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A collection of resources on Shape Correspondences and some of my reading notes.

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`Shape Correspondence`

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A collection of resources on Shape Correspondences and some of my reading notes.

**Contributing:** Feedback and contributions are welcome! If you think I have missed out on something (or) have any suggestions (papers, implementations and other resources), feel free to pull a request or leave an issue. I will release the [latex-pdf version]() in the future. :arrow_down:markdown format:

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## Table of Contents

- [Introduction](#Introduction)
- [Impact](#Impact)
- [Evaluation](#Evaluation)
- [Data](#Data)
- [Literature](#Literature)
- [Survey](#Survey)
- [Supervised](#Supervised)
- [2D Perspective](#2D-Perspective)
- [3D Perspective](#3D-Perspective)
- [Other domain](#Other-domain)

## Introduction

Both 2D and 3D keypoint detection are long-standing problems in computer vision.

> A set of keypoints representing any object (**shape/structure**) is important for **geometric reasoning**, due to their simplicity and ease of handling. [^ intro2]

> Keypoints-based methods have been crucial to the success of many vision applications. Examples include: 3D reconstruction, registration, human body pose, recognition, and generation. [^ intro2]

Conventional works define keypoints manually or learn from supervised examples, automatically discovering them from unlabeled data (**unsupervised**) is what we need.

The keypoints should be **geometrically** and **semantically** consistent across viewing angles and instances of an object category.

The model we learn often covers a collection of objects of **a specific category**.

**Shape correspondence problem** is stated as finding a set of corresponding points between given shapes.

**Dense semantic correspondence** - given two images, the goal is to predict for each pixel in the former, the corresponding pixel in the latter.

**Sparse correspondences** focus on only a few keypoints.

We can use **infer/learn** xx as a predicate, and we can use points with lines or same colors to assign correspondences.


- 关键点很重要:因为可以看成是物体的一种最简洁形状表征,就可以用来形状编辑,重建,识别等;所以如何找关键点是一个很重要的研究问题。同时分类和识别工作同时伴随着的是特征提取,那么在geometric vision 领域,比如 3D reconstruction and shape alignment 是不是也伴随着有一个 keypoint detection module 的前置任务,然后再是 geometric reasoning。

- 关键点的特点 - 不随视角,光线,形状变化,姿态 而变化

**Equivariance**: equivariant to image transformation, including object and camera motions. 3D pose, size, position, viewing angle, and illumination conditions

- 关键点检测的拓展:姿态估计


- 2D/3D数据输入
- 监督和无监督,这里的监督指的是特征点标记
- 一个模型涵盖同一类物体

**Keywords**: landmark, parts, skeletons, category-specific

keypoint heatmap: 关键点热力图,图中数值越大的位置,越有可能是关键点

## Impact

应用多 generic framework for: texture transfer \ pose and animation transfer \ statistical shape analysis \ 多视角识别

主要是: detection and segmentation. 对于相关性而言,都已经知道相关性了,one-shot标注后直接就迁移到了新的object上了。传统方法主要是依靠手动标记,所以重点找一下不需要手动标记的方法。

有一个最权威的人体关节点定位比赛: MS COCO Keypoint track

robotics applications need 3D keypoints for control

- 2019 Keypoint affordances for category-level robotic manipulation
- 2019 kpam-sc: Generalizable manipulation planning using keypoint affordance and shape completion


**Non-Rigid Structure-from-Motion (NRSfM)** methods ref:

- Multiview aggregation for learning category-specific shape reconstruction
- Symmetric non-rigid structure from motion for category-specific object structure estimation

> The key idea is that a large number of object deformations can be explained by linearly combining a smaller K number of basis shapes at some pose. 对刚体而言,只有一个基础形状,秩为3。


- low-rank shape prior
- A simple prior-free method for non-rigid structure-from-motion factorization
- Recovering non-rigid 3D shape from image streams (鼻祖)
- Nonrigid structure-from-motion: Estimating shape and motion with hierarchical priors
- Nonrigid structure from motion in trajectory space
- isometric prior
- Non-rigid structure from locally-rigid motion
- Isometric non-rigid shape-from-motion in linear time

## Evaluation


## Data

annotated keypoints for:

- face [^ face]

- hands [^ hand]

- human bodies [^ body1] [^ body2]

## Literature


### Survey

- [A survey on shape correspondence](
**[`Computer Graphics Forum 2010`] (`Simon Fraser`)**
*Oliver van Kaick, Hao Zhang, Ghassan Hamarneh, Daniel Cohen-Or*
- [Recent advances in shape correspondence](
**[`The Visual Computer 2020`] (`METU`)**
*Yusuf Sahillioglu*

### Supervised

- [Simultaneous facial landmark detection, pose and deformation estimation under facial occlusion](
**[`CVPR 2017`] (`Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute`)**
*Yue Wu, Chao Gou, Qiang Ji*

