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⚡️ Delightful Rollup Plugins, Packages, and Resources

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⚡️ Delightful Rollup Plugins, Packages, and Resources

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Awesome Rollup

# Awesome Rollup [![Awesome](](

⚡️ Delightful Rollup Plugins, Packages, and Resources

## Resources

- [Official Guide]( - The user guide and documentation site.

## Plugins

### Core Plugins

Plugins created and maintained by the Rollup organization.

- [alias]( - Alias modules in a build.
- [babel]( - Seamless integration with Babel.
- [buble]( – Transpile with Bublé.
- [commonjs]( - Convert CommonJS modules to ES Modules.
- [dsv]( - Convert CSV and TSV files into JavaScript modules.
- [eslint]( - Lint entry points and all imported files with ESLint.
- [html]( - Creates HTML files to serve Rollup bundles
- [image]( - Import JPG, PNG, GIF and SVG images.
- [inject]( - Scans for global variables and injects `import` statements.
- [json]( - Convert JSON files to ES Modules.
- [legacy]( - Add export statements to plain scripts.
- [multi-entry]( - Multiple entry points for a bundle.
- [node-resolve]( - Use the Node resolution algorithm.
- [replace]( – Replace occurrences of a set of strings.
- [run]( - Run your bundle after it's generated.
- [strip]( - Remove expressions from code.
- [sucrase]( - Compile
, Flow, JSX.
- [typescript]( - Seamless integration with Typescript.
- [url]( - Inline import files as data-URIs.
- [virtual]( - Load modules from memory.
- [wasm]( - Inlines and imports WebAssembly modules.
- [yaml]( - Import data from YAML files.

### All-Purpose Awesome

- [build-statistics]( - Plugin that keeps a continuous log of your build time.
- [dev]( - Development server with additional logging and options.
- [graph]( – Generates a module dependency graph.
- [nollup]( - Rollup-compatible development bundler providing Hot Module Replacement.
- [notify]( – Display errors as system notifications.
- [progress]( - Show build progress in the console.
- [rollpkg]( - No config build tool to create packages with Rollup and TypeScript
- [serve]( - Development Server in a Plugin.
- [sizes]( - Display bundle content and size in the console.
- [size-snapshot]( - Track bundle size and treeshakability with ease.
- [visualizer]( - Bundle and dependency visualizer.

### Code Quality

Plugins which help with code quality.

- [analyzer]( - Statistics and Metrics for a bundle.
- [cleanup]( – Remove and modify code based on an opinionated ruleset.
- [eslint-bundle]( - Lint bundles with ESLint.
- [flow]( - Remove Flow type annotations.
- [flow-entry]( - Export Flow types from a bundle.
- [istanbul]( - Seamless integration with Istanbul.
- [sass-lint]( - Lint SCSS files
- [stylint]( - Lint Stylus files.
- [unassert]( - Remove assertion calls.

### CSS

Plugins for working with CSS.

- [bundle-scss]( - Bundle all SCSS imports into one SCSS file.
- [collect-sass]( - Compiler SASS files in a single context.
- [css-only]( – Output plain CSS.
- [css-porter]( - Combine CSS imports and output to file.
- [embed-css]( - Import and append CSS to a bundle.
- [less]( - Compile LESS files.
- [less-modules]( - Import or Bundle LESS files.
- [modular-css]( - Alternative CSS Modules implementation supporting Rollup.
- [postcss]( - Seamless integration with PostCSS.
- [sass]( - SASS integration for a bundle.
- [scss]( - Compile SASS and CSS.
- [styles]( - Universal plugin for styles: PostCSS, Sass, Less, Stylus and more.
- [stylus-css-modules]( – Compile Stylus and inject CSS modules
- [sass-variables]( - Import SASS variables as Objects.

### Frameworks

Plugins for working with awesome JavaScript frameworks.

- [angular]( - Angular2 template and styles inliner.
- [jsx]( - Compile React JSX and JSX-like components.
- [riot]( - Riot.js tagfile support.
- [svelte]( — Compile Svelte components.
- [vue]( - Compile Vue components.
- [vue-inline-svg]( - Import SVG files as Vue components.

### Modules

Plugins which control the behaviour of modules: dependencies, imports, exports,
and external modules.

