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A curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.

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3d-reconstruction awesome-list computer-vision motion-estimation multiple-view-geometry opensource stereo-vision

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A curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.

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# Awesome 3D reconstruction list [![Awesome](](

> A curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.

**Note that:**
- **This list is not exhaustive,**
- **Tables use alphabetical order for fairness.**

> If you look to a more generic computer vision awesome list please check [this list](

## Contents

- [Tutorials](#tutorials)

- [Papers](#papers)
- [SLAM](#papers-slam)
- [SFM](#papers-sfm)

- [Incremental SfM](#papers-sfm-incremental)
- [Global SfM](#papers-sfm-global)
- [Hierarchical SfM](#papers-sfm-hierarchical)
- [Multi-Stage SfM](#papers-sfm-multi-stage)
- [Non Rigid SfM](#papers-non-rigid-sfm)

- [Viewing graph optimization](#papers-sfm-graph)
- [Unordered feature tracking](#papers-sfm-tracking)
- [Large scale image matching for SfM](#papers-sfm-large-scale-matching)

- [Localization](#papers-localization)
- [Real time localization in SfM reconstructions](#papers-localization-in-sfm)

- [MVS](#papers-mvs)
- [Point cloud computation](#papers-mvs-point-cloud)
- [Surface computation & refinements](#papers-mvs-surface)
- [Machine Learning MVS](#papers-machine-learning-mvs)
- [Multiple View Mesh Texturing](#papers-mvs-texturing)

- [UAV Trajectory Optimization for model completeness](#papers-uav-acquisition)

- [OpenSource software resources](#opensource)
- [SfM](#opensource-sfm)
- [Multiple View Geometry Library Solvers](#opensource-solvers)
- [MVS (Multiple View Stereovision)](#opensource-mvs)
- [SLAM](#opensource-slam)
- [Large Scale Image Retrieval](#opensource-cbir)
- [Minimization](#opensource-minimization)
- [Nearest Neighbor Search](#opensource-nn)
- [Mesh storage processing](#opensource-mesh)

- [Feature detection description](#features)

- [Datasets with ground truth - Reproducible research](#dataset)

- [License](#license)

- [Contributing](#contributing)

# Tutorials

## SLAM Tutorial & survey

[Micro Flying Robots: from Active Vision to Event-based Vision]( D. Scaramuzza.

[ICRA 2016 Aerial Robotics - (Visual odometry)]( D. Scaramuzza

[Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Present, Future, and the Robust-Perception Age]( C. Cadena, L. Carlone, H. Carrillo, Y. Latif, D. Scaramuzza, J. Neira, I. D. Reid, J. J. Leonard.
- "The paper summarizes the outcome of the workshop “The Problem of Mobile Sensors: Setting future goals and indicators of progress for SLAM” held during the Robotics: Science and System (RSS) conference (Rome, July 2015)."

[Visual Odometry: Part I - The First 30 Years and Fundamentals](, D. Scaramuzza and F. Fraundorfer, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 18, issue 4, 2011

[Visual Odometry: Part II - Matching, robustness, optimization, and applications](, F. Fraundorfer and D. Scaramuzza, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Volume 19, issue 2, 2012

[Large-scale, real-time visual-inertial localization revisited]( S. Lynen, B. Zeisl, D. Aiger, M. Bosse, J. Hesch, M. Pollefeys, R. Siegwart and T. Sattler. Arxiv 2019.

## SfM tutorial
[Open Source Structure-from-Motion]( M. Leotta, S. Agarwal, F. Dellaert, P. Moulon, V. Rabaud. CVPR 2015 Tutorial [(material)](

[Large-scale 3D Reconstruction from Images]( T. Shen, J. Wang, T.Fang, L. Quan. ACCV 2016 Tutorial.

## MVS tutorial

[Multi-View Stereo: A Tutorial]( Y. Furukawa, C. Hernández. Foundations and Trends® in Computer Graphics and Vision, 2015.

