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A curated list of blogs, articles, videos, and podcasts on software testing

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A curated list of blogs, articles, videos, and podcasts on software testing

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# Awesome QA Links [![Awesome](]( [![Link Checker](](
A curated list of blogs, articles, videos, and podcasts on software testing.

## Background
I've been in the software quality industry for more than two decades. I read a lot of blogs and try to keep up with happenings.
A long time ago, I created a Google Doc to manage this list. In hindsight, it should have been a web page since [I run a blog](,
but by the time I decided to do anything about it, I realized an [Awesome repo]( made more sense.
Special thanks to [Awesome Testing]( for the inspiration and some "borrowed" boilerplate.

All links have been curated by me personally as beneficial to software testing in general or the specific work I do (a focus on iOS automation).

\* denotes an article I've written or site I maintain.

## Contents

- [General](#General)
- [Automation](#Automation)
- [Coding](#Coding)
- [Mobile](#Mobile)
- [Other](#Other)
- [Web](#Web)

## General

- [@Beaglesays]( (Site)
- [100% Coverage is Possible](
- [A Career Retrospective](
- [A Mobile App Test Strategy]( (Video)
- [A Seasoned Tester’s Crystal Ball]( (Site)
- [A Tester's Report On The Quality Assitance Model](
- [Accessibility Testing Tools](
- [Awesome Testing]( (Site/Repo)
- [The Bearded Tester]( (Site)
- [Big List of Nasty Strings](
- [Bug Bash]( (Definition)
- [Developsense]( (Site) - Michael Bolton
- [Eli Schiff]( (Site) - Design
- [Evil Tester]( (Site)
- [Feel Free to Deploy on Friday](
- [Free Learning Resources for Testers](
- [Goodbye Testing Columns: Part 1](
- [Goodbye Testing Columns: Part 2](
- [Goodbye Testing Columns: Part 3](
- [Google Testing Blog]( (Site)
- [How Microsoft Does QA](
- [How Should I Organize My Test Team?](
- [How They Test](
- [How To Break Your Apps Before I Do]( (Video)
- [Integrated Tests Are A Scam](
- [ - QA Tag]( (Site)*
- [I’m A Little Tester]( (Site)
- [Jean’s Blog]( (Site)
- [Kevin Tuck]( (Site)
- [Learning By Shipping]( (Site)
- [Lessons Learned By A Software Tester]( (Site)
- [Maybe Getting Rid of Your QA Team was Bad, Actually](
- [Ministry of Testing]( (Site/Community)
- [Mobile Testing Checklist](
- [Overcoming Imposter Syndrome](
- [The Practical Test Pyramid](
- [Prisoner’s Dilemma in Testing](
- [Quality Narratives Are a Better Form of Quality Reporting](
- [Responsible Automation](
- [StickyMinds]( (Site)
- [Story Points v. Time](
- [Test Case Points](
- [Test Heuristics Cheat Sheet](
- [Testers and the Quote Culture](
- [Testers Don’t Break Software](
- [Testers, Now More Than Ever](
- [TestGuild Automation]( (Podcast)
- [Testing Advice To Your Younger Self](
- [Testing Checklists](
- [Testing Deep and Shallow 1: Coverage](
- [Testing Deep and Shallow 2: “Shallow” is a feature, not an insult!](
- [Testing Is…](
- [Testing Peers]( (Podcast)
- [That’s a Bug]( (Site)
- [Tooth of the Weasel]( (Site) - Alan Page
- [Undeveloped Bruce]( (Site)
- [Unveiling the Mythical Creatures of Software QA Job Descriptions](
- [Visual Risk Planning](
- [What 3 Testing Books Would You Recommend?](
- [What To Do When You Have Nothing To Test](
- [Why Bother Writing Tests?](
- [Why You Need To Have A Dashboard](
- [The Zero Defect Fallacy](

## Automation

- [11th (and Golden) Commandment of Test Automation](
- [Agile Testing Automation](
- [Angie Jones]( (Site)
- [Automate For Yourself](
- [Automated Testing on Devices]( (Netflix)
- [Automation Comic]( (XKCD)
- [Automation Step By Step]( (Site)
- [Automation Testing Practice Website for UI and API](
- [BDD Conference Notes](
- [The Build That Cried Broken]( (Video, 40min)
- [Can We Effectively Use Thread.sleep?](
- [Developers Who Test]( (Podcast)
- [Do You Really Need That Cucumber With Your Selenium?](
- [Don’t Let Flaky Test Ruin Your Automation](
- [Don’t Eat Stale Automation](
- [Flaky Testing](
- [From Fragile to Agile: Automating the fight against flaky tests](
- [How to Decide Which Tests to Automate](
- [How Slow is Too Slow to Run Your Tests?](
- [The Myth of "Unstable" Code](
- [One Tool To Rule Them All?](
- [Parallelization test automation? Read this first.](
- [Problems with Test Automation and Modern QA](
- [Prune Your Automation!](
- [Redefining Test Automation]( (Video)
- [Regression Testing Can Never Be Fully Automated](
- [Responsible Automation]( (Site)
- [Setting the Foundation for Test Automation Success](
- [Test Automation Patterns Wiki]( (Site)
- [Test Automation University]( (Site/Community)
- [Test Double](
- [Testing Flakiness (Part 2)](
- [Three Ways to Achieve In-Sprint Automation](
- [Two Easy Questions To Help You Automate The Right Tests](
- [Unscripted Automation](
- [What To Automate And When](*
- [When Test Automation ROI Doesn’t Make Financial Sense](
- [Which Tests Should We Automate]( (Video, 35min) [[Slides]( and [spreadsheet](]