- [Deep Deformation Network for Object Landmark Localization](
**[`ECCV 2016`] (`NEC`)**
*Xiang Yu, Feng Zhou, Manmohan Chandraker*

- [Facial landmark detection by deep multi-task learning](
**[`ECCV 2014`] (`CUHK`)**
*Zhanpeng Zhang, Ping Luo, Chen Change Loy, and Xiaoou Tang*

- [Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection](
**[`CVPR 2013`] (`CUHK`)**
*Yi Sun, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaoou Tang*


### 2D Perspective


- [SIFT: Object recognition from local scale-invariant features](
**[`ICCV 1999`] (`British Columbia`)**
*D.G. Lowe*

- [SURF: Speeded Up Robust Features](
**[`ECCV 2006`] (`ETH`)**
*Herbert Bay, Tinne Tuytelaars, Luc Van Gool*

#### local descriptor based


- [SIFT Flow: Dense Correspondence across Scenes and Its Applications](
**[`PAMI 2011`] (`MIT, Microsoft`)**
*Ce Liu, Jenny Yuen, Antonio Torralba*

- [Deformable spatial pyramid matching for fast dense correspondences](
**[`CVPR 2013`] (`UT Austin, Microsoft`)**
*Jaechul Kim, Ce Liu, Fei Sha, Kristen Grauman*

- [Do convnets learn correspondence?](
**[`NeurIPS 2014`] (`UCB`)**
*Jonathan Long, Ning Zhang, Trevor Darrell*

- [Proposal flow](
**[`CVPR 2016`] (`Inria`)**
*Bumsub Ham, Minsu Cho, Cordelia Schmid, Jean Ponce*

#### parametric warping

match local feature 提取像素点的特征,然后做匹配,既可以通过学习变形的function,也可以通过学习encoder压缩到一个低维共性点


Warpnet: Weakly supervised matching for singleview reconstruction

- [Convolutional neural network architecture for geometric matching](
**[`CVPR 2017`] (`DI ENS, Inria`)**
*Ignacio Rocco, Relja Arandjelovic, Josef Sivic*

- [End-to-end weakly-supervised semantic alignment](
**[`CVPR 2018`] (`DI ENS, Inria, DeepMind`)**
*Ignacio Rocco, Relja Arandjelovic, Josef Sivic*

#### learn equivariant embeddings/decoder

- [Unsupervised learning of object frames by dense equivariant image labelling](
**[`NeurIPS 2017`] (`Oxford`)**
*James Thewlis, Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi*

- [Unsupervised learning of object landmarks by factorized spatial embeddings](
**[`ICCV 2017`] (`Oxford`)**
*James Thewlis, Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi*

- [Self-supervised learning of a facial attribute embedding from video](
**[`BMVC 2018`] (`Oxford`)**
*Olivia Wiles, A. Sophia Koepke, Andrew Zisserman*

- [Unsupervised learning of object landmarks through conditional image generation](
**[`NeurIPS 2018`] (`Oxford`)**
*Tomas Jakab, Ankush Gupta, Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi*

- [Unsupervised discovery of object landmarks as structural representations](
**[`CVPR 2018`] (`Michigan`)**
*Yuting Zhang, Yijie Guo, Yixin Jin, Yijun Luo, Zhiyuan He, Honglak Lee*

- [Teacher supervises students how to learn from partially labeled images for facial landmark detection](
**[`ICCV 2019`] (`SUST`)**
*Xuanyi Dong, Yi Yang*

- [Unsupervised learning of landmarks by descriptor vector exchange](
**[`ICCV 2019`] (`Oxford`)**
*James Thewlis, Samuel Albanie, Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi*

- [Self-supervised learning of interpretable keypoints from unlabelled videos](
**[`CVPR_2020`] (`Oxford`)**
*Tomas Jakab, Ankush Gupta, Hakan Bilen, Andrea Vedaldi*


Compared with directly learning correspondence maps from 2D images, learning from 3D structures as an intermediate medium is more powerful.

#### 3D medium Template

> Plato famously remarked that while there are many cups in the world, there is only one 'idea' of a cup, which he defined as a 'cupness'. So Any particular instance of a category can thus be understood via its relationship to this platonic ideal. We humans have an ability to reason 3D structure from a 2D image.

