- awesome-swiftui - A curated list of awesome SwiftUI tutorials, libraries, videos and articles.
- awesome-google-cloud - A curated list of awesome stuff for Google Cloud.
- awesome-mixture-of-experts - A collection of AWESOME things about mixture-of-experts.
- awesome-internet-computer - A curated list of awesome projects and resources relating to the Internet Computer Protocol.
- awesome-iocs - A collection of sources of indicators of compromise.
- awesome-rices - A curated list of awesome unix user rices!.
- awesome-learning - A curated list for DevOps learning resources. Join the slack channel to discuss more.
- awesome-android-testing - A curated list of awesome android testing libraries.
- awesome-ue4 - A curated list of resources for working with Unreal Engine 4. (Awesome Unreal Engine 4).
- awesome-diffusion-categorized - Collection of diffusion model papers categorized by their subareas.
- awesome-flink - 😎 A curated list of amazingly awesome Flink and Flink ecosystem resources.
- awesome-opa - A curated list of OPA related tools, frameworks and articles.
- Awesome-SOAR - A curated Cyber "Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)" awesome list.
- awesome-llms-for-video-understanding - 🔥🔥🔥Latest Papers, Codes and Datasets on Vid-LLMs.
- awesome-model-based-RL - A curated list of awesome model based RL resources (continually updated).
- awesome-react-graphql - A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and React/React Native` awesome.
- awesome-wechat-dev-posts-2015 - 2015 年在微信热传的 100+ 篇经典技术文章.
- awesome-graph-transformer - Papers about graph transformers. .
- awesome-embedded-systems - A curated list of delightful Embedded Systems libraries, RTOSes, modules, references and more!.
- awesome-chatgpt - Curated list of ChatGPT related resource, tools, prompts, apps / ChatGPT 相關優質資源、工具、應用的精選清單。.
- awesome-devops - This is my awesome list with all open source and free applications that you can use in your management.
- Awesome-Deep-Graph-Clustering - Awesome Deep Graph Clustering is a collection of SOTA, novel deep graph clustering methods (papers, codes, and datasets).
- awesome-emdl - Embedded and mobile deep learning research resources.
- awesome-distributed-transactions - Awesome list of distributed transactions.
- awesome-gtk - List of awesome GTK (3/4) applications.
- awesome-tools - Awesome tools I used.
- awesome-biomechanics - A curated, public list of resources for biomechanics and human motion analysis: datasets, processing tools, software for simulation, educational videos, lectures, etc.
- awesome-legal - Awesome free legal documents for companies.
- awesome-genome-visualization - A list of interesting genome browser or genome-browser-like implementations.
- awesome-point-cloud-processing - A curated list of awesome Point Cloud Processing Resources, Libraries, Software.
- defi-derivatives - A hopefully comprehensive guide to the defi derivative landscape.
- awesome-ielts - An awesome list for students who prepare for IELTS in public domains (on-going).
- awesome-indonesia-repo - A curated list of amazingly awesome repository created and contributed by Indonesian people.
- awesome-vrchat - One-stop shop for people interested in developing content for VRchat.
- awesome-makerdao - A collection of tools, documents, articles, blog posts, interviews, and videos related to MakerDAO and the Dai stablecoin. .
- awesome-react-talks - :sunglasses: A curated list of talks about React or topics related to React.
- awesome-game-ai - Awesome Game AI materials of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.
- awesome-RecSys - A curated list of awesome Recommender System (Books, Conferences, Researchers, Papers, GitHub Repositories, Useful Sites, YouTube Videos).
- awesome-elixir-cqrs - A curated list of awesome Elixir and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) resources.
- awesome-llm-security - A curation of awesome tools, documents and projects about LLM Security.
- awesome-python-decorator - A curated list of awesome python decorator resources.
- Offensive-OSINT-Tools - OffSec OSINT Pentest/RedTeam Tools.
- awesome-active-learning - Everything you need about Active Learning (AL).
- Awesome-Code-LLM - 👨💻 An awesome and curated list of best code-LLM for research.
- awesome-styleguides - :clipboard: A list of styleguides.
- awesome-explorables - A curated list of awesome explorable explanations.
- SmartContracts-audit-checklist - A checklist of things to look for when auditing Solidity smart contracts. .
- awesome-algorithmic-trading - A curated list of awesome algorithmic trading frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- osx-security-awesome - A collection of macOS and iOS security resources.
- awesome-machine-learning-art - :robot::art::guitar:A curated list of awesome projects, works, people, articles, and resource for creating art (including music) with machine learning. It's machine learning art.
- awesome-anime-sources - A curated list of everything related to anime.
- Awesome-Open-Vocabulary - (TPAMI 2024) A Survey on Open Vocabulary Learning.
- awesome-algolia - 🔍👋 START HERE! A curated list of Algolia libraries, resources and projects.
- Awesome-Controllable-T2I-Diffusion-Models - A collection of resources on controllable generation with text-to-image diffusion models.
- awesome-radare2 - A curated list of awesome projects, articles and the other materials powered by Radare2.
- awesome-geospatial-companies - :globe_with_meridians: List & Map of 700+ companies for geospatial jobs (GIS, Earth Observation, UAV, Satellite, Digital Farming, .).
- awesome-self-driving-car - An awesome list of self-driving cars.
- awesome-runners - A curated list of awesome self-hosted GitHub Action runners in a large comparison matrix.
- awesome-zkml - Awesome-zkml repository.
- Awesome-LLM-Compression - Awesome LLM compression research papers and tools.
- awesome-lisp-languages - A list of Lisp-flavored programming languages.
- awesome-3d-reconstruction-papers - A collection of 3D reconstruction papers in the deep learning era.
- awesome-rust-streaming - A community curated list of Rust Language streamers.
- awesome-open-data-centric-ai - Curated list of open source tooling for data-centric AI on unstructured data. .
- awesome-active-learning - A curated list of awesome Active Learning.
- awesome-multi-omics - List of software packages for multi-omics analysis.
- Awesome-Face-Forgery-Generation-and-Detection - A curated list of articles and codes related to face forgery generation and detection.
- awesome-ChatGPT-resource-zh - 精选 OpenAI 的 [ChatGPT]( 资源清单, 跟随最新资源并添加中文相关Work.
- awesome-log-analysis - A list of awesome research on log analysis, anomaly detection, fault localization, and AIOps.
- awesome-frontend - Awesome frontend, also my collections.
- Awesome-Skeleton-based-Action-Recognition - Skeleton-based Action Recognition.
- awesome-6d-object - Awesome work on object 6 DoF pose estimation.
- Awesome-LLM-3D - Awesome-LLM-3D: a curated list of Multi-modal Large Language Model in 3D world Resources.
- awesome-question-answering - Resources, datasets, papers on Question Answering.
- awesome-redis - A curated list of amazingly awesome redis and redis ecosystem resources. .
- awesome-typescript-korean - 😎한국어로만 선별된 타입스크립트 리소스 리스트 🇰🇷.
- Awesome-React-Native-Education - Use this to learn React Native.
- Awesome-Code-LLM - A curated list of language modeling researches for code and related datasets.
- awesome-5g - Awesome lists about 5G projects.
- awesome-bilibili - B 站的宝藏 up 主名单,他们教技术。关于 Web 开发、计算机科学、机器学习、游戏开发、网络安全等 😎.
- awesome-censys-queries - A collection of fascinating and bizarre Censys Search Queries .
- awesome-chatgpt-dataset - Unlock the Power of LLM: Explore These Datasets to Train Your Own ChatGPT!.
- awesome-rl-for-cybersecurity - A curated list of resources dedicated to reinforcement learning applied to cyber security. .
- awesome-networking - A collection of awesome networking courses, books, tutorials and other resources.
- awesome-androidstudio-plugins - 收集Android studio 常用的插件.
- awesome-notion - A curated list of awesome Notion related things.
- awesome-devrel - Awesome Developer Relations resources curated by the DevRel Collective.
- awesome-writing - An awesome list of information to help developers write better, kinder, more helpful documentation and learning materials.
- awesome-anti-forensic - Tools and packages that are used for countering forensic activities, including encryption, steganography, and anything that modify attributes. This all includes tools to work with anything in general that makes changes to a system for the purposes of hiding information.
- Awesome-Korean-NLP - A curated list of resources for NLP (Natural Language Processing) for Korean.
- awesome-scene-understanding - 😎 A list of awesome scene understanding papers.
- awesome-federated-learning - All materials you need for Federated Learning: blogs, videos, papers, and softwares, etc.
- awesome-visual-question-answering - A curated list of Visual Question Answering(VQA)(Image/Video Question Answering),Visual Question Generation ,Visual Dialog ,Visual Commonsense Reasoning and related area.
- Awesome-LLMs-Evaluation-Papers - The papers are organized according to our survey: Evaluating Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Survey.
- MobileHackersWeapons - Mobile Hacker's Weapons / A collection of cool tools used by Mobile hackers. Happy hacking , Happy bug-hunting.
- awesome-livewire - 🚀 A curated list of awesome resources related to Livewire.
- awesome-blockchain - Curated list of the bitcoin blockchain services.
- awesome-morocco - 👩💻 🇲🇦List of awesome Moroccan things for developers 🇲🇦👨🏻💻.
- awesome-pretrained-models-for-information-retrieval - A curated list of awesome papers related to pre-trained models for information retrieval (a.k.a., pretraining for IR).
- awesome-eventbridge - List of resources for learning about events, patterns, and using Amazon EventBridge.
- awesome-wordlists - A curated list wordlists for bruteforcing and fuzzing.
- awesome-farcaster - A collection of awesome Farcaster links including clients, tools, and more.
- awesome-wp-speed-up - Plugins and resources to speed up and optimize your WordPress site.
- awesome-seo - :star2: A curated list of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) links.
- awesome-isaac-gym - A curated list of awesome NVIDIA Issac Gym frameworks, papers, software, and resources.
- awesome-weekly-robotics - A list of projects that were or will be featured in Weekly Robotics newsletter.
- awesome-aws-appsync - Curated list of AWS AppSync Resources.
- Awesome-LLM4AD - A curated list of awesome LLM for Autonomous Driving resources (continually updated).
- awesome-torch - A curated list of awesome Torch tutorials, projects and communities.
- awesome-cs - 👨💻 ❤️ 💻 上海交通大学计算机系本科作业参考.
- awesome-ray-tracing - Curated list of ray tracing resources.
- awesome-webcomponents - A curated list of awesome Web Components tools, articles and resources.
- awesome-hexo - A curated list of awesome things related to Hexo.
- awesome-storage - A curated list of storage open source tools. Backups, redundancy, sharing, distribution, encryption, etc.
- awesome-audio-visual - A curated list of different papers and datasets in various areas of audio-visual processing.
- awesome-github - An exquisite list of awesome :octocat: secrets.
- awesome-telco - A curated list of telco resources and projects.
- awesome-tap - Useful resources for the Test Anything Protocol.
- awesome-language-agents - List of language agents based on paper "Cognitive Architectures for Language Agents".
- awesome-docker-security - 📚 A curated list of awesome Docker security resources .
- awesome-mediapipe - A curated list of awesome MediaPipe related code examples, libraries and software.
- awesome-persian-podcasts - لیست بهترین پادکستهای فارسی زبان :sound:.
- awesome-ops - 🧰 记录每一个与运维相关的优秀项目,⚗️ 项目内表格通过 GitHub Action 自动生成,📥 当前收录项目 500 个。.
- awesome-3dbody-papers - 😎Awesome list of papers about 3D body.
- 42-resources - My curated 42 school resource collection. The good, the bad and the ugly.
- awesome-machine-unlearning - Awesome Machine Unlearning (A Survey of Machine Unlearning).
- awesome-css-in-js - Awesome CSS in JS articles / tutorials / videos / benchmarks / comparision.
- awesome-uxn - Awesome things from the community.
- awesome-deep-rl - A curated list of awesome Deep Reinforcement Learning resources.
- awesome-parallel-computing - A curated list of awesome parallel computing resources.
- awesome-holistic-3d - A list of papers and resources (data,code,etc) for holistic 3D reconstruction in computer vision.
- awesome-command-control - A collection of awesome Command & Control (C2) frameworks, tools and resources for post-exploitation and red teaming assignments.
- awesome-starcraftAI - A curated list of resources dedicated to StarCraft AI.
- awesome-open-iot - A curated list of awesome open source IoT frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-forensics - Awesome Forensics Resources. Almost 300 open source forensics tools, and 600 blog posts about forensics.
- awesome-learn-by-playing - A collection of tech resources that allow you to learn new things by playing games.
- awesome-es2015-proxy - For learning how to use JavaScript Proxy, or just to see what is possible.
- awesome-flutter - 💗 A curated list of awesome Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more. All you should know about Flutter development!.
- awesome-monte-carlo-tree-search-papers - A curated list of Monte Carlo tree search papers with implementations. .
- awesome-nlp-sentiment-analysis - :book: 收集NLP领域相关的数据集、论文、开源实现,尤其是情感分析、情绪原因识别、评价对象和评价词抽取方面。.
- awesome-opentelemetry - A curated list of OpenTelemetry resources.
- awesome-SLAM-list - Awesome-SLAM-list.
- Awesome-LLM-RAG - Awesome-LLM-RAG: a curated list of advanced retrieval augmented generation (RAG) in Large Language Models.
- awesome-point-cloud-registration - A curated list of point cloud registration.
- awesome-serverless - 🔥 腾讯云 云函数 SCF / Serverless 的 100 种玩法,签到,打卡,小程序,图床,刷金币等各种应用集合。.
- awesome-data-catalogs - 📙 Awesome Data Catalogs and Observability Platforms. .
- awesome-arr - A collection of *arrs and related stuff.
- Awesome-MVS - Awesome list of multi-view stereo papers.
- awesome-buggy-erc20-tokens - A Collection of Vulnerabilities in ERC20 Smart Contracts With Tokens Affected.
- awesome-multi-task-learning - 2024 up-to-date list of DATASETS, CODEBASES and PAPERS on Multi-Task Learning (MTL), from Machine Learning perspective.
- Awesome-LLMs-Datasets - Summarize existing representative LLMs text datasets.
- Awesome-Foundation-Models - A curated list of foundation models for vision and language tasks.
- awesome-thesis - A curated list of practical tips and tricks to help you achieve an awesome CS master thesis [WIP] - contributions are welcome.
- Awesome-AIGC - AIGC资料汇总学习,持续更新.
- jekyll-spaceship - 🚀 A Jekyll plugin to provide powerful supports for table, mathjax, plantuml, mermaid, emoji, video, audio, YouTube, vimeo, dailymotion, soundcloud, spotify, etc.
- awesome-russian-it - :book: :headphones: :tv: :calendar: Список полезных русскоязычных ресурсов, связанных с ИТ -
- awesome-hust - HUST experiments, reports, and useful tools.
- awesome-diffusion-model-in-rl - A curated list of Diffusion Model in RL resources (continually updated).
- awesome-polars - A curated list of Polars talks, tools, examples & articles. Contributions welcome ! .
- awesome-threejs - 3️⃣ A curated list of awesome ThreeJS resources.
- Awesome-of-Long-Tailed-Recognition - A curated list of long-tailed recognition resources.
- awesome-decompilation - A curated list of awesome decompilation resources and projects.
- awesome-jekyll - A collection of awesome Jekyll goodies (tools, templates, plugins, guides, etc.).
- awesome-awesomes - Awesome collection of awesome lists of libraries, tools, frameworks and software for any programming language :D.
- awesome-firmware-security - Awesome Firmware Security & Other Helpful Documents.
- awesome-ai-tools - A curated list of Artificial Intelligence Top Tools.
- awesome-image-denoising-state-of-the-art - Awesome image and video denoising, state of the art networks.
- awesome-feature-engineering - A curated list of resources dedicated to Feature Engineering Techniques for Machine Learning.
- awesome-blockchain-articles - A collection of awesome blockchain articles. Good learning resources about blockchain. .
- awesome-aws-certifications - ☁️ A curated list of AWS certification materials: videos courses, practice exams, prep tips, etc.
- awesome-distributed-system-projects - 🚀 List of distributed system projects for inspiration and learning to build distributed services from real world examples.
- awesome-chatgpt - Selected ChatGPT demos, tools, articles, and more ✨.
- awesome-serverless-security - A curated list of awesome serverless security resources such as (e)books, articles, whitepapers, blogs and research papers.
- awesome-lisp-companies - Awesome Lisp Companies.
- awesome-freelance-fr - :sunglasses: Curated list of awesome tools to build your freelance career (in france).
- awesome-decision-transformer - A curated list of Decision Transformer resources (continually updated).
- awesome-transformers - A curated list of awesome transformer models.
- Awesome-Self-Supervised-Papers - Paper bank for Self-Supervised Learning.
- awesome-diy-software - A curated list of awesome DIY software.
- Awesome-Segmentation-With-Transformer - [Arxiv-04-2023] Transformer-Based Visual Segmentation: A Survey.
- netlas-cookbook - The goal of this guide is very simple - to teach anyone interested in cyber security, regardless of their knowledge level, how to make the most of
- awesome-cloud-security - A curated list of awesome cloud security blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples.
- awesome-cloudformation - A curated list of resources and projects for working with AWS CloudFormation.
- awesome-project-management - Awesome lists about Project Management interesting and useful topics.
- awesome-eve - A list of 3rd party Applications and Tools for the awesome Eve Online MMO.
- Awesome-Dev-Contents - ☕ 차 한잔하며 즐겨볼만한 좋은 개발 글을 소개해 드립니다.
- awesome-video-anomaly-detection - Papers for Video Anomaly Detection, released codes collection, Performance Comparision.
- Awesome-Out-Of-Distribution-Detection - A professionally curated list of papers, tutorials, books, videos, articles and open-source libraries etc for Out-of-distribution detection, robustness, and generalization.
- awesome-CoreML-models - Collection of models for Core ML .
- awesome-collector - 1.01の法則.
- text_mining_resources - Resources for learning about Text Mining and Natural Language Processing.
- awesome-robotics-projects - A list of open-source, affordable, less-known, or visionary robotics projects.
- awesome-data-annotation - A list of tools for annotating data, managing annotations, etc.
- awesome-url-shortener - 🔗 A curated list of awesome url shortener.
- awesome-codebases - A collection of awesome open-source codebases worth exploring.
- awesome-astro - Curated resources on building sites with Astro, a brand new way to build static and server rendered sites, with cross-framework components, styling and reactive store support.
- awesome-video-text-retrieval - A curated list of deep learning resources for video-text retrieval.
- awesome-event-ids - Collection of Event ID ressources useful for Digital Forensics and Incident Response.
- made-in-ukraine - 🇺🇦 Curating the best projects that were made and mainly contributed by Ukrainian developers.
- awesome-detection-engineering - Detection Engineering is a tactical function of a cybersecurity defense program that involves the design, implementation, and operation of detective controls with the goal of proactively identifying malicious or unauthorized activity before it negatively impacts an individual or an organization.
- awesome-cli-frameworks - Collection of tools to build beautiful command line interface in different languages.
- awesome-panoptic-segmentation - Panoptic Segmentation Resources List.
- awesome-programming-languages - The list of an awesome programming languages that you might be interested in.
- Awesome-Simultaneous-Translation - Paper list of simultaneous translation / streaming translation, including text-to-text machine translation and speech-to-text translation.
- awesome-electronjs-hacking - A curated list of awesome resources about Electron.js (in)security.
- awesome-security-GRC - Curated list of resources for security Governance, Risk Management, Compliance and Audit professionals and enthusiasts (if they exist).
- continual-learning-papers - Continual Learning papers list, curated by ContinualAI.
- Awesome-Android-Reverse-Engineering - A curated list of awesome Android Reverse Engineering training, resources, and tools.
- awesome-mesos - Everything about Apache Mesos.
- awesome-toolkits - A curated list of open source, high-quality, popular and well maintained "zero-configuration" (#0CJS) toolkits.
- Awesome_Underwater_Datasets - Pointers to large-scale underwater datasets and relevant resources.
- divertidalista - A lista mais divertida de projetos Open Source que você vai encontrar na internet.
- awesome-windows-red-team - A curated list of awesome Windows frameworks, libraries, software and resources for Red Teams.
- awesome-ai-sdks - A database of SDKs, frameworks, libraries, and tools for creating, monitoring, debugging and deploying autonomous AI agents.
- awesome-kaldi - This is a list of features, scripts, blogs and resources for better using Kaldi ( ).
- Awesome-MEV - A list of MEV resources with a focus on past research papers/talks.
- Awesome-Referring-Image-Segmentation - :books: A collection of papers about Referring Image Segmentation.
- awesome-laravel-nova - Curated list of Laravel Nova resources.
- awesome-sentinel - Curated list of awesome tools, tutorials and APIs for Copernicus Sentinel satellite data.
- awesome-protein-representation-learning - Awesome Protein Representation Learning.
- awesome-tensorflow-2 - 👉 Tensorflow 2.x resources such as tutorial, blog, code and videos.
- women-teaching-tech - Uma lista de canais ou cursos sobre tecnologia feitos por mulheres.
- awesome-pocketbase - A collection of PocketBase community resources.
- Awesome-LLM-Uncertainty-Reliability-Robustness - Awesome-LLM-Robustness: a curated list of Uncertainty, Reliability and Robustness in Large Language Models.
- indicnlp_catalog - A collaborative catalog of NLP resources for Indic languages.
- awesome-photogrammetry - 😎 Awesome photogrammetry projects.
- awesome-cryptokitties-bubble - Awesome CryptoKitties Bubble (Anno 2017) - Yes, Cute Little Cartoon Cats on the Blockchain! - Digital collectibles secured on a distributed public database w/ crypto hashes. Learn by Example from the Real World - Buy! Sell! Hodl! Sire!.
- awesome-css-grid - A curated list of CSS Grid Resources.
- awesome-sentiment-analysis - Repository with all what is necessary for sentiment analysis and related areas.
- Awesome-Learning-MVS - 📑 A list of awesome learning-based multi-view stereo papers.
- awesome-wp-developer-tools - A collection of plugins, starter themes and tools to make WordPress development easier.
- awesome-knowledge-management - A curated list of amazingly awesome articles, people, applications, software libraries and projects related to the knowledge management space.
- open-computational-neuroscience-resources - A publicly-editable collection of open computational neuroscience resources.
- awesome-visionos - 🥽 awesome Apple visionOS related content.
- awesome-telegram-bots - Collection of examples, libraries and starter-kits for Telegram Bots.
- awesome-afl - A curated list of different AFL forks and AFL inspired fuzzers with detailed equivalent academic papers and AFL-fuzzing tutorials.
- awesome-fe-study-source - :octocat: 获取前端学习资料,随时充电。加入前端学习小组,尽在公众号「前端真好玩」!.
- awesome-blogCN-feeds - 优质的「独立中文博客」订阅列表.
- awesome-python-talks - :clapper: :mortar_board: An opinionated list of awesome videos related to Python, with a focus on training and gaining hands-on experience.
- awesome-open-climate-science - Awesome Open Atmospheric, Ocean, and Climate Science .
- awesome-ml-privacy-attacks - An awesome list of papers on privacy attacks against machine learning.
- Awesome-Noisy-Labels - A Survey.
- awesome-cybersecurity-internships - A list of cybersecurity internships.
- awesome-data-leadership - A curated list of awesome posts, videos, and articles on leading a data team (small and large).
- awesome-sentiment-analysis - Reading list for Awesome Sentiment Analysis papers.
- awesome-mybatis-plus - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to MyBatis-Plus.
- awesome-segmentation-saliency-dataset - A collection of some datasets for segmentation / saliency detection. Welcome to PR.:smile:.
- awesome-anomaly-detection - A complete list of papers on anomaly detection. .
- awesome-ios - 每位 iOS 从业者都值得收藏的资源列表,涵盖教程、框架、工具、网站、资讯等 4600+ 个资源,是目前市面上最全的 iOS 资源聚合文档。.
- Awesome-3D-Object-Detection - Papers, code and datasets about deep learning for 3D Object Detection.
- awesome-vpn - 科学上网的有趣项目集锦,欢迎大家pr自己喜欢的项目到这里。.
- free-for-life - A massive list including a huge amount of products and services that are completely free!.
- awesome-computer-vision-models - A list of popular deep learning models related to classification, segmentation and detection problems.
- awesome-list - Collect all awesome about IT.
- awesome-background-subtraction - A curated list of background subtraction related papers and resources.
- awesome-live-coding-music - A curated list of awesome Live Coding Music frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-raylib - Curated list of awesome stuff for raylib.
- awesome-jsgames - A curated list of awesome JavaScript Games 🎮.
- awesome-playdate - A list of awesome resources for Playdate ( game development and the Playdate SDK (
- awesome-buttplug - A list of awesome projects that use the Buttplug Sex Toy Control Library.
- awesome-frameworkless - A collection of awesome things regarding Frameworkless.
- blogs - Awesome Blogs.
- openmixup - CAIRI Supervised, Semi- and Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning Toolbox and Benchmark.
- awesome-text-generation - A curated list of recent models of text generation and application.
- awesome-dotnet-security - Awesome .NET Security Resources.