[State of the Art 3D Reconstruction Techniques]( N. Snavely, Y. Furukawa, CVPR 2014 tutorial slides. [Introduction]( [MVS with priors]( - [Large scale MVS](

## RGB-D mapping
[3D indoor scene modeling from RGB-D data: a survey]( K. Chen, YK. Lai and SM. Hu. Computational Visual Media 2015.

[State of the Art on 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras]( K. Hildebrandt and C. Theobalt EUROGRAPHICS 2018.

## All in one tutorial

[Introduction of Visual SLAM, Structure from Motion and Multiple View Stereo]( Yu Huang 2014.

## Computer vision books

[Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications]( R. Szeliski. 2010.

# Papers


### Visual odometry (image based only)

[Real-time simultaneous localisation and mapping with a single camera]( A. J. Davison. ICCV 2003.

[Visual odometry]( D. Nister, O. Naroditsky, and J. Bergen. CVPR 2004.

[Real time localization and 3d reconstruction]( E. Mouragnon, M. Lhuillier, M. Dhome, F. Dekeyser, and P. Sayd. CVPR 2006.

[Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Small AR Workspaces]( G. Klein, D. Murray. ISMAR 2007.

[Real-Time 6-DOF Monocular Visual SLAM in a Large-scale Environments]( H. Lim, J. Lim, H. Jin Kim. ICRA 2014.

[Direct Sparse Odometry](, J. Engel, V. Koltun, D. Cremers, arXiv:1607.02565, 2016.

[Visual SLAM algorithms: a survey from 2010 to 2016](, T. Taketomi, H. Uchiyama, S. Ikeda, IPSJ T Comput Vis Appl 2017.

[∇SLAM: Dense SLAM meets Automatic Differentiation]( K. M. Jatavallabhula, G. Iyer, L. Paull. arXiv:1910.10672, 2019.

[Direct Sparse Mapping]( J. Zubizarreta, I. Aguinaga and J. M. M. Montiel. arXiv:1904.06577, 2019.

[OpenVSLAM: A Versatile Visual SLAM Framework]( Sumikura, Shinya and Shibuya, Mikiya and Sakurada, Ken. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia 2019

## SfM papers

### Incremental SfM
[Photo Tourism: Exploring Photo Collections in 3D]( N. Snavely, S. M. Seitz, and R. Szeliski. SIGGRAPH 2006.

[Towards linear-time incremental structure from motion]( C. Wu. 3DV 2013.

[Structure-from-Motion Revisited]( Schöenberger, Frahm. CVPR 2016.

### Global SfM
[Combining two-view constraints for motion estimation]( V. M. Govindu. CVPR, 2001.

[Lie-algebraic averaging for globally consistent motion estimation]( V. M. Govindu. CVPR, 2004.

[Robust rotation and translation estimation in multiview reconstruction]( D. Martinec and T. Pajdla. CVPR, 2007.

[Non-sequential structure from motion]( O. Enqvist, F. Kahl, and C. Olsson. ICCV OMNIVIS Workshops 2011.

[Global motion estimation from point matches]( M. Arie-Nachimson, S. Z. Kovalsky, I. KemelmacherShlizerman, A. Singer, and R. Basri. 3DIMPVT 2012.

[Global Fusion of Relative Motions for Robust, Accurate and Scalable Structure from Motion]( P. Moulon, P. Monasse and R. Marlet. ICCV 2013.

[A Global Linear Method for Camera Pose Registration]( N. Jiang, Z. Cui, P. Tan. ICCV 2013.

[Global Structure-from-Motion by Similarity Averaging]( Z. Cui, P. Tan. ICCV 2015.

[Linear Global Translation Estimation from Feature Tracks]( Z. Cui, N. Jiang, C. Tang, P. Tan, BMVC 2015.

### Hierarchical SfM
[Structure-and-Motion Pipeline on a Hierarchical Cluster Tree]( A. M.Farenzena, A.Fusiello, R. Gherardi. Workshop on 3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 2009.

[Randomized Structure from Motion Based on Atomic 3D Models from Camera Triplets]( M. Havlena, A. Torii, J. Knopp, and T. Pajdla. CVPR 2009.

