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Tools and software used on ubuntu

List: my-ubuntu

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Tools and software used on ubuntu

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## my-ubuntu

**1. 软件**

| Number | Name | Description |
| :---: | :--- | :--- |
| 1 | [Shadowsocks]( | VPN client
梯子 |
| 2 | [teamviewer]( | Remote desktop client
远程桌面客户端 |
| 3 | [VirtualBox]( | Open source virtual machine software
开源虚拟机软件 |
| 4 | [Chrome]( | Chrome Browser
谷歌浏览器 |
| 5 | [netease-cloud-music]( | Netease Cloud Music Player
网易云音乐播放器 |
| 6 | [WebStorm]( | Front-end development IDE
前端开发 IDE |
| 7 | [IntelliJ IDEA]( | Open source virtual machine software
后端开发 IDE |
| 8 | [electronic-wechat]( | A better WeChat on macOS and Linux. Built with [Electron](
微信网页版第三方客户端 |
| 9 | [VS Code]( | Code editor
代码编辑器 |
| 10 | [Android Studio]( | Android development IDE
安卓开发 IDE |
| 11 | [Inkcape]( | Open source vector graphics editor
矢量图形编辑器 |
| 12 | [JD-JUI]( | A standalone Java Decompiler
Java 反编译器 |
| 13 | [Meld]( | A visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers
比较文件,目录和版本控制工具 |
| 14 | [JasperSoftStudio]( | Jasper report development tool
Jasper 报表开发工具 |
| 15 | [Kodi]( | A free and open source media player application
多媒体播放器 |
| 16 | [Terminator]( | Multiple GNOME terminals in one window
超级终端模拟器 |
| 17 | [geogebra-classic]( | Mathematics software
数学软件 |
| 18 | [Remarkable]( | Markdown editor
Markdown 编辑器 |
| 19 | [Vim]( | Vim is a console-run text editor program
文本编辑器 |
| 20 | [Apache2]( | Web server
Web 服务器 |
| 21 | ~~[git-diffall]( | Git file directory comparison script
git 目录对比脚本 |
| 22 | [WebTorrent]( | The streaming torrent client
流媒体客户端 |
| 23 | [Privoxy]( | Web proxy
Web 代理 |
| 24 | [Scrcpy]( & [guiscrcpy]( | This application provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB
显示并控制通过 USB 连接的安卓设备 |
| 25 | aptitude | A powerful package management tool in Debian and its derivative systems, similar to apt-get, which mainly deals with dependency issues
Debian 及其衍生系统中强大的包管理工具,类似apt-get,主要处理依赖问题 |
| 26 | ~~MusicLake~~[手机端]([PC端]( | Music Player
音乐播放器 |
| 27 | [Peek]( | Simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface
GIF 屏幕录制 |
| 28 | [Calibre]( | Calibre is a powerful and easy to use e-book manager
电子书管理工具 |
| 29 | [Albert]( | A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
全局搜索扩展 |
| 30 | [Shutter]( | The feature-rich screenshot tool
屏幕截图工具 |
| 31 | [Kazam]( | A simple screen recording program
录屏工具 |
| 32 | [Unity Tweak Tool]( | A configuration tool for the Unity Desktop
Unity 桌面配置工具 |
| 33 | [CCSM]( | Compizconfig-Settings-Manager |
| 34 | [xDroid]( | Cross-platform Android simulation platform
跨平台安卓模拟器 |
| 35 | [ProxyeeDown]( | Open source free HTTP high-speed downloader
开源的免费 HTTP 高速下载器 |
| 36 | Linux Game | SuperTux、SuperTuxKart、btanks、pingus |
| 37 | gnome-web-photo | With Shutter webpage screenshot
搭配 Shutter 网页截图 |
| 38 | [Pick]( | A colour picker for Ubuntu and other Linux OSes
拾色器 |
| 39 | [fluxgui]( | Better lighting for Linux. Open source GUI for xflux
随环境调节色温 |
| 40 | [Screen]( | A full-screen window manager
全屏窗口管理器 |
| 41 | [youdao-dict]( | Youdao Dictionary
有道词典([download link]( |
| 42 | [Skype]( | A classic instant messaging app for PCs
即时通讯工具 |
| 43 | [Xmonad]( | A dynamically tiling X11 window manager
平铺式窗口管理器 |
| 44 | [Xrandr]( | Multi-monitor configuration tool
多显示器配置工具 |
| 45 | [ARandR]( | Multi-monitor configuration tool Xrandr's GUI tool
多显示器配置工具 Xrandr 的 GUI 工具 |
| 46 | [deepin-wine]( & [other]( | Deepin Wine for Ubuntu/Debian
借助此环境可以安装 deepin 下的常用的 Windows 软件,比如:微信、 QQ 等([Software warehouse address]( |
| 47 | []( | Chart making software, used to make flowcharts, organization charts, UML, ER and network topology diagrams
图表制作软件,用于制作流程图,组织结构图,UML,ER和网络图 |
| 48 | [sogoupinyin]( | Sogoupinyin