- [amd]( - Convert AMD modules to ES6.
- [async-define]( - Wrap an AMD bundle with async-define.
- [baked-env]( - Import `process.env` as a module for baking environment variables at build time.
- [bower-resolve]( – Use Bower the resolution algorithm.
- [cjs-es]( - Convert CommonJS modules without proxying and reassignment.
- [consts]( - Import constants at build time.
- [external-assets]( - Make assets external but include them in the output.
- [external-globals]( - Replace imported bindings with a global variable.
- [force-binding]( - Composes multi-entry and node-resolve to prevent duplicated imports.
- [glob-import]( - Glob support for import statements.
- [hoist-import-deps]( - Avoid waterfalls when dynamically importing modules by hoisting import dependencies.
- [ignore]( - Ignore modules by replacing with empty objects.
- [import-alias]( - Maps an import path to another.
- [import-assertions]( - Add support for TC39 import assertions (e.g. assert types `css` and `json`)
- [includepaths]( – Provide base paths from which to resolve imports.
- [named-directory]( - Provides shortcuts for colocated modules in directories.
- [node-builtins]( - Node builtin modules as ES modules.
- [node-globals]( - Injects node globals.
- [node-resolve-angular]( - Node module resolution support for Angular 4+.
- [ts-paths]( – Resolve modules from `tsconfig` paths.
- [skypack-resolver]( - Use [Skypack CDN]( for external dependencies.
- [web-worker-loader]( - Package Workers for NodeJS and the browser.

### Other File Imports

Plugins which allow importing other types of files as modules.

- [file-as-blob]( – Import a file as a `blob:` URL.
- [geojson]( - Convert GeoJSON files to ES Modules.
- [glsl]( - Import GLSL shaders as compressed strings.
- [glsl-optimize]( - Import and optimize GLSL shaders as compressed strings. Supports [glslify](
- [glslify]( - Import GLSL strings with [glslify](
- [gltf]( - Import glTF 3d models as a URI or inlined JSON.
- [html]( - Import html files as strings.
- [hypothetical]( - Import modules from a virtual filesystem.
- [imagemin]( - Optimize images with [imagemin](
- [jsonlines]( - Imports .jsonl (JSON Lines) files as JSON arrays.
- [markdown]( - Import code from fenced code blocks in Markdown.
- [md]( - Import and compile markdown files.
- [mjml]( - Convert MJML into responsive email templates.
- [@wasm-tool/rust]( - Bundle and import Rust crates.
- [rust]( - Compile Rust as WebAssembly or a Node.js Add-on.
- [spritesmith]( — Convert a set of images into a spritesmith sprite-sheet.
- [string]( – Import text files as strings.
- [svg-import]( - Import SVG files as SVG DOM Node or string.
- [svg-sprite]( — Import SVG files as an external SVG sprite.
- [svg-to-symbol]( - Import SVG files as symbol strings.
- [svgo]( - Import SVG files as strings
- [vinyl]( - Import from [Vinyl]( files
- [smart-asset]( - Import any assets as url using rebase, copy or inline mode. Similar to `url` but has more hashing options and works well together with babel using transform hook.
- [toml]( - Convert .toml files to ES6 modules.

### Output

Plugins which affect the final output of a bundle.

- [app-utils]( - Common build utilities for applications.
- [banner]( - Append content before js bundle.
- [bundleutils]( - Set of commonly used utility functions.
- [bundle-html]( - Inject the bundle js/css files as well as external js/css files to html template.
- [by-output]( - Apply plugins according to special output option, reduce config and save time.
- [clear]( - Clear an output directory before a build.
- [closure-compiler]( – Compress Rollup Bundles with Closure Compiler.
- [concatfiles]( - Concatenate files to bundle or other files.
- [copy]( - Copy files during a build.
- [copy-assets]( - Copy specified assets to the output directory.
- [cpy]( - Easily copy files and folders during a build.
- [copy-smartly]( - Smartly copy files if they are changed, created or deleted.
- [delete]( - Delete files and folders during a build.
- [emit-ejs]( - Emit files from ejs templates.
- [espruino]( - Send a bundle to [Espruino]( devices.
- [filesize]( - Display the file size of the bundle in the console.
- [generate-html-template]( - Generate an HTML file for a bundle.
- [generate-package-json]( - Generate a `package.json` file with dependencies from your bundle.
- [gzip]( - Create a compressed GZ artifact for your bundle.
- [hash]( – Generate output files with unique hashes.
- [html-minifier]( – Minify HTML output files using html-minifier.
- [iife]( - Convert ES modules to Immediately Invoked Function Expressions.
- [license]( - Add Licensing to a bundle.
- [live-reload]( - Live reloading for a bundle.
- [manifest-json]( - Generate a `manifest.json` file for a PWA.
- [output-manifest]( - Generating a chunk manifest.
- [preserve-shebang]( - Preserves leading shebang in a build entry.
- [prettier]( - Run prettier on a bundle.
- [rebase]( - Copies and adjusts asset references to new destination-relative location.
- [shift-header]( - Move comment headers to the top of a bundle.
- [sri]( - Add subresource integrity attributes for your bundle.
- [static-site]( - Generate HTML for a bundle.
- [terser]( - Minify a bundle using Terser.
- [uglify]( - Minify a bundle with UglifyJS.
- [version-injector]( - Inject your package’s version number into static build files.
- [zip]( - Pack all assets into a zip file.

