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Kyurae Kim's Awesome Reads

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Kyurae Kim's Awesome Reads

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# Kyurae Kim's Awesome Papers
The papers that made me stay awake all night long.
Let me know if you have anything interesting to share!

## Interests
* High-performance computing
* Probabilistic machine learning
* Bayesian Statistics
* Bayesian inference
* Bayesian optimization
* Heterogeneous, specialized hardware
* Image processing
* Signal Processing

## Awesome Papers
* Blei, David M., Andrew Y. Ng, and Michael I. Jordan. [**"Latent Dirichlet Allocation."**]( *Journal of machine Learning research* 3.Jan (2003): 993-1022.

* Neal, Radford M. [**"Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks."**]( Vol. 118. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.

* Chaney, Allison, et al. [**"Detecting and Characterizing Events."**]( *Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing*. 2016.

* Regier, Jeffrey, et al. [**"Approximate inference for constructing astronomical catalogs from images."**]( *The Annals of Applied Statistics* 13.3 (2019): 1884-1926.
* [Juliacon 2017 Talk](

* Shanbhag, Naresh R., et al. [**"Shannon-inspired Statistical Computing for The Nanoscale Era."**]( *Proceedings of the IEEE* 107.1 (2019): 90-107.
* [Stanford Seminar](

* Ungar, David, and Sam S. Adams. [**"Harnessing Emergence for Manycore Programming: Early Experience Integrating Ensembles, Adverbs, and Object-based Inheritance."**]( *Proceedings of the ACM International Conference Companion on Object Oriented Programming Systems languages and Applications Companion* (OOPSLA). ACM, 2010.
* [STI Conference Presentation](

* Thompson, Neil, and Svenja Spanuth. [**"The Decline of Computers As a General Purpose Technology: Why Deep Learning and the End of Moore’s Law are Fragmenting Computing."**]( Available at SSRN 3287769 (2018).

* Hammernik, Kerstin, et al. [**"Learning a Variational Network for Reconstruction of Accelerated MRI Data."**]( *Magnetic resonance in medicine* 79.6 (2018): 3055-3071.
* Previous works
* Chen, Yunjin, Wei Yu, and Thomas Pock. [**"On learning optimized reaction-diffusion processes for effective image restoration."**]( *Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition* (CVPR), 2015.

* Fuchs, Adi, and David Wentzlaff. [**"The Accelerator Wall: Limits of Chip Specialization."**]( *Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture* (HPCA'19).

* Ulyanov, Dmitry, Andrea Vedaldi, and Victor Lempitsky. [**"Deep Image Prior."**]( *Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition* (CVPR'18).
* Follow-up works
* Zezhou Cheng, Matheus Gadelha, Subhransu Maji, Daniel Sheldon. [**"A Bayesian Perspective on the Deep Image Prior"**]( *Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition* (CVPR'19).

* de Fine Licht, Johannes, et al. [**"Transformations of high-level synthesis codes for high-performance computing."**]( *IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems* 32.5 (2020): 1014-1029.

* Kendall, Alex, and Yarin Gal. [**"What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?."**]( *Advances in neural information processing systems* (NIPS). 2017.

* Boyd, Stephen, et al. [**"Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers."**]( *Foundations and Trends® in Machine learning* 3.1 (2011): 1-122.
* [Microsoft Research Talk](

* Pearce, Tim, et al. [**"Uncertainty in Neural Networks: Bayesian Ensembling."**]( In Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS'20). 2020.

* Qiang Liu and Dilin Wang. 2016. [**"Stein Variational Gradient Descent: a General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm."**]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* (NIPS'16), 2016.
* [Interactive demo]( Select *SVGD* for the algorithm.
* Follow-up works
* Han, Jun, and Qiang Liu. [**"Stein Variational Gradient Descent Without Gradient."**]( *Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning* (ICML'18), in PMLR 80:1900-1908
* Han, Jun, and Qiang Liu. [**"Stein Variational Adaptive Importance Sampling."**]( *Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence* (UAI'17).

* Wilson Ye Chen, Alessandro Barp, Francois-Xavier Briol, Jackson Gorham, Mark Girolami, Lester Mackey and Chris Oates. (2019). [**"Stein Point Markov Chain Monte Carlo"**](, *Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning* (ICML'19), in PMLR 97:1011-1021

* Jordan, Michael I. [**"Dynamical, Symplectic and Stochastic Perspectives on Gradient-Based Optimization."**]( University of California, Berkeley (2018).
* [ICM 2018 Talk](

* Kruskal, Clyde P., and Alan Weiss. [**"Allocating Independent Subtasks on Parallel Processors."**]( *IEEE Transactions on Software engineering 10*, 1001-1016, 1985.
* Follow-up works
* Bast, Hannah. [Ph.D. Thesis](, 2000

* Solnik, Benjamin, et al. [**"Bayesian Optimization for a Better Dessert."**]( (2017).