[Efficient Structure from Motion by Graph Optimization]( M. Havlena, A. Torii, and T. Pajdla. ECCV 2010.

[Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images]( Toldo, R., Gherardi, R., Farenzena, M. and Fusiello, A.. CVIU 2015.

### Multi-Stage SfM

[Parallel Structure from Motion from Local Increment to Global Averaging]( S. Zhu, T. Shen, L. Zhou, R. Zhang, J. Wang, T. Fang, L. Quan. arXiv 2017.

[Multistage SFM : Revisiting Incremental Structure from Motion](
R. Shah, A. Deshpande, P. J. Narayanan. 3DV 2014. -> [Multistage SFM: A Coarse-to-Fine Approach for 3D Reconstruction](, arXiv 2016.

[HSfM: Hybrid Structure-from-Motion]( H. Cui, X. Gao, S. Shen and Z. Hu, ICCV 2017.

### Non Rigid SfM

[Robust Structure from Motion in the Presence of Outliers and Missing Data]( G. Wang, J. S. Zelek, J. Wu, R. Bajcsy. 2016.

### Viewing graph optimization

[Skeletal graphs for efficient structure from motion]( N. Snavely, S. Seitz, R. Szeliski. CVPR 2008

[Optimizing the Viewing Graph for Structure-from-Motion]( C. Sweeney, T. Sattler, M. Turk, T. Hollerer, M. Pollefeys. ICCV 2015

[Graph-Based Consistent Matching for Structure-from-Motion]( T. Shen, S. Zhu, T. Fang, R. Zhang, L. Quan. ECCV 2016.

### Unordered feature tracking

[Unordered feature tracking made fast and easy]( P. Moulon and P. Monasse. CVMP 2012.

[Point Track Creation in Unordered Image Collections Using Gomory-Hu Trees]( Svärm, Simayijiang, Enqvist, Olsson. ICPR 2012.

[Fast connected components computation in large graphs by vertex pruning](). A. Lulli, E. Carlini, P. Dazzi, C. Lucchese, and L. Ricci. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2016.

### Large scale image matching for SfM

[Video Google: A Text Retrieval Approach to Object Matching in Video]( J. Sivic, F. Schaffalitzky and A. Zisserman. ICCV 2003.

[Scalable Recognition with a Vocabulary Tree]( Nister, Stewenius, CVPR 2006.

[Building Rome in a Day]( S. Agarwal, N. Snavely, I. Simon, S. M. Seitz, R. Szeliski. ICCV 2009.

[Product quantization for nearest neighbor search]( H. Jégou, M. Douze and C. Schmid. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2011.

[Fast and Accurate Image Matching with Cascade Hashing for 3D Reconstruction]( J. Cheng, C. Leng, J. Wu, H. Cui, H. Lu. CVPR 2014.

[Recent developments in large-scale tie-point matching]( Hartmann, Havlena, Schindler. ISPRS 2016.

[Graphmatch: Efficient Large-Scale Graph Construction for Structure from Motion]( C. Qiaodong, V. Fragoso, C. Sweeney and P. Sen. 3DV 2017.

## Localization

### Real time localization in SfM reconstructions

[Real-time Image-based 6-DOF Localization in Large-Scale Environments]( Lim, Sinha, Cohen, Uyttendaele. CVPR 2012.

[Get Out of My Lab: Large-scale, Real-Time Visual-Inertial Localization]( Lynen, Sattler, Bosse, Hesch, Pollefeys, Siegwart. RSS 2015.

[DSAC - Differentiable RANSAC for Camera Localization]( E. Brachmann, A. Krull, S. Nowozin, J. Shotton, F. Michel, S. Gumhold, C. Rother. CVPR 2017.

[Learning Less is More - 6D Camera Localization via 3D Surface Regression]( E. Brachmann, C. Rother. Submitted to CVPR 2018.

## Multiple View Stereovision

### Point cloud computation

[Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multiview Stereopsis]( Y. Furukawa, J. Ponce. CVPR 2007. [PAMI 2010](

[State of the art in high density image matching]( F. Remondino, M.G. Spera, E. Nocerino, F. Menna, F. Nex . The Photogrammetric Record 29(146), 2014.