## Coding

- [Avoid the Long Parameter List](
- [Best Practices When Doing Code Reviews - Part 1](
- [Don't DRY Your Code Prematurely](
- [Essays on Programming](
- [How Principled Coders Outperform the Competition]( (Video)
- [How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love With You](
- [Naming Things in Code]( (Video, 7 minutes)
- [On the Importance of Naming](
- [Premature Optimization]( (Video)
- [Proof Your Thousand Line PRs Result In More Bugs](
- [Refactoring and Design Patterns]( (Site)

### Git
- [git add -p is Your Friend](
- [How to Clean Up Git Branches](
- [In Praise of Small Pull Requests](

### Patterns

- [Page Object Model: Abstract Everything](*
- [Tips for Healthy Page Object Classes](
- [What is the Screenplay Pattern? - Part 1](

## Mobile

- [Adventures in Automation]( (Site) - Good guide for initial setup and how the pieces/parts work.
- [Appium Pro]( (Site)

### Android

- [Android BDD with Cucumber and Espresso](
- [Android Testing Code Samples](
- [Android Testing Tools](
- [Automate User Interface Tests]( - Android Dev Guide
- [Espresso]( - Android Dev Guide
- [Espresso Cheat Sheet](
- [How to Reduce Flakiness in Automated UI Testing on Android](
- [How to Test Jetpack Compose](
- [Jetpack Compose Testing Cheatsheet](
- [Test-Driven Development Tutorial](
- [Wait for it… Idling Resource and ConditionWatcher](
- [Writing and Using Hamcrest Matchers](

### iOS

- [Bundle IDs for Native iOS Apps](
- [Catbird HTTP Mocking Framework](
- [Clean Waiting in XCUITest](
- [Deflaking CI Tests with xcresults](
- [Deleting Your App During UI Tests](
- [Getting Started with Mocking Networking in UI Tests](
- [Handle Interruptions and Alerts in UI Tests - WWDC 2020]( (Video)
- [How to Test Push Notifications with UI Tests](
- [How to Train Your XCTest](
- [Getting Started with Test Plans](
- [Improving XCTest Name Readability](
- [iOS Testing Mindmap](
- [iOS UI Testing using Apple XCUITest](
- [Making Xcode UI Tests Faster and More Stable](
- [Page Object in XCTest UI Tests](
- [Painless UI Testing in iOS (Part 1) - Mocking the Network](
- [Parallel Tests with XCUITest](
- [r/XCUITest](*
- [Reddit's UI Testing Strategy and Tooling](
- [Safari and XCUITest](*
- [Shock HTTP Mocking Framework](
- [TDD iOS Network API Call w/ XCTest](
- [Testing in Xcode - WWDC 2019]( (Video)
- [Timer Patterns in XCUITest](*
- [Typing Text in XCUITest](*
- [Waits in XCUITest](
- [Write Tests To Fail - WWDC 2020]( (Video)
- [XCTest Tips and Tricks](
- [XCTest-Gherkin](
- [XCTool](
- [XCToolbox](*
- [XCTSkip Your Tests - WWDC 2020]( (Video)
- [XCUITest Automation Tutorial]( (Video Playlist)
- [XCUITest Basics](
- [XCUITest Cheat Sheet](
- [XCUITest Parallelization and Optimization](*
- [XCUITest Primer]( (Video)
- [XCUITest Training Course](

### CI

- [Getting an xcresult out of CircleCI](*
- [iOS CI Olympics](
- [Setting Up XCUITest for iOS CI](
- [Test Automation University]( (Video)
- [Testing iOS Appications on macOS - CircleCI](
- [XCUITest, Parallelization, and CircleCI](*

## Web

- [My Favorite Chrome Dev Tools Tips and Tricks](
- [What the Heck is Shadow DOM?](

### Cypress

- [Cypress: PageObjects vs AppActions](
- [Visual Regression Testing with and cypress-image-snapshot](

### Playwright

- [Playwright's Auto Wait is Simple and Superb](

## Other

- [jq: A Practical Guide]( (Video)

## Contributing
See the *Awesome QA Links* [contribution guide]( for details on how to contribute.

## Code of Conduct
See the [Code of Conduct]( for details. Basically it comes down to:
> We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
> We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

## License

To the extent possible under law, [the
have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. See the
[license file](LICENSE) for details.