### Templating

Plugins for working with template languages.

- [twig]( - Import pre-compiled Twig.js templates.
- [dustjs]( - Import Dust.js templates.
- [eft]( - Compile ef.js templates.
- [ejs]( - Compile .EJS templates.
- [jst]( - Compile Lodash templates.
- [lit-html]( - Compile "plain" .html files as `lit-html` templates
- [posthtml-template]( - Seamless integration with PostHTML
- [pug]( - Compile Pug Templates as es6 modules.
- [pug-html]( - Import Pug Templates as HTML strings during a build.
- [reshape]( - Compile Reshape Templates.

### Text Replacement

Plugins which search for, and replace text in a bundle.

- [ascii]( – Rewrite non-ASCII characters as string literals.
- [re]( – Replace text with Regular Expressions.
- [strip-code]( - Remove text with Regular Expressions.

### Transpilation

Plugins which affect code.

- [async]( - Replace `async` functions with generators.
- [bucklescript]( - Compile ReasonML / OCaml.
- [coffee-react]( - Compile CJSX and CoffeeScript.
- [coffee-script]( – Compile CoffeeScript.
- [dts]( - Rollup `.d.ts` TypeScript Definition files.
- [elm]( - Compile Elm.
- [esbuild-transform]( - Transform with [esbuild](
- [flat-dts]( - `.d.ts` files flattener.
- [jspicl]( - Transpile JavaScript into PICO-8 Lua.
- [nodent]( - Transpile ES2017 `async`/`await`.
- [pegjs]( - Import PEG.js grammars as parsers.
- [purs]( - Compile PureScript.
- [regenerator]( - Replace `async` functions with ES5 Promise functions.
- [ts]( - Transpile with Babel, TypeScript, or both, while respecting Browserslist and TypeScript declarations.
- [typescript2]( - Compile TypeScript v2.0+.

### Workflow

Plugins which affect the Rollup workflow.

- [browsersync]( – Serves a bundle via [Browsersync](
- [browserify-transform]( - Use Browserify transforms in a build.
- [command]( - Run commands and call functions when bundles are generated.
- [conditional]( – Conditionally execute plugins.
- [execute]( - Execute shell commands sequentially during a build.
- [html-entry]( – Allows use HTML Script Tags as entry points.
- [incremental]( - Recompile only changed modules in watch mode.
- [jscc]( – Conditional compilation and declaration of ES6 imports.
- [make]( - Build dependency files suitable for make.
- [off-main-thread]( - Use ES6 modules with Web Workers.
- [polyfill-node]( - A modern Node.js polyfill.
- [sourcemaps]( – Load external source maps from URIs.

## Packages

### Core Packages

Packages created and maintained by the Rollup organization.

- [@rollup/pluginutils]( - Functions commonly used by Rollup plugins.

### Community Packages

- [deno-rollup]( - Use Rollup in [Deno]( projects.
- [fruit]( - Build a Rollup boilerplate in seconds.
- [grunt-rollup]( - Grunt plugin for Rollup
- [rollup-starter-app]( - Create a bare-bones application using Rollup.
- [rollup-starter-lib]( - Create a bare-bones library using Rollup.
- [rollup-stream]( - A wrapper for streaming Rollup results.