搜狗输入法 |
| 49 | [WPS]( | Office Software
办公软件 |
| 50 | [Motrix]( | A full-featured download manager
跨平台下载工具 |
| 51 | [Popcorn Time]( | A multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player
多媒体播放器 |
| 52 | [Cerebro]( | Keyboard launcher
全局搜索预览,类似 Spotlight |
| 53 | [Remmina]( | Remote Desktop Connection Tool
远程桌面连接工具 |
| 54 | [Aircrack-ng]( | A complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security
WiFi 网络安全性工具 |
| 55 | [SimpleScreenRecorder]( | A screen recorder
录屏工具 |
| 56 | [mkusb]( | Tool to create boot drives
创建启动驱动器 |
| 57 | [balena-etcher]( | Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily
创建启动驱动器 |
| 58 | [gimp]( | A cross-platform image editor available
图片编辑器类似 Photoshop |
| 59 | [VLC]( | 强大的开源视频播放器 |
| 60 | [Git]( | A free and open source distributed version control system
分布式版本控制系统 |
| 61 | [GParted]( | A free partition editor for graphically managing your disk partitions
硬盘分区编辑器 |
| 62 | [wechat_web_devtools]( & [wechat-web-devtools-linux]( | WeChat Developer Tools
微信开发者工具 |
| 63 | [my-weather-indicator]( | A Weather Indicator
天气插件 |
| 64 | [uGet]( | Open Source Download Manager
下载管理器 |
| 65 | [Postman]( | API debugging tool
完美的 API 调试工具 |
| 66 | [XMind]( | A full-featured mind mapping and brainstorming tool
思维导图制作工具 |
| 67 | [Redshift]( | Redshift adjusts the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings
随环境调节色温 |
| 68 | [ripgrep]( | Ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
强大的命令行搜索工具 |
| 69 | [DingTalk]( | DingTalk
钉钉 |
| 70 | [terminator-themes]( | Terminator themes(#16)
超级终端主题(#16) |
| 71 | [Nginx]( | An HTTP and reverse proxy server, a mail proxy server, and a generic TCP/UDP proxy server
一个 HTTP 和反向代理服务器、一个邮件代理服务器和一个通用的 TCP/UDP 代理服务器 |
| 72 | [TLP]( | A power management tool
电源管理工具 |
| 73 | [MockingBot]( | Powerful and easy-to-use prototyping and collaboration tools
墨刀,强大易用的原型设计与协同工具 |
| 74 | [SlimbookBattery]( | Application for optimize battery of your laptop
电源管理工具 |
| 75 | [Typora]( | Markdown editor
Markdown 编辑器 |
| 76 | [aMule]( | 'All-platform' P2P client based on eMule
类似电驴 |
| 77 | [Termius]( | SSH client
SSH 客户端 |
| 78 | [Blender]( | A free and open source 3D creation suite
3D 动画、建模 |
| 79 | [y-ppa-manager]( | Easily Manage PPAs
软件源管理软件 |
| 80 | [react-native-debugger]( | The standalone app based on official debugger of React Native
React Native 调试利器 |
| 81 | [Tmux]( | Tmux is a terminal multiplexer
Tmux 是终端多路复用器 |
| 82 | [screenfetch]( | The Bash Screenshot Information Tool
Bash 屏幕截图信息工具 |
| 83 | [jadx]( | Dex to Java decompiler
Java 反编译器 |
| 84 | synaptic | Package manager
软件包管理器 |
| 85 | dconf-tools | System configuration editing tool
系统配置编辑工具 |
| 86 | unar | Unzip software
解压缩软件 |
| 87 | [Synergy]( & [Barrier]( | Keyboard and mouse sharing tool
键盘和鼠标共享工具 |
| 88 | [responsively-app]( | Responsive page development tool
响应式页面开发工具 |
| 89 | Nemo | File Manager
文件管理器 |
| 90 | [Synapse]( | Linux Application Launcher
Linux 应用启动器 |
| 91 | [SwitchHosts]( | SwitchHosts! is an App for managing hosts file
hosts 文件管理软件 |
| 92 | [apt-file]( | a software package that indexes the contents of packages in your available repositories and allows you to search for a particular file among all available packages
对可用存储库中的软件包内容进行索引,并允许您在所有可用的软件包中搜索特定的文件 |
| 93 | [nnn]( | n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager
终端文件管理器 |
| 94 | [Ulauncher]( | Linux Application Launcher
Linux 应用启动器 |
| 95 | [FSearch]( | A fast file search utility for Unix-like systems based on GTK+3
基于 GTK + 3的类 unix 系统的快速文件搜索工具 |

**2. 常见问题**

>* 软件包依赖

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -f
>* 文件管理器卡死

pkill nautilus
>* 搜狗中文输入法异常

rm -rf ~/.config/SogouPY* ~/.config/sogou*

>* yarn 安装全局依赖成功但是命令失效(xxx: command not found)

# 添加以下语句到 ~/.bashrc 文件的末尾并保存
PATH="$PATH:$(yarn global bin)"
# 使配置立即生效(或者重启电脑)
source ~/.bashrc
# 先删除全局依赖
# 重新安装全局依赖