- Awesome-Papers-Autonomous-Agent - A collection of recent papers on building autonomous agent. Two topics included: RL-based / LLM-based agents.
- awesome-entity-component-system - :sunglasses: A curated list of Entity-Component-System (ECS) libraries and resources.
- awesome-bangla - A collection of tools, datasets and resources on Bangla computing.
- LM-reasoning - This repository contains a collection of papers and resources on Reasoning in Large Language Models.
- awesome-analyzers - A curated list of .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") diagnostic analyzers and code fixes. Everyone can contribute here!.
- awesome-saas-services - A curated list of the best in class SaaS services for developers and business owners.
- awesome-microservice - A curated list of Microservice resources .
- awesome-league - A list of apps that work with the League of Legends Client & In-Game API.
- awesome-prolog - Curated list of Prolog packages and resources.
- awesome-stylelint - A list of awesome Stylelint plugins, configs, etc.
- awesome-automotive-can-id - :tractor: Collect of CAN IDs and its payloads for various car brands/models in one place. Might be useful for Cyber Security Researchers, Reverse Engineers, and Automotive Electronics Enthusiasts.
- awesome-3dcv-papers-daily - 主要记录计算机视觉、VSLAM、点云、结构光、机械臂抓取、三维重建、深度学习、自动驾驶等前沿paper与文章。.
- awesome-roam - A curated list of resources.
- awesome-cs-training - 台灣資訊培訓相關資源彙整.
- awesome-arabic - A curated list of awesome projects and dev/design resources for supporting Arabic computational needs.
- awesome-large-audio-models - Collection of resources on the applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Audio AI.
- awesome-jekyll-themes - A collection of awesome (gem-packaged) Jekyll themes - Add your theme!.
- awesome-wasi - 😎 Curated list of awesome things regarding WebAssembly WASI ecosystem.
- awesome-campus-expert - 🕶 An awesome list of resources for campus experts! 🕶.
- Awesome-DynamicGraphLearning - Awesome papers about machine learning (deep learning) on dynamic (temporal) graphs (networks / knowledge graphs).
- awesome-concepts - Awesome list about all kinds of interesting topics: Laws, Principles, Mental Models, Cognitive Biases.
- awesome-pandas - A collection of resources for pandas (Python) and related subjects.
- awesome-astronomy - A list of awesome astronomy projects.
- awesome-dotnet-core-applications - An awesome collection of .NET Core real time, sample, architecture reference application projects.
- awesome-github - A curated list of awesome GitHub tools, libraries, resources, and shiny things.
- awesome-joplin - 📒 A curated list of awesome Joplin themes and tools.
- awesome-proxmox-ve - A collection of awesome Proxmox VE documentation, tools, api, blogs, site.
- awesome-mobile-robotics - Useful links of different content related to AI, Computer Vision, and Robotics.
- awesome-CRISPR - List of software/websites/databases/other stuff for genome engineering.
- awesome-badges - A curated collection of awesome things related to status badges.
- awesome-uniswap-v3 - A curated list of awesome Uniswap v3 resources.
- awesome-cicd-security - :books: A curated list of awesome CI CD security resources.
- awesome-high-performance-computing - A curated list of awesome high performance computing resources.
- awesome-soccer-analytics - :soccer::chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of awesome resources related to Soccer Analytics.
- awesome-vm-exploit - share some useful archives about vm and qemu escape exploit.
- awesome-smarthome - Curated list of awesome SmartHome/Home Automation things (open and leaving users in control).
- awesome-awesome-wm - A curated list of awesome tools/scripts/configs for Awesome Window Manager.
- awesome-mysql-performance - 🔥 A curated list of awesome links related to MySQL / MariaDB / Percona performance tuning.
- awesome-zkevm - A curated list of awesome zkEVM resources, libraries, tools and more.
- biblioteca-espanol-gratis - Awesome Programación, Diseño y Tecnología: Cursos y Libros GRATIS.
- VR-Awesome - VR Awesome List.
- awesome-intelligence-writing - Awesome collection of great and useful resources concerning intelligence writing such as manuals/guides, standards, books, and articles.
- Awesome-Imitation-Learning - A curated list of awesome imitation learning resources and publications.
- awesome-multi-view-clustering - Collections for advanced, novel multi-view clustering methods(papers , codes and datasets).
- Awesome-time-series - A comprehensive survey on the time series domains.
- awesome-azure-policy - A curated list of blogs, videos, tutorials, code, tools, scripts, and anything useful to help you learn Azure Policy - by @JesseLoudon.
- frontend-tools - :fire_engine: Useful tools to frontenders.
- awesome-deno-cn - 🦖 长期维护!中文圈下与 Deno 相关的 Awesome 资源全图谱.
- awesome-twitter-algo - The release of the Twitter algorithm, annotated for recsys.
- AWS-Guide - Amazon Web Services (AWS) Guide. Learn all about Amazon Web Services Tools, Services, and Certifications.
- awesome-computational-social-science - A list of awesome resources for Computational Social Science.
- awesome-llm-and-aigc - 🚀🚀🚀A collection of some awesome public projects about Large Language Model, Vision Foundation Model and AI Generated Content.
- awesome-chinese-ner - 中文命名实体识别。包含目前最新的中文命名实体识别论文、中文实体识别相关工具、数据集,以及中文预训练模型、词向量、实体识别综述等。.
- awesome-hyperledger-fabric - A curated list of resources for creating applications with hyperledger fabric.
- awesome-slim - A curated list of awesome tutorials and other resources for the Slim micro framework.
- awesome-instruction-datasets - A collection of awesome-prompt-datasets, awesome-instruction-dataset, to train ChatLLM such as chatgpt 收录各种各样的指令数据集, 用于训练 ChatLLM 模型。.
- awesome-recruitment - List of my favourite recruitment things 💫.
- awesome-pytest - A curated list of awesome pytest resources.
- Awesome-Clean-Code-Resources - An awesome curated list of clean code posts, books and videos.
- Awesome_Quadrupedal_Robots - Awesome Quadrupedal Robots.
- Awesome-LLM-RAG-Application - The resources about the application based on LLM with RAG pattern.
- awesome-federated-computing - :books: :eyeglasses: A collection of research papers, codes, tutorials and blogs on Federated Computing/Learning.
- awesome-cerebro - Curated list of Cerebro plugins and resources.
- Awesome-Best-Papers - Collect awesome best papers from top AI conferences.
- awesome-applied-ct - ACT community resources.
- awesome-macos-commandline - A curated list of awesome command-line software for macOS.
- awesome-online-machine-learning - :bookmark_tabs: Online machine learning resources.
- awesome-directus - A curated list of awesome things related to Directus.
- awesome-directus - A curated list of awesome things related to Directus.
- awesome-pretrain-on-molecules - [IJCAI 2023 survey track]A curated list of resources for chemical pre-trained models.
- awesome-sustainability-jobs - Dev jobs in the sustainability sector - be part of the solution, not the problem.
- awesome-windows-privacy - A list of awesome tools, documentation and scripts for better privacy on Microsoft Windows.
- awesome-iiif - Awesome IIIF-related resources.
- awesome-bluetooth-security - List of Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE security resources.
- awesome-selfhosted-cn - 可以在本地搭建的网络服务和 Web 应用列表。.
- awesome-freedom - In this repository we have collected all awesome tools for iranian people.
- awesome-ruby-security - Awesome Ruby Security resources.
- awesome-quickapp - :100:快应用开发圈资源汇总:100:.
- bookmarks - :warning: Mirrored from ! :bookmark: +5K awesome resources for geeks and software crafters :beer: .
- awesome-forensicstools - Awesome list of digital forensic tools.
- awesome-very-deep-learning - ♾A curated list of papers and code about very deep neural networks.
- awesome-fediverse - A curated, collaborative list of awesome Fediverse resources.
- awesome-ipsum - A curated list of awesome lorem ipsum generators.
- awesome-open-hardware-verification - A List of Free and Open Source Hardware Verification Tools and Frameworks.
- awesome-ospo - Curated list of awesome tools for managing open source programs.
- awesome-programming-games - An ultra mega giga curated list of programming games.
- Awesome-Polybar - Curated list of Polybar .
- awesome-ml-model-compression - Awesome machine learning model compression research papers, tools, and learning material.
- awesome-3d-diffusion - A collection of papers on diffusion models for 3D generation.
- awesome-ai - A curated list of artificial intelligence resources (Courses, Tools, App, Open Source Project).
- Awesome-GNN4TS - 📈 Awesome resources related to GNNs for Time Series Analysis (GNN4TS) 🔥
- Vehicle_reID-Collection - :red_car: the collection of vehicle re-ID papers, datasets. :red_car:.
- awesome-phaser - A curated list of awesome Phaser libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-ios-security - A curated list of awesome iOS application security resources.
- Awesome-LongTailed-Learning - A codebase and a curated list of awesome deep long-tailed learning (TPAMI 2023).
- awesome-wasm-tools - 😎 A curated list of awesome, language-agnostic WebAssembly tools.
- awesome-firebase - :open_file_folder: A curated list of Firebase.
- awesome-web-storage - :sunglasses: Everything you need to know about Client-side Storage.
- awesome-react-native-native-modules - A curated list of Awesome ReactNative: Native Modules Guidelines/Components/News/Tools/Learning Materials.
- awesome-graphviz - A curated list of GraphViz related resources.
- awesome-text-to-video - A Survey on Text-to-Video Generation/Synthesis.
- awesome-ai-tools-for-game-dev - A curated list of awesome AI tools for game developers.
- awesome-live-stream - Webrtc && Nginx && DASH && Quic 学习资料收集,持续更新中.
- awesome-live-reloading - A curated collection of live-reloading / hot-reloading / watch-reloading tools for different languages and frameworks.
- Awesome-Self-hosting-for-the-whole-family - An Awesome List of apps that can be self hosted that your family can actually use without frustration. .
- awesome-sites-to-test-on - A curated list of sites to practice testing on.
- awesome-nodejs-learning - A list limited to the best Node.js Learning Resources.
- awesome-vqa - Visual Q&A reading list .
- usd-resources - A curated list of USD projects and resources.
- awesome-iOS-resource - :iphone: A curated list of awesome iOS resources, including conferences, books, blogs, articles, websites and documentations.
- awesome-sbom - A curated list of SBOM (Software Bill Of Materials) related tools, frameworks, blogs, podcasts, and articles.
- awesome-observability - Awesome observability page.
- Awesome-GPU - Awesome resources for GPUs.
- awesome-openbsd - A curated list of awesome OpenBSD resources.
- awesome-faceReenactment - Papers about Face Reenactment/Talking Face Generation.
- awesome-pokemongo - A list of awesome PokemonGO frameworks, libraries, software, resources and links.
- awesome-woocommerce - Plugins and code snippets to improve your WooCommerce store.
- awesome-robotframework - A curated list of awesome Robot Framework resources and libraries.
- awesome-3D-vision - 3D computer vision incuding SLAM,VSALM,Deep Learning,Structured light,Stereo,Three-dimensional reconstruction,Computer vision,Machine Learning and so on.
- awesome-llvm - A curated list of awesome LLVM (including Clang, etc) related resources.
- awesome-admin - Awesome Admin Template. 优秀的后台管理框架.
- awesome-chatbots - A curated list of awesome Chatbot services and resources.
- awesome-csirt - Awesome CSIRT is an curated list of links and resources in security and CSIRT daily activities.
- awesome-remote-work - 😎 Awesome lists about remote work.
- awesome-ocelot - A curated list of awesome ocelot books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors.
- Awesome-Parameter-Efficient-Transfer-Learning - Collection of awesome parameter-efficient fine-tuning resources. .
- AquaMinerale2b2t-starred-this-repo - Star to change the repo title to your username!.
- awesome-PhD - All the resources I wish I knew when starting my PhD. This repository is aimed to be a living, constantly developing resource where everybody can contribute with new resources!.
- awesome-source-free-test-time-adaptation - A curated list of papers in Test-time Adaptation, Test-time Training and Source-free Domain Adaptation.
- awesome-lowcode-component - 精选低代码 (LowCode) 资源列表.
- Awesome-AI - A curated list of awesome things related to artificial intelligence tools.
- awesome-embodied-vision - Reading list for research topics in embodied vision.
- awesome-hosting - List of awesome hosting sorted by minimal plan price.
- Awesome-Visual-Captioning - This repository focus on Image Captioning & Video Captioning & Seq-to-Seq Learning & NLP.
- awesome-full-stack-machine-learning-courses - Curated list of publicly accessible machine learning engineering courses from CalTech, Columbia, Berkeley, MIT, and Stanford.
- Awesome-Sketch-Synthesis - :books: A collection of papers about Sketch Synthesis (Generation).
- awesome-monzo - A curated list of awesome Monzo related things.
- awesome-chakra-ui - A collection of Chakra UI-related awesomeness.
- awesome-frames - All the best Farcaster Frames resources in one place.
- awesome-web3 - A curated list of awesome Web3 resources, libraries, tools and more.
- Awesome-AGI - A curated list of awesome AGI frameworks, software and resources.
- awesome-Islam - A curated list of awesome islam related projects, frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.
- awesome-vehicle-re-identification - Collection of dataset&paper&code on Vehicle Re-Identification.
- awesome-instruction-learning - Papers and Datasets on Instruction Tuning and Following. ✨✨✨.
- Awesome-Text-to-3D - A growing curation of Text-to-3D, Diffusion-to-3D works.
- Awesome-Law-NLP-Research-Work - Awesome Law NLP Research Work, Paper, Competition, Onlline System.
- awesome-communities-and-events-tech-brazil - Uma curadoria de comunidades e eventos tech incríveis para você participar.
- chrome-extensions - Awesome Chrome Extensions.
- awesome-docs - A curated list of awesome documentation tools.
- awesome-public-real-time-datasets - A list of publicly available datasets with real-time data maintained by the team at
- awesome-aws-workshops - (Unofficial) curated list of awesome workshops found around in the internet. As we all have been there, finding that workshop that you have just attended shouldn't be hard. The idea is to provide an easy central repository, in a collaborative way.
- awesome-vision-and-language - A curated list of awesome vision and language resources (still under construction. stay tuned!).
- awesome-java8 - Curated list of useful, if not amazing, resources that take advantage of Java 8 and "Modern Java" thinking.
- Awesome-GNN-Research - My future research.
- awesome-financial-nlp - Researches for Natural Language Processing for Financial Domain.
- MATLAB-Deep-Learning-Model-Hub - Discover pretrained models for deep learning in MATLAB.
- awesome-dashboards - List of dashboards free to use.
- awesome-industrial-protocols - Security-oriented list of resources about industrial network protocols. .
- awesome-portugal-data - 🇵🇹 Lista de repositórios de dados abertos em Portugal.
- awesome-tor - A list of awesome Tor related projects, articles, papers, etc.
- command-line-tools - Awesome Command Line Utilities.
- awesome-linq - A curated collection of awesome LINQ libraries, tools, and more.
- Best-student-discount-services - Best student discount services one should definitely try out! Contributions and translations are highly encouraged. .
- awesome-random-stuff - Collection of interesting things I find on the World Wide Web.
- Awesome-Scientific-Language-Models - A Comprehensive Survey of Scientific Large Language Models and Their Applications in Scientific Discovery.
- awesome-state-of-depth-completion - Current state of supervised and unsupervised depth completion methods.
- awesome-ehr-deeplearning - Curated list of awesome papers for electronic health records(EHR) mining, machine learning, and deep learning.
- awesome-korean-llm - Awesome list of Korean Large Language Models.
- awesome-networking - Curated list of awesome computer networking resources.
- awesome-backbone - A list of resources for backbone.js.
- awesome-ocr - Papers about ocr.
- awesome-learning-haskell - A collection of resources which were useful to Tweagers for learning Haskell and its various aspects.
- awesome-azure - A Curated List of Azure Resources. The list provides you with enough resources to get a full overview of the services in Azure and get started with cloud computing.
- awesome-raspberry-pi - Curated list of projects with raspberry pi.
- Awesome-3D-Detectors - Paperlist of awesome 3D detection methods.
- Awesome-Image-Harmonization - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to image harmonization.
- Awesome-AIGC-3D - A curated list of awesome AIGC 3D papers.
- companies-hiring-security-remote - This repo is meant to be a list of companies that hire security people full remote.
- typescript-tips - A curated list of awesome 🔥 TypeScript Tips 🔥.
- awesome-devtools - 🤖 A curated list of in-browser bookmarklets, tools, and resources for modern full-stack software engineers.
- Awesome-Denoise - One-paper-one-short-contribution-summary of all latest image/burst/video Denoising papers with code & citation published in top conference and journal.
- awesome-jscodeshift - A curated list of jscodeshift packages and resources.
- machine-learning-resources - A curated list of awesome machine learning frameworks, libraries, courses, books and many more.
- open-source-handbook - ⭐️ Open source projects for all skill levels.
- awesome-medusajs - A curated list of awesome resources related to MedusaJS 😎.
- awesome-open-source-organizations - ⚡️ A list of organizations that have open sourced everything they do.
- Awesome-Distributed-Deep-Learning - A curated list of awesome Distributed Deep Learning resources.
- awesome-deepfakes-materials - A curated list of awesome Deepfakes materials.
- awesome-human-motion - 🏃♀️ A curated list about human motion capture, analysis and synthesis.
- ai-catalog - Huge AI models catalog. A curated list of AI tools, platforms, and resources across various domains.
- awesome-authorization - A curated list of information and resources about authorization.
- ProjectSoundtracks - 🎧 List of best Soundtracks to boost your Productivity and Focus.
- awesome-one-person-games - :video_game: A curated list of successul games, made (quite) entirely by a lone gamedev.
- awesome-devops - A curated list of awesome softwares for Devops.
- Awesome-Diffusion-Model-Based-Image-Editing-Methods - Diffusion Model-Based Image Editing: A Survey (arXiv).
- NLP101 - NLP 101: a resource repository for Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing.
- Awesome-LLM4RS-Papers - Large Language Model-enhanced Recommender System Papers.
- awesome-image-alignment-and-stitching - A curated list of awesome resources for image alignment and stitching .
- awesome-new - A list of `.new` domains to perform online actions in one quick action.
- awesome-data - Awesome-data shows most interesting data-source around the financial world!.
- awesome-point-clouds-registration - A list of papers about point clouds registration.
- awesome-courses - List of free online programming/CS courses [Massive Open Online Courses].
- Awesome-Image-Matting - :notebook: A curated list of deep learning image matting papers and codes.
- awesome-cryptocurrency - Cryptocurrency resources.
- awesome-extreme-programming - Uma lista de recursos pra estudar e ir a fundo em ⚡ eXtreme Programming ⚡.
- awesome-WebVR - A curated list of awesome WebVR packages and resources.
- awesome-paas - A curated list of PaaS, developer platforms, Self hosted PaaS, Cloud IDEs and ADNs.
- awesome-privacy-chinese - [WIP]国内隐私合规技术交流.
- awesome-discord - 🕹 A curated list of awesome things on Discord.
- Awesome-Novel-Class-Discovery - A list of papers that studies Novel Class Discovery.
- awesome-haxe-gamedev - Resources for game development on haxe.
- awesome-ecommerce-stack - 💰 Popular marketing tools and add-ons used by 10,000+ of the top e-commerce stores.
- awesome-keepass - Curated list of KeePass-related projects.
- awesome-hyper-v-exploitation - A curated list of Hyper-V exploitation resources, fuzzing and vulnerability research.
- Awesome-Face-Restoration - A comprehensive list of recources (papers, repositories etc.) about face restoration methods.
- awesome-halo - 与 Halo 相关的周边生态资源列表.
- awesome-graphics-libraries - :sunglasses: A curated list of 3D graphics libraries and resources.
- awesome-database-design - :zap: A collection of resources and tutorials to design a better database schema.
- low-resource-languages - Resources for conservation, development, and documentation of low resource (human) languages.
- - WeChat: NeuralTalk,Weekly report and awesome list of embedded-ai.
- awesome-open-hardware - 🛠Helpful items for making open source hardware projects.
- awesome-surreal - A curated list of SurrealDB resources, tools, utilities, and applications.
- awesome-point-cloud-place-recognition - A list of papers about point cloud based place recognition, also known as loop closure detection in SLAM (processing).
- awesome-ai-infrastructures - Infrastructures™ for Machine Learning Training/Inference in Production.
- Awesome-OSINT-For-Everything - OSINT tools for Information gathering, Cybersecurity, Reverse searching, bugbounty, trust and safety, red team oprations and more.
- nlp_thai_resources - More than 50+ collections of Thai Natural Language Processing libraries. Update daily.
- awesome-figma - 💡 A curated list of delightful Figma resources.
- awesome-note-taking - A curated list of awesome note-taking software.
- awesome-free-services - Awesome free online services for startups and freelancers!.
- awesome-learning-resources - 收集最优质的学习资料。专治“学习资料不足恐惧症”。.
- awesome - A curated list of awesome frontend development resources.
- RGBD-semantic-segmentation - A paper list of RGBD semantic segmentation (processing).
- awesome-remark - Curated list of awesome remark resources.
- awesome-computer-graphics - A curated list of awesome computer graphics. .
- awesome-rxjs - A collection of awesome RxJS resources.
- awesome-opensource-email - Awesome Opensource Email Resources.
- awesome-rtc-hacking - A list of awesome resources related to security and hacking of VoIP, WebRTC and VoLTE.
- awesome-devcontainers - A curated list of awesome tools and resources about dev containers for common programming languages and technology stacks to boost your developer productivity 🚀.
- Awesome-Few-Shot-Image-Generation - A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to few-shot image generation.
- awesome-books - 📚 集合各类精品 IT 技术书籍,方便大家进行学习,也会推荐一些书,定期更新,长期维护!.
- awesome-self-supervised-learning-for-graphs - A curated list for awesome self-supervised learning for graphs.
- awesome-kgqa - A collection of some materials of knowledge graph question answering.
- awesome-coding-camps - A curated list of awesome Coding Bootcamps and websites to help you boost your career in Programming.
- Data-Science - Projects and awesome list for all Data Science fields.
- awesome-mesh - This is a list for mesh networking: Documentation, Free Software mesh protocols, and applications. A mesh network is a network topology in which each node relays data for the network. All mesh nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network.
- awesome-moleculer - :rocket: A list of awesome things related to Moleculer microservices framework.
- awesome-react-native-talks - :sunglasses: A curated list of talks about React Native or topics related to React Native.
- awesome-quantum-ml - Curated list of awesome papers and resources in quantum machine learning.
- list - A curated list of awesome Yii Framework extensions, tutorials and other nice things.
- awesome-graal - A curated list of awesome resources for Graal, GraalVM, Truffle and related topics.
- awesome-api-clients - List of awesome API clients. Postman and Insomnia alternatives.
- awesome-trilium - A collection of interesting Trilium Notes extensions. Including themes, widgets, scripts, API extensions, etc. Trilium插件合集.
- awesome-semiconductor-startups - List of awesome semiconductor startups.
- awesome-robot-descriptions - A curated list of awesome robot descriptions (URDF, MJCF).
- awesome-js-tooling-in-rust - A curated list of JavaScript tooling written in Rust.
- awesome-nextjs - A curated list of awesome Nextjs-based libraries that help build small and large-scale applications with next.js.
- Awesome-Multi-Task-Learning - A list of multi-task learning papers and projects. .
- awesome-testing-courses - A curated list of awesome online courses and tutorials on software testing, test automation and more.
- awesome-bsd - A collection of awesome BSD related stuff.
- data-matching-software - A list of free data matching and record linkage software. .
- Computer-Vision-Video-Lectures - A curated list of free, high-quality, university-level courses with video lectures related to the field of Computer Vision.
- awesome-42 - 😎 A list of useful resources, links and more for @42School students.
- mind-bicycles - List of future of programming projects.
- sentinel-awesome - A curated list of awesome things (resource, sample, extensions) for Sentinel.
- awesome-model-compression-and-acceleration - A list of awesome papers on deep model ompression and acceleration.
- awesome-materials-informatics - Curated list of known efforts in materials informatics = modern materials science.
- awesome-universal-rendering - Awesome resources about server side sendering (SSR), static rendering, pre-rendering, static site generators (SSG).
- safari-extensions - Awesome Safari extensions .
- ThreatHunting-Keywords - Awesome list of keywords and artifacts for Threat Hunting sessions.
- awesome-graph-attack-papers - Adversarial attacks and defenses on Graph Neural Networks.
- mac-awesomeTools - Mac常用软件等等,有你需要的!.
- ABSAPapers - Worth-reading papers and related awesome resources on aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA). 值得一读的方面级情感分析论文与相关资源集合.
- awesome-free-deep-learning-papers - Free deep learning papers.
- awesome-metaverse-zh - Awesome metaverse projects (元宇宙精选资源汇总).
- awesome-data-podcasts - A list of awesome data podcasts.
- awesome-job-boards - A curated list of awesome job boards.
- Awesome-Document-Image-Rectification - A comprehensive list of awesome document image rectification papers.
- awesome-kubernetes-threat-detection - A curated list of resources about detecting threats and defending Kubernetes systems.
- awesome-opensource-israel - A curated list of Israeli-made projects, events, and individuals.
- awesome-lowcode - A collection of Awesome low-code development platform (LCDP).