* Dai, Z., Yu, H., Low, B.K.H. & Jaillet, P.. (2019). [**"Bayesian Optimization Meets Bayesian Optimal Stopping"**]( *Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)*, in PMLR 97:1496-1506

* Hartwig Anzt, Terry Cojean, Chen Yen-Chen, Jack Dongarra, Goran Flegar, Pratik Nayak, Stanimire Tomov, Yuhsiang M. Tsai, and Weichung Wang. [**"Load-balancing Sparse Matrix Vector Product Kernels on GPUs"**]( *ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing*. 7, 1, Article 2 (March 2020).

* Kathleen E. Hamilton, Catherine D. Schuman, Steven R. Young, Ryan S. Bennink, Neena Imam, and Travis S. Humble. [**"Accelerating Scientific Computing in the Post-Moore’s Era"**]( *ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing*. 7, 1, Article 6 (March 2020).

* Mikkola, Petrus, et al. [**"Projective Preferential Bayesian Optimization"**]( *Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'20)*, 2020.

* Slaughter, Elliott, et al. [**"Task Bench: A Parameterized Benchmark for Evaluating Parallel Runtime Performance."**]( *Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis* (SC'20), 2020.

* Geoffrey Roeder, Yuhuai Wu, David K. Duvenaud. [**"Sticking the Landing: Simple, Lower-Variance Gradient Estimators for Variational Inference."**
]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30* (NeurIPS'17), 2017.

* Vaden Masrani, Tuan Anh Le, Frank Wood. [**"The Thermodynamic Variational Objective."**]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* 32 (NeurIPS'19), 2019.
* Follow-up works
* Rob Brekelmans, Vaden Masrani, Frank Wood, Greg Ver Steeg, Aram Galstyan. [**"All in the Exponential Family: Bregman Duality in Thermodynamic Variational Inference."**]( Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'20), PMLR 119:1111-1122, 2020.
* Vu Nguyen, et al. [**"Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization of the Thermodynamic Variational Objective."**]( Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS'20).

* Tijana Radivojević, Elena Akhmatskaya. [**"Modified Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Bayesian inference."**]( *Statistics and Computing* 30, 377–404, 2020.

* Gilboa, Guy, Nir Sochen, and Yehoshua Y. Zeevi. [**"Image enhancement and denoising by complex diffusion processes."**]( *IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence* 26.8 (2004): 1020-1036.

* Tzu-Mao Li, Jaakko Lehtinen, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Wenzel Jakob, Frédo Durand. [**"Anisotropic Gaussian Mutations for Metropolis Light Transport through Hessian-Hamiltonian Dynamics."**](
*ACM Transactions on Graphics* 34(6) (Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2015).

* Eric Brochu, Tyson Brochu, Nando de Freitas. [**"A Bayesian interactive optimization approach to procedural animation design."**]( *Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation* (SCA'10), 103-112.

* Fearnhead, Paul, and Benjamin M. Taylor. [**"An adaptive sequential Monte Carlo sampler."**]( *Bayesian Analysis* 8.2 (2013): 411-438.

* Akash Kumar Dhaka, *et al.* ["**Robust, Accurate Stochastic Optimization for Variational Inference.**"]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* (NeurIPS'20).

* Yu, Yongjian, and Scott T. Acton. **"Speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion."** IEEE Transactions on image processing 11.11 (2002): 1260-1270.
* Follow-up works
* Aja-Fernández, Santiago, and Carlos Alberola-López. **"On the estimation of the coefficient of variation for anisotropic diffusion speckle filtering."** *IEEE Transactions on Image Processing* 15.9 (2006): 2694-2701.
* Krissian, Karl, et al. **"Oriented speckle reducing anisotropic diffusion."** *IEEE Transactions on Image Processing* 16.5 (2007): 1412-1424.

* Shan, Tie-Jun, and Kailath, T., **"Adaptive beamforming for coherent signals and interference."** *IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing* 33(3), Jun 1985.

* Yuko Ishiwaka, Xiao S. Zeng, Michael Lee Eastman, Sho Kakazu, Sarah Gross, Ryosuke Mizutani, and Masaki Nakada, [**"Foids: bio-inspired fish simulation for generating synthetic datasets."**]( *ACM Transactions on Graphics* 40, 6, Article 207, Dec 2021.

* Surjanovic, Nikola, et al. [**"Parallel Tempering With a Variational Reference."**]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* 35 (2022): 565-577.