[Progressive prioritized multi-view stereo]( A. Locher, M. Perdoch and L. Van Gool. CVPR 2016.

[Pixelwise View Selection for Unstructured Multi-View Stereo]( J. L. Schönberger, E. Zheng, M. Pollefeys, J.-M. Frahm. ECCV 2016.

[TAPA-MVS: Textureless-Aware PAtchMatch Multi-View Stereo]( A. Romanoni, M. Matteucci. ICCV 2019

### Surface computation & refinements

[Efficient Multi-View Reconstruction of Large-Scale Scenes using Interest Points, Delaunay Triangulation and Graph Cuts]( P. Labatut, J-P. Pons, R. Keriven. ICCV 2007

[Multi-View Stereo via Graph Cuts on the Dual of an Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh]( S. N. Sinha, P. Mordohai and M. Pollefeys. ICCV 2007.

[Towards high-resolution large-scale multi-view stereo]( H.-H. Vu, P. Labatut, J.-P. Pons, R. Keriven. CVPR 2009.

[Refinement of Surface Mesh for Accurate Multi-View Reconstruction]( R. Tylecek and R. Sara. IJVR 2010.

[High Accuracy and Visibility-Consistent Dense Multiview Stereo]( H.-H. Vu, P. Labatut, J.-P. Pons, R. Keriven. Pami 2012.

[Exploiting Visibility Information in Surface Reconstruction to Preserve Weakly Supported Surfaces]( M. Jancosek et al. 2014.

[Floating Scale Surface Reconstruction]( S. Fuhrmann and M. Goesele. SIGGRAPH 2014

[A New Variational Framework for Multiview Surface Reconstruction]( B. Semerjian. ECCV 2014.

[Photometric Bundle Adjustment for Dense Multi-View 3D Modeling]( A. Delaunoy, M. Pollefeys. CVPR2014.

[Global, Dense Multiscale Reconstruction for a Billion Points]( B. Ummenhofer, T. Brox. ICCV 2015.

[Efficient Multi-view Surface Refinement with Adaptive Resolution Control]( S. Li, S. Yu Siu, T. Fang, L. Quan. ECCV 2016.

[Multi-View Inverse Rendering under Arbitrary Illumination and Albedo](, K. Kim, A. Torii, M. Okutomi, ECCV2016.

[Shading-aware Multi-view Stereo](, F. Langguth and K. Sunkavalli and S. Hadap and M. Goesele, ECCV 2016.

[Scalable Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds with Extreme Scale and Density Diversity](, C. Mostegel, R. Prettenthaler, F. Fraundorfer and H. Bischof. CVPR 2017.

[Multi-View Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement](, A. Romanoni, M. Ciccone, F. Visin, M. Matteucci. ICCVW 2017

[Out-of-Core Surface Reconstruction via Global T GV Minimization]( N. Poliarnyi. Agisoft. 2021.

### Machine Learning based MVS

[Matchnet: Unifying feature and metric learning for patch-based matching](, X. Han, Thomas Leung, Y. Jia, R. Sukthankar, A. C. Berg. CVPR 2015.

[Stereo matching by training a convolutional neural network to compare image patches](, J., Zbontar, and Y. LeCun. JMLR 2016.

[Efficient deep learning for stereo matching](, W. Luo, A. G. Schwing, R. Urtasun. CVPR 2016.

[Learning a multi-view stereo machine](, A. Kar, C. Häne, J. Malik. NIPS 2017.

[Learned multi-patch similarity](, W. Hartmann, S. Galliani, M. Havlena, L. V. Gool, K. Schindler.I CCV 2017.

[Surfacenet: An end-to-end 3d neural network for multiview stereopsis](, Ji, M., Gall, J., Zheng, H., Liu, Y., Fang, L. ICCV2017.

[DeepMVS: Learning Multi-View Stereopsis](, Huang, P. and Matzen, K. and Kopf, J. and Ahuja, N. and Huang, J. CVPR 2018.