- awesome-ebooks-list - 编程类电子书合集.
- awesome-leptos - A collection of awesome libraries in the Leptos ecosystem.
- awesome-hilarious-repos - Awesome hilarious GitHub repositories.
- awesome-openusd - A curated list of awesome Universal Scene Description (OpenUSD) resources and projects.
- awesome-tools-for-junior-developers - A curated list of popular tools, tips and tricks for aspiring developers.
- awesome-gnss - Community list of open-source GNSS software and resources :satellite:.
- awesome-digitalocean - A curated list of amazingly awesome DigitalOcean resources inspired by Awesome Sysadmin.
- Awesome-Monocular-3D-detection - Awesome Monocular 3D detection.
- Awesome-DEM - Overview of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) datasets.
- awesome-ruby-china - A collection of excellent topics.
- awesome-biomarkers - Curated List of Biomarkers, Blood Tests, and Blood Tracking.
- awesome-cryptoeconomics - 📚 A curated collection of links for cryptoeconomists.
- awesome-MATLAB - A curated list of awesome MATLAB toolboxes, applications, software and resources.
- awesome-android-tools - A curated list of awesome Android Tools.
- awesome-privacy - Repository for collection of research papers on privacy. .
- awesome-segment-anything-extensions - Segment-anything related awesome extensions/projects/repos.
- awesome-rubies - A collection of awesome Rubies (compilers, interpreters, virtual machines, parsers, doc generators, version managers, etc.) .
- awesome-flutter-talks - A list of Flutter related talks .
- Awesome-Reasoning-Foundation-Models - ✨✨Latest Papers and Benchmarks in Reasoning with Foundation Models.
- Awesome-Muslims - A currated list of Awesome Muslim Resources to encourage and help developers produce more islamic apps.
- awesome-ctf-resources - A list of Capture The Flag (CTF) frameworks, libraries, resources and software for started/experienced CTF players 🚩.
- awesome-semantic-ui - A curated list of Semantic-UI & Fomantic-UI resources and related projects.
- awesome-robotics-datasets - A collection of useful datasets for robotics and computer vision.
- Awesome-Security-Tool-List - This is a list of security tools that I have used or recommend. Welcome any contributions!.
- awesome-privacy - A curated list of tools and services that respect your privacy.
- awesome-multimodal-in-medical-imaging - A collection of resources on applications of multi-modal learning in medical imaging.
- awesome-remnote - A curated list of RemNote plugins, themes, tutorials and other resources.
- awesome-frontend-gis - Geospatial resources for web development :earth_africa: 🗺️.
- awesome-restic - Awesome Restic related projects.
- awesome-layer-2 - All the layer 2 projects.
- awesome-ocap - Awesome Object Capabilities and Capability Security.
- awesome-hangul - An awesome list of Hangul/Korean related libraries and modules.
- awesome-edge-computing - A curated list of awesome edge computing, including Frameworks, Simulators, Tools, etc.
- a11y-courses - Courses offered in web accessibility (and other learning opportunities).
- guia-ackercode - Guia Acker Code de Programação e Hacking.
- Awesome-Table-Recognition - A curated list of resources dedicated to table recognition.
- awesome-lua - A curated list of awesome Lua frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-software-design-ja - 日本語でのソフトウェア開発・設計に関する記事や書籍をまとめたリポジトリです.
- awesome-tech-conferences - :loudspeaker: A curated list of upcoming technical conferences.
- Text-Summarization-Repo - 텍스트 요약 분야의 주요 연구 주제, Must-read Papers, 이용 가능한 model 및 data 등을 추천 자료와 함께 정리한 저장소입니다.
- Awesome-SGX-Open-Source - A curated list of open-source projects that help exploit Intel SGX technology.
- awesome-depth - A curated list of publication for depth estimation.
- awesome-list - Curated list of links on component-driven development and design systems.
- awesome-parking-slot-detection - Papers and codes about parking slot detection.
- awesome-multi-modal-reinforcement-learning - A curated list of Multi-Modal Reinforcement Learning resources (continually updated).
- awesome-eks - A curated list of awesome tools for Amazon EKS 🌊.
- awesome-maps - There is more than google: A collection of great online maps 🌍🗺🌎.
- awesome-open-source-systems - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome Free Open Source Softwares(FOSS).
- awesome-fetch - Command-line fetch tools for system/other information.
- Awesome-NodeJS - A curated collection of best Node.js Resources ✍️.
- awesome-semantic-search - A curated list of awesome resources related to Semantic Search🔎 and Semantic Similarity tasks.
- ai4artists - A list of AI Art courses, tools, libraries, people, and places.
- awesome-fsm - 🤖 A curated list of awesome resources related to finite state machines and statecharts.
- awesome-developer-marketing - A living document of hand-picked resources for marketers working on dev-centric products. .
- warren - Links to lose yourself in, curated from HN and other sources.
- awesome-gans-and-deepfakes - A curated list of GAN & Deepfake papers and repositories.
- awesome-gpt3 - Curating the best GPT3 tools and resources.
- Awesome-Traffic-Agent-Trajectory-Prediction - This is a list of papers related to traffic agent trajectory prediction. .
- awesome-ux - A awesome list about User Experience disciplines.
- awesome-MIM - Reading list for research topics in Masked Image Modeling.
- awesome-go-with-stars - Awesome-go list with stars. Automatically updated.
- awesome-taleb - A curated list of awesome things about Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
- awesome-scheme - A curated list of awesome Scheme libraries and resources.
- awesome-browser-automation - Curated list of awesome browser automation tools and resources.
- awesome-iran-remote - A list of remote-friendly or full-remote companies that targets iranian talents.
- awesome-iouring - Delightful io_uring packages and resources.
- awesome-pretrained-stylegan - A collection of pre-trained StyleGAN models to download.
- awesome-rive - An awesome list that curates Rive runtime examples, articles and tutorials, videos, resources and more!.
- awesome-cl-software - List of awesome application software built with Common Lisp.
- awesome-knowledge-driven-AD - A curated list of awesome knowledge-driven autonomous driving (continually updated).
- awesome-gravity-forms - A collection of third party add-ons for Gravity Forms plugin.
- edge-ai - A curated list of resources for embedded AI.
- awesome-maplibre - A collection of awesome things that use or support MapLibre!.
- awesome-object-pose - This repository is a curated list of papers and open source code for 6D Object Pose Estimation.
- - The repository is used to collect the awesome code of
- awesome-nerf-editing - 🧙🏻♂️A list of papers curated for you to dive into the awesome Radiance Fields approaches for 3D Editing.
- awesome-arm-exploitation - A collection of awesome videos, articles, books and resources about ARM exploitation.
- awesome-real-world-rl - Great resources for making Reinforcement Learning work in Real Life situations. Papers,projects and more. .
- trackawesomelist - Track 500+ Awesome List Updates, Track it - not just star it!.
- awesome-bulma - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Bulma CSS Framework.
- awesome-demos - Links and status of cool gradio demos.
- awesome-fairness-in-ai - A curated list of awesome Fairness in AI resources.
- awesome-swarm - All the awesome tools, docs, and training on Docker and Mirantis Swarm Mode (SwarmKit).
- awesome-gh-cli-extensions - Awesome list of GitHub cli extensions.
- awesome-oss-investors - Awesome list of VCs investing in commercial open-source startups 💸.
- awesome-i18n - 🌍 A curated list of i18n resources for all kind of languages and frameworks.
- awesome-nlprojects - List of projects related to Natural Language Processing (NLP) that make a geek smile for they exist.
- awesome-sql - List of tools and techniques for working with relational databases.
- awesome-lottie - A curated list of bookmarks, libraries, tools and resources related to Lottie and Bodymovin.
- Electronic-Interchange-Github-Resources - List of EDI (Mostly) GitHub Resources.
- awesome-structure-editors - A list of projectional and structural editors.
- awesome-recommender-systems - A curated list of awesome resources about Recommender Systems.
- awesome-go-perf - A curated list of Awesome Go performance libraries and tools.
- awesome-lego-machine-learning - A curated list of resources dedicated to Machine Learning applications to LEGO bricks.
- awesome-recommend-system-pretraining-papers - Paper List for Recommend-system PreTrained Models.
- awesome-tester - 测试开发各种资源汇总.
- awesome-vue-graphql - A curated collection of resources, clients and tools that make working with `GraphQL and Vue.js` awesome.
- awesome-elementor - A collection of third party add-ons for the Elementor page builder plugin.
- awesome-js-posts - A curated list of the latest posts, blogs and repositories related to JavaScript.
- Awesome_Satellite_Benchmark_Datasets - Supplementary material for our paper "THERE IS NO DATA LIKE MORE DATA" is provided.
- Awesome-Information-Bottleneck - This is a curated list for Information Bottleneck Principle, in memory of Professor Naftali Tishby.
- awesome-exploration-rl - A curated list of awesome exploration RL resources (continually updated).
- awesome-svelte - Awesome Svelte: Useful resources for developing Svelte applications.
- Awesome-Extensions - Awesome Extensions for Chrome, Edge and Firefox.
- Awesome-Federated-Learning-on-Graph-and-GNN-papers - Federated learning on graph, especially on graph neural networks (GNNs), knowledge graph, and private GNN.
- awesome-ember - A curated list of awesome Ember.js things.
- awesome-noir - A curated list of awesome things related to learning and programming in Noir.
- awesome-RGBD-SLAM - RGB-D SLAM open sources,good papers,famous research institutions.
- awesome-cli - A curated list of awesome resources for building immersive CLI experiences.
- awesome-cqrs-event-sourcing - A curated list of awesome CQRS and Event Sourcing things.
- Awesome-Bioinformatics-Benchmarks - A curated list of bioinformatics bench-marking papers and resources.
- awesome-balatro - A list of Balatro Mods and Tools.
- awesome-visual-localization - A curated list of awesome visual localization research works.
- Awesome-Maths-Learning - 😎 📜 Collection of the most awesome Maths learning resources in the form of notes, videos and cheatsheets.
- awesome-nocode-lowcode - A curated list of awesome nocode and lowcode ressources for building software without code.
- Awesome-Domain-Generalization - Awesome things about domain generalization, including papers, code, etc.
- awesome-pt - A curated list of awesome private tracker tools. PT工具集.
- awesome-low-code - Awesome Low Code platforms, vendors, tools and resources.
- awesome-time-series-segmentation-papers - This repository contains a reading list of papers on Time Series Segmentation. This repository is still being continuously improved.
- awesome-nuclear - A curated list of open source projects used in nuclear science and engineering.
- awesome-deep-learning-and-machine-learning-questions - 【不定期更新】收集整理的一些网站中(如知乎、Quora、Reddit、Stack Exchange等)与深度学习、机器学习、强化学习、数据科学相关的有价值的问题.
- awesome-reinforcement-learning-lib - GitHub's code repository is all you need.
- awesome-reproducible-research - A curated list of reproducible research case studies, projects, tutorials, and media.
- awesome-pdm - A curated list of awesome PDM plugins and resources.
- angular-awesome-list - Список ресурсов по Angular на русском.
- awesome-java-security - Awesome Java Security Resources 🕶☕🔐.
- awesome-raspberry-pi-zh - 树莓派工具,镜像,教程,文章.
- awesome-cs-tutorial - A collection of ComputerScience and DeepLearning tutorial and tools. ⭐ 自收集整理的有关各类计算机与深度学习课程网站、工具、使用技巧的合集 .
- Awesome-Multimodality - A Survey on multimodal learning research.
- awesome-tca - Awesome list for The Composable Architecture.
- awesome-HAI - A curated list of awesome Human-AI Interaction.
- Collaborative_Perception - This repository is a paper digest of recent advances in collaborative / cooperative / multi-agent perception for V2I / V2V / V2X autonomous driving scenario.
- awesome-revolt - Collection of Revolt libraries, bots, clients and other cool stuff.
- awesome-platform-engineering - Curated list of tools and resources for Platform Engineering.
- flutter-resources - Flutter 开发资源聚集地.
- awesome-trustworthy-deep-learning - A curated list of trustworthy deep learning papers. Daily updating.
- awesome-alice - Библиотеки и ресурсы для Яндекс.Диалогов.
- awesome-gpt4 - Curated list of awesome resources, use cases and demos for GPT-4.
- awesome-uwp - Awesome UWP libs.
- awesome-domain-adaptation-object-detection - A collection of papers about domain adaptation object detection. Welcome to PR the works (papers, repositories) that are missed by the repo.
- awesome-emulators - A curated list of awesome open source emulators.
- awesome-banksalad - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome Banksalad style.
- AWESOME-Azure-Bicep - A curated list of blogs, videos, tutorials, code, tools, scripts, and anything useful to help you learn Azure Bicep - by @ElYusubov.
- awesome-side-project - 🔖 A collection of FREE tools to get your side project off the ground, and fast!.
- awesome-cocos-creator - Cocos Creator 资源汇总.
- awesome-limits - Examples of OS / system limits.
- awesome-static-hosting-and-cms - A collection of awesome static hosting & CMS providers.
- awesome-legged-locomotion-learning - A curated list of resources relevant to legged locomotion learning of robotics.
- awesome-nlp-polish - A curated list of resources dedicated to Natural Language Processing (NLP) in polish. Models, tools, datasets.
- DRL4Recsys - Courses on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) and DRL papers for recommender systems.
- awesome-cancer-variant-databases - A community-maintained repository of cancer clinical knowledge bases and databases focused on cancer variants.
- awesome-haskell-deep-learning - In the tradition of "awesome" (curated) lists, this is a list of references and code for doing deep learning in Haskell.
- awesome-illustrations - A curated list of awesome illustrations & tools ✨.
- awesome-hashgraph - Hashgraph is a superior consensus mechanism / data structure alternative to blockchain.
- awesome-huge-models - A collection of AWESOME things about HUGE AI models.
- awesome-latticeFPGAs - :book: List of FPGA Lattice boards using open tools.
- research-papers - Awesome Research Papers.
- awesome-image-matting - A collection of AWESOME things about image matting.
- awesome-sqlite - A collection of awesome sqlite tools, scripts, books, etc.
- awesome-fintech - A curated list of amazingly awesome financial libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-nativescript - A curated list of awesome articles, plugins, and resources for NativeScript.
- awesome - An open list of awesome Level modules and resources.
- awesome-devsecops-russia - Awesome DevSecOps на русском языке.
- awesome-graphql-security - A curated list of awesome GraphQL Security frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-rancher - Curated list of Rancher resources.
- awesome-Vision-and-Language-Pre-training - Recent Advances in Vision and Language Pre-training (VLP).
- awesome-phd - Curated list of awesome advice, tips, and resources to prepare for PhD/grad school.
- awesome-fuse-fs - Resources related to FUSE (filesystem in user space).
- Awesome-Autonomous-Driving - Awesome-autonomous-driving.
- awesome-machine-learning-jupyter-notebooks-for-colab - A curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials in Jupyter Notebook format ready to run in Google Colaboratory.
- awesome-artificial-general-intelligence - Resources about Artificial General Intelligence.
- awesome-monitoring - List of tools for monitoring and analyze everything.
- awesome-lifelong-continual-learning - A list of papers, blogs, datasets and software in the field of lifelong/continual machine learning.
- awesome-persian-youtubers - لیست بهترین یوتیوبرهای فارسی زبان.
- Develop-Source - Open source for developer.(Include:Java, Android, Algorithm, iOS, macOS, ect).
- awesome-amm - Collection of AMMs, Orderbooks, and everything in between.
- awesome-iot - Internet of Things Notes in Chinese .
- awesome-differential-privacy - List of differential-privacy related resources.
- awesome-stremio - A curated list of awesome tools and addons for Stremio.
- awesome-end-to-end-autonomous-driving - A curated list of awesome End-to-End Autonomous Driving resources (continually updated).
- Awesome-Korean-Speech-Recognition - 한국어 음성인식 STT API 리스트. 각 성능 벤치마크.
- awesome-pentest-cheat-sheets - Collection of cheat sheets useful for pentesting.
- awesome-cosmopolitan - List of Cosmopolitan Libc related resources and projects.
- awesome-pycharm - A curated list of resources for learning and using PyCharm, a Python IDE from JetBrains.
- awesome-snips - A curated list of awesome Snips projects.
- awesome-tools - 我常用或收集的工具.
- awesome - 前端相关的博客、笔记、书籍和书签列表。.
- awesome-consul - A list of awesome consul projects, libraries.
- awesome-spring-cloud - Spring Cloud 优质资源一网打尽.
- awesome-vision-language-navigation - A curated list for vision-and-language navigation. ACL 2022 paper "Vision-and-Language Navigation: A Survey of Tasks, Methods, and Future Directions".
- multimodal-ml-music - List of academic resources on Multimodal ML for Music.
- awesome-open-source-alternatives - 😎 A curated list of awesome open-source alternative.
- awesome-machine-learning-startups-berlin - 🤖 A curated list of machine learning & artificial intelligence startups in Berlin (Germany).
- awesome-azure-openai-llm - "Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Azure OpenAI & Large Language Models" 🔎References to Azure OpenAI, 🦙Large Language Models, and related 🌌 services and 🎋libraries.
- awesome-express - 这个仓库主要是收集 Express 好用的中间件、新闻资讯、网站等,这是我在基于Express开发web应用过程中搜集到的一些插件和看到的一些好的内容。.
- awesome-megadrive - A curated list of Sega Mega Drive development resources.
- Library-of-Ethereum - Curated Collection of Ethereum Ecosystem Resources.
- awesome-solidity - A curated list of awesome Solidity resources.
- awesome-kinesis - Unofficial curated list of resources and references for Kinesis keyboard enthusiasts.
- awesome-official-statistics-software - An awesome list of statistical software for creating and accessing official statistics.
- awesome-websites - A curated list of awesome websites.
- awesome-linux-customization - :books: An awesome list of customization tools for your UN*X/Linux desktop.
- awesome-tensorlayer - A curated list of dedicated resources and applications.
- graph-networks - A list of interesting graph neural networks (GNN) links with a primary interest in recommendations and tensorflow that is continually updated and refined.
- awesome-doctrine - A curated list of amazingly awesome Doctrine 2 ORM related libraries, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-react-native - React Native 学习资源精选仓库(汇聚知识,分享精华).
- Awesome-pose-transfer - A collection of papers and codes for human pose transfer.
- awesome-free-startup-resources - Inspired by /u/fluffhead1 on Reddit. Many thanks for the start of such an awesome list.
- awesome-italian-public-datasets - A selection of interesting Open dataset from the Italian Public Administration and Civic Data use cases.
- Awesome-Mobility-Machine-Learning-Contents - Machine Learning / Deep Learning Contents in Mobility Industry(Transportation).
- awesome-visual-representation-learning-with-transformers - Awesome Transformers (self-attention) in Computer Vision.
- awesome-naive - A curated list of awesome things related to Naive UI.
- awesome-demoscene - A list of demoscene related tools, code and ressources.
- awesome-video - A curated list of awesome video frameworks, libraries, specifications and software.
- awesome-neural-adaptation-in-NLP - Awesome Neural Adaptation in Natural Language Processing. A curated list.
- awesome-memory-forensics - A curated list of awesome Memory Forensics for DFIR.
- awesome-matlab-students - An awesome list of helpful resources for students learning MATLAB & Simulink. List includes tips & tricks, tutorials, videos, cheat sheets, and opportunities to learn MATLAB & Simulink.
- awesome-folding - A curated list of zero-knowledge folding schemes.
- awesome-audio - A curated list of awesome audio technology resources for developers.
- Awesome-WebAssembly-Applications - :star: A Curated List of Awesome WebAssembly Applications.
- awesome-grad-school - 🎓 Advice and resources for thriving and surviving graduate school.
- awesome-prml-ja - インターネット各地に散逸する「パターン認識と機械学習」の解説資料を集約するリポジトリ.
- Python-developer-roadmap - Roadmap for becoming Python developer.
- awesome-ebook - 包含计算机基础、数据结构和算法、Java、Linux、大数据、面试、数据库等电子书籍.
- awesome-sec-s3 - A collection of awesome AWS S3 tools that collects and enumerates exposed S3 buckets.
- awesome-ynab - A list of YNAB projects.
- awesome-tss - A curated list of distributed key generation and threshold signatures implementations.
- awesome-security-collection - 1000+ GitHub Security Resource Collection Repos.
- awesome-python - 🐍 Hand-picked awesome Python libraries and frameworks, organised by category.
- programming-languages - Awesome Programming Languages.
- expert-css - Repositório contendo materiais de estudo de CSS avançado.
- awesome-self-reference - A curated list of examples of self-reference in art, science, and technology.
- awesome-adversarial-examples-dl - A curated list of awesome resources for adversarial examples in deep learning.
- web-development-resources - A list of useful resources for Web Developers! Put it in your bookmarks and contribute something ❤️.
- awesome-reading-list - 程序员必读书单.
- awesome-transformer-search - A curated list of awesome resources combining Transformers with Neural Architecture Search.
- awesome-AR - A curated list of awesome AR (Augmented Reality) resources.
- awesome-autonomous-gpt - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to autonomous AI agents.
- awesome-software-supply-chain-security - A compilation of resources in the software supply chain security domain, with emphasis on open source.
- awesome-linux-dev - A collection of awesome Linux applications and tools for developers.
- awesome-cell-detection-segmentation - Nucleus/cell and histopathology image classification,detection,segmentation.
- awesome-colour - Curated list of awesome colour science resources 😎.
- Awesome-instruction-tuning - A curated list of awesome instruction tuning datasets, models, papers and repositories.
- awesome-web-dev-resources - 👌 My collection of go-to web development resources.
- awesome-forests - 🌳 A curated list of ground-truth forest datasets for the machine learning and forestry community.
- awesome-neo - Resources for working with the NEO blockchain.
- awesome-code-formatters - A curated list of awesome code formatting tools and libraries.
- awesome-android-libraries - Awesome android libraries.
- WinUI-3-Apps-List - A curated collection of over 380+ apps that embrace the WinUI 3 Design.
- awesome-community - A curated list of awesome programming, development, technical support and discussion channels, groups, communities, resources and other shiny things.
- awesome_computer_science - The complete syllabus of Computer Science and Engineering. Roadmap, Checklist for Beginners.
- awesome-spn - A structured list of resources about Sum-Product Networks (SPNs).
- awesome-gnn-systems - A list of awesome GNN systems.
- awesome-agi-cocosci - An awesome & curated list for Artificial General Intelligence, an emerging inter-discipline field that combines artificial intelligence and computational cognitive sciences.
- awesome-jupyterlab-extension - 😎 A curated list of awesome Jupyterlab extension projects. 🌠 Detailed introduction with images.
- awesome-agi-cocosci - An awesome & curated list for Artificial General Intelligence, an emerging inter-discipline field that combines artificial intelligence and computational cognitive sciences.
- awesome-streaming-tools - Awesome Streaming Tools.
- Awesome-MIM - [Survey] Masked Modeling for Self-supervised Representation Learning on Vision and Beyond (
- 36-graphql-concepts - 📜 36 concepts every GraphQL developer should know.
- awesome-iconjar - 44 Collect free icon sets for iconjar. 收集免费的图标包,iconjar 格式(44套)。.
- awesome-inspiration - :fire: A curated list of content worth sharing to help you get inspired! :zap:.
- arctic - [CVPR 2023] Official repository for downloading, processing, visualizing, and training models on the ARCTIC dataset.
- awesome-zero - A curated list of awesome projects that powered by go-zero.
- awesome-mythx-smart-contract-security-tools - A curated list of resources and tools for the MythX smart contract security API.
- awesome-privacy-on-blockchains - A curated list of privacy on blockchains resources.
- awesome-causality - Resources related to causality.
- awesome-engineering-blogs - A curated list of awesome engineering blogs.
- Awesome-CV-Team - 国内外优秀的计算机视觉团队汇总,极市团队整理.
- awesome-rust-cloud-native - A curated list of awesome Cloud Native Rust frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-lemmy - A community driven list of useful apps, tools and websites for the Lemmy federated social network.
- Awesome-LLM-Tabular - Awesome-LLM-Tabular: a curated list of Large Language Model applied to Tabular Data.
- build-your-own-x-zh - 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here) simplified chinese version.
- awesome-webex - A curated list of Cisco Webex resources for developers.
- awesome-emotion-recognition-in-conversations - A comprehensive reading list for Emotion Recognition in Conversations.
- awesome-react-state-management - ⚛️ ・React state management tools and libraries.
- awesome-voip - 🤙Learning VoIP, RTP, pjsip and SIP.
- awesome-programming-presentations - Presentations that programmers should watch.
- awesome-supply-chain - A curated list of awesome supply chain blogs, podcasts, standards, projects, and examples.
- awesome-uniswap-hooks - A curated list of awesome Uniswap v4 hooks resources.
- Awesome-Indonesia-NLP - Resource NLP & Bahasa .
- Awesome-LLM - This project collects awesome resources (e.g., papers, open-source models) for large language model (LLM).
- awesome-platform-engineering-tools - A curated list of Platform Engineering Tools.
- awesome-video-object-detection - This is a list of awesome articles about object detection from video.
- awesome-edge-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome edge machine learning resources, including research papers, inference engines, challenges, books, meetups and others.