* Andrieu, Christophe, and Arnaud Doucet. **"Joint Bayesian model selection and estimation of noisy sinusoids via reversible jump MCMC."** *IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing* 47.10 (1999): 2667-2676.

* Mishchenko, Konstantin, Ahmed Khaled, and Peter Richtárik. [**"Random reshuffling: Simple analysis with vast improvements."**]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* 33 (2020): 17309-17320.

* Jacob, Pierre E., John O’Leary, and Yves F. Atchadé. [**"Unbiased Markov chain Monte Carlo methods with couplings."**]( *Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology)* 82.3 (2020).

* De Bortoli, Valentin, et al. [**"Diffusion Schrödinger bridge with applications to score-based generative modeling."**]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* 34 (2021): 17695-17709.

* Giordano, Ryan, Tamara Broderick, and Michael I. Jordan. [**"Covariances, robustness and variational bayes."**]( *Journal of machine learning research* 19.51 (2018).

* Doucet, Arnaud, Will Grathwohl, Alexander G. Matthews, and Heiko Strathmann. [**"Score-based diffusion meets annealed importance sampling."**]( *Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems* 35 (2022): 21482-21494.

* Heng, Jeremy, Adrian N. Bishop, George Deligiannidis, and Arnaud Doucet. [**"Controlled sequential Monte Carlo."**]( *Annals of Statistics* 48, no. 5 (2020).

* Kobak, Dmitry, Jonathan Lomond, and Benoit Sanchez. [**"The optimal ridge penalty for real-world high-dimensional data can be zero or negative due to the implicit ridge regularization."**]( *The Journal of Machine Learning Research* 21.1 (2020): 6863-6878.

* Bernton, Espen, et al. [**"Schrodinger Bridge Samplers."**]( *arXiv preprint* arXiv:1912.13170 (2019).

* Bardenet, Rémi, Arnaud Doucet, and Chris Holmes. [**"On Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for tall data."**]( *Journal of Machine Learning Research* 18.47 (2017).

* Karagiannis, Georgios, and Christophe Andrieu. **"Annealed importance sampling reversible jump MCMC algorithms."** *Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics* 22.3 (2013): 623-648.

* Aubry, Mathieu, Sylvain Paris, Samuel W. Hasinoff, Jan Kautz, and Frédo Durand. [**"Fast local laplacian filters: Theory and applications."**]( *ACM Transactions on Graphics* (TOG) 33.5 (2014): 1-14.

* A. Dieuleveut, G. Fort, E. Moulines and H. -T. Wai, **"Stochastic Approximation Beyond Gradient for Signal Processing and Machine Learning,"** in *IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing*, vol. 71, pp. 3117-3148, 2023.

* Kunstner, Frederik, Raunak Kumar, and Mark Schmidt. **"Homeomorphic-invariance of em: Non-asymptotic convergence in kl divergence for exponential families via mirror descent."** International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2021.

* Altschuler, Jason M., and Pablo A. Parrilo. **"Acceleration by stepsize hedging II: Silver stepsize schedule for smooth convex optimization."** arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.16530 (2023).

* Biron-Lattes, Miguel, Nikola Surjanovic, Saifuddin Syed, Trevor Campbell, and Alexandre Bouchard-Côté. **"autoMALA: Locally adaptive Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm."** International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2024.

* Taylor, Adrien, and Francis Bach. **"Stochastic first-order methods: non-asymptotic and computer-aided analyses via potential functions."** Conference on Learning Theory. PMLR, 2019.

* Durmus, Alain, Szymon Majewski, and Błażej Miasojedow. **"Analysis of Langevin Monte Carlo via convex optimization."** Journal of Machine Learning Research 20.73 (2019): 1-46

* Lacoste–Julien, Simon, Ferenc Huszár, and Zoubin Ghahramani. **"Approximate inference for the loss-calibrated Bayesian."** Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2011.

* Akyildiz, Ö. Deniz, Francesca Romana Crucinio, Mark Girolami, Tim Johnston, and Sotirios Sabanis. **"Interacting particle langevin algorithm for maximum marginal likelihood estimation."** arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.13429 (2023).

* Fong, Edwin, Chris Holmes, and Stephen G. Walker. **"Martingale posterior distributions."** Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 85.5 (2023): 1357-1391.

* Zamani, Moslem, and François Glineur. **"Exact convergence rate of the last iterate in subgradient methods."** arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.11134 (2023).

* Syed, Saifuddin, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, Kevin Chern, and Arnaud Doucet. **"Optimised annealed sequential monte carlo samplers."** arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.12057 (2024).