[RayNet: Learning Volumetric 3D Reconstruction with Ray Potentials](, D. Paschalidou and A. O. Ulusoy and C. Schmitt and L. Gool and A. Geiger. CVPR 2018.

[MVSNet: Depth Inference for Unstructured Multi-view Stereo](, Y. Yao, Z. Luo, S. Li, T. Fang, L. Quan. ECCV 2018.

[Learning Unsupervised Multi-View Stereopsis via Robust Photometric Consistency](, T. Khot, S. Agrawal, S. Tulsiani, C. Mertz, S. Lucey, M. Hebert. 2019.

[DPSNET: END-TO-END DEEP PLANE SWEEP STEREO](, Sunghoon Im, Hae-Gon Jeon, Stephen Lin, In So Kweon. 2019.

[Point-based Multi-view Stereo Network](, Rui Chen, Songfang Han, Jing Xu, Hao Su. ICCV 2019.

[UNISURF: Unifying Neural Implicit Surfaces and Radiance Fields for Multi-View Reconstruction]( M. Oechsle, S. Peng, and A. Geiger. ICCV 2021.

### Multiple View Mesh Texturing

[Seamless image-based texture atlases using multi-band blending]( C. Allène, J-P. Pons and R. Keriven. ICPR 2008.

[Let There Be Color! - Large-Scale Texturing of 3D Reconstructions]( M. Waechter, N. Moehrle, M. Goesele. ECCV 2014.

### UAV Trajectory Optimization for model completeness

[Submodular Trajectory Optimization for Aerial 3D Scanning]( M. Roberts, A. Truong, D. Dey, S. Sinha, A. Kapoor, N. Joshi, P. Hanrahan. 2017.

# OpenSource resources

## OpenSource SfM (Structure from Motion)

| Project | Language | License |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[Bundler]( | C++ | GNU General Public License - contamination|
|[Colmap]( | C++ | BSD 3-clause license - Permissive |
|[TeleSculptor]( | C++ | BSD 3-Clause license - Permissive |
|[MicMac]( | C++ | CeCILL-B |
|[MVE]( | C++ | BSD 3-Clause license + parts under the GPL 3 license|
|[OpenMVG]( | C++ | MPL2 - Permissive|
|[OpenSfM]( | Python | Simplified BSD license - Permissive|
|[TheiaSfM]( | C++ | New BSD license - Permissive|

## OpenSource Multiple View Geometry Library Solvers

| Project | Language | License |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[OpenGV]( | C++ | BSD - permissive |

## OpenSource MVS (Multiple View Stereovision)

| Project | Language | License |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[Colmap]( | C++ CUDA |BSD 3-clause license - Permissive (Can use CGAL -> GNU General Public License - contamination)|
[GPUIma + fusibile]( | C++ CUDA | GNU General Public License - contamination|
[HPMVS]( | C++ | GNU General Public License - contamination|
|[MICMAC]( | C++ | CeCILL-B |
[MVE]( | C++ | BSD 3-Clause license + parts under the GPL 3 license|
[OpenMVS]( | C++ (CUDA optional) | AGPL3|
[PMVS]( | C++ CUDA | GNU General Public License - contamination|
[SMVS Shading-aware Multi-view Stereo]( | C++ | BSD-3-Clause license |

## OpenSource SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)

| Project | Language | License |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[COSLAM]( | C++ | GNU General Public License|
|[DSO-Direct Sparse Odometry]( | C++ | GPLv3|
|[DTSLAM-Deferred Triangulation SLAM]( | C++ | modified BSD|
|[LSD-SLAM]( | C++/ROS | GNU General Public License|
|[MAPLAB-ROVIOLI]( | C++/ROS | Apachev2.0|
|[OKVIS: Open Keyframe-based Visual-Inertial SLAM]( | C++ | BSD|
|[ORB-SLAM]( | C++ | GPLv3|
|[REBVO - Realtime Edge Based Visual Odometry for a Monocular Camera]( | C++ | GNU General Public License |
|[SVO semi-direct Visual Odometry]( | C++/ROS | GNU General Public License|