- [Learning Dense Correspondence via 3D-guided Cycle Consistency](
**[`CVPR 2016`] (`UCB`)**
*Tinghui Zhou, Philipp Krähenbßhl, Mathieu Aubry, Qixing Huang, Alexei A. Efros*

- [Canonical Surface Mapping via Geometric Cycle Consistency](
**[`ICCV 2019`] (`CMU, Facebook`)**
*Nilesh Kulkarni, Abhinav Gupta, Shubham Tulsiani*

- [Articulation-aware Canonical Surface Mapping](
**[`CVPR 2020`] (`UM, CMU, Facebook`)**
*Nilesh Kulkarni, Abhinav Gupta, David F. Fouhey, Shubham Tulsiani*

> 上面的方法需要假设存在这样一个“模板“,究竟是否真实存在呢?下面方法说可以不要模板

#### 3D medium semantic transfer

- [Semantic Correspondence via 2D-3D-2D Cycle](
**[`Arxiv 2020`] (`SJTU`)**
*Yang You, Chengkun Li, Yujing Lou, Zhoujun Cheng, Lizhuang Ma, Cewu Lu, Weiming Wang*


- [Discovery of latent 3d keypoints via end-to-end geometric reasoning](
**[`NeurIPS 2018`] (`Google`)**
*Supasorn Suwajanakorn, Noah Snavely, Jonathan Tompson, Mohammad Norouzi*

- [Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images](
**[`ECCV 2018`] (`German Aerospace Center, TUM`)**
*Martin Sundermeyer, Zoltan-Csaba Marton, Maximilian Durner, Manuel Brucker, Rudolph Triebel*

### 3D Perspective

> Dataset: ShapeNet, PartNet

- [KeypointDeformer: Unsupervised 3D Keypoint Discovery for Shape Control](
**[`CVPR 2021`] (`Oxford, UCB, Stanford`)**
*Tomas Jakab, Richard Tucker, Ameesh Makadia, Jiajun Wu, Noah Snavely, Angjoo Kanazawa*

- [Unsupervised learning of intrinsic structural representation points](
**[`CVPR 2020`] (`HKU, MPI`)**
*Nenglun Chen, Lingjie Liu, Zhiming Cui, Runnan Chen, Duygu Ceylan, Changhe Tu, Wenping Wang*

- [KeypointNet: A Large-scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated from Numerous Human Annotations](
**[`CVPR 2020`] (`SJTU`)**
*Yang You, Yujing Lou, Chengkun Li, Zhoujun Cheng, Liangwei Li, Lizhuang Ma, Weiming Wang, Cewu Lu*

- [Unsupervised Learning of Category-Specific Symmetric 3D Keypoints from Point Sets](
**[`ECCV 2020`] (`ETH`)**
*Clara Fernandez-Labrador, Ajad Chhatkuli, Danda Pani Paudel, Jose J. Guerrero, CĂŠdric Demonceaux, Luc Van Gool*

- [Unsupervised learning of dense shape correspondence](
**[`CVPR 2019`] (`Technion`)**
*Oshri Halimi, Or Litany, Emanuele RodolĂ  RodolĂ , Alex M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel*

- [USIP: Unsupervised Stable Interest Point Detection from 3D Point Clouds](
**[`ICCV 2019`] (`NUS`)**
*Jiaxin Li, Gim Hee Lee*

- [Convolutional experts constrained local model for 3d facial landmark detection](
**[`CVPR-W 2017`] (`CMU`)**
*Amir Zadeh, Tadas BaltruĹĄaitis, Louis-Philippe Morency*

### Other domain

#### human bodies

- [Cascaded pose regression](
**[`CVPR 2010`] (`CIT`)**
*Piotr DollĂĄr, Peter Welinder, Pietro Perona*

- [Articulated pose estimation with flexible mixtures-of-parts](
**[`CVPR 2011`] (`UCI`)**
*Yi Yang, Deva Ramanan*

- [DeepPose: Human pose estimation via deep neural networks](
**[`CVPR 2014`] (`Google`)**
*Alexander Toshev, Christian Szegedy*

- [Cascaded hand pose regression](
**[`CVPR 2015`] (`CUHK`)**
*Xiao Sun, Yichen Wei, Shuang Liang, Xiaoou Tang, Jian Sun*

- [Stacked Hourglass Networks for Human Pose Estimation](
**[`ECCV 2016`] (`Michigan`)**
*Alejandro Newell, Kaiyu Yang, Jia Deng*

- [Hand Keypoint Detection in Single Images using Multiview Bootstrapping](
**[`CVPR 2017`] (`CMU`)**
*Tomas Simon, Hanbyul Joo, Iain Matthews, Yaser Sheikh*

#### bird

- Deep Deformation Network for Object Landmark Localization

- Part Localization using Multi-Proposal Consensus for Fine-Grained Categorization

- Bird part localization using exemplar-based models with enforced pose and subcategory consistency

#### furniture

- [Single Image 3D Interpreter Network](
**[`ECCV 2016`] (`MIT`)**
*Jiajun Wu, Tianfan Xue, Joseph J. Lim, Yuandong Tian, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Antonio Torralba, William T. Freeman*

## Knowledge

**UV mapping**:

[^ intro2]: Unsupervised Learning of Category-Specific Symmetric 3D Keypoints from Point Sets
[^KeypointDeformer]: KeypointDeformer
[^ face]: 300 faces in-the-wild challenge: Database and results
[^ hand]: Real-time continuous pose recovery of human hands using convolutional networks
[^ body1]: 2D human pose estimation: New benchmark and state of the art analysis
[^ body2]: Microsoft COCO: Common objects in context