- awesome-web-scraper - A collection of awesome web scaper, crawler.
- Awesome-Causality-in-CV - A curated list of Causality in Computer Vision.
- awesome-scientific-python - A curated list of awesome scientific Python resources.
- Awesome-Nuget-Packages - 📦 A collection of awesome and top .NET packages sorted by most popular needs.
- Awesome-Multi-Task-Learning - An up-to-date list of works on Multi-Task Learning.
- awesome-switching - Switching from the *pple ecosystem to Windows / Linux / Android or BSD.
- awesome-odoo - A curated list of awesome Odoo resources.
- awesome-macropad - A curated list of awesome applications, macros, 3D printed cases, guides, and more for the Adafruit CircuitPython rp2040 MacroPad.
- awesome-dev-advocacy - 🥑 List of Awesome Developer Advocacy Resources.
- awesome-websocket-security - Awesome information for WebSockets security research.
- awesome-playcanvas - A curated list of awesome PlayCanvas assets, resources, and more.
- awesome-refine - Carefully curated list of awesome refine resources 🍕.
- awesome-ruby-blogs - A curated list of Awesome Ruby Blogs and Newsletters for Ruby Developers and Newbies.
- Awesome-LLMs-meet-Multimodal-Generation - 🔥🔥🔥 A curated list of papers on LLMs-based multimodal generation (image, video, 3D and audio).
- awesome-fluid-dynamics - A curated list of repositories related to fluid dynamics.
- awesome-ai-tools - Finding the AI tools you need!.
- awesome-vba - A curated list of awesome VBA/VB6 frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- Awesome-Embeded-AI - 收集关于嵌入式领域的机器学习算法实现的进展、相关论文和文章、开发库等,帮助初学者快速了解、学习和入门嵌入式领域的机器学习。CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0。.
- awesome-nodejs-cn - Node.js 资源大全中文版,正在翻译中。。。.
- awesome-technical-communication - 😎 A curated list of awesome resources about technical communication.
- awesome-metalsmith - Resources and examples for Metalsmith.
- awesome-ontology - A curated list of ontology things.
- awesome-storj - A curated list of projects, tools, and resources for Storj.
- awesome-danmaku - A collaborative list of awesome danmaku resources. 开源弹幕资源列表。.
- awesome-machine-learning-engineer - 🤓 A curated awesome list of Machine Learning Engineering resources. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-sgx - A curated list of SGX code and resources.
- awesome-manim - A database with many Manim users and content creators.
- awesome-zero-knowledge-proofs - A curated list of awesome Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) resources.
- awesome-esbuild - A curated list of awesome esbuild resources.
- lobe-chat-agents - 🤖 / 🏪 Agent Index - This is the agent index for LobeChat. It accesses index.json from this repository to display a list of available agents for LobeChat to the agent market.
- awesome-hasura - A curated list of awesome things relating to the hasura ecosystem.
- awesome-egocentric-vision - A curated list of egocentric (first-person) vision and related area resources.
- awesome-keyword-spotting - This repository is a curated list of awesome Speech Keyword Spotting (Wake-Up Word Detection).
- best-of-crypto - 🏆 A ranked list of awesome open-source crypto projects. Updated weekly.
- awesome-jobs-colombia - Una lista con empresas para trabajar como desarrollador de software en Colombia.
- data-science-learning-path - Data Science Learning Path - A complete guide to learn data science for beginners.
- awesome-dapps - A curated list of awesome decentralized applications / resources.
- awesome-github-profile-readme-chinese - 🦩 优秀的中文区个人主页搜集.
- awesome-nanopore - A curated list of awesome nanopore analysis tools.
- awesome-retrospectives - A curated list of resources for facilitating and learning about retrospectives.
- awesome-winui - A collection of awesome resources for WinUI / Windows developers.
- awesome-zero-knowledge - A curated list of Zero Knowledge links, mostly focusing on blockchain.
- awesome-beancount - Awesome Beancount Resources.
- awesome-ton - A curated list of remarkable libraries, tools, services, protocols, and smart contracts related to TON.
- awesome-rtb - Curated list of awesome Real Time Bidding ( RTB) frameworks, libraries, resources and other related to RTB things.
- awesome-ast - A curated list of awesome AST resources.
- Awesome-RealityKit - Awesome projects and resources about RealityKit.
- awesome-clang - Useful resources and samples for using Clang-related tools, or for building stuff on top of Clang.
- awesome-it-communities-ua - Awesome Ukrainian IT Communities.
- awesome-normalization-techniques - Papers for normalization techniques, released codes collections.
- awesome-cosmwasm - :sunglasses: Curated list of tools, contracts, and projects working with CosmWasm.
- awesome-linux-resources - Linux resources for the begainners and advanced users.
- awesome-mvs - A curated list of tutorials, papers, software related to multi-view stereo.
- Awesome-Caffe - Awesome Caffe.
- FLOSS-Games-on-Steam - A list of FLOSS games available on Steam (75 so far).
- Awesome-Image-Distortion-Correction - A curated list of resources on handling Rolling Shutter effects and Radial Distortions.
- awesome-babylonjs - A curated list of awesome things related to Babylon.js.
- awesome-reinforcement-learning - Learning Resources And Links Of Reinforcement Learning (updating).
- awesome-emulators - An awesome list of emulators!.
- awesome-c-preprocessor - A list of awesome C preprocessor stuff.
- awesome-video-object-segmentation - A list of video object segmentation (VOS) papers.
- awesome-buaa - Buaa 北航 收集优秀的buaaer创造的实用的工具和脚本.
- awesome-container-security - Awesome list of resources related to container security.
- awesome-document-similarity - A curated list of resources on document similarity measures (papers, tutorials, code, .).
- awesome-lists - Security lists for SOC detections .
- awesome-ios-security-cn - IOS安全资料整理(中文).
- awesome-vjing - Awesome list for vjing/visuals-related resources.
- awesome-self-driving-cars - An awesome list of self-driving cars.
- awesome-deep-neuroevolution - A collection of Deep Neuroevolution resources or evolutionary algorithms applying in Deep Learning (constantly updating).
- awesome-remote-companies - Awesome remote companies with values and work-life balance culture.
- awesome-conditional-content-generation - Update-to-data resources for conditional content generation, including human motion generation, image or video generation and editing.
- reading-material - List of some useful blogs, books, courses, papers etc. :books:.
- awesome-persian - A curated list of amazingly awesome Persian supporting tools, fonts, and development resources.
- awesome-readium - ⭐️ Awesome Readium-related resources.
- awesome-plonk - A curated list of awesome things related to plonk proof system.
- awesome-ng2 - Angular 2 资源大全.
- Awesome-LLM-hallucination - LLM hallucination paper list.
- awesome-foundations-of-DeFi - An Awesome List for resources on the foundations of Decentralized Finance (DeFi).
- awesome-command-palette - A list of awesome command palette implementations.
- awesome-identicons - A curated list of "Visual Hashs" (Identicon, Avatar, Fractal, RandomArt and general Hash Visualization).
- analytics-readings - Readings for Analytics Engineers.
- Transformer_Tracking - This repository is a paper digest of Transformer-related approaches in visual tracking tasks.
- awesome-deep-phenomena - A curated list of papers of interesting empirical study and insight on deep learning. Continually updating.
- awesome-camouflaged-object-detection - A curated list of awesome resources for camouflaged/concealed object detection (COD).
- awesome-webdav - A curated list of awesome apps that support WebDAV and tools related to it.
- resources - Graphics Programming Resources List.
- awesome-redwood - A community-driven collection of Redwood related plugins, config, themes, build scripts, tutorials, podcasts, and more.
- awesome-snowflake - A curated list of resources about Snowflake.
- awesome-dnd - Resources for Dungeons & Dragons.
- awesome-brasil - Uma lista de projetos Open Source Brasileiros!.
- awesome-dendron - A big list of Dendron docs, talks, tools, examples, articles, extensions, vaults, showcases, and more that the internet has to offer.
- Awesome-Computer-Vision - Awesome Resources for Advanced Computer Vision Topics.
- awesome-atmos - A curated list of awesome Python libraries, software and resources in Atmosphere, Environment and Machine Learning.
- awesome-headless-commerce - A community curated list of headless commerce APIs, products, and services. A heads-up for modern store builders.
- awesome-urbit - A curated collection of projects and tools in the Urbit ecosystem.
- awesome-ideation-tools - Problem solving and idea generation tools.
- awesome-ndi - A curated list of awesome tools related to NDI.
- awesome-plan9 - A curated list of awesome Plan9-related documents, libraries, and software.
- awesome-twitter-tools - A curated list of awesome twitter tools.
- awesome-hungarian-nlp - A curated list of NLP resources for Hungarian.
- Awesome-Few-Shot-Class-Incremental-Learning - Awesome Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning.
- awesome-IoT-security-article - Collect some iot-related security articles, including vulnerability analysis, security conferences and papers, etc.
- awesome-sui - Awesome-sui.
- awesome-bio-datasets - Awesome-bio-datasets.
- Awesome-NLP-Resources - This repository contains landmark research papers in Natural Language Processing that came out in this century.
- Awesome-Person-Re-Identification - Awesome Person Re-Identification.
- awesome-age - A collection of projects and resources in the age file encryption ecosystem.
- awesome-world - A collection of awesome world (countries, cities, codes, flags, languages, latitude/longitude, etc.) datasets.
- awesome-MLSecOps - A curated list of MLSecOps tools, articles and other resources on security applied to Machine Learning and MLOps systems.
- awesome-decentralized-papers - Influential papers in decentralized systems (cryptocurrencies, contracts, consensus, etc.).
- font-awesome-pro - CDN free for Font Awesome 5 Pro.
- awesome-made-by-chinese - A collection of amazing open source projects that were made and mainly contributed by Chinese developers.I call it the high-star club.
- awesome-legacy-code - A curated list of legacy systems with publicly available source code.
- awesome-umbraco - A curated list of awesome Umbraco packages, resources and tools.
- awesome-InteractiveNLP-papers - Paper List for a new paradigm of NLP: Interactive NLP ( :fire:.
- Awesome-Decision-Making-Reinforcement-Learning - A selection of state-of-the-art research materials on decision making and motion planning.
- awesome-bundle-size - 📝 An awesome list of tools and techniques to make your web bundle size smaller and your web apps load faster.
- Awesome-World-Model - Collect some World Models for Autonomous Driving papers. .
- awesome-mithril - A curated list of Mithril awesome.
- awesome-uniswap - ✨ An exhaustive list of all things Uniswap.
- awesome-frontend - 前端开发资源大全中文版。An awesome front end develop packages and resources.
- awesome-development-jobs - :office: A collection of links to various job listings websites and helpful resources.
- AwesomeTwitterAccounts - 🍭 A curated list of awesome twitter accounts, organised by community.
- awesome-flutter - Curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from Google's Flutter.
- awesome-medical-imaging - Awesome list of software that I use to do research in medical imaging.
- awesome-alternatives - A list of alternative websites/software to popular proprietary services.
- awesome-all - A curated list of awesome lists of awesome frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-optimization - A curated list of mathematical optimization courses, lectures, books, notes, libraries, frameworks and software.
- websites - Awesome Websites.
- awesome-post-quantum - A curated list of resources about post-quantum cryptography.
- awesome-chemistry-datasets - Overview of datasets for ML in chemistry.
- awesome-linux-minimalism - Awesome linux minimalism suggestions.
- awesome-pulumi - Curated list of resources on Pulumi.
- Awesome - A curated list of awesome Scoop resources and more.
- awesome-gedcom - GEDCOM utilities that will ease the pain.
- awesome-ops-system - 收集了一些运维管理系统.
- awesome-proxy - A collaborative list of awesome proxy servers and resources. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-kafka - Everything about Apache Kafka.
- awesome-awk - A curated list of awesome AWK frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-infinidash - An awesome list for the awe-inspiring power of Infinidash, an imaginary product. .
- awesome-curriculum-learning - Some bravo or inspiring research works on the topic of curriculum learning.
- awesome-smartnic - A curated list of awesome smartnic tutorials, papers and projects.
- awesome-webxr-development - Building blocks for WebXR apps.
- awesome-arcgis-developer - A curated list of resources to help you with ArcGIS development, APIs, SDKs, tools, and location services.
- awesome-taxonomy - A curated resource for taxonomy research.
- awesome-seo-tools - Curated list of awesome SEO tools.
- A-collection-of-useful-repositories - This is a collection of useful repositories providing resources for learning. Feel free to contribute here.
- awesome-falco - A curated list of Falco related tools, frameworks, blogs, podcasts, and articles.
- fake-news-detection - This repo is a collection of AWESOME things about fake news detection, including papers, code, etc.
- awesome-legal-nlp - 📖 A curated list of LegalNLP resources from all around the web.
- awesome-headless-cms - An awesome list of headless / decoupled CMS resources.
- awesome-pesquisa - Curated list of research content in portuguese .
- awesome-learn - Cloud Native Learning Path.
- awesome-community-curated-nlp - Community Curated NLP List.
- awesome-elvish - A curated list of awesome Elvish packages, modules, and tools that support Elvish.
- awesome-ceo - A curated and opinionated list of resources for startup founders and leaders of high-growth companies.
- awesome-tasker - Carefully curated list of awesome Tasker projects, tutorials and tricks.
- awesome-deep-reinforcement-learning - Curated list for Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL): software frameworks, models, datasets, gyms, baselines.
- awesome-lesscode - Less code / no code 前后端实践和工具列表.
- awesome-kotlin-android - Awesome kotlin for android ! .
- awesome-sre-cheatsheets - A curated list of cheatsheets for SRE.
- awesome-llm-role-playing-with-persona - Awesome-llm-role-playing-with-persona: a curated list of resources for large language models for role-playing with assigned personas.
- awesome-marketing - A curated list of resources related to internet marketing.
- react-components - List of React components I use and recommend.
- awesome-regex - A curated collection of awesome regex tools, tutorials, libraries, etc.
- awesome-object-SLAM - A curated list of Object SLAM papers and resources.
- awesome-fullstack - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Learn to code: curated list to learn full stack. Includes learning materials and other resources~.
- awesome-kql-sentinel - A curated list of blogs, videos, tutorials, queries and anything else valuable to help you learn and master KQL and Microsoft Sentinel.
- awesome-metal - A collection of Metal and MetalKit projects and resources. Very much work in progress.
- awesome-simulation - Resources for Physics based simulation in Computer Graphics 图形学中物理模拟的资源整理.
- awesome-github-alternatives - Love 'em or leave 'em.
- awesome-python-bytes - 😎 🐍 Awesome lists about Python Bytes
- awesome-SOTA-FER - A curated list of facial expression recognition in both 7-emotion classification and affect estimation.
- awesome-xmpp - A curated list of delightful XMPP related resources.
- awesome-football - A collection of awesome football (national teams, clubs, match schedules, players, stadiums, etc.) datasets.
- Awesome-Browser-Extensions-for-OSINT - A collection of awesome browser extension useful for OSINT along with their use case.
- Awesome-Interpretability-in-Large-Language-Models - This repository collects all relevant resources about interpretability in LLMs.
- Awesome-InverseRendering - List of awesome papers on Intrinsic Decomposition & Inverse Rendering.
- awesome-dev-activity-review - 📝 세상의 모든 개발 관련 구직 활동 리뷰 모음.
- awesome-onsenui - A curated list of awesome Onsen UI resources.
- awesome-flutter-cn - Flutter 资源大全中文版。包括:组件、导航、模板、插件、框架和引擎等.
- awesome-amqp - A curated list of AMQP 1.0 resources.
- awesome-provable - A curated set of links to formal methods involving provable code.
- awesome-mojo - Awesome Mojo🔥.
- Awesome-Vision-Transformer-Collection - Variants of Vision Transformer and its downstream tasks.
- awesome-AI-based-protein-design - A collection of research papers for AI-based protein design.
- awesome-infrared-small-targets - List of awesome infrared small targets detection methods!.
- diy-synths - List of open-source synths 🎹.
- awesome-algorand - ⚡A curated list of awesome resources related to the Ⱥlgorand Blockchain ⛓.
- awesome-kaitai - A curated list of Kaitai Struct tools and resources.
- awesome-ssm-ml - Reading list for research topics in state-space models.
- awesome-state - Collection of state management lib.
- awesome-german - A great source of information to learn and practice German as a foreign language. :de:.
- awesome-drones-zh - 无人机资源汇总.
- Awesome-Shadow-Removal - Collection of recent shadow removal works, including papers, codes, datasets, and metrics.
- awesome-optimal-transport - A list of awesome papers and cool resources on optimal transport and its applications in general! As you will notice, this list is currently mostly focused on optimal transport for machine learning topics.
- awesome-lisp-machine - A curated list of awesome Lisp Machine and Lisp Operating System.
- awesome-reactive-programming - A repository for sharing all the resources available on Reactive Programming and Reactive Systems.
- Pop_OS-Guide - Pop!_OS Guide. Pop!_OS is an Operating System developed by System76.
- Awesome-Earth-Artificial-Intelligence - A curated list of Earth Science's Artificial Intelligence (AI) tutorials, notebooks, software, datasets, courses, books, video lectures and papers. Contributions most welcome.
- awesome-aptos - Awesome-aptos.
- awesome-foss-alternatives - Awesome Free / Open Source Alternatives (to common SaaS products) for Business Use.
- awesome-kubeflow - A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Kubeflow (a CNCF incubating project) .
- awesome-haskell - A curated list of amazingly awesome Haskell articles and talks for beginners.
- awesome-nilm - A curated resources of awesome NILM resources.
- Awesome-ICCV2023-Low-Level-Vision - A Collection of Papers and Codes in ICCV2023/2021 about low level vision.
- awesome-programming - A curated list of awesome programming talks, articles, books, resources and more!.
- awesome-self-supervised-multimodal-learning - A curated list of self-supervised multimodal learning resources.
- Awesome_Multimodel_LLM - Awesome_Multimodel is a curated GitHub repository that provides a comprehensive collection of resources for Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM). It covers datasets, tuning techniques, in-context learning, visual reasoning, foundational models, and more. Stay updated with the latest advancement.
- fucking-awesome-incident-response - A curated list of tools for incident response. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- MOOC-MBA - Path to a free self-taught education in Business.
- awesome-eos - A curated list of awesome EOS frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-deep-optics - A paper list for deep optics design.
- awesome-halo2 - List of halo2-related resources.
- awesome-devops-br - Lista de recursos (links, livros, Q&A) discutidos no canal do Telegram Devops-BR (
- awesome-bluesky - A list of all known tools available for the Bluesky platform.
- awesome-domain-storytelling - A curated list of ressources for Domain Storytelling practitioners. PR are welcome!.
- awesome_xstate - Everything awesome about XState.
- Awesome-Paper-List - A curated list of repositories in which many NLP/CV/ML papers and related area resources are collected.
- web-development-resources - A list of open source front-end tools and resources for web designers and developers.
- awesome-dronecraft - Resources to fully understand how autonomous drones work.
- awesome-unity-free - A community driven list of useful Unity Game Engine "FREE" packages, libraries and others.
- awesome-ordinals - A curated list of ordinals and inscriptions ecosystem.
- awesome-platform-engineering - An awesome list of Platform Engineering 平台工程列表.
- awesome_osint_blockchain_analysis - A list of useful Crypto resources for OSINT investigations.
- awesome-spanish-slack-dev-groups - Una lista de grupos de Slack en español para desarrolladores / A list of awesome Slack groups in Spanish for developers.
- zh_CN-Computer-Science-Curriculum-Front-End-Curriculum - CS计算机课程自学资源、教程、路线;Front-End前端工程师-全栈工程师课程自学资源、教程、路线;A Computer Science Curriculum;Front-End Curriculum;免费与付费的计算机科学编程类中英文教程资源.
- awesome-chatgpt - A curated list of awesome ChatGPT software.
- awesome-perceived-performance - 💫 Perceived performance best practices & resources.
- awesome-emulators-simulators - A curated list of software emulators and simulators of PCs, home computers, mainframes, consoles, robots and much more.
- awesome-netbox - A curated list of awesome NetBox resources.
- awesome-repositories - Useful GitHub Repos That Every Developer Should Follow.
- awesome-small-molecule-ml - A curated list of resources for machine learning for small-molecule drug discovery.
- awesome-osticket - A curated list of awesome osTicket resources, plugins, tutorials and other nice things.
- awesome-pentest - Awesome Penetration Testing A collection of awesome penetration testing resources.
- awesome-speaker - A curated list of awesome resource for public speakers, trainers and so on!.
- - Self Sovereign Identity Curated.
- awesome-voxel - Voxel resources for coders.
- awesome-dehazing - A curated list of awesome dehazing papers.
- awesome - A curated list of awesome projects.
- awesome-functional-studies - A curated list of functional programming resources to study the fp paradigm.
- awesome-cybersec - A collection of awesome platforms, blogs, documents, books, resources and cool stuff about security .
- cuban-opensource - Awesome list of Cuban opensource projects. Just to know what is being openly developed in Cuba.
- awesome-datajournalism - Awesome list for data journalists and future data journalists.
- computer-science-resources - Collection of interesting Computer Science resources.
- awesome-container - A curated list of awesome container technologies and services.
- awesome-grammY - A collection of community projects leveraging the grammY ecosystem.
- Awesome-Gamedev - A curated collection of resources to game development.
- awesome-ui - An "Awesome" curated list but for design (UI & UX) resources. Contains theory, tutorials, books, libraries, and other resources.
- awesome-dev-discord - A curated list of official, development-related Discord server.
- awesome-explainable-reinforcement-learning - A Survey on Explainable Reinforcement Learning: Concepts, Algorithms, Challenges.
- awesome_twitter_CN - 值得关注的中文twitter用户.
- awesome-foundationdb - List of FoundationDB resources.
- awesome-elm-gamedev - A curated list of useful Elm tutorials, libraries and software for Game Development. Inspired by awesome list. Feel free to contribute.
- awesome-AI-system - Paper and its code for AI System.
- awesome-python-in-education-zh - Python在教育方面的资源列表.
- awesome-orclapex - A curated list of awesome Oracle APEX resources.
- awesome-rescript - A collection of materials about the ReScript programming language and toolchain.
- awesome-scholarly-data-analysis - A curated collection of resources on scholarly data analysis ranging from datasets, papers, and code about bibliometrics, citation analysis, and other scholarly commons resources. .
- awesome-edtech-tools - An ongoing curated list with awesome tools and resources for instructional designers.
- awesome-AIOps - A curated list of awesome academic researches and industrial materials about Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps).
- awesome-low-level-programming-languages - A curated list of low level programming languages (i.e. suitable for OS and game programming).
- awesome-kubernetes-operator-resources - A curated list of awesome resources: articles, books and videos about Kubernetes Operators.
- awesome-activity-prediction - Paper list of activity prediction and related area.
- .github - The organized list of awesome @italia projects.
- awesome-gnu-linux-gaming - A curated list of awesome GNU/Linux tips & tricks, games, tools, and resources - Mirrored from:
- awesome-search-engine-optimization - A curated list of backlink, social signal opportunities, link building strategies and tactics, along with educational opportunities to help improve search engine results and ranking.
- awesome-vue-cli3-example - 🦅 Awesome example for rapid Vue.js development using vue-cli3 .
- awesome-flutter-app - Flutter 程序开发资源汇总 💯.
- awesome-zama - A curated list of amazing Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) resources created by the team at Zama.
- awesome - A curated list of delightful ☄️Effector resources.
- awesome-policy-as-code - A curated list of policy-as-code resources like blogs, videos, and tools to practice on for learning Policy-as-Code.
- awesome-brazil-data - Curated list of Brazilian datasets for anyone interested in studying the country.
- - Valuable sources for TA, FA, Algorithmic \ Quant Trading.
- awesome-techforgood - A selection of projects, organisations and useful tools for social-impact tech.
- awesome-passive-income - A curated list of ways to make money online.
- awesome-cairo - Resources for Cairo 1.0 development.
- awesome-image-rectification - 📝 A curated list of image rectification papers.
- awesome-model-compression - Papers about model compression.
- awesome-vln - A curated list of research papers in Vision-Language Navigation (VLN).
- Awesome-PS4-Jailbreak - A list of PS4 Jailbreak links.
- awesome-islands - All about Islands Architecture and Partial Hydration.
- awesome-sec-challenges - A curated list of Awesome Security Challenges.
- awesome-webhooks - A curated list about real-time webhooks.
- awesome-marketing - A living document of hand-picked resources for marketers.
- awesome-database-testing - 数据库测试资料 This repo is a collection of resources on testing database systems.
- Awesome-shiny-apps-for-statistics - 🌟 A curated list of Awesome Shiny Apps for Statistics (ASAS)🌟.
- awesome-distributed-ml - A curated list of awesome projects and papers for distributed training or inference.
- awesome-storage - List of awesome cloud storage providers for individuals and family sorted by minimal plan price.
- awesome-flutter-linux - A curated list of awesome Linux-specific Flutter packages and projects.
- Awesome-Javascript-resources - A Curated list of Awesome JavaScript Resources .
- awesome-cyber-security - A curated list of cyber security resources and tools.
- awesome-flarum - A curated list of amazingly awesome Flarum extensions and resources.
- awesome-radiology-report-generation - A curated list of radiology report generation (medical report generation) and related areas. :-).
- awesome-webshell - Awesome webshell collection. Including 150 GitHub repo, and 200+ blog posts.
- awesome-learn-to-code - A list of awesome resources for learning to code.
- awesome-catholic - A curated list of awesome open-source Catholic projects, libraries and software.
- awesome-fauna - Curated list of FaunaDB resources.
- awesome-web-you-should-know - 🌎awesome web you should know.
- awesome-data-science-viz - :boom: :chart_with_upwards_trend: A curated list of data science, analysis and visualization tools.
- awesome-stellar - 👨🚀 A curated list of Stellar applications, blog posts, educational resources, tools, and more. .
- awesome-tuist - A community-driven collection of Tuist related posts, plugins, talks, and much more.
- Awesome-Contrastive-Learning - Awesome Contrastive Learning for CV & NLP.
- Awesome-Mamba-Collection - A curated collection of papers, tutorials, videos, and other valuable resources related to Mamba.
- Awesome_BigData_AI_DrugDiscovery - A collection of resources useful for leveraging big data and AI for drug discovery. It mainly serves as an orientation for new lab folks. It may be biased towards my lab interest.
- awesome-handbooks - A curated list of awesome company handbooks.
- awesome-sweden - A curated list of awesome things to use when coding for the Swedish market.
- awesome-adblock - A collection of awesome adblockers and related tools.
- awesome-rust-testing - 😎 Curated list of awesome things regarding Rust Testing.
- awesome-erlang-cn - Erlang资源大全中文版.
- awesome-voice-apps - 🕶 A curated list of awesome voice projects, tools, and resources for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and more.
- awesome-made-in-kz - 🇰🇿 😎 Awesome open source projects made in Kazakhstan.
- awesome - A collection of awesome Statamic articles, links, resources and other rad things.
- awesome-threejs - 搜集并学习threejs的相关知识总结、Demo、站点、书籍等。.
- awesome-aws-amplify-ja - 日本語で書かれているAWS Amplifyのツール、チュートリアル、記事などのリンク集.
- awesome-hackernews - A curated list of FOSS tools to improve the Hacker News experience.
- awesome-homebridge - Popular list of Homebridge Plugins.
- awesome-telegram-cn - Telegram 开发资源、机器人资源整理.
- awesome-funkin-resources - Community curated resources for Friday Night Funkin'.
- awesome-podcasts - 🎙 Curated podcasts for designers, developers, product managers, entrepreneurs and hustlers.
- Awesome-Machine-Generated-Text - Continuously updated list of related resources for generative LLMs like GPT and their analysis and detection.
- awesome-web3.0 - A collection of awesome resources to learn Web 3.0🚀.
- awesome-generative-modeling - Bolei's archive on generative modeling.
- awesome-malware-persistence - A curated list of awesome malware persistence tools and resources. .
- reddit - Awesome Reddit subreddits.
- zero - Zero Dependency Club.
- awesome-webhid - Curated list of resources relating to the WebHID (Human Interface Device) API.
- awesome-fastai - A curated list of awesome fastai projects/blog posts/tutorials/etc.
- awesome-visual-relationship-detection - A curated list of visual relationship detection and related area resources .
- fucking-the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome_gpt_super_prompting - ChatGPT Jailbreaks, GPT Assistants Prompt Leaks, GPTs Prompt Injection, LLM Prompt Security, Super Prompts, Prompt Hack, Prompt Security, Ai Prompt Engineering, Adversarial Machine Learning.
- laravel-awesome - Laravel 学习图谱.
- awesome-react-three-fiber - 🍕 A loose collection of cool r3f links, gifs, people, stuff.
- awesome-tpm - A curated and opinionated list of resources for Technical Program Managers.
- awesome-logical-query - A collection of resources on the topic of Complex Logical Query Answering.
- awesome-data-poisoning-and-backdoor-attacks - A curated list of papers & resources linked to data poisoning, backdoor attacks and defenses against them (no longer maintained).
- awesome-rgbd-datasets - This repository contains information for the paper "A Survey on RGB-D Datasets" and is a collaborative initiative to update the datasets list faster.
- awesome-drones - A curated list of Awesome Drones resources.
- awesome-egypt-opensource - Curated list of awesome opensource projects started and maintained by Egyptian developers.
- awesome-java-datum - Java学习资料总结,包括教学视频,电子书以及一些网站等.
- awesome-vision-language-models-for-earth-observation - A curated list of awesome vision and language resources for earth observation.
- awesome-python-models - A curated list of awesome Python libraries, which implement models, schemas, serializers/deserializers, ODM's/ORM's, Active Records or similar patterns.
- awesome-courses - :smirk: :page_facing_up: An awesome list of educational websites, YouTube playlists, channels and books about programming .
- awesome-rxjs - Awesome list of RxJS 5.
- awesome-ai-services - An overview of the AI-as-a-service landscape.
- awesome-culture - A curated list of awesome thought on tech culture. Inspired by the various awesome-* projects.
- Awesome-Multi-label-Image-Recognition - Awesome Multi-label Image Recognition Paper List .
- awesome-bitcoin-cash - A curated list of awesome things related to Bitcoin Cash. Contribute yourself:.
- awesome-wifi-security - A collection of awesome resources related to 802.11 security, tools and other things .
- awesome-i2p - A curated list of awesome I2P implementations, libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things. I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network. It is intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs.
- Awesome-LLM-Healthcare - The paper list of the review on LLMs in medicine - "Large Language Models Illuminate a Progressive Pathway to Artificial Healthcare Assistant: A Review".
- Awesome-Radar-Camera-Fusion - Radar Camera Fusion in Autonomous Driving.
- awesome-danish - A curated list of awesome resources for Danish language technology.
- Awesome-ML-SP-Papers - A curated list of Meachine learning Security & Privacy papers published in security top-4 conferences (IEEE S&P, ACM CCS, USENIX Security and NDSS).
- self-taught-developer - Free and high quality resources for beginners to learn how to code.
- awesome-web-styling - Awesome Web Styling with CSS Animation Effects ⭐️.
- awesome-Autopilot-algorithm - Some algorithm about self-driving car,mainly including perception algorithm,2D/3D object detection,Semantic segmentation and so on.
- awesome-machine-translation - A list of awesome Machine Translation frameworks, libraries, software and papers.
- awesome-quantization-and-fixed-point-training - Neural Network Quantization & Low-Bit Fixed Point Training For Hardware-Friendly Algorithm Design.
- awesome-planar-reconstruction - A curated list on piecewise-planar reconstruction.
- awesome-machine-learning-fluid-mechanics - Curated list for ML in FM.
- awesome-readwise - A curated list of awesome Readwise libraries, plugins, software, and resources.
- awesome-acnh - 🏝 Curated list of resources and tips for Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
- Awesome-Crypto-Trading - An awesome curated list of resources, software and tools for crypto traders.
- awesome-football-analytics - A curated list of football analytics awesome resources, articles, books and more!.
- awesome-bayes - List of resources for bayesian inference.
- awesome-android-libraries - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome Android libraries.
- Reading-Comprehension-Question-Answering-Papers - Survey on Machine Reading Comprehension.
- You-Dont-Know-X - 🙈 curated list of inspiring resources which show you don't know that much about something you thought you knew.
- awesome-azd - An awesome list that curates content (articles, videos, tutorials and docs) and templates (ready to use) for the Azure Developer CLI (`azd`). Plus a hosted azd-templates Gallery to simplify search & discovery.
- awesome-apollo-graphql - A curated list of amazingly awesome things regarding Apollo GraphQL ecosystem :star2:.
- awesome-engineering - A curated list of awesome engineering blogs, handbooks and open source repos from top technology companies.
- awesome-harmony - 收录来源于网上鸿蒙系统开发的相关资料.
- awesome-deepneuroimage - A curated list of awesome deep learning applications in the field of neurological image analysis.
- awesome-vala - A curated list of Vala projects.
- Data-Engineering-Roadmap - Roadmap for Data Engineering.
- awesome-italian-tech-communities - Italian tech communities (telegram groups, podcasts, Yt channels, other).
- awesome-free-saas - An awesome list of free SaaS (software as a service) for you.
- awesome-openlayers - List of all related content on OpenLayers library.
- awesome-graph-representation-learning - A curated list for awesome graph representation learning resources.
- fe-awesome-demos - ✨前端入门demos集合.
- awesome-backend-architecture - 后端开发常用技术框架、数据库、开源中间件、微服务、系统架构集合。.
- awesome-fastai - Curated lists of fastai resources: blog posts, twitter threads etc.
- awesome-ppml - A curated list of resources for privacy-preserving machine learning.
- awesome-earth-engine-apps - A collection of all public Google Earth Engine Apps. .
- awesome-p2p - An awesome list for those interested in building decentralized applications.
- awesome-cybersecurity - Curated list of awesome cybersecurity companies and solutions.
- awesome-jamstack - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: Curated list of resources: books, videos, articles, speaker decks, tools about using the Jamstack.
- awesome-python-blogs - A curated list of Awesome Python Blogs and Newsletters for Python Developers and Newbies.
- awesome-tabletop-rpgs - Awesome list of free and/or open source tabletop RPGs.
- Awesome-KAPE - A curated list of KAPE-related resources.
- learning-resources - A curated list of "basic" knowledge that "good to know" by evilfactorylabs members. But feel free to take a look and learn together!.
- awesome-yolov8-models - Easy-to-use finetuned YOLOv8 models.
- youtube - Awesome YouTube channels.
- awesome-beam - A curated list of awesome resources for Apache Beam.
- Pentest-Bookmarkz - A collection of useful links for Pentesters.
- awesome-angr - A collection of resources/tools and analyses for the angr binary analysis framework.
- awesome-program - A curated list of papers related to program synthesis, program induction, program execution, program and code repair, and programmatic reinforcement learning.
- Awesome-Deception - An awesome list of resources on deception-based security with honeypots and honeytokens.
- awesome-fmi - A curated list of Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) libraries, tools and resources.
- awesome-nativescript-vue - Resources for nativescript vue.
- Awesome-3D-LiDAR-Datasets - This reposiotry is the collection for public 3D LiDAR datasets.
- Awesome-AI - The guide to master Artificial Intelligence (machine learning & deep learning) from beginner to advance.
- awesome-gitea - A curated list of awesome projects related to Gitea and its soft-fork instances.
- awesome-feather - A curated list of awesome Feather form factor boards, guides, videos, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-vector-database - A curated list of awesome works related to high dimensional structure/vector search & database.
- Awesome-Stride - Awesome resources for the fully open source Stride game engine.
- awesome-android - A better way to collect the awesome repositories on GitHub for android developers.
- Awesome-IT-Books - 旨在维护一个目录,集合各个优秀的IT技术书籍,方便大家进行检索。.
- awesome-startup-resources - A curated list of useful resources for building a new startup business.
- awesome - A curated list of delightful 🍰 FSD resources.
- awesome-chef - A curated list of amazingly awesome Chef resources.
- awesome-helix - Awesome list of resources for the Helix editor.
- awesome-gsoc-roadmap - A comprehensive curated list of available GSOC 2020 Guides, Write-ups and Tutorials 🤠 🏆.
- awesome-graph-ood - Papers about out-of-distribution generalization on graphs.
- awesome-pgo - Various materials about Profile Guided Optimization and other similar stuff like AutoFDO, Bolt, etc.
- Awesome-cross-modality-person-re-identification - Awesome Cross-modality Person Re-identification.
- awesome-gradient - 😎 A curated list of awesome Gradient frameworks, libraries and software and resources.
- awesome-nostr-japan - Awesome nostr in Japan. Software, Web service, Clients, Bots created by Japanese.
- Awesome-Transformer-in-Medical-Imaging - [MedIA Journal] An ultimately comprehensive paper list of Vision Transformer/Attention, including papers, codes, and related websites.
- awesome-network-programmability - A curated list of awesome networking programmability and automation resources :tada:.
- amazing-deployment - A curated list of amazing Deployment libraries, library distributions, scripts, tools and resources.
- awesome-TDA - A curated list of topological data analysis (TDA) resources and links.
- image2svg-awesome - All about image tracing and vectorization—the conversion of a raster image (jpg/png) to a vector image (svg).
- awesome-open-source-power-electronics - Lists open source power electronic tools.
- Awesome_AI4Finance - Resources.
- awesome-dataviz-education - A curated collection of open educational content for data visualization and related topics.
- awesome-dhall - A curated list of awesome dhall-lang.
- awesome-php-jobs - 🐘A curated list of companies using php .
- Awesome-RAG - RAG-VectorDB-Embedings-LlamaIndex-Langchain.
- awesome-macOS - A curated list of awesome macOS open source projects and libraries.
- Awesome-vehicle-re-identification - Awesome Vehicle Re-identification.
- Product-Management-and-Leadership - Product Management and Leadership Guide.
- awesome-voice-conversion - A curated list of awesome voice conversion, projects and communities.
- awesome-multicore-ocaml - A collection of libraries, experiments and ideas relating to OCaml 5 (multicore + effects).
- awesome-startup-communities - Awesome list of communities related to creating, running and being successful at startups.
- awesome-active-learning - Awesome Active Learning Paper List.
- awesome-zio - A big collection of useful ZIO links.
- browser-resources - A Collection of official Resources/Status/Issues for browsers.
- awesome-deta - Awesome Deta Stuff.
- awesome-smarttv - A curated list of smart :tv: frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-sanity - A curated list of awesome resources related to, the Platform for Structured Content.
- awesome-digital-marketing - 😎 A curated list of awesome digital marketing guides, resources, services, & more.
- awesome-php - 最有用的开源PHP资源。.
- awesome-sound_event_detection - Reading list for research topics in Sound AI.
- awesome-visjs - 🕶️ A curated list of resources around vis.js.
- awesome-serverless-framework - Serverless Framework 开发资源汇总 🚀.
- awesome-subgraphs - A curated list of awesome resources related to The Graph powered subgraph development.
- awesome-ai-cancer - Awesome artificial intelligence in cancer diagnostics and oncology.
- Computer-Science-Study - Conteúdo para estudo de Ciência da Computação. Melhorias e dicas são bem-vindas 🆙.
- awesome-adhd - Awesome Resources for ADHD.
- awesome-3d-tiles - Awesome 3D Tiles.
- awesome-self-supervised-learning-in-medical-imaging - This repository is mainly dedicated for listing the recent research advancements in the application of Self-Supervised-Learning in medical images computing field.
- awesome-interactive-math - A curated list of tools that can be used for creating interactive mathematical explorables.
- awesome-chatgpt-plugins - A curated collection of ChatGPT plugins.
- awesome-codex - A list dedicated to products, demos and articles related to 🤖 OpenAI's Codex.
- awesome-dart-pad - A curated list of awesome Flutter Dart Pad samples.
- - Useful resources for creating Design Artificial Intelligence.
- awesome-supermemo - A list of resources which can be used with SuperMemo.
- awesome-Large-MultiModal-Hallucination - 😎 up-to-date & curated list of awesome LMM hallucinations papers, methods & resources.
- awesome-mac - A curated list of amazingly awesome macOS tools, applications and games.
- awesome-blockchain - 区块链资源列表(A curated list of blockchain resources.).
- awesome-azure-iot - A curated list of awesome Azure Internet of Things projects and resources.
- Awesome-Fabulous - A hand-curated list of awesome resources when using Fabulous 📱.
- recommendations-for-engineers - All of my recommendations for aspiring engineers in a single place, coming from various areas of interest.
- awesome-handshake - A collection of awesome things regarding the Handshake ecosystem.
- dev-stuff - 😎 Programming stuff for everyone. Collection of articles, videos about architecture, Domain Driven Design, microservices, testing etc.
- awesome-guitar - :star: Useful resources for guitar players.
- Awesome-Multimodal-LLM-Autonomous-Driving - [WACV 2024 Survey Paper] Multimodal Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving.
- Awesome-Server-Side-Swift - Swift 服务端开发 Perfect、Vapor资料。.
- awesome-gulp-cn - Gulp资料大全:入门、插件、包等,已完结。.
- awesome-systools - Awesome Systools is a collection of sysadmins daily handy tools.
- awesome-azure-sql - An awesome list of Azure SQL samples for Developers of any Language and Platform.
- ATPapers - Worth-reading papers and related resources on attention mechanism, Transformer and pretrained language model (PLM) such as BERT. 值得一读的注意力机制、Transformer和预训练语言模型论文与相关资源集合.
- awesome-alternatives - A list of alternative websites/software to popular proprietary services.
- toptout - 📡 Easily opt-out from telemetry collection.
- awesome-mango-pi-mq-pro - A curated list of awesome MangoPi MQ-Pro images, tools and resources.
- awesome-developer-blogs - Are you a developer? Do you have a blog? Please submit a PR!.
- awesome-aerial-object-detection - A curated list of papers for object detection in aerial scenes and related application resources.
- awesome-scene-representation - A curated list of awesome scene representation(NeRFs) papers, code, and resources.
- awesome-istio - A curated list of Istio related tools, frameworks and articles.
- jivoi-awesome-osint - A curated list of amazingly awesome OSINT.
- awesome-machine-learning - :book: List of some awesome university courses for Machine Learning! Feel free to contribute!.
- open-production-web-projects - List of Open Source production-ready web projects.
- awesome-ccxt - A curated list of awesome CCXT assets, resources, and more.
- awesome-readme-tools - A curated list of awesome readme tools. ✌.
- RS-Adversarial-Learning - A curated collection of adversarial attack and defense on recommender systems.
- awesome-github - List of awesome GitHub repository.
- awesome-oss-saas - A collection of open-source saas tools.
- awesome-camunda-platform-8 - Awesome Camunda Platform 8 Projects.
- awesome-mixed-sample-data-augmentation - A collection of awesome things about mixed sample data augmentation.
- awesome-cryoem - A collaborative list of awesome CryoEM (Cryo Electron Microscopy) resources. .
- awesome-fintech - A curated collection of open source fintech libraries and resources.
- awesome-online-earning - 💰Ways to earn extra.
- awesome-temporal - A curated list of awesome Temporal libraries and resources.
- awesome-browser-security - A curated list of awesome browser security learning material. .
- awesome-llm-attributions - A Survey of Attributions for Large Language Models.
- awesome-space-books - A list of space exploration related books (some are online, some are on paper).
- awesome-challenges - A curated list of algorithmic challenges websites.
- awesome-web-development - 🧡 A curated list of awesome web development resources.
- awesome-priceops - Links to articles, guides and resources related to software pricing and its implementation. .
- awesome-described-object-detection - A curated list of papers and resources related to Described Object Detection, Open-Vocabulary/Open-World Object Detection and Referring Expression Comprehension. Updated frequently and pull requests welcomed.
- awesome-telegram-bot - Manual picked bot of Telegram.
- awesome-a11y-vue - A list of awesome things related to accessibility in Vue.js.
- awesome-dynamic-graphs - A collection of resources on dynamic/streaming/temporal/evolving graph processing systems, databases, data structures, datasets, and related academic and industrial work.
- awesome-collection - Yet another awesome collection.
- awesome-developer-first-channels - Hand-picked places to promote your developer-first product.
- awesome-internals - A curated list of awesome resources and learning materials in the field of X internals.
- awesome-latam - Colección de contenidos y recursos en Español para desarrolladores de Golang. Awesome oficial:
- awesome-kysely - A curated list of Kysely resources, tools, utilities and applications.
- Awesome-Face-Restoration - A curated list of face restoration & enhancement papers and resources.
- awesome-ISP - A curated list of awesome ISP frameworks, papers, libraries, resources, and shiny things. .
- awesome-browser-extensions-and-apps - :zap:A curated list of awesome resources for building browser extensions and apps.
- awesome-architecture - A collection of awesome things related to architecture.
- discord-api-libs - List of open-source Discord API Libraries.
- awesome-ddev - A resource tracking DDEV tips, tricks, solutions, blogs, and services.
- awesome-emotion - A curated list of awesome stuff related to emotion.
- awesome-expression-browser - 😎 A curated list of software and resources for exploring and visualizing (browsing) expression data 😎.
- awesome-few-shot-learning - A review for latest few-shot learning works.
- progressive-enhancement-resources - Resources on Progressive Enhancement. From concept and strategies to feature detection & testing methods. Complete with a list of (code) examples.
- awesome-operational_research - A curated list of awesome Operational research solvers, libraries, books, teachers and resources.
- awesome-containerized-security - A collection of tools to improve your containerized apps security posture.
- awesome-cobol - A curated list of awesome Cobol frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python.
- awesome-papers - 机器学习,深度学习,自然语言处理,计算机视觉方面的顶级期刊会议论文集.
- awesome-turso - Awesome list about everything related to Turso.
- awesome-universal-react - A collection of awesome universal React and React Native frameworks, libraries, design systems, apps and resources.
- awesome-python-roadmaps - Awesome Python roadmaps.
- awesome-flow - A list of awesome Flow integrations, tools, tutorials, etc.
- awesome-gpt4-vision - A collection of awesome GPT4 vision use cases.
- awesome-avr - A curated list of awesome AVR tools, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-. stuff.
- awesome-grav - A curated list of awesome stuff to do with Grav.
- awesome-safegraph-datascience - A community-supported list of awesome data science resources relevant to SafeGraph data.
- awesome-particle-physics-for-non-physicists - A curated list of introductory resources to Particle Physics (Quantum Field Theory, QED, QCD, Standard Model, Colliders) for people without a formal background in Physics.
- awesome-3d-compression - Papers and such on 3D data compression and streaming.
- awesome-m8 - A curated list of awesome Dirtywave M8 ecosystem.
- awesome-manga - Manga resources for manga fans 漫画爱好者的实用资源合集.
- awesome-authentication - Resources to learn and implement authentication in your application.
- awesome-few-shot-object-detection - Collect some papers and datastes about few-shot object detection for computer vision.
- awesome-software-engineering - A curated list of awesome software engineering resources.
- awesome-sports-camera-calibration - A collection of resources on Sports Camera Calibration.
- awesome-Auto-Parallelism - A baseline repository of Auto-Parallelism in Training Neural Networks.
- awesome-python-resources-persian - Python-related resources made in Persian language.
- discord-resources - A curated list of awesome Discord modding resources.
- awesome-cvpr-2024 - 🤩 An AWESOME Curated List of Papers, Workshops, Datasets, and Challenges from CVPR 2024.
- Awesome-Low-Level-Vision-Research-Groups - A Collection of Low Level Vision Research Groups.
- awesome-swift-and-tutorial-resources - A curated list of awesome Swift resources and tutorial websites. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-gaussian-splatting - A curated list of resources on Gaussian Splatting techniques, featuring seminal papers, cutting-edge research, practical implementations, and community discussions. Ideal for both beginners and experts.
- awesome-few-shot-gnn - An index of algorithms for few-shot learning/meta-learning on graphs.
- awesome-version-managers - A curated list of awesome Version Managers.
- awesome-ironsworn - An awesome list of awesome Ironsworn projects.
- awesome-cryptopunks-bubble - Awesome Matt & John's® Punks Bubble (Anno 2021) - Modern 24x24 Pixel Crypto Art on the Blockchain since 2017 - 10 000 Unique Collectible Characters Generated Algorithmically ++ Bonus: Inside the Matt & John's® CryptoPunksMarket Contract Service And More.
- awesome-roblox - A curated list of ROBLOX resources, plugins and frameworks!.
- frrrenchies - Liste de ressources R utiles pour les Français.
- awesome_or-tools - A curated list of awesome OR-Tools community resources.
- awesome-Deepfakes - All about Deepfakes & Detection.
- awesome-ml - Machine Learning Awesome List.
- Awesome-Foundation-Models-for-Weather-and-Climate - A comprehesive survey about foundation models for weather and cliamte data understanding.
- awesome-linear - A list of awesome Linear resources, add-ons, integrations, links, etc.
- awesome-switch-homebrew - A curated collection of awesome things related to Nintendo Switch hacking and homebrew.
- awesome-legacy-systems - A curated list of awesome resources and links about tackling legacy systems that gives hope.
- awesome-pointcloud-processing - Awesome PointCloud processing algorithm.
- awesome-dataops - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome DataOps tools.
- awesome-ionic - A collection of awesome Ionic resources and shiny things.
- awesome-openminds-team - A Repository for students, geeks, programmers, and designers.
- awesome-snowkit - A curated list of resources by the snõwkit collective (
- awesome-booru - A curated list of awesome booru links.
- Awesome-HTTPRequestSmuggling - A curated list of awesome blogs and tools about HTTP request smuggling attacks. Feel free to contribute! 🍻.
- awesome-coder - A curated list of awesome Coder resources.
- awesome-ton - A curated list of awesome TON ecosystem 😎.
- awesome-acg-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome machine learning resources related to anime, manga and so on.
- awesome-blocks - Plugins for additional blocks types in WordPress.
- awesome-8bitgamedev - A curated list of awesome resources for 8-bit retro game development.
- Awesome-Feature-Learning-in-Deep-Learning-Thoery - Welcome to the Awesome Feature Learning in Deep Learning Thoery Reading Group! This repository serves as a collaborative platform for scholars, enthusiasts, and anyone interested in delving into the fascinating world of feature learning within deep learning theory.
- awesome-by-example - 😎 A curated list of example-based learning resources.
- awesome-computer-science-resources - List of All awesome Computer Science Courses.
- awesome-open-source-by-country-or-region - Lists of open source projects mainly made by devs of a country or region. .
- awesome-bpm - A curated list of awesome Business Process Management (BPM) tools, engines, frameworks, resources and other awesomeness.
- awesome-thai-dev - A curated list of awesome technical libraries/articles/resources in Thai.
- awesome-self-supervised-learning-for-tabular-data - A collection of research materials on SSL for non-sequential tabular data (SSL4NSTD).
- awesome-repositories - Personal representation of my 4k GitHub repositories stars.
- awesome-checklists - A curated list of checklists. Inspired by the awesome list thing.
- awesome-lanparty-software - An awesome list with awesome software for awesome LAN parties and their organizers.
- awesome - A collection of awesome open-source projects which use the Modrinth API.
- Awesome-Mamba - Awesome list of papers that extend Mamba to various applications.
- awesome-ros-deliberation - A curated list of awesome tools and libraries for deliberation in ROS 2.
- awesome-mev-boost - All awesome mev-boost related content.
- awesome-stoicism - 💆♂️ Stoic philosophy resources.
- Awesome-Low-Light-Enhancement - Awesome Low-light Enhancement.
- web-gelistirme-101 - Bu GitHub repository'si, web geliştirme alanına yeni başlayanlar için bir rehberdir. Front-end ve back-end konularına odaklanan rehberde, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UI frameworkleri, sunucu tarafı programlama dilleri gibi konular ele alınmaktadır. Bu kaynaklar, web geliştirme konusunda temel bilgileri öğrenmek isteyenler için harika bir başlangıç nokta.
- awesome-leetcode - A curated list of awesome Leetcode problems, algorithms and data structures.
- awesome-clickhouse - A curated list of awesome ClickHouse software.
- awesome-temporal-action-segmentation - A curated list of awesome temporal action segmentation resources. .
- awesome-AI-kubernetes - :snowflake: :whale: Awesome tools and libs for AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Science, Data Analytics and Cognitive Computing that are baked in the oven to be Native on Kubernetes and Docker with Python, R, Scala, Java, C#, Go, Julia, C++ etc.
- awesome-rethinkdb - A curated list of awesome RethinkDB resources, libraries, tools and applications.
- awesome-cabal - 💫 A curated list of awesome resources for the Haskell Cabal build tool.
- awesome-courses - এই awesome তালিকায় আপনি পেয়ে যাবেন পৃথিবীর সেরা কোর্স লিস্ট গুলো আপনার পছন্দ অনুযায়ী টেকনোলজি হিসেবে। অথবা আপ্নিও শেয়ার করতে পারেন আপনার দেখা বেস্ট কোর্সটিকে এখানে। .
- awesome-llms-fine-tuning - Explore a comprehensive collection of resources, tutorials, papers, tools, and best practices for fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs). Perfect for ML practitioners and researchers!.
- awesome-official-courses - List of technology related courses which have certificate of completition from their creators.
- awesome-design-language-system - List of awesome resources about digital design system.
- awesome-blockchain - Curated list of blockchain, Awesome Awesomeness.
- awesome-hacktoberfest - An Awesome List of Awesome Hacktoberfest-Related Projects.
- awesome-neuromorphic-hw - Repository collecting papers about neuromorphic hardware, such as ASIC and FPGA implementations of SNNs and stuff.
- awesome-machine-learning-robotics - A curated list of resources about Machine Learning for Robotics.
- awesome-smithy - Awesome Smithy is a curated list of awesome build-tools, code-generators, examples, and other resources related to the Smithy IDL.
- Awesome-Fair-Graph-Learning - Paper List for Fair Graph Learning (FairGL).
- Awesome-Video-Captioning - A curated list of research papers in Video Captioning.
- awesome-tweaks - 💻 List of awesome programs and tweaks for Windows, macOS and Linux.
- awesome-elasticsearch-cn - ElasticSearch中文相关资料整理,包括书籍、视频、博文等。.
- awesome-gstreamer - Repositories, cool projects with gstreamer.
- awesome-phishing - Collection of resources related to phishing.
- awesome-artificial-intelligence-research - A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research, tracks the cutting edge trending of AI research, including recommender systems, computer vision, machine learning, etc.
- awesome-pentester - Awestome list of pentesting resources.
- awesome-music-listening - Awesome list of websites dedicated to listening to music.
- awesome-industrial - Curated list of Industry 4.0 research, popular events, open-source software projects and learning resources that are worth looking into!.
- awesome-audioqr - A curated list of Audio QR / NSDT libraries.
- awesome-sound - A curated list of delightful sound packages and resources.
- android-awesome-libraries - There are many libraries which helps your android development!.
- AWESOME-iOS-Learning-Resources - Big list of high-quality iOS learning resources including courses, blogs, newsletters, podcasts, and devloper communities.
- awesome-rl - Awesome RL: Papers, Books, Codes, Benchmarks.
- awesome-open-source - 📚 A curated list of awesome resources about open source: articles, books, videos, tools, funding, etc.
- awesome-oscal - A list of tools, blog posts, and other resources that further the use and adoption of OSCAL standards.
- Awesome_Audio-driven_Talking-Face-Generation - A curated list of resources of audio-driven talking face generation.
- awesome-vctrs - A curated list of amazingly awesome R vector classes.
- awesome-ethereum - A curated list of awesome Ethereum Ressources.
- awesome-representation-learning - The newest reading list for representation learning.
- awesome-AI-tutorials-surveys - A professional list of Tutorials and Surveys on DL, ML, DM, CV, NLP, Speech in top AI conferences and journals.
- awesome-electronic-engineering - Awesome Electronic Engineering .
- awesome-cloudnative - 💯An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Cloud Native.💻 .
- awesome-algeria - A curated list of awesome things and projects built by Algerian developpers.
- ai-directories - An awesome list of best top AI directories.
- Awesome-Myanmar - Awesome Myanmar Projects and Resources.
- awesome-mlp-papers - Recent Advances in MLP-based Models (MLP is all you need!).
- Awesome-Medical-Healthcare-Dataset-For-LLM - A curated list of popular Datasets, Models and Papers for LLMs in Medical/Healthcare.
- awesome-pubdev - A curated list of awesome packages on
- awesome-threat-modeling - A curated list of useful threat modeling resources.
- awesome-vikadata - 🙀 A list of awesome projects / resources / SDKs / frameworks that make Vikadata even more awesome. 🤪
- awesome-psychology - An awesome list of psychology courses, videos and books. Please, contribute!.
- awesome-adtech - 😎An awesome list of awesome adtech things curated by the community.
- deep-learning-resources - A curated list of deep learning resources books, courses, papers, libraries, conferences, sample code, and many more.
- design-heaven - :angel: Stunning open source design resources for designers and developers .
- awesome-visionOS-apps - 🥽 A curated list of awesome apps designed for visionOS and Apple Vision Pro.
- awesome-performance-patches - 🚀⚡ Awesome list about performance related patches/PRs.
- Osint-Resources - Data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an intelligence context.
- awesome-genetics - A curated list of awesome personal genomics software, libraries, and educational resources.
- awesome-software-engineer-topics - A list of useful articles and videos generated from my Instapaper archived list on Software Design, Testing, Public Speaking, etc.
- awesome-resources-cs - A sum of all available resources in CS, software engineering, etc.
- awesome-RK3588 - Useful resources for developing with the RK3588. :rocket:.
- awesome-matrix - A curated list of things related to the Matrix ecosystem, including software, research, etc.
- awesome-svelte-kit - Curated resources on building sites with SvelteKit - A server-less-first answer to "the Next.js experience" by the Svelte community.
- awesome-retext - Curated list of awesome retext resources.
- awesome-1c - Awesome list for 1C Enterprise.
- awesome-e2k - Awesome-e2k.
- oss - Open Source Software list.
- awesome-japan-opendata - Awesome Japan Open Data - 日本のオープンデータ情報一覧・まとめ.
- awesome-front-posts - 让你受益匪浅的前端技术干货系列.
- awesome-profiling - Awesome utilities for performance profiling.
- awesome-actions - Repository template used to showcase Actions that tie into pull request and issue events.
- awesome-linux-zh - 🐧 适用于 Linux 下的应用程序,软件,工具和其他材料.
- awesome-llm-unlearning - A resource repository for machine unlearning in large language models.
- awesome-GLAM-semweb - A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources for heritage, humanities and art history practitioners.
- awesome-design - A collection of open resources for web designers.
- awesome-svelte - Uma lista de coisas incríveis relacionadas ao Svelte.
- Awesome-Captioning - A curated list of Multimodal Captioning related research(including image captioning, video captioning, and text captioning).
- awesome-ai4eda - Awesome Artificial Intelligence for Electronic Design Automation Papers.
- awesome-CAD - 😎 A list of awesome Computer-Aided Design (CAD) papers.
- awesome-cloudbuild - A curated list of resources about all things Google Cloud Build.
- awesome-janet - Curated list of awesome Janet things.
- Awesome-Illustrations-4Projects - 🔥 An awesome list of illustrations to improve your projects, posts & portfolios. Fork & add your own.
- awesome-simd - A curated list of awesome SIMD frameworks, libraries and software.
- awesome-iota - A community driven list of useful IOTA blogs, articles, videos and tools.
- awesome-efficient-aigc - A list of papers, docs, codes about efficient AIGC. This repo is aimed to provide the info for efficient AIGC research, including language and vision, we are continuously improving the project. Welcome to PR the works (papers, repositories) that are missed by the repo.
- awesome-unikernels - A list about Unikernels.
- awesome-indie-maker - A curated list of awesome things related to Indie Maker.
- awesome-drupal - A curated list of amazingly awesome Drupal open source, resources and shiny things.
- awesome-dactyl - A curated list of dactyl related keyboard projects.
- awesome-spacemacs - A collection of awesome Spacemacs resources.
- awesome-cloud-robotics - A curated list of awesome resources, tutorials and tools for cloud robotics.
- noPress - A collection of CMSs and Static Site Generators.
- Awesome-BaseScript - 🍻 飞书多维表格扩展脚本项目汇总 A curated list of awesome lark-base script resources, demo, libraries, tools and more.
- awesome-thingsboard - A curated list of awesome Thingsboard widgets, widget bundles, dashboards, rule chains and custom rule nodes.
- awesome-python-machine-learning-resources - A collection of awesome machine learning and deep learning Python libraries&tools. 热门实用机器学习和深入学习Python库和工具的集合.
- awesome-bayesian-statistics - A repository for collating all the resources such as articles, blogs, papers, and books related to Bayesian Statistics.
- awesome-extjs - A curated list of ExtJS resources.
- awesome-solr - A curated list of Awesome Apache Solr links and resources. .
- awesome-technical-diy-cn - DIY Projects/Tools/Books for Makers.
- awesome-Visual-Place-Recognition - A curated list of awesome Visual Place Recognition papers.
- awesome-flask-cn - Python Flask 优秀资源集锦。.
- awesome-cv - Curated educational list for computer vision.
- awesome-security-feed - A semi-curated list of Security Feeds.
- awesome-pinoy-made - A collection of libraries, and open-source projects lead by Filipino authors/maintainers.
- Speech-Prompts-Adapters - This Repository surveys the paper focusing on Prompting and Adapters for Speech Processing. .
- awesome-synthetic-data - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to synthetic data.
- awesome-transformer - A collection of transformer's guides, implementations and variants. .
- awesome-embedded - A curated list of awesome embedded software frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things.
- awesome-interop - A curated list of awesome resources and projects that concern blockchain interoperability.
- laravel-awesome - The best place for getting started with Laravel.
- awesome_dart_frog - An awesome repo with Dart Frog articles, tutorials, plugins, and more! Created by Very Good Ventures.
- python_more_awesome - The essential Python list.
- open-science-resources - A publicly-editable collection of open science resources, including tools, datasets, meta-resources, etc.
- awesome-playgrounds - List of awesome playgrounds.
- awesome-cheat-sheets - Awesome Cheat Sheets for Developer Utility, like Git, Vim, Tmux, Sublime Text, Markdown, Shell.
- awesome-workplaces-slovenia - Awesome workplaces in Slovenia 🇸🇮.
- awesome-blockchain-cn - 收集所有区块链(BlockChain)相关资料.
- awesome-django-blogs - List of blogs about Django and related technologies.
- Awesome-Polarization - List of awesome papers on Polarization Imaging.
- awesome-local-llms - Compare open-source local LLM inference projects by their metrics to assess popularity and activeness.
- awesome-jtbd - All things Jobs-to-Be-Done. Inspired by 'awesome-' repos. PRs welcomed. Contribute to the awesome.
- awesome-unreal - Awesome Unreal Engine 5.
- awesome-hummingbot - A collection of awesome stuff related to Hummingbot ecosystem.
- awesome-shopify - 👩🎓👨🎓 Must-read articles, videos and books for store owners, app and theme developers.
- awesome-substreams - 😎 Awesome lists about Substreams.
- awesome-egov-de - A curated list of resources on egovernment in Germany.
- awesome-data-temporality - A curated list to help you manage temporal data across many modalities 🚀.
- ios-apps - Awesome iOS apps.
- awesome-newsroom-tech - List of newsrooms around the world that are using software engineering, data science, osint, and various tech to elevate reporting.
- montreal - A directory of companies, people, and projects that are Open Source and from Montréal.
- awesome-amazon-seller-tools - Awesome Amazon Seller Tools.
- awesome-distribution-shift - A curated list of papers and resources about the distribution shift in machine learning.
- awesome-seeds - 🌱 发现新鲜有趣的小型开源项目,欢迎投稿!.
- awesome-cs-course - Awesome university cs core courses.
- Awesome - Awesome collection of resources 😎 Work in progress🔥.
- awesome-aoe2 - Curated list of awesome Age of Empires II resources .
- awesome-aws-lambda - Curated list of Awesome AWS Lambda seed repos, starters, boilerplates, examples, tutorials, components, modules, videos, and anything else in the AWS Lambda ecosystem.
- awesome-tagged-templates - A list of libraries and learning resources for ES2015 tagged template literals.
- marbert - UBC ARBERT and MARBERT Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Arabic .
- awesome-computational-photography - A curated list of awesome resources for topics related to computational photography via deep learning, which mainly focuses on image alignment and stitching.
- Awesome-medical-coding-NLP - A collection of papers on automated medical coding from free-texts.
- awesome-blockchain-testing - Curated list of blog posts, videos and resources on testing blockchains and blockchain-based applications.
- awesome-linux-apps - 🚀 A list of awesome applications for 🐧 Linux distributions.
- SecondaryAwesomeCollection - 收集深度学习相关的awesome 资源列表,欢迎补充.
- awesome-devins - Awesome Devin-inspired AI agents.
- awesome-adaptive-computation - A curated reading list of research in Adaptive Computation, Dynamic Compute & Mixture of Experts (MoE).
- YouTubeList - A growing list of educational YouTube channels, ranked by popularity.
- awesome-semantic-understanding-for-aerial-scene - A curated list of awesome resources for semantic understanding of aerial scene.
- awesome-azure-devops - An awesome list of Azure DevOps content created by Microsoft or the Community!.
- awesome-comfyui - An awesome & curated list of cool tools for ComfyUI.
- awesome-dapr - A cruated list of awesome Dapr application runtime related tools.
- awesome-android-learning - 🤖 Curated list of awesome Android articles and resource .
- awesome-wordpress - A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities.
- pwa-awesome-ru - A curated list of awesome PWA resources (primarily in Russian).
- awesome-affiliates - A curated list of awesome affiliate programs.
- awesome-ethereum-finance - Ethereum cutting edge applications, protocols, cryptography, systems and more.
- awesome-mud - 🖥 A curated list of bookmarks, tools, tutorials, and other cool resources for text-based game developers.
- Qc_book_list - Quantum computing book list - A book list for those who want to self-study quantum computing.
- awesome-kong - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome resources for Kong API Gateway.
- awesome-remote-sensing - Collection of Remote Sensing Resources.
- awesome-grid-layout - 👓 A curated list of CSS Grid Layout Module or only Css Grid.
- Generative_KG_Construction_Papers - [EMNLP 2022] Generative Knowledge Graph Construction: A Review.
- awesome-infosec - A curated list of awesome infosec blog posts, courses, books and more!.
- awesome-programmer - A collection of resources to learn from and become a self-taught awesome programmer.
- awesome-service-workers - A Collection of some awesome Service-Workers resources. Feel Free to contribute if u feel it's worth adding in this repository.
- awesome-android-person - Awesome android person.
- awesome-cocos - ⚡️ Delightful Cocos Creator show cases, utilities, documents and more!.
- awesome-gotenberg - :rainbow: A curated list of awesome things related to Gotenberg.
- Awesome-Tool-Learning - A curated list of papers and applications on tool learning.
- awesome-lnbits - Awesome projects build on LNBits.
- awesome-g0v - A curated list of g0v projects.
- awesome-text-summarization - Text summarization starting from scratch.
- awesome-cloudops - A curated list of tools and best practices for CloudOps.
- awesome-nwjs - Awesome NW.js (node-webkit).
- awesome-bimanual-manipulation - Robot bimanual manipulation / dual-arm manipulation .
- awesome - Collection of resources for all things Tendermint.
- component-based-theming - Resources for component-based theming with Drupal and Twig.
- awesome-circom - A curated list of repos related to Circom.
- awesome-spectra - 🌈 A collaborative list of awesome tools for spectroscopy. Also, check:.
- awesome-opensees - A curated list of OpenSees resources.
- fucking-awesome-go - Awesome-go with :octocat: :star: and :fork_and_knife: .
- Awesome-Vision-Pro - Collection of apps, developer resources, communities, and articles related to the Apple Vision Pro.
- awesome-coredns - A curated list for awesome CoreDNS resources.
- awesome-metamask-snaps - A curated list of awesome MetaMask Snaps related resources.
- awesome-frontend-interview-resources - Here is a list of some frontend interview questions which I have collected based on what people shared from their interview experience.
- awesome-phoenix - Awesome List for Phoenix.
- Awesome-ML-Model-Governance - This repository provides a curated list of references about Machine Learning Model Governance, Ethics, and Responsible AI.
- awesome-video-domain-adaptation - A comprehensive collection of awesome research and other items about video domain adaptation.
- awesome-holography - A curated list of resources on holographic displays.
- awesome-coastal - A curated list of awesome resources for coastal engineers and scientists.
- awesome-ai-music-generation - A curated compilation of AI-driven generative music resources and projects. Explore the blend of machine learning algorithms and musical creativity.
- ai-collective-tools - Explore a curated selection of AI tools and resources.
- awesome-sca - A curated list of Software Component Analysis (SCA) books, courses - free and paid, videos, tools, and tutorials.
- awesome-auto-graph-learning - A paper collection about automated graph learning.
- awesome-meilisearch - A curated list of awesome Meilisearch resources.
- offline-docs - A collection of scripts to build offline documentation for your favourite frameworks/libraries. Simply search, copy/paste the commands and enjoy.
- Best-Audio-Classification-Resources-with-Deep-learning - List of articles related to deep learning applied to music.
- bert-in-production - A collection of resources on using BERT ( ) and related Language Models in production environments.
- awesome-talks - My mostly incomplete list of memorable talks that should probably be required material.
- security-study-tutorial - Summary of online learning materials.
- Find.Your.Purpose - An exhaustive list of products with a purpose of making our World a better place to live in and to help you find your mission. .
- awesome-generative-ai-companies - A curated list of Gеnerative AI companies, sorted by focus area and total fundraised amount.
- awesome-ai-research-intern-list - List of AI Internships.
- resources-for-web-developers - Resources for Web Developers.
- awesome-remote-sensing-vision-language-models - Awesome-Remote-Sensing-Vision-Language-Models.
- awesome-expat - :earth_americas: A curated list of resources for expats.
- awesome-oneapi - An Awesome list of oneAPI projects.
- awesome-prismic - A curated list of awesome things related to Prismic.
- software-development-resources - Curated list of Software Development resources.
- made-in-indonesia - Curated list Open source software made by indonesian. 🇮🇩 Project Perangkat lunak sumber terbuka yang dibuat oleh orang indonesia.
- awesome-vietnamese - Open source by Vietnamese people.
- awesome-self-driving-labs - A curated list of self-driving laboratories that combine hardware automation and artificial intelligence to accelerate scientific discovery.
- awesome-computer-vision-in-sports - A comprehensive list of papers on computer vision in sports.
- Awesome-recsys - Curated list of recommnedation system topics.
- awesome-3D-point-cloud-attacks - List of state of the art papers, code, and other resources.
- awesome-adhd - A curated list of ADHD apps, books, ideas and resources across the web!.
- awesome-studio-lab-jp - SageMaker Studio Labの教材を紹介するリポジトリ。.
- awesome-deep-rl - A curated list of awesome Deep Reinforcement Learning resources.
- Machine-Learning - Awesome list (courses, books, videos etc.) and implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms.
- awesome-programming-books - List of good programming books for beginners and professionals.
- tamil-nlp-catalog - Awesome List of Tamil NLP & AI Resources.
- awesome-uefi-security - 👓A collection of papers/tools/exploits for UEFI security.
- awesome-notfancyappchallenge - A learning by doing challenge, where you build an app within 24 hours ⭐️.
- awesome-deepfake-porn-detection - Papers, repos, datasets : deepfake and porn detection using deep learning.
- awesome-tact - List of valuable resources and projects.
- awesome-tw-foss - A curated list of awesome Taiwan open source projects.
- awesome-tensorial-neural-networks - A thoroughly investigated survey for tensorial neural networks.
- awesome-useful-websites - Hand-curated list of awesome and useful websites.
- awesome-map - 📚 收集基于地图的一系列有趣的网站.
- Awesome-Quantum-Games - A (not really) complete list of quantum games.
- awesome-milligram - A curated list of Milligram resources.
- awesome-spanner - A curated list of awesome Google Cloud Spanner references, tools, libraries and more.
- awesome-openai-whisper - A curated list of awesome OpenAI's Whisper.
- awesome-neural-art - A curated list of awesome neural network-based art resources.
- awesome-hamradio - Awesome hamradio repositories.
- awesome-python-backend - Index for online reading materials in order to learn Python and backend development/engineering concepts from scratch and develop a mastery sufficient for Senior/Principal Backend Engineers and Data Engineers.
- awesome-elixir-posts - Awesome Elixir Posts.
- awesome-capacitorjs - ⚡️ A curated list of awesome things related to Capacitor.
- awesome-humanities-ontologies - A curated list of ontologies for Digital Humanities.
- awesome-learning-collections - ✨ A curated list of awesome learning collections on various topics.
- awesome-open-source-synths - Awesome Open Source Synths List!.
- awesome-azure-static-web-apps - Curated list of resources for Azure Static Web Apps.
- Awesome-Mixup - Awesome List of Mixup Augmentation Papers for Visual Representation Learning.
- awesome-defi-product-management - A curated list of DeFi product management resources .
- awesome-frontend - Curated list of awesome frontend resources :star::sunglasses:.
- awesome-honeypot - Awesome Honeypot Resource Collection. Including 250+ Honeypot tools, and 350+ posts about Honeypot.
- awesome-data-valuation - 💱 A curated list of data valuation (DV) to design your next data marketplace.
- awesome-ethereum-diagrams - Curated list of Ethereum infographics - L1, L2, Oracles, DeFi.
- awesome-graph-reduction - [IJCAI 2024] Papers about graph reduction including graph coarsening, graph condensation, graph sparsification, graph summarization, etc.
- awesome-FHIR - A curated list of awesome FHIR software, libraries, tools and resources, inspired by awesome-[technology].
- awesome-javascript-design-patterns - A collection of awesome resources for learning design patterns in JavaScript.
- awesome-next - 😎 Theme NexT, AWESOME NexT!.
- awesome-mentalhealth - A curated list of awesome mental health resources.
- awesome-programming-skills - 🦍 编程技术大杂烩,程序员的野蛮生长。.
- awesome-flights - Curated list of flight searches :: It's no shame to fly!.
- awesome-nodegui - Useful resources for creating apps with NodeGui .
- awesome-android-awesomeness - A curated list of android awesomeness.
- awesome-face-generation - Basic GAN frameworks and approaches for face swap, reenactment, and stylizing.
- awesome-engineering-path - A curated list of engineering ladder, path and compensation frameworks.
- awesome-deep-time-series-representations - A curated list of state-of-the-art papers on deep learning for universal representations of time series.
- awesome - 🍼 A curated list of awesome things related to Milkdown.
- awesome-dicom - A curated list of awesome DICOM resources and libraries.
- LearningResources - A centralised hub for learner around the globe from A-Z. You can find collections of manuals, blogs, hacks, one liners, courses, other free learning-resources and more .
- awesome-decentralized-database - A curated list of awesome decentralized databases and related resources.
- awesome-aha - Awesome list for "Aha!" moments related to programming and computer science. Accelerate your learning.
- awesome-maker-br - Makers Brasil.
- awesome-theory-of-mind - Machine Theory of Mind Reading List. Built upon EMNLP Findings 2023 Paper: Towards A Holistic Landscape of Situated Theory of Mind in Large Language Models.
- cryosphere-links - This is a link list with awesome data, models, and tools around the cryosphere.
- awesome-mlp-mixer - Transformers w/o Attention, based fully on MLPs.
- awesome-omscs - Awesome Georgia Tech Online Master of Science in Computer Science Guides, Articles and so on!.
- awesome-ebooks - 收录开源的经典技术书籍 PDF 文件及相关网站,持续更新中.
- awesome-frontend - 策划的非常棒前端列表库、资源和闪亮的东西。.
- awesome-bitcoin-sv - A curated list of bitcoin services and tools for software developers.
- awesome-snapmaker - Curated list of things that help you make something awesome with Snapmaker machines.
- awesome-mac - Mac awesome macOS Apps.
- awesome-ngo - A curated list of FOSS (Free and Open-source Software), freemium tools and guides for NGOs.
- awesome-v2ex-tips - 给新手的 V2EX 指南.
- Awesome-Partial-Graph-Machine-Learning - A curated list for awesome partial graph machine learning resources.
- Awesome_visual_place_recognition_datasets - A curated list of Visual Place Recognition (VPR)/ loop closure detection (LCD) datasets.
- awesome-locust - A collection of resources covering different aspects of Locust load testing tool usage.
- awesome-python-resources - A collection of awesome Python open-source libraries & tools. 热门实用的Python开源库和工具集合.
- Awesome-Multi-Camera-Network - Multi-camera Network research resources.
- awesome-rvos - Referring Video Object Segmentation / Multi-Object Tracking Repo.
- awesome-webots - Awesome Webots.
- awesome-security - A collection of awesome ethical hacking and security related content!.
- awesome_style_transfer - The style transfer paper collection in International CV conference.
- raspap-awesome - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things created with RaspAP.
- awesome-anomaly-detection-in-medical-images - Awesome anomaly detection in medical images.
- awesome-visual-localization-papers - The relocalization task aims to estimate the 6-DoF pose of a novel (unseen) frame in the coordinate system given by the prior model of the world. .
- awesome-mobile-graphics - A curated list of various learning resources for computer graphics on mobile devices.
- awesome-raspberrypipico - Curation of Raspberry Pi Pico resources.
- awesome-solana-oss - Compilation of awesome open-source Solana repositories on GitHub!.
- awesometools - 整理一些实用的软件工具和开发学习资源.
- awesome-scene-text-detection - Tracking the latest progress in Scene Text Detection and Recognition: Must-read papers well organized with code and dataset.
- awesome-custom-search-engines - 🏃💨 List of custom search engines & shortcuts to improve your daily workflow.
- awesome-qt - Awesome Qt.
- awesome-framework - A COMPLETELY UNOFFICIAL curated list of projects, tools, documentation and resources related to the Framework Laptop.
- awesome-python-ast - Python tools, libraries and resources about AST (as in Abstract Syntax Trees).
- Awesome-CSS-Resources - An awesome list of CSS / SCSS frameworks & resources.
- awesome-search-relevance - Tools and other things for people who work on search relevance & information retrieval.
- awesome-osu - 😎A curated list of awesome osu resource.
- awesome-digital-ic - A collection of great digital IC project/tutorial/website etc.
- awesome-openstack - A curated list for awesome openstack links :cloud::cloud:.
- awesome-Gesture-Recognition - Resources about Gesture Recognition.
- shopify-development-resources - A List of resources for Shopify development.
- awesome-python-packaging - An awesome list for python package development.
- awesome-inferno - A curated list of awesome Inferno documents, libraries, and software.
- Awesome-Hexcrawl - :world_map: Awesome list of free Hexcrawl resources.
- podcasts - Awesome Podcasts.
- awesome-marp - A curated list of awesome things related to Marp.
- awesome-power-platform - A collection of awesome things regarding the Power Platform ecosystem.
- awesome-regl - List of resources, projects and tools for regl.
- awesome-micro-expression-recognition - A GitHub repository about micro-expression recognition, micro-expression detection, and micro-expression analysis.
- awesome-NILM-with-code - A repository of awesome Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring(NILM) with code.
- awesome-list - Lista de links úteis.
- awesome-asynchronous-federated-learning - 📦 Collect some Asynchronous Federated Learning papers.
- awesome-helium - Awesome list related to the helium ecosystem.
- awesome-cadence-temporal-workflow - A curated list of awesome things related to the Cadence and Temporal Workflow Engines.
- awesome-msp - A curated list of awesome tools, platforms, products and resources for MSPs.
- awesome-dataframes - An awesome list of dataframe libraries.
- Awesome-Pentest - A list of awesome penetration testing tools and resources.
- awesome-faraday - A curated list of awesome middleware and adapters for Faraday.
- awesome-privacy-engineering - A curated list of resources related to privacy engineering.
- awesome-ai-security - A collection of awesome resources related AI security.
- awesome-unofficial-pc-ports - A curated list of awesome unoffical PC Ports.
- awesome-pulsar - A curated list of Pulsar tools, integrations and resources.
- awesome-quic - A collection of various awesome lists for QUIC related articles, presentations, and open source implementations. Update weekly.
- awesome-chrome - A curated list of amazingly awesome Chrome extensions.
- awesome-zettelkasten - A list of awesome Zettelkasten resources.
- awesome-hk-open-source - 收集香港開發者的Open Source.
- awesome-liveshare - ⚡️Awesome resources for Visual Studio Live Share.
- awesome-memento - A list of things related to software, literature, and other content for 🕣 Memento.
- awesome-ora - A curated list of awesome ORA ecosystem.
- find-oss - A list of popular open source alternatives to proprietary SaaS.
- awesome-neural-sbi - Community-sourced list of papers and resources on neural simulation-based inference.
- awesome-tarantool - A curated list of delightful Tarantool modules, connectors and other resources.
- awesome-RLAIF - A continually updated list of literature on Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF) .
- Aweome-Heathcare-Federated-Learning - A curated list of Federated Learning papers/articles and recent advancements.
- awesome-information-geometry - About A collection of AWESOME things about information geometry Topics.
- data-tools - Data Tools Subjective List.
- awesome-hyperspectral-image-unmixing - Resource collection for the paper "Integration of Physics-Based and Data-Driven Models for Hyperspectral Image Unmixing: A summary of current methods" (SPM 2023).
- awesome-swift-async-await - A hand-curated list of Swift async/await resources. Feel free to contribute!.
- Awesome-Azure-Advanced-Analytics - Awesome big data and advanced analytics resources for the Microsoft Azure Cloud.
- awesome-topic-models - ✨ Awesome - A curated list of amazing Topic Models (implementations, libraries, and resources).
- awesome-mautic - Curated List of Mautic Plugins, Blogs, Repositories and Themes.
- make_work_easier - This is a repo that investigates or develops tools to make work easier and enjoyable, especially for research stuffs.
- awesome-svelte-stores - A list of awesome Svelte stores.
- awesome-hexo-plugins - 🆒A curated list of awesome plugins related to Hexo.
- awesome-uni-app - 多端统一开发框架 uni-app 优秀学习资源汇总.
- awesome-cocoa - A curated list of awesome Cocoa controls for iOS, watchOS and macOS.
- awesome-weaviate - Awesome Weaviate.
- awesome-ux-design-styles - Curated list of UX styleguides and design systems.
- awesome-article-recomm - 优质博文推荐计划.
- Awesome-LLM-Prompt-Optimization - Awesome-LLM-Prompt-Optimization: a curated list of advanced prompt optimization and tuning methods in Large Language Models.
- awesome-myanmar-unicode - :sparkles: A curated list of resources for Myanmar Unicode.
- roc-awesome - Awesome Roc and other things.
- awesome-sde-id-medium - 😎 Daftar akun keren dari para pegiat software engineering di Indonesia.
- awesome-object-detection-in-aerial-images - A curated list of awesome resources for generic object detection in aerial images.
- awesome-qubes-os - A curated list of awesome qubes os links.
- awesome-mobile - Awesome instruments for mobile marketing and development.
- awesome-devsecops_ru - Подборка выступлений и публикаций на тему DevSecOps на русском и не только).
- awesome-cohost - An awesome list for cohost!.
- awesome-depin - A curated list of all DePIN research, projects and resources.
- Awesome-LWMs - 🌍 A Collection of Awesome Large Weather Models (LWMs) | AI for Earth (AI4Earth) | AI for Science (AI4Science).
- awesome-riotjs - A curated list of awesome riot.js resources!.
- awesome-xrpl - 😎 Awesome projects, links, and stuff with the XRPL, aka XRP Ledger.
- awesome-Federated-Learning - Federated-learning.
- awesome-dreamcast - A collection of useful link and tool for Sega #Dreamcast development.
- awesome-ethereum-analytics - A curated list of projects around Ethereum analytics.
- awesome-video-enhancement - Paper list for video enhancement, including video super-resolution, interpolation, denoising, deblurring and inpainting.
- awesome-design - An ever-growing/changing collection of tools, resources, tutorials, guidelines and examples. .
- tips-for-scientific-research - A collection of tips for scientific research.
- Awesome_Information_Extraction - Literature Survey of Information Extraction, especially Relation Extraction, Event Extraction, and Slot Filling.
- awesome-nlp-chinese-corpus - A curated list of resources of chinese corpora for NLP(Natural Language Processing).
- awesome-ai-seo - A curated list of awesome AI tools for SEO, including content optimization, keyword research, analytics, and more.
- awesome-anbernic - Resources for Anbernic consoles (links, CFW.).
- awesome-serverless-research - A curated list of awesome serverless research works, including papers and open-sourced projects.
- awesome-debrid - 🆓 Download and stream in an instant.
- awesome-imbalanced-learning-on-graphs - A repository contains a collection of resources and papers on Imbalance Learning On Graphs.
- awesome-calculus - :tropical_drink: A list of awesome resources I used to study Calculus.
- Awesome-Misinfo-Video-Detection - A curated list of works related to Misinformation Video Detection, as a companion material for an MM 2023 survey.
- awesome-kubernetes - A collection of tools for Kubernetes.
- awesome_ImageAesthetics - A list of Image Aesthetics papers and resources.
- awesome-research-software-registries - Awesome list of Research Software Registries.
- awesome-networked-media - Awesome list of tools for using multimedia in the network.
- awesome-bitvm - A curated list of resources around BitVM.
- awesome-pwa-ecommerce - A collection of awesome cases and technologies around PWA in Ecommerce.
- awesome-neural-trees - Introduction, selected papers and possible corresponding codes in our review paper "A Survey of Neural Trees".
- awesome-privacy-papers - Machine/deep learning papers that address the topic of privacy in visual data.
- awesome-desci - A curated list of awesome DeSci resources, projects, events, articles and more .
- awesome-cloudinary - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: :books: A curated list of awesome resources : books, videos, articles about getting started and using Cloudinary (A comprehensive cloud-based image and video management platform).
- awesome-nn-optimization - Awesome list for Neural Network Optimization methods.
- awesome-react-testing - React and React Native testing tools and strategies.
- awesome-AIGC-tools - AIGC information including ChatGPT , GPT-4 and others.
- awesome-real-time-AI - This is a list of awesome edgeAI inference related papers.
- awesome-http-clients - 💎 A curated list of awesome HTTP Clients for exploring, debugging, and testing APIs.
- awesome_vr - List of curated articles on VR for developers and designers.
- newsletters - Awesome Newsletters.
- awesome-puredata - A curated list of resources for visual programming language Pure Data.
- awesome-go - A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software + implementation of algorithms and utility programs in Go.
- awesome-go-in-education - A curated list about Go in Education 🎓.
- awesome-scrypt - A curated list of awesome resources about using sCrypt.
- awesome - List of awesome WebUSB applications, libraries and resources.
- awesome-blockchain-bug-bounty - A comprehensive curated list of available Blockchain Bug Bounty Programs.
- awesome-asr-contextualization - A curated list of awesome papers on contextualizing E2E ASR outputs.
- awesome-blockchain - Curated List of awesome Blockchain and Crytocurrency Resources.
- awesome-gtfs - :bus: A collection of awesome gtfs libraries, resources and other things.
- awesome-gc - A curated list of awesome garbage collection resources.
- awesome-multiagent-learning - A curated list of multiagent learning and related area resources.
- awesome-things - 程序员开拓眼界和提升效率——持续更新。。。.
- awesome-ai-summerschool - A list of summer schools on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Healthcare.
- awesome-text-based-image-manipulation - A curated list of text-based image manipulation methods.
- awesome-spicedb - An awesome list for the SpiceDB ecosystem 😎.
- awesome-dragonruby - A collection of awesome DragonRuby example apps, libraries, tools, frameworks, software and resources.
- awesome-corda - A curated list of awesome Corda resources.
- awesome-gitpod - 🍊 Awesome Gitpod | A curated list of awesome Gitpod resources.
- solana-awesome - The "Solana-Awesome" repository serves as a comprehensive, factual resource hub for anyone interested in learning about the Solana blockchain and its underlying technology. It is meticulously curated to include a wide array of informative materials such as articles, videos, and Twitter threads, as well as insightful blog posts.
- awesome-social-robots - A list of resources and projects to create Open Source Social Robots.
- awesome-multibody-dynamics-simulation - :sunglasses: A curated list of resources for multibody dynamics simulation papers.
- awesome-vr-ux - Awesome VR UX.
- awesome-article-collection - Curated articles by writers, both technical and non-technical. This was made specifically to encourage content creators to discover their strengths and consistently produce quality articles. You are welcome to participate by sending a PR.
- awesome-legal-data - Collection of Datasets for Legal Text Processing.
- awesome-knowledge-graphs - Graph databases, Knowledge Graphs, SPARQ.
- awesome-windows-exploitation - A curated list of awesome Windows Exploitation resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesom.
- awesome - A list of awesome resources about HyperDbg.
- Awesome-Security-Resources - This repository is for tools, guides, cheatsheets, and anything else related to learning all different aspects of security.
- awesome-cypher - A curated list of (open)Cypher resources.
- Awesome-Deep-Learning-of-Remote-Sensing - Awesome Deep Learning of Remote Sensing.
- awesome-trunk-based-dev - A curated list of trunk based development resources.
- awesome-cml - Awesome for chameleon.
- awesome-lora-lorawan - A curated list of LoRa and LoRaWAN resources.
- awesome-io_uring - Awesome io_uring.
- awesome-mdm-dev - :iphone: A curated list of Mobile Device Management (MDM) developer resources.
- awesome-puppet - A curated list of amazingly awesome puppet resources inspired by @bayandin's awesome-awesomeness.
- awesome-micro-frontends - An Awesome list of posts, videos and tutorials on Micro Frontends.
- BNN-ANN-papers - Papers : Biological and Artificial Neural Networks.
- hub - 好用的工具、资源收集库, 好记性不如破键盘.
- awesome-hexo-theme - 🌟排名前 10 的 Hexo 主题 | Top 10 Hexo theme.
- awesome-arco - Awesome Arco Design resources list.
- awesome-ai-brain-computer-interface - Must-read papers on machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning and other learning methods for brain-computer interfaces.
- GPA-LM - This repo is a live list of papers on game playing and large multimodality model - "A Survey on Game Playing Agents and Large Models: Methods, Applications, and Challenges".
- awesome-B-R - A curated list of awesome B&R frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-. stuff.
- awesome-iac-testing - A list of awesome IaC testing articles, speeches & links. Especially about Ansible.
- awesome-chromebook - Chromebook as development machine.
- fucking-awesome-sysadmin - A curated list of amazingly awesome open source sysadmin resources. With up-to-date repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-software-analytics - Curated list of awesome resources and links about Software Analytics.
- awesome-tjsse-project - 收集的同济软院的项目目录。.
- awesome-human-label-variation - A curated list of awesome datasets with human label variation (un-aggregated labels) in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, accompanying The 'Problem' of Human Label Variation: On Ground Truth in Data, Modeling and Evaluation (EMNLP 2022).
- awesome-astronomy - 😎 Awesome lists about Astronomy stuff. ⭐ Databases, sites, Twitter accounts, projects, NASA, ESA, JAXA, and more 🚀.
- Chrome-OS-Guide - Chrome OS Guide.
- awesome-disfluency-detection - A curated list of awesome disfluency detection publications along with the released code and bibliographical information.
- templates - TsParticles website templates collection.
- awesome-env-config-cn - 各种开发语言项目环境国内(中国国内加速镜像)配置教程和部分实践经验,包括, Node.js,npm,nvm, yarn, java, maven, gradle, python, mysys2, elasticsearch, php,golang等等,更多正在加入中.
- NLP-Guide - Natural Language Processing (NLP). Covering topics such as Tokenization, Part Of Speech tagging (POS), Machine translation, Named Entity Recognition (NER), Classification, and Sentiment analysis. .
- awesome-ai-frontend - 🌟 A curated list of AI resources (APIs and SDKs, Code samples, Community projects, Learning Materials) for front-end developers who want to build AI-powered apps.
- awesome-gamejam - This is a curated list that contains helpful links and resources for game jams and game development.
- awesome-fp-ts - A curated list of amazingly awesome fp-ts resources .
- awesome-ai-cardiology - Awesome resources for artificial intelligence in cardiology.
- awesome-wintercms - A curated list of awesome things related to WinterCMS.
- awesome-woovi-challenge - Awesome Woovi Challenges.
- awesome-gaze - A curated list of awesome gaze estimation frameworks, datasets and other awesomeness.
- awesome-0data - Resources around owning your data 100%.
- awesome-democracy-data - A curated list of awesome data sources related to elections, electoral reforms, and democratic political systems.
- awesome-kurds - A curated list of awesome Kurds.
- awesome-ton-smart-contracts - 💎 A collection of awesome tools, docs and guides for developing smart contracts for the TON blockchain.
- awesome-mechatronics - A list of awesome mechatronics books, courses and software.
- awesome-key-information-extraction - A curated list of papers about key information extraction.
- awesome-vlm-architectures - Famous Vision Language Models and Their Architectures.
- awesome-graph-representation-learning - A curated list of awesome graph representation learning.
- awesome-hpc - A collection of Awesome HPC software and tools.
- awesome-go-tools - A list of awesome Go tools. Not like awesome-go here only maintains golang awesome tools.
- awesome-ui - A curated list of awesome UI libraries, frameworks & guidelines.
- awesome-tlaplus - A curated list of TLA+ resources.
- Awesome-Data-Science - Carefully curated list of awesome data science resources.
- awesome-frontend-security - ☔️A curated list of tools, articles & resources to help take your frontend security to the next level. Feel free to contribute!.
- awesome-agile-essentials - An awesome list of concepts & resources of Agile Software Development, curated from handpicked project management contents, courses & more!.
- super-awesome-mac - A curated collection of my favorite (free) apps for MacOs.
- awesome-neuro-symbolic-ai - A curated list of awesome Neuro-Symbolic AI software frameworks.
- Awesome-Deepfakes - A list of datasets, tools, papers and code related to Deepfakes.
- awesome-microbit-zh - Micro:bit资源大全中文版.
- awesome-llm-list - An overview of Large Language Model (LLM) options.
- awesome-datascience-python - Awesome list Data Science and Python. :snake:.
- awesome-hledger - Guides and Tools for hledger.
- awesome-hackclub - A collection of super awesome projects made by Hack Clubbers.
- awesome-basic - A curated list of awesome BASIC dialects, IDEs, and tutorials.
- documentaries - Awesome Documentaries.
- awesome-blockchain-security - A curated list of awesome things related to Blockchain security.
- awesome-testing - Software Testing for QA.
- Awesome-Object-Detections - Object detection records.
- awesome-bioinformatics-education - Resources for bioinformatics education.
- awesome-qldb - A curated list of awesome QLDB guides, development tools, and resources.
- awesome-recon-tools - A compiled list of tools for reconnaissance and footprinting.
- awesome-cloud-sec - Awesome list for cloud security related projects.
- awesome-boardgame-development - An awesome list of board game development resources.
- awesome-federated-reinforcement-learning - Publication catalog for research on Federated RL (FRL).
- typedb-awesome - A curated list of awesome TypeDB frameworks libraries, software and resources.
- my-awesome-projects - Learn by doing projects.
- awesome-vsan - Awesome List of VMware vSan Resources.
- awesome-llm-courses - A curated list of awesome online courses about Large Langage Models (LLMs).
- awesome-few-shot-learning-in-nlp - A curated list of few-shot learning in NLP. :-).
- awesome-atproto - A curated list of awesome ATProto resources.
- awesome-botman - A curated list of awesome projects and resources for BotMan.
- awesome-xapi - A curated list of developer resources to integrate with Webex Devices.
- awesome-pharo-ml - List of projects, books, booklets, papers, and applications related to machine learning, AI, data science in Pharo.
- adversarial-attacks-and-defenses-for-windows-pe-malware-detection - A curated resource list of adversarial attacks and defenses for Windows PE malware detection.
- awesome-ada - Awesome resources and other links related to the Ada programming language.
- awesome-microbes - List of computational resources for analyzing microbial sequencing data.
- awesome-vr - An awesome curated list of Virtual Reality (VR) things.
- awesome-disaggregated-memory - A collection of awesome researchers and papers about disaggregated memory.
- awesome-cloudformation - Awesome curated list of AWS CloudFormation links.
- awesome-rhasspy - Carefully curated list of projects and resources for the voice assistant Rhasspy.
- awesome-gridsome - A curated list of awesome things related to Gridsome.
- awesome-rlhf - An index of algorithms for reinforcement learning from human feedback (rlhf)).
- Developer-Handbook - Developer-Handbook.
- LiDAR-Guide - LiDAR Guide .
- awesome-japanese-fonts - 素晴らしい日本語フォントの一覧です.
- awesome-projen - P6M7G8's Awesome Projen.
- awesome-esports - A curated list of open-source projects related to esports.
- awesome-asus-tinker-board - A curated list of ASUS Tinker Board resources.
- awesome-walletconnect - A curated list of awesome WalletConnect resources, libraries, tools and more.
- Free-Certifications - This repository contains the list of all the development courses available with free certifications.
- awesome-web-newsletters - 🔥 List of awesome web related newsletter to subscribe.
- awesome-git-cn - :dragon_face: 收集整理一些常用 Git 教程、工具 の 资源库,以便在工作中迅速的查找所需.
- awesome-loopring - A curated list of awesome things built on Loopring.
- awesome-combine - A collaborative list of awesome Combine resources and libraries. Feel free to contribute!.
- Awesome-Multimodal-LLM - Reading list for Multimodal Large Language Models .
- bevy_awesome_prod - My curated list of projects using bevy in production, preferably with a company or a business model in mind.
- awesome-recruitment-tests - A curated list of awesome coding assignments and recruitment tests.
- made-in-korea - 🇰🇷 Curating the best projects that were made and mainly contributed by Korean developers.
- FLsystem-paper - Federated Learning Systems Paper List.
- awesome-twill - A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Twill community.
- awesome-devs-on-tiktok - A community-built list of developers making content on TikTok!.
- awesome-web-apps - Curated List of Web Apps.
- awesome-multiversx-dev-resources - Awesome MultiversX dev resources: Smart contracts, SDKs, dev libraries, articles, tutorials, all other dev stuff.
- awesome-xmtp - A curated list of awesome resources and projects built using XMTP.
- awesome-GAN-papers - Papers and codes about GAN.
- awesome-web-browsers - 🕸A list of awesome web browsers for desktop, mobile, terminals, text editors etc.
- awesome-6D-pose-estimation - 6D pose estimation algorithm.
- awesome-diem - A collection about all things Diem (formerly Libra), Move & Facebook Zuckerbucks - Let's reinvent money with fast and cheap world-wide transfers; let's bank the 1.7 billion unbanked, .
- awesome-platform-engineering - A curated list of awesome Platform Engineering tools, practices and resources.
- Awesome-Resource-Efficient-LLM-Papers - A curated list of high-quality papers on resource-efficient LLMs 🌱.
- awesome-structural-bioinformatics - Structural Bioinformatics is awesome. Throw your textbook in the garbage, light the garbage can on fire, and blend the ashes into your cold brew almond milk latte and read this.
- awesome-opentofu - A curated list of OpenTofu tools, resources, and related projects.
- web3together - 🗣 Public open-ended discussions about Blockchain, Web3, NFTs, DeFi, .
- awesome-nx - An awesome list that curates the best Nrwl Nx tools, tutorials, articles and more.
- awesome-cadquery - A curated list of CadQuery code and resources.
- awesome-GAN - A curated list of awesome Generative Adversarial Nets resources.
- awesome-lidar-place-recognition - A curated list of Place Recognition methods, datasets, and various algorithms for LiDAR.
- awesome-hacktivism - A curated list about Hacktivism.
- awesome-fintech - Curated list of awesome Fintech startup companies.
- awesome-projects - :sunglasses: A curated list of awesome projects.
- awesome-graph-data-augmentaion - A curated list of publications and code about data augmentaion for graphs.
- awesome-llm - Awesome series for Large Language Model(LLM)s.
- awesome-solid - Awesome list of Solid links & projects. :sunglasses:.
- awesome-multimodal-remote-sensing-classification - List of datasets, papers, and codes related to multimodal/multisource/multisensor remote sensing classification.
- awesome_cqrs - Some links about CQRS / Event Sourcing.
- awesome-bun - Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime. This is a central reference to many awesome things about bun out there. .
- Awesome-BSD-Ports-Programs-And-Projects - A Repo Detailing BSD Ports, Programs, and Projects.
- awesome-stock-trading - Curated list of resources for traders, such as tools, websites, and books related to trading stocks.
- awesome-portable - Curated list of awesome portable apps.
- Awesome-CV-Paper-Review - 计算机视觉各个方向论文速览.
- Awesome-Historic_al-Maps - Historic(al) Maps: Meta guidance, tools, repositories, databases, search engines, and online resources for the exploration of Historic and Historical Maps.
- awesome-osquery - Osquery Resources.
- awesome-hwd-tools - A curated list of awesome open source hardware design tools.
- awesome-rubykaigi2016 - A list of awesome RubyKaigi 2016 slides, repositories, blogs.
- Awesome-Mix - A curated list of awesome Mix.
- awesome-testing-blogs - A simple, curated list of awesome testing related blogs and similar resources.
- - A curated list of awesome MPS extensions/libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-nuxtjs - :books::fire:A curated list of awesome resources : nuxtjs communities, articles, videos about using Nuxt.js (Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Universal Vue.js Applications.).
- awesome-telegram-dev-groups-uz - Curated list of Uzbek Telegram dev groups.
- awesome-gamedev - A compilation of game dev related media (podcasts, YouTube, article, books, etc.) .
- awesome-healthmetrics - A curated list of awesome resources at the intersection of healthcare and AI.
- awesome-books - A collection of awesome books (handwritten guides, auto-build almanacs w/ open data, etc.) in wikitext.
- awesome-reconsidera-takeaway - 《数字极权时代生存手记》的工具包.
- awesome-khmer-language - A large collection of Khmer language resources. Khmer is a language used by Cambodia.
- awesome-hyperledger - A curated list of Hyperledger Resources, Articles, Talks and Applications, all in one place.
- awesome-tidalcycles - List of awesome things related to the live coding system TidalCycles and its close relatives.
- awesome-ecommerce - Collect and develop Open Source or Free Projects for building ecommerce platform easy and fast and free.
- awesome-ml-fairness - Papers and online resources related to machine learning fairness.
- awesome-ebpf-zh - 与 eBPF 相关的精选项目的中文清单.
- awesome-dot - Central Library of Polkadot ecosystem.
- awesome-jordan - Awesome open source projects in Jordan.
- awesome-json-next - A Collection of What's Next for Awesome JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) for Structured (Meta) Data in Text - JSON5, HJSON, HanSON, TJSON, SON, CSON, USON, JSONX/JSON11 & Many More.
- awesome-deep-point-cloud-compression - A list of papers about deep point cloud compression.
- awesome-beam-monitoring - Curated list of awesome BEAM monitoring libraries and resources.
- awesome-js-resources - Collection of JavaScript resources (PDF, Video, Link) .
- awesome-matrix - A curated list of awesome stuff around Matrix.
- awesome-rpa - A curated list of awesome RPA Tools, Blogs, frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- awesome-hiring-process - Collection of links and ideas about the hiring process in the IT industry.
- awesome-affine - 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics around AFFiNE.
- awesome-spiking-neural-networks - A curated list of materials for Spiking Neural Networks, 3rd generation of artificial neural networks.
- Awesome-Machine-Learning-in-Biomedical-Healthcare-Imaging - A list of awesome selected resources towards the application of machine learning in Biomedical/Healthcare Imaging, inspired by.
- awesome-xmake - 💕 A curated list of awesome XMake projects, plugins, examples and others.
- Awesome-Literature-ILoGs - Awesome literature on imbalanced learning on graphs.
- awesome-rust-zh-cn - Rust棒棒哒!资源大全中文版。.
- Visual-Transformer-Paper-Summary - Summary of Transformer applications for computer vision tasks.
- awesomeCsCourses - 国内外优秀的计算机软件专业在线课程推荐.
- awesome-blockchain-scalability - A curated list of awesome resources about blockchain scalability.
- awesome-nlp-resource - Awesome nlp resource.
- awesome-dev-articles - A curated list of articles selected by the ESSS Dev team.
- awesome-depth-estimation - Depth estimation algorithm.
- awesome-solana-gaming - 🏎️ A curated list of gaming projects building on Solana 🏎️.
- awesome-solana - A curated list of awesome Solana protocols, repos & community tools.
- awesome-oneplus-3t - 一加 3T ROM、内核(Kernel)、固件(Firmware)、Recovery、框架(Framework)、软件(APP).
- awesome-natural-approach - An repository with language learning (natural approach, comprehensible input and Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) resources.
- awesome-osx - :package: Awesome stuff for macOS.
- well-documented - 📖 A collection of analyses, tutorials, walkthroughs and literate implementations of moderately complex standalone applications.
- DSP-Guide - Digital Signal Processing(DSP) Guide.
- Metal-Guide - Metal Guide.
- SQL-NoSQL-Guide - SQL/NoSQL DB Guide. Learn about SQL/NoSQL databases & Distributed Systems.
- awesome-jamstack-resources - This is a Curated list of resources using the JAMStack: A modern web development architecture for creating fast, secure and dynamic websites.
- awesome-ros-tools - The list of tools and packages for Robot Operating System development!.
- Awesome-Decks - Curated list of pitch deck slides.
- SLAM-Resources-for-Beginner - Highly recommended resources for SLAM newbies (Lecture, Reviewed paper, Books, Tutorial, etc).
- Awesome-Multimodal-Chatbot - Awesome Multimodal Assistant is a curated list of multimodal chatbots/conversational assistants that utilize various modes of interaction, such as text, speech, images, and videos, to provide a seamless and versatile user experience.
- awesome-multi-objective-optimization - A curated list of awesome multi-objective optimization research resources. .
- awesome-soulbound-tokens - A curated list of links related to Soulbound tokens.
- awesome-semantic-web - A curated list of various semantic web and linked data resources.
- awesome-free-and-essential-products-for-startups - Curated list of free and essential products.
- mobile-design-resources - 📱 A curated list of mobile design resources.
- awesome-kedro - Plugins, extensions, case studies, articles, and video tutorials for Kedro.
- awesome-level-design - A curated list of awesome resources and tools for game level design.
- awesome-automl - Collecting related resources of automated machine learning here.
- awesome-sinatra - A curated list of awesome projects made or inspired with Sinatra.
- awesome-jupyter-resources - A collection of awesome Jupyter Notebook, Hub and Lab projects (extensions, kernels, tools). 热门实用的Jupyter Notebook、Hub和Lab项目(扩展、内核、工具等)集合.
- awesome-github-star - 我在 GitHub 上 star 过的项目整理.
- awesome-psychedelics - A curated list of resources about the emerging renaissance of psychedelics drugs and their potential benefits.
- awesome-code-streamers - List of code streamers from multiples plataforms like Twitch, YouTube, etc.
- awesome-se-bots - A curated list of awesome SE bots :robot:.
- awesome-tello - A list of Free Software to interact with Ryzen / DJI Tello drones.
- Zorin-OS-Guide - Zorin OS Guide .
- awesome-lm-system - Summary of system papers/frameworks/codes/tools on training or serving large model.
- awesome-spacecraft-engineering-datasets - A list of awesome and diverse datasets related to space vehicle engineering for industry and research.
- awesome-lists - The awesome list of all the awesome lists.
- awesome-urdu - 📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to Urdu language.
- awesome-veeam - A curated list of Veeam Technical Resources. We recommend you "Watch" this repository so you can be notified of future updates.
- awesome-programming-language-pretraining-papers - Recent Advances in Programming Language Pre-Trained Models (PL-PTMs).
- awesome-nextcloud - List of awesome tools for NextCloud and OwnCloud.
- awesome-ethereum-rollups - A list of resources related to scaling with rollups.
- awesome-homelab - Curating Top Open Source Apps for Homelab Enthusiasts.
- awesome-scene-graph - A curated list of scene graph generation and related area resources. :-).
- awesome-FEM4CFD - A curated list of resources on FEM for CFD.
- awesome-actor - :punch: Awesome lists of actor model resources.
- awesome-free-code-camp-resources - Resource list to complement the Free Code Camp curriculum.
- humans - Awesome Humans.
- llm-misinformation-survey - Paper list for the survey "Combating Misinformation in the Age of LLMs: Opportunities and Challenges" and the initiative "LLMs Meet Misinformation".
- Awesome-Clone - A curated list of AWESOME clones made with react,vue,svelte.
- awesome-molecule-text - Papers about Molecular Machine Learning (MoML) given its human language textual description.
- flutter-guide - 📚 Flutter Guide on becoming a Master Flutterista.
- All-In-One-CyberSecurity-Resources - List of CyberSecurity Resources and some different Sub-Domains of CyberSecurity .
- awesome-salient-object-detection - A curated list of awesome resources for salient object detection (SOD), focusing more on multi-modal SOD, such as RGB-D SOD.
- awesome-covid19-resources - Awesome list of COVID19 resources.
- awesome-kaggle-kernels - Compilation of good Kaggle Kernels.
- awesome-wwdc - A curated awesome WWDC resource list for conference attendees.
- Awesome-ML-Cybersecurity - Machine Learning For Cybersecurity.
- awesome-robotics-ai-companies - A living list of important industry innovators in the Robotics and AI space .
- awesome-arweave - 🐘 A curated list of awesome resources related to the Arweave.
- awesome - A list of awesome projects built on Ceramic.
- awesome-rack - A curated list of awesome Ruby rack, middlewares, frameworks and web servers.
- awesome-byo - A curated list of open content for "building your own sth". 🛠.
- reinforcement-learning-resources - A curated list of awesome reinforcement courses, video lectures, books, library and many more. .
- awesome-novelcovid - A curated list of projects using the NovelCOVID API.
- awesome-gno - Curated list of great GNO resources by the community.
- awesome-francophone-home-assistant - 😎 Liste de ressources francophones super utiles à propos de Home Assistant. | A curated list of amazingly awesome French speaking Home Assistant resources.
- awesome-ev-charging - Awesome list of tools for Electric Vehicul.
- telegram-groups - Awesome Telegram Groups.
- awesome-side-channel-attack - A curated list of awesome side-channel attack resources.
- awesome-deepnote - A curated list of extensions, python packages, machine learning and collaborative notebooks ready to run in Deepnote.
- awesome-stablecoins - Curated list of stable cryptocurrency resources and projects.
- awesome-ai-best-papers - A curated list of famous CV/NLP/ML/AI best papers, inspired by Best Paper Awards in Computer Science (since 1996).
- awesome-hslu - A collection of exercises, solutions, projects, summaries and more by students @ HSLU :mortar_board:.
- awesome-ethereum - A curated list of how to get started with Ethereum blockchain technologies.
- awesome-nonprofit-discounts - A list of awesome companies who discount their software for nonprofit orgs.
- awesome-make - A list about Make resources 🛠.
- awesome-generative-books - A repository of generative art book resources .
- awesome-human-object-interaction - Paper list of human object interaction (HOI).
- awesome-object-detection-datasets - A collection of some awesome public object detection and recognition datasets.
- fucking-awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers. With repository stars⭐ and forks🍴.
- awesome-glyphs - A list of plugins / python scripts, tutorials, and other resources for Glyphs, the next generation type design software.
- awesome-javaee8 - Awesome Java EE 8 resource checklist.
- awesome-numa - A community-oriented list of useful NUMA-related libraries, tools, and other resources.
- awesome-poi - A curated list of awesome Poi resources.
- RSCG_Examples - Roslyn Source Code Generators with Examples.
- awesome-ctf-challenge-design - 🕶 Design fun and insightful CTF challenges.
- awesome-huzhi - 学习心得,笔记,资源汇总等.
- SSD-Guide - Solid State Drive Guide.
- awesome-modernization - Awesome legacy system modernization tools. 大型系统分析和改造工具集。.
- awesome-services-4-iranian-developers - List of Saas, PaaS, and IaaS Services which is available for Iranian Developers and Startups.
- awesome-edge-intelligence-collections - About DNN compression and acceleration on Edge Devices.
- ru-awesome-opensource - Список опенсорсных проектов, в которых можно принять участие.
- awesome-tic-80 - A curated list of awesome TIC-80 tutorials, resources and useful links.
- awesome-probabilistic-planning - A curated list of online resources for probabilistic planning: papers, software and research groups around the world!.
- DeFi-Map - List of decentralized finance projects on Ethereum.
- awesome-cloud-dx - A list of tools that make developer experience with cloud providers easier.
- Awesome-Generative-Image-Composition - A curated list of papers, code, and resources pertaining to generative image composition or object insertion. .
- awesome-mapbox-external-developer-resources - An awesome list of third-party developer resources to help you work with the Mapbox suite of location-based services, APIs, ADKs, libraries, and data.
- awesome-pangenomes - A list of software for pangenomics.
- qml-vqa-library - A curated list of recent textbooks, reviews, perspectives, and research papers related to quantum machine learning, variational quantum algorithms, tensor networks, and classical machine learning applications in quantum systems.
- awesome-sml - Useful things for Standard ML.
- awesome-javascript - A Curated List of Awesome JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries, Tools and Resources.
- awesome-bioinformatics-formats - Curated list of bioinformatics formats and publications.
- awesome-rocketpool - 🚀 A curated list of awesome Rocketpool resources.
- awesome-coffee - Awesome-coffee is a curated list of resources to help people make the most of each day.
- Awesome-Miniprogram - 收藏可供借鉴的开源小程序项目.
- awesome-gemini-for-google-cloud - A curated list of resources about all things Gemini in Google Cloud. .
- awesome-sailfishos - A curated list of awesome Sailfish OS resources .
- awesome-springboard-capstones - Place for collecting great projects/capstones from previous springboard students. .
- awesome-london - A curated list of links for UK based contractors.
- awesome-open-source-licensing - Cool links, tools & papers related to Open Source Licensing.
- awesome - 🌟 My Awesome Repositories List. Automatically updates by GitHub Actions on UTC 00:00 & 16:00.
- awesome-crypto - An Awesome List About Everything Crypto Currency.
- awesome-ethics - A curated list of awesome ethics.
- awesome-TCGA - Curated list of TCGA resources.
- awesome-coworking - Directory of Awesome Co-Working spaces around the globe.
- awesome-ai4code - A collection of recent papers, benchmarks and datasets of AI4Code domain.
- awesome-data-takeout - Awesome list of data export pages/tools for most common online services.
- awesome-few-shot-meta-learning - Awesome few shot / meta learning papers.
- awesome-quarkus - Curadoria com conteúdos, cursos, posts relacionados com o Quarkus.
- awesome-devops - Lista de materiais sobre tópicos e ferramentas DevOps.
- Robotics-Guide - Robotics Guide .
- awesome-productivity-tools - My Awesome list of productivity tools and products.
- awesome-domain-adaptation-NLP - Domain adaptation in NLP.
- awesome-rethinkdb - A curated list of RethinkDB resources and libraries.
- awesome-video-segmentation - Papers about video segmentation.
- awesome-curated-tools - A curated list of digital tools we use, ranging from accounting and data science to scientific research and liquid democracy. Commented, connected, by everyone and for everyone !.
- awesome-ai-talking-heads - A curated list of 'Talking Head Generation' resources. Features influential papers, groundbreaking algorithms, crucial GitHub repositories, insightful videos, and more. Ideal for AI enthusiasts, researchers, and graphics professionals.
- awesome-learning - Teach yourself a new technology from this list B).
- awesome-csharp - A collection of awesome c# libraries, tools, frameworks, and software.
- awesome-yaml - YAML awesomeness.
- awesome-multi-label-paper-list - A curated list of papers for multi-label classification.
- awesome-product-hunt - Awesome developer tools launched on Product Hunt.
- awesome-continual-self-supervised-learning - List of papers that combine self-supervision and continual learning.
- awesome-cc0 - Awesome list of free to use public domain CC0 licensed assets from across the internet.
- Networking-Guide - A Networking Guide for getting started with basic/core network components such as wired and wireless network design, configuration, hardware, protocols, security, backup, recovery, and virtualization.
- awesome-out-of-distribution-detection - Paper of out of distribution detection and generalization.
- awesome-ai - Awesome list for all things AI, ML and deep learning.
- Data-Science-and-Machine-Learning-Resources - List of Data Science and Machine Learning Resource that I frequently use.
- awesome-particle - A curated list of awesome things related to Particle.
- awesome-developer-experience - A curated list of Developer Experience resources and tools.
- awesome-virtual-dom - Modules & resources related to the virtual-dom module.
- awesome-latex-thesis - List of LaTeX template for theses.
- awesome-blogs - Awesome blogs related to robotics, computer-vision, machine learning and much more.
- awesome-taproot-assets - A curated list of Taproot Assets projects and resources .
- awesome-Marketing-Analytics - :rotating_light: Resources :briefcase: to learn/practice :dart: Marketing analytics :chart: :rotating_light:.
- awesome-feature-engineering - A curated list of feature engineering techniques for image and text machine learning.
- awesome-chrome-extensions - An awesome & curated list of best extensions for Chrome browser.
- awesome-quorum - A curated list of awesome softwares, libraries, tools, articles, educational resources, discussion channels and more to build on ConsenSys Quorum.
- awesome-cloth - Some awesome researches about cloth(modeling, rendering, simulation etc).
- awesome-few-shot-generation - A curated list of awesome few-shot image generation papers.
- awesome-gans - Latest resources on Generative Adversarial Networks.
- awesome-aleo - Awesome Aleo mining and development resources maintained by MinerDAO community.
- awesome-hep - A curated list of awesome high energy and particle physics software.
- awesome-web-visualization-frameworks - Web visualization frameworks.
- awesome-processing - 🎨 Creative Coding @Processing Resources that u like.
- awesome-rails - A collection of awesome Rails libraries/app examples/ebooks/tutorials/screencasts/magazines/news.
- awesome-startup-resources - Curated list of resources to start and grow your startup.
- Awesome-Medical-Research - Awesome list for deep learning on medical research.
- awesome-belarus-online - List of useful belarusian online resources.
- awesome-data-chile - Lista curada de datasets públicos sobre Chile.
- awesome-xcode-plugins - Awesome Xcode plugins to rocket your productivity :).
- awesome_piv - List of repositories related to PIV (particle image velocimetry) to learn from.
- awesome-csv - Awesome Comma-Separated Values (CSV) - What's Next? - Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) - Libraries & Tools.
- Awesome-LBRY - A list of community run projects built on and for the LBRY protocol.
- CUDA-Guide - CUDA Guide.
- awesome-ruby-performance - A curated list of awesome Ruby Performance books, courses, trainings, conference talks, blogs and most inspiring open source contributors.
- awesome-front-end-curriculum - A crowd sourced curriculum of mandatory material for new front-end devs.
- awesome-ukraine-support - A list of resources and inititive to help the Ukraine.
- awesome-generative-art - Carefully curated list of awesome resources to create, learn and, drop generative art.
- awesome-atac-analysis - Links to ATAC-seq analysis tools.
- awesome-spiffe-spire - Curated list of SPIFFE and SPIRE resources.
- awesome-torque3d - A curated list of Torque3D and related Torque Game Engine resources.
- awesome-graphql - Collection of Links about GraphQL.
- awesome - Curated list of awesome software and resources for Senzing, The First Real-Time AI for Entity Resolution.
- awesome-sdn - An awesome list of papers, projects and communities about SDN.
- awesome-electronics - My personal list of electronics resources for DIY.
- awesome-web3-resources - 😎 Awesome resource related to Web3 (Courses, Tools, YouTube vidoes, Job-Board & more).
- awesome-singer-official-portal - A curated list of awesome singer official portals. Live Website ➡️.
- Starred-Repo - :zap: Collection of Starred Repos to find them easily.
- awesome-bigtable - :zap: Delightful list of Google Bigtable resources, packages and interesting finds.
- awesome-rails-security - A curated list of security resources for a Ruby on Rails application.
- awesome_neuropixels - A curated list of awesome Neuropixels resources.
- awesome-haskell-sponsorship - 💝 Haskell profiles to sponsor.
- awesome-tls-hacks - A collection of SSL/TLS security related resources.
- awesome-mcc - A curated list of minecraft commands resources.
- awesome-databases - Databases are awesome! 🕶.
- remote-software-companies - Remote software companies list with tech stack and basic information about the compensation. Check it out! 🚀.
- awesome-GNN4TDL - Graph Neural Networks for Tabular Data Learning (GNN4TDL).
- awesome-static - A collection of awesome static website compiler / builder / generator goodies (tools, templates 'n' themes, plugins 'n' extensions, guides, services, etc.).
- awesome-thumbor - Everything thumbor, awesomely curated & updated weekly.
- awesome-AI-academia - A curated list of academic AI resources and people. Partly an aspirational list, partly a memory aide.
- awesome-gan - A collection of AWESOME things about GAN.
- awesome-blockspace - Overview of Blockspace its demand, pricing, and trading.
- awesome-pdf - List of tools for dealing with the wonderful PDF format.
- awesome-recruit-engineer-careers - リクルートグループのエンジニア採用情報.
- awesome-graph-self-supervised-learning-based-recommendation - A curated list of awesome graph & self-supervised-learning-based recommendation.
- awesome-var - A curated list of Vector Autoregression resources.
- awesome-astrophotography - A curated list of resources related to astrophotography.
- awesome-covid19-korea - 2020년 코로나바이러스 대유행 정보 시각화를 시도한 국내외 사이트를 취합합니다.
- awesome-haxeflixel - Awesome resources for game development using HaxeFlixel.
- awesome-flutter - Better Awesome Flutter List with 🔥Stars 🌐Dependent Packages 📝Last Commit.
- awesome-rcj-soccer - A curated list of resources relevant to RoboCupJunior Soccer.
- awesome_ukrainian_it_people - Список україномовних YouTube, telegram каналів, чатів, блогів, подкастів, тощо.
- awesome-flux - A curated list about Flux arquitechture and your implementations.
- awesome-gutenberg - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Gutenberg.
- awesome-alternative-splicing - Alternative splicing resource.
- awesome-scene-text - A curated list of papers and resources for scene text detection and recognition.
- Awesome-Domain-Adaptation - :sunglasses: A curated list of domain adaptation papers, datasets and other resources.
- awesome-mac-apps - Currated list of awesome mac apps.
- awesome-human-pose-prediction - A selection of State Of The Art research papers (and code) on human locomotion (pose + trajectory) prediction (forecasting) .
- awesome-Iran-datasets - Iranian/Persian Datasets. دیتاستهای فارسی و ایرانی.
- awesome-websites - List of awesome websites.
- awesome-android-architecture - 🏰 Better ways to structure Android apps.
- awesome-mdbootstrap - A curated list of awesome things related to MDBootstrap.
- awesome-chatgpt-plugins - A curated list of awesome ChatGPT Plugins.
- awesome-clir - A curated list of resources for Cross-lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR).
- awesome-kurdish - A curated list of awesome resources and tools for Kurdish language technology.
- awesome-controls - A collection of awesome security controls mapping for solutions across frameworks.
- awesome-markdown - Awesome markdown writing tools.
- awesome-wsdev - A curated list of WonderSwan development resources.
- awesome-adaptive-cards - A curated list of awesome Adaptive Cards projects.
- Awesome-HDR - Collect High Dynamic Range Imaging Related Papers and Codes.
- awesome-nord - This repository contains community-created ports and themes of this color palette for all our beloved applications.
- awesome-aiken - A collection of Aiken libraries, dapps, and resources.
- awesome-msdyn365fo - A curated list of awesome Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations repositories, blogs, documents and resources.
- awesome-hardware-production - List of awesome resources for going to production with a hardware product.
- awesome-d4 - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Diablo 4.
- useful-sites - :maple_leaf: 一名 phper 的网站收藏。.
- awesome-nepal - Generic list of anything awesome built in Nepal / by Nepali.
- awesome-reaper - A curated list of Reaper resources, scripts, extensions, JSFX, software and community links.
- awesome-cybersecurity - A collection of awesome GitHub repositories about security.
- Awesome-LLM-reasoning - A curated paper list on LLM reasoning.
- awesome-libras - Curadoria de cursos sobre a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) 🤟.
- awesome-robotics-brazil - :sunglasses: Awesome list of robotics initiatives in Brazil.
- Bash-PowerShell-Guide - Bash/PowerShell Guide.
- awesome-nym - A curated list of resources about Nym.
- awesome-go - Daily clone of avelino/awesome-go with information from go-search.
- awesome - List of public resources, documents, and tools for Osmosis.
- Awesome-Buddhism - A collection of resources on Buddhism. .
- awesome-polymer - A collection of awesome Polymer resources.
- awesome-crowds - A curated list of awesome resources on crowdsourcing, human computation, and online behavioral experiments.
- awesome-ps2 - Awesome PlayStation 2 Apps and Homebrews.
- Awesome-Few-Shot-Semantic-Segmentation - Collect some papers about few shot semantic segmentation.
- awesome-lanzarote - Collection of useful bits for digital nomads & expats in Lanzarote.
- awesome-linux-ricing - 🎨 A curated list of awesome themes, tools and apps for customizing the Linux en