## Large scale image retrieval / CBIR (Content Based Image Retrieval)

| Project | Language | License |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[DBoW2]( | C++ | modified BSD License|
|[libvot]( | C++ | BSD 3-Clause License|
|[VocabTree2]( | C++ | BSD License|

## OpenSource minimization

| Project | Language | License |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[CERES SOLVER]( | C++ | BSD License|
|[GTSAM]( | C++ | BSD License|
|[G2O]( | C++ | BSD License + L/GPL3 restriction|
|[NLOPT]( | C++ | LGPL|

## Nearest Neighbor Search

| Project | Language | License|
| --- | --- | --- |
|[ANN]( | C++ | GNU General Public License|
|[Annoy]( | C++ | Apache License|
|[FLANN]( | C++ | BSD License|
|[Libnabo]( | C++ | BSD License|
|[Nanoflann]( | C++ | BSD License|

## Mesh storage processing

| Project | Language | License|
| --- | --- | --- |
[3DTK]( | C++ | GPLv3|
|[CGAL]( | C++ | Module dependent GPL/LGPL |
|[InstantMesh]( Mesh Simplification| C++ | BSD License |
|[GEOGRAM]( | C++ | Revised BSD License |
|[libigl](| C++ | MPL2 |
|[Mesh-processing-library](| C++ | MIT License |
|[Open3D](| C++ | MIT License |
|[OpenMesh]( | C++ | BSD 3 clause license|
|[PCL](|C++|3-clause BSD license |
|[VCG](|C++|GPL |

# Features

## Features detection/Description

[From handcrafted to deep local features]( G. Csurka, C. R. Dance, M. Humenberger. 2018.

| Project | Detection | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
|[DART]( | x | x|
|[LIOP/MIOP]( | |x|
|[LIFT (machine learning)]( | x|x|
|MROGH | |x|
|SIFT |x|x|
|SURF |x|x|
|[SFOP]( |x | |
|... | | |

### "Real time" oriented methods

| Project | Detection | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
|BRIEF| |x|
|FREAK| |x|
|[HIPS]( | | x|
|[LATCH](| |x|
|MOPS | | x|
|[PhonySift]( | Multi-scale Fast | Reduced Sift grid|
|ORB|Multiscale Fast|Oriented BRIEF|

# Datasets with ground truth - Reproducible research

## Feature detection/description repeatability

[VGG Oxford]( 8 dataset with GT homographies + matlab code.

[Hannover - Region Detector Evaluation Data Set]( Similar to the previous (5 dataset). Datasets have multiple image resolution & an increased GT homographies precision.

[DTU - Robot Image Data Sets - Point Feature Data Set]( 60 scenes with know calibration & different illuminations.

## Corresponding interest point patches for descriptor learning
Corresponding patches, saved with a canonical scale and orientation.

[Multi-view Stereo Correspondence Dataset](

[HPatches]( Dataset linked to the ECCV16 workshop "Local Features: State of the art, open problems and performance evaluation"

## Monocular odometry dataset

[Mono dataset]( 50 real-world sequences. Dataset linked to the DSO Visual Odometry paper.

## MVS - Point Cloud - Surface accuracy

[Middlebury Multi-view Stereo]( See "A Comparison and Evaluation of Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction Algorithms". CVPR 2006.

[Dense MVS]( See "On Benchmarking Camera Calibration and Multi-View Stereo for High Resolution Imagery". CVPR 2008.

[DTU - Robot Image Data Sets -MVS Data Set]( See “Large Scale Multi-view Stereopsis Evaluation“. CVPR 2014.

[A Multi-View Stereo Benchmark with High-Resolution Images and Multi-Camera Videos in Unstructured Scenes](, T. Schöps, J. L. Schönberger, S. Galiani, T. Sattler, K. Schindler, M. Pollefeys, A. Geiger,. CVPR 2017.

[Tanks and Temples: Benchmarking Large-Scale Scene Reconstruction](, A. Knapitsch, J. Park, Q.Y. Zhou and V. Koltun. SIGGRAPH 2017.

# License

License [![CCBY-SA](]()

To the extent possible under law, [Pierre Moulon]